Awww...I missed you too, D2 - Item Find Thread April 2019

Don't ever say that again or I'll call a mod !!! Until I find the damn thing that is. After that you can say it all day long :).

I was just goofing around on my Javazon, realized I have a Pit Map really close to Outer Cloister and a lot of boss packs on level 1. I had only been cowing with her, nice to know she has a killer Pit Map also. The only reason she even exists is because of the Golden colored Diadem I found laying around the Halls of Pain, same place I found a Death's Fathom. I instantly respect'd her bowaskills to java lol... go there, the Halls of Pain. That place has some magic about it for me... have found unique Sacred Armor there before this SP run.

@Dagaz That circlet I would definitely use on my 200 FCR LK Runner or would be nice on a 200 FCR Fire or Cold Sorcy.
I was just goofing around on my Javazon, realized I have a Pit Map really close to Outer Cloister and a lot of boss packs on level 1. I had only been cowing with her, nice to know she has a killer Pit Map also. The only reason she even exists is because of the Golden colored Diadem I found laying around the Halls of Pain, same place I found a Death's Fathom. I instantly respect'd her bowaskills to java lol... go there, the Halls of Pain. That place has some magic about it for me... have found unique Sacred Armor there before this SP run.

@Dagaz That circlet I would definitely use on my 200 FCR LK Runner or would be nice on a 200 FCR Fire or Cold Sorcy.

I've had two Griffon's before actually. Just not this time around. First one was in SC, don't remember where it dropped, but pretty sure it was Pindle. Second one was after my restart here, but in HC. Dropped in AT for my Blizzard Sorc while doing my first ever RFO. Yup, indeed. RFO, not MFO ;). Got a Windforce and DFathom during the tournament as well. Luckily, in the light of the goal of the tournament, also some qualifiers, among which a Ber rune.
I have never found a Tyreal's, Death's Web, Execustioner's Justice, Gargoyle's Bite, Stormlash, Astreon's Iron Ward, Zod, Cham <<<these are the items I am PRETTY sure that I have never found in my entire D2 career.

Mang Song's, Cranium Basher, The Grandfather, Halaberd's Reign, Spirit Keeper, Windforce, Lo(not a joke) <<<< these are the items that I THINK I haven't found, but I am not 100% certain.

The Tyreal's, Death's Web, Zod and Cham I am 100% certain I haven't found since I started playing around 2001/2002. The Stormlash and Astreon's I am PRETTY sure I haven't found. As crazy as it sounds I don't think I have found a Lo Rune ever. I had only found a couple high runes before the drop rate got boosted, since then I have found several Ber Runes, a Jah, lots and lots of Sur, Vex, Gul and a few Ohm... I can't recall a single Lo drop.. ever.. This isn't my current ~1-2 yearish SP Run I am on that I am using as a measuring stick, I am using my entire D2 career as the measuring stick.

Some of the other items I'm not certain about for two reasons. Number 1, a lot of them aren't particularly special itmes, but are super rare. So even if I did find them, I may have forgotten quickly as I wasn't going to use them anyway. Number 2, when I was a kid I used to do something dirty and the game played while I wasn't sitting behind the PC screen, if you catch my drift. Looking at it now, I am disgusted at my child past lol. But it was more of a reason to keep up with everyone else when I was playing online and at the time I was in the mentality of do whatever t takes to rise to the top. I don't want to count those items as items I have found, even if I did technically find them with a character, but I wasn't playing so it's not the same at all. So it's hard to remember if items such as Windforce and Grandfather, were found by me or if they were found by a program.

**** I have been extremely anti hack/program/bot/dupe/etc. when playing Single Player, bnet or any D2 for at least the last 10 years or so, That is pretty much why I am exclusively Single Player now.. that and bad interent -.-, so please don't judge that checkered past from like 8th to 11th grade lol. But I have dreamt of a hackfree bnet for a long time and how great it would be and have been in many arguments over it (some people think bnet needs hacks, dupes, bots to stay active and to be fun !#@$@!@#$).. but this is super fun here :) ****

The Tyreal's, Death's Web, Zod, Cham are the 4 that really stick out. I always considered a certain set of items from 1.10 on, that were in a class of their own... Tyreal's because of the novelty of it and then Death's Web, Death's Fathom, Griffon's and Crown of Ages.. they just really were the big boys that came along with 1.10 (not counting runewords) and the items I always wanted to find for their value as an item to use, their rarity and their trading value. I have always wanted to find a stormlash too. I want to see what it's like on a Zealer or a character that can continuously prog static field in groups.

One thing I find strange, is that I see the Steel Pillar War Pike as an item that shows up on a lot of people's grail list. I have 3 unidentified ones on this SP run (~1.5-2 years?), with a 257% being the highest. I have to assume that it is a rare item, considering I see it on a lot of lists, yet somehow I have 3 of them and then probably a few dozen items that I am missing on this current run lol. Is that the game trolling me?! Or is it not that rare?! I know it isn't very good at all, considering it comes indestructible and can't be ethereal and even then the mods are pretty crappy. Just surprised at how many I have, when I see it down to one of the last few items on a grail list and I know I found a lot of them before this current SP Run. I'm being trolled, right lol? I just need to know if the game is trolling me with all of these War Pikes or if I am being trolled by people on here and Steel Pillar isn't actually that hard to find...

