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Knight Bosses

From Diablo 2 Wiki
Sir Gorash.
Steelskull the Hunter.

Knights are Demons.

  • See the stats for regular knights here.

Knights are the melee kings of Diablo (but not Hellfire). They are essentially animated suits of armor, King Leoric's cursed knights, doomed to serve the forces of evil for all eternity. There are no bodies to be seen within the armor when they are defeated; only the suits remain as the damned souls swirl away to nothing. Knights hit hard and are well-armored, but they are not especially fast, and they possess no ranged attacks or other varied powers.

All boss monsters in Diablo and Hellfire are SuperUniques; they always appear on the same level and have preset stats and non-random modifiers. Some bosses (mostly ones tied to quests) appear in every single game, while most of the others are found on a particular level only if their base monster type spawns on that level in that game. There are no non-quest bosses in Hellfire's Hive or Crypt.


  • Stats are listed by Normal / Nightmare / Hell difficulty levels.
  • MFL: Magic / Fire / Lightning.
    • I = Immune
    • R = Resistant (75%)
    • - = no resistance or immunity to that element
      • No monsters in Diablo or Hellfire have any physical resistance or immunity.
  • Dlvl = Dungeon Level. The boss will be found on this level only if the base monster type spawns on that level.
  • Mob = Some bosses spawn with a mob. The number of minions in the mob generally increases with difficulty level. Minions have the same stats as normal monsters of their type.
  • IntF = Intelligence Factor. Values are from 0-3; smarter monsters will pursue more doggedly, and the value is used in various calculations. Monsters that can Follow if you break the line of sight or open Doors are marked with F and D.


DLvl Mob IntF Mlvl (combat) Mlvl (items) MFL
Lionskull the Bent (Black Knight) 12 Yes 2 -F 24 / 39 / 54 24 / 24 / 24 III / III / III
Rustweaver (Doom Guard) 13 No 3 -F 26 / 41 / 56 26 / 26 / 26 III / III / III
Warlord of Blood (Steel Lord) * 13 No 3 -F 26 / 41 / 56 28 / 28 / 28 III / III / III
Graywar the Slayer (Doom Guard) 14 No 1 -F 28 / 43 / 58 26 / 26 / 26 --R / --R / --R
Steelskull the Hunter (Steel Lord) 14 No 3 -F 28 / 43 / 58 28 / 28 / 28 --R / --R / --R
Lachdanan (Blood Knight) * 14 No 3 -F 28 / 43 / 58 30 / 30 / 30 --- / --- / ---
Sir Gorash (Blood Knight) ** 16 No 1 -F 32 / 47 / 62 30 / 30 / 30 --- / --- / ---
  • * The Warlord of Blood and Lachdanan are found as part of single-player-only quests.
  • ** Sir Gorash is found on level 16 every game. (Since there are always Blood Knights on level 16.)

Combat Stats

Graywar the Slayer.

Knights have no special powers, but they have the highest to/hit, AC, and hit points of any monsters in Diablo, and Steel Lords and Blood Knights have high resistances. They're honest enemies, but they make you earn your kills.

  • Hit Points listed are for Diablo. All SuperUniques have a preset, non-random amount of hit points. Bosses have slightly higher hit points in Hellfire:
    • Hellfire Single Player: +0 / +49 / +97
    • Hellfire Multiplayer: +0 / +99 / +197
  • Attack Type: Some bosses have different AI, and behave like monsters of another type. More information on attack types can be found on the Diablo Monsters page.


Experience Hit Points AC To/Hit Damage Attack Type
Lionskull the Bent (Black Knight) 3360 / 8720 / 17,440 525 / 1576 / 2 103 75 / 125 / 155 110 / 195 / 230 25-25 / 54-54 / 106-106 Skeleton
Rustweaver (Doom Guard) 3650 / 9300 / 18,600 400 / 1201 / 1603 75 / 125 / 155 130 / 215 / 250 1-60 / 6-124 / 10-246 Skeleton
Warlord of Blood (Steel Lord) 4252 / 10,504 / 21,008 850 / 2551 / 3403 80 / 130 / 160 120 / 205 / 240 35-50 / 74-104 / 146-206 Special
Graywar the Slayer (Doom Guard) 3650 / 9300 / 18,600 672 / 2017 / 2691 75 / 125 / 155 130 / 215 / 250 30-50 / 64-104 / 126-206 Skeleton
Steelskull the Hunter (Steel Lord) 4252 / 10,504 / 21,008 831 / 2494 / 3327 80 / 130 / 160 120 / 205 / 240 40-50 / 84-104 / 166-206 Skeleton
Lachdanan (Blood Knight) * 5130 / 12,260 / 24,520 500 / 1501 / 2003 85 / 135 / 165 130 / 215 / 250 0-0 / 4-4 / 6-6 Special
Sir Gorash (Blood Knight) 5130 / 12,260 / 24,520 1050 / 3151 / 4203 85 / 135 / 165 130 / 215 / 250 20-60 / 44-124 / 86-246 Skeleton
  • * Lachdanan's stats are purely a curiosity, since he's never fought; he dies automatically upon the completion of his quest.

Movement Speed

Despite their quick walk time, knights can be outdistanced since they often pause and hesitate between steps. They approach in straight lines, like Skeletons or Zombies, and are thus very easy to line up with arrows or projectile spells.

  • Characters walk at 0.4 speed. See the Diablo Characters page for swing speeds, casting speeds, and other useful character speed break points.


Walk time Hit Recovery Time Attack Time Hit Time
Lionskull the Bent (Black Knight) 0.40 0.20 0.80 0.40
Rustweaver (Doom Guard) 0.40 0.20 0.80 0.40
Warlord of Blood (Steel Lord) 0.40 0.20 0.80 0.40
Graywar the Slayer (Doom Guard) 0.40 0.20 0.80 0.40
Steelskull the Hunter (Steel Lord) 0.40 0.20 0.80 0.40
Lachdanan (Blood Knight) 0.40 0.20 0.80 0.40
Sir Gorash (Blood Knight) 0.40 0.20 0.80 0.40