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Training Dummy

From Diablo 4 Wiki

In patch 1.2.1, Blizzard added the Training Dummy feature.

Where is the Training Dummy?

Training Dummy Location
Training Dummy Location

The training dummy is located [Map] in Kyovoshad to the northeast of the large World Tier statue to the right of the steps. A glowing door indicates its locations.

What does the Training Dummy Do?

The training dummies allow players to test their build against a set of static targets within the training Dummy area. Players attack the dummies to show the damage numbers created by their current build.

Can you change the Dummy Difficulty?

Yes, the difficulty of the dummies can be changes. Players have the options of the following dummy types.

  • Normal
  • Elite
  • Boss

Does the Boss Difficulty have the Boss health and stagger meters?

Yes, the boss level difficulty is exactly the same as would appear in a boss fight.

Can you have more than one Dummy?

Yes, players can select a single dummy or multiple dummies

Accessing Gear

In order to easily test gear and the build, a stash is provided in the training dummy room making it easy to switch gear.

Is there a damage meter or log?

No, not at this time. Players will have to visually check the damage numbers on hits.

Video Walkthrough