I forgot to add Steelrend's.. I don't believe I have ever found those.. pretty certain. I used to want them so bad when I was more noobish, before I realized LoH beats out Steelrend's in almost every situation.

As cool as a Zod or Cham would be, I think Crown of Ages(2 socket only plzzz) and that Unearthed Wand are my top 2 items I want, outside of super godly rares, which in my opinion are the best to find.

An ethereal Barb helm with wings, +2 Baba skill, +3 BO and +3 best next skills, 200%enhanced defense, max life, FHR, one or two resist and 2 sockets..

an eth zerk axe/sword with 300ed+fools or straight max ed(I think fools is better?), 40 ias(or is max less), repair mod, high attack rating, high max damage, 2 sockets

Claw with similar stats, 2os, repair mod and perfect skills

Armor with absurd defense, repair mod, 2os, life, resist

Boots/belts with 200ed eth repair, for, tri resist, life, few

I had a bow that had over 350ed(380ish I think), 20+ ias, 2 is, ctc amp,+ama skill mat style bow on bnet once. Traded it for almost nothing...oops

I want a Barb or possibly another character built on all rare items as close to best they can be. Would be the sexiest thing ever.

Is anyone aware of who here might have any items that similar criteria? I can't think of anyone posting any.

Since i strictly play single player now, I know it's a lot harder to accumulate those items, but I would love to see some of the ones that i know have to have been found at some point.

I found a 351% ED, +2 Barb skill Balrog Blade today, but unfortunately rest of mods were mediocre or crap and it wasn't eth and had no sockets. Did have me thinking on what i have always wanted though, especially some of those sexy rare/yellow barb helms, all the armor pieces and a nasty Zerk Axe or Blade...

Any pointing towards the top rates amongst this community would be greatly appreciated!!!!
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I wouldn't mind seeing some sweet rares that forumites have squirreled away :p

I'll start us off, it's almost what you're interested in, @Jamie, just missing +2 Barb and FCR. I've used it a few times, but Highlords or Atma's unfortunately beats it in most situations.

Corruption Collar
Required Level: 63
Fingerprint: 0xbe61ad6b
Item Level: 91
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Barbarian Skill Levels
+1 to Maximum Damage
5% Mana stolen per hit
+28 to Strength
+85 to Mana
All Resistances +13
This is I would say the best amulet I have found, I use it on my Javazon:

Doom Talisman
Required Level: 73
Fingerprint: 0xb4dda488
Item Level: 95
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to Amazon Skill Levels
+5 to Minimum Damage
6% Life stolen per hit
+25 to Strength
All Resistances +12

I also kind of like this one for my Trapsin, although my Trapsin I kind of tore apart to make my Javazon and will have to work to rebuild her.. also it is actually a CRAFT not a RARE:
Raven Talisman
Required Level: 52
Fingerprint: 0xca0b00cb
Item Level: 90
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to Trap Skills (Assassin Only)
+7% Faster Cast Rate
+19 to Life
+12 to Mana
Regenerate Mana 4%
Cold Resist +28%
Lightning Resist +35%

But the rares I am mainly interested in, are high defense ethereals with repair mod and possibly 2 sockets on items that can get that. Also high damage ethereals with repair and sockets. From what I understand, there are certain rare Berserk Axes and maybe other weapons that CAN beat out Grief if they spawn with PERFECT mods. Barb Helms are one of the biggies... when you get an ethereal +2baba/+3bo/+3whatever skill is best? Shout? Certain Attacks? plus ~200%Enhanced Defense, 2 OS, Repair Mod, ~50 Life, not sure about other mods. Then you can not only 'CHAM' it, you can use a damage jewel and it can have I believe around 500 or more defense. When you get a whole set of the rares, you can get some mad defense and have a SEXY AF character.
Normal Lister had a nice present for my HC Untwinked 99er Fishyzon! I was unaware that skillers could drop in normal with the exception of Baal himself.

Harpoonist's Grand Charm of Dexterity
Grand Charm
Required Level: 42
Fingerprint: 0x5178e43e
Item Level: 58
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only)
+4 to Dexterity

View attachment 14429
Noobazon and IpBanPrevales drops of tonight's and previous sessions, while pushing in the nineties. For more drops/Noobazon's session to 92, see My babies thread :)

So best drops were:
A TC87 Nat's mark :)

Baal himself giving good

Mara's Kaleidoscope
Required Level: 67
Fingerprint: 0xbb1255b0
Item Level: 99
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to All Skills
All Stats +5
All Resistances +26
"Only" 26, but still a ilvl 99 Mara's ;)

IpBanPrevales had her dose of luck too, didn't she ?

