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Legion Event

From Diablo 4 Wiki

What is a Legion Event?

Legion Events, also know as the Gathering Legions, occur throughout Sanctuary and challenge groups of players to complete the objective in a specific timeframe.

When can I take part in Legion Events?

Legion Events will unlock for players when they have activated the Tree of Whispers.

Legion Events spawn every 25 minutes so they are easy to get involved with at any point during a play session.

How do I take part in Legion Events?

When an event appears on the map, players simply travel to the event location where they will see other players gathering and wait for the event to start.

What do you need to do in Legion events?

For the event's durations, packs of monsters will spawn in the Legion Event zone. Players will have to chase after these packs and destroy them which will in turn spawn Elite mini bosses called Servants of Hell.

There are many waves of monsters spawning throughout the event so you need to chase around to take them out.

How do you kill Servants of Hell?

When Servants of Hell spawn, they are protects by a shield which is generated by objects such as blood blisters or totems which attached to the Elite monster. Destroy these objects so you can damage the Elites.

The Overlord

Eventually, no matter how successful you are at dealing with the monsters and Servants of Hell, a large Overlord boss will appear at the center of the Legion event. This is a tougher fight than the previous ones but it needs to be taken down.


To obtain the Mastery for this event, three Servants of Hell will need to be destroyed which means the standard packs of mobs need to be killed quickly in order for them to spawn. Note, this whole event is against the clock so you need to work fast alongside the other players.

If players work together, and there are enough players taking part, the Mastery can be achieved easily as multiple groups of players can attack different groups targets quickly and take down the Servants of Hell.


A large loot chest will drop and players can obtain the usual rewards of gear, crafting materials, Obols, and Sigils.

While the rewards may not be that important to all players, running these Legion Events are a great way to gain XP quickly.

Changes to Legion Event

Patch 1.2.0, October 17, 2023

  • The time between Legion Events has been reduced from 30 minutes to 25 minutes.
  • Every Legion Event will now have a Whisper objective associated with it.
  • Additional Life scaling for Legion Event monsters has been increased.
  • The experience reward for completing a Legion Event has been increased by 75%.

Patch 1.1.1, August 8, 2023

  • Legion Events are now more rewarding and guarantee a Legendary item drop starting at level 35.