The Diablo 2 Wiki
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D1 Skeleton Archer

From Diablo 2 Wiki

Skeleton Archers are Undead.

These ranged attacking skeletons are found in the church and catacombs. They don't do very much damage and their accuracy is poor, but they can be deadly in large groups, especially to lightly armored characters. Beware the huge pack of them that usually spawns on level 3 around the Skeleton King in multiplayer games.

Like other ranged attackers in Diablo, skeleton archers will fire at a golem from any distance, providing they have a direct line of sight. (This is due to a bug that gives golems an infinite light radius.) They will not activate unless the golem comes near them.


  • Stats are listed by Normal / Nightmare / Hell difficulty levels.
  • MFL: Magic / Fire / Lightning.
    • I = Immune
    • R = Resistant (75%)
    • - = no resistance or immunity to that element
      • No monsters in Diablo or Hellfire have any physical resistance or immunity.
  • IntF = Intelligence Factor. Values are from 0-3; smarter monsters will pursue more doggedly, and the value is used in various calculations. Monsters that can Follow if you break the line of sight or open Doors are marked with F and D. 


Dungeon Level Monster Level IntF Experience MFL
Skeleton Archer 2-3 3 / 18 / 33 O 110 / 2220 / 4440 I-- / I-- / I--
Corpse Bow 2-4 5 / 20 / 35 1 210 / 2420 / 4840 I-- / I-- / I--
Burning Dead Archer 3-5 7 / 22 / 37 2 364 / 3728 / 5456 IR- / IR- / II-
Horror Archer 4-6 9 / 24 / 39 3 594 / 3188 / 6376 I-R / I-R / I-R

Combat Stats


Hit Points (Diablo, MP) HPs (Hellfire, SP) AC To/Hit Damage
Skeleton Archer 2-4 / 7-13 / 11-19 1-2 / 53-56 / 104-108 0 / 50 / 80 15 / 100 / 135 1-2 / 6-8 / 10-14
Corpse Bow 8-16 / 25-33 / 35-67 4-8 / 62-66 / 116-132 0 / 50 / 80 25 / 110 / 145 1-4 / 6-12 / 10-22
Burning Dead Archer 10-24 / 31-73 / 43-99 5-12 / 65-86 / 120-148 5 / 55 / 85 30 / 115 / 150 1-6 / 6-16 / 10-30
Horror Archer 15-45 / 43-136 / 63-183 7-22 / 71-116 / 128-190 15 / 65 / 95 35 / 120 / 155 2-9 / 8-22 / 14-42

Movement Speed

  • Characters walk at 0.4 speed. See the [ [Diablo Characters]] page other swing speeds, casting speeds, and other useful character speed break points.


Walk time Hit Recovery Time Attack Time Hit Time
Skeleton Archer 0.40 / 0.80 0.25 0.80 0.60
Corpse Bow 0.40 / 0.80 0.25 0.80 0.60
Burning Dead Archer 0.40 / 0.80 0.25 0.80 0.60
Horror Archer 0.40 / 0.80 0.25 0.80 0.60
  • The second value is for the fade in/out animation (used by some bosses).