Eschuta's Temper
Eldritch Orb
One Hand Damage: 18 - 50
Durability: 17 of 30
Required Level: 72
Fingerprint: 0xb566253d
Item Level: 87
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+3 to Sorceress Skill Levels
+40% Faster Cast Rate
+19% to Lightning Skill Damage
+19% to Fire Skill Damage
+27 to Energy
A nice one!
@Babyhell The roll on that Eschuta's !!

@hackedagainanda Wow, I had no clue that could happen in Normal. Not even from Baal himself. I always thought that NM Flayer Jungle was the point from which you can get skillers. That's the general rule, with a few exceptions apparantly :). Congrats.

@Jamie Steel Pillar is a TC87 unique, so it's very rare. It's equally rare as a Grandfather, Windforce, Steelrends, The Cranium Basher, ... Check out the scoring sheets in one of the MFO threads, like the 2018 one, to see how rare uniques and sets are in general. The higher the score, the rarer the item is. To give you an idea: if I recall correctly, you get about one TC87 unique every 1000 Pindle runs. That's about 5 hours for the fast runners. Not super long, but still quite the effort, certainly when you start to get doubles or triples of items you already found, instead of another grailer.

So people aren't trolling you. The game is, or isn't, depending on how you look at it ;). But, as cliché as it is, from an objective point of view, it's just rng, in other words, the random nature of drops in D2 (and many games for that matter). Everyone will have items they haven't found, while they are actually not that rare, or in the same vein, items they have found multiple times while they are actually rare. Probably the most historical case, when it comes to the SP, is @pharphis finding an insane amount of Lightsabres before finding an Azurewrath. For me personally, I have found as many Zod runes as I have found Cham runes (2 of each). I have found 5 or so DWebs by now, 4 Darkforce Spawn, 3 or 4 Stormlashes, but never ever found an Earthshifter, and only one of the Grandfather, Windforce, Executioner's Justice, Death Cleaver, ... So yeah, rng can be weird. IIRC there's even someone here at the SPF at grail -5 or even lower, but still lacking a 9.3 pointer or even lower.

Speaking about items one has never found in his or her D2 career. For me those are Tyrael's and Earth Shifter. This time around I'm still at grail -11 though. Next to the two already mentioned, those are the Grandfather, Mang Song's (actually I found those 2, but lost them due to a HDD crash :(), Griffon's, Dragonscale, Shadow Dancer, Executioner's Justice, The Cranium Basher, Spirit Keeper and Windforce. Of those there's one I'd absolutely love to have for obvious reasons: Griffon's. The others are only Grailing fodder.
I was just goofing around on my Javazon, realized I have a Pit Map really close to Outer Cloister
The way can be shorter from the Black Marsh waypoint.
@Jamie I’m confused. Why would you be interested in an eth Barb helm? As for cool rares, you can check out some of @Grape's Mat/Pat threads. He is (or was?) working on a rare/magic only sept... and the man has some pretty cool items. :) In fact he did a rare only Barb IIRC. Many more good rares are buried across IFTs and other threads like the 99ers.

Personally I usually pick up rare circlets, rings and some class specific items (orbs, claws, druid helms...). These have best in slot potential at least. I guess boots as well, though I don’t often pick them up since the vast majority of my chars is still better off with S&U boots. Thing is other item type rares are outperformed by runewords, S&Us and crafts. Given Grief and BotD (2-handed) exist, picking rare weapons is really only worth it for potential style points. Likewise Faith or WF will beat ranged rares. Craft amulets are better than rare amulets. Gloves can be great, but crafts, magic or S&U still offer more. Belts can be good but again crafts (or S&Us) are better...
Never done such one. Will make one for sure, due to masteries mechanics I guess you cannot use eschuta's for a specialised build!

Of course you can, why not? I used faceted Eschuta's on my 99er Sorc for the last level.
Checking Anya during Pindle runs:

Good base too for auto WSM bugging with Greater Talons.

Speaking of Steel Pillar..

Now I'm down to 1 item left on my grail- Death's Fathom.
@NanoMist Congrats!! It feels strange to see someone whose last two items contain none of tyraels dweb mang or astreons, but the odds probably aren't actually that big, not sure. Sucks fathom is last though! Good luck and I'll hope you find it in MFO.
Agreed. Funny thing there. Good luck finding it !!! If I find one in the Pits during the upcoming MFO, I'll take it to Pindle's place and drop it there, so he can't pretend he doesn't have it :).
Of course you can, why not? I used faceted Eschuta's on my 99er Sorc for the last level.

Good! Given that, what facet ? I have +x/-5 lightning and 5/5 fire... any advice ? Don't know if fire facet are of any use for a specific build, like a 4os monarch for elemental druid maybe - therefore would use a lower/-5 fire and keep 5/5 ones (i have 2)?
I cant imagine using a fire faceted shield over phoenix in any situation. And this is more my own preference, but I also would want crescent moon over eschutas on most any lightning build (unless a 200fcr nova sorc is just something you really like. I think 105fcr with cmoon or self wielded infinity is usually better). So I would socket a fire facet in that bad boy. Edit: or just an ist. cant go wrong there :)
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Estimated market value