The Diablo 2 Wiki
The Diablo 2 Wiki archive is available for anyone looking for information on Diablo 2. All information here is pre-D2R but contains a lot of useful information that is still relevant. Updated sections for new D2R features can be found on the PureDiablo Diablo 2 section

Armor Appearance

From Diablo 2 Wiki

This page displays every type of character armor found in Diablo II. There are subtle differences between every kind, even the various plate armors that look identical. They usually have some difference in the shoulder pad or sleeve.

Armor Appearance

Armors found in-game may vary by color, since certain affixes add palette shifts, but the basic graphics never change.

  • Armor Weight:
    • Light = no running speed/stamina penalty.
    • Medium = 5% penalty.
    • Heavy = 10% penalty.
Armor Type:
Normal / Excep / Elite
Armor Weight Inventory
Amazon Assassin Barb Druid Necro Paladin Sorc
None NA NA Zon-none.jpg Sin-none.jpg Barb-none.jpg Druid-none.jpg Necro-none.jpg Pally-none.jpg Sorc-none.jpg
Quilted Armor/ Ghost Armor/ Dusk Shroud Light Armor-quilted.gif Zon-quilted.jpg Sin-quilted.jpg Barb-quilted.jpg Druid-quilted.jpg Necro-quilted.jpg Pally-quilted.jpg Sorc-quilted.jpg
Leather Armor/ Serpentskin Armor/ Wyrmhide Light Armor-leather.gif Zon-leather.jpg Sin-leather.jpg Barb-leather.jpg Druid-leather.jpg Necro-leather.jpg Pally-leather.jpg Sorc-leather.jpg
Hard Leather Armor/ Demonhide Armor/ Scarab Husk Light Armor hard-leather.gif Zon-hardleather.jpg Sin-hardleather.jpg Barb-hardleather.jpg Druid-hardleather.jpg Necro-hardleather.jpg Pally-hardleather.jpg Sorc-hardleather.jpg
Studded Leather/ Trellised Armor/ Wire Fleece Light Armor-studded.gif Zon-studded.jpg Sin-studded.jpg Barb-studded.jpg Druid-studded.jpg Necro-studded.jpg Pally-studded.jpg Sorc-studded.jpg
Ring Mail/ Linked Mail/ Diamond Mail Medium Armor-ringmail.gif Zon-ring.jpg Sin-ring.jpg Barb-ring.jpg Druid-ring.jpg Necro-ring.jpg Pally-ring.jpg Sorc-ring.jpg
Scale Mail/ Tigulated Mail/ Loricated Mail Heavy Mail-scale.gif Zon-scale.jpg Sin-scale.jpg Barb-scale.jpg Druid-scale.jpg Necro-scale.jpg Pally-scale.jpg Sorc-scale.jpg
Breast Plate/ Cuirass/ Great Hauberk Light Armor breastplate.gif Zon-breastplate.jpg Sin-breastplate.jpg Barb-breastplate.jpg Druid-breastplate.jpg Necro-breastplate.jpg Pally-breastplate.jpg Sorc-breastplate.jpg
Chain Mail/ Mesh Armor/ Boneweave Medium Mail-chain.gif Zon-chain.jpg Sin-chain.jpg Barb-chain.jpg Druid-chain.jpg Necro-chain.jpg Pally-chain.jpg Sorc-chain.jpg
Splint Mail/ Russet Armor/ Balrog Skin Medium Mail-splint.gif Zon-splint.jpg Sin-splint.jpg Barb-splint.jpg Druid-splint.jpg Necro-splint.jpg Pally-splint.jpg Sorc-splint.jpg
Light Plate/ Mage Plate/ Archon Plate Light Plate-light-field.gif Zon-light.jpg Sin-light.jpg Barb-light.jpg Druid-light.jpg Necro-light.jpg Pally-light.jpg Sorc-light.jpg
Field Plate/ Sharktooth Armor/ Kraken Shell Medium Armor-field-plate.gif Zon-field.jpg Sin-field.jpg Barb-field.jpg Druid-field.jpg Necro-field.jpg Pally-field.jpg Sorc-field.jpg
Plate Mail/ Templar Coat/ Hellforge Plate Heavy Mail-plate.gif Zon-plate.jpg Sin-plate.jpg Barb-plate.jpg Druid-plate.jpg Necro-plate.jpg Pally-plate.jpg Sorc-plate.jpg
Gothic Plate/ Embossed Plate/ Lacquered Plate Medium Plate-gothic.gif Zon-gothic.jpg Sin-gothic.jpg Barb-gothic.jpg Druid-gothic.jpg Necro-gothic.jpg Pally-gothic.jpg Sorc-gothic.jpg
Full Plate Mail/ Chaos Armor/ Shadow Plate Heavy Armor-full-plate.gif Zon-full.jpg Sin-full.jpg Barb-full.jpg Druid-full.jpg Necro-full.jpg Pally-full.jpg Sorc-full.jpg
Ancient Armor/ Ornate Plate/ Sacred Armor Medium Armor-ancient-plate.gif Zon-ancient.jpg Sin-ancient.jpg Barb-ancient.jpg Druid-ancient.jpg Necro-ancient.jpg Pally-ancient.jpg Sorc-ancient.jpg