- Jan 3, 2019
- 1,489
- 1,599
- 113
I'm reposting this simulator I posted on the old forum on Jan 14, 2020. I would like this to not move to the archive since I have some new discussion resulting from using it lately.
Hi all. There was some interesting discussion recently in the Hall of Records thread about damage ranges and breakpoints for the pitzerker. I was always frustrated with the fact that, at least to my knowledge, there was never a firm way to tell the best way to allocate stat points between strength and dex for the pitzerker. I also wanted to know how much time beefing up str/dex would save versus dumping all spare points into vitality. I decided to dig a little deeper and started trying to calculate average swings per enemy, but quickly realized this would be so difficult to calculate, that simulating it would be the much better route to go. So I made a simulator in excel (using VBA/macros). It takes all 36 relevant pit enemies (the 4 boss types with mana burn, stone skin, both, and neither, as well as the 5 champion types), and runs a simulation to get average number of swings per run based off that. This result allows us to calculate the decrease in time spent attacking from adding points into strength or dex for example.
Sheet Overview
Instructions is a title page with lengthy discussion of how to use the sheet as well as some discussion on how I used the sheet and what data I found useful for it. This thread will contain just a brief overview of what's available, but there is much more detail in this Instructions sheet if someone is stuck or just wants more info.
Input is where you put in all the stats and gear and such for your pitzerker. This can be used both for a gear planner that will calculate your hp and mana, and is used for the input for the simulator.
Stat Optimization is a method developed by @ResTTe , where you can optimize your str/dex ratio without having to run the simulator many times. I wasn't sure how valid this method of comparison was until I made this simulator, but in the handful of test cases I ran, the simulator and this stat optimization agreed exactly on what was best. So I recommend, if you do want to put extra points into str/dex, that you use this sheet to figure out how to distribute them.
Monsters is the sheet that the simulator uses to run the sim. No interaction is required or recommended from the user. Just there to see how the calc is done (or for checking) or to get more information.
First off, from the planner I concluded that I needed to use dual wizzy on swap and be ok with 54% FI for the foreseeable future, as I can't get the amount of mana I would like from dual branches without more mana/mf charms and more mana on my amulet or somewhere else.
Then, more importantly, I analyzed my setup with max vita (~3k hp) and what I considered to be my minimum desired hp (2600). For max vita I got 25.452 swings per run, and for my max dmg with 2603 hp (161 dex, 160 str), I got 24.330 swings per run. I used 8 boss packs per run for these numbers. With 9 frames per attack, this results in 0.404 expected seconds saved per run. Assuming gameplay is the same. Is this worth it? It depends. I decided I would rather have the extra life until my runtimes get down to more elite levels, and then I may test the difference empirically. Because it's entirely possible that the extra hp could save more than 0.4 seconds through reduced potting and more aggressive play. However it is also possible that 2600 hp feels the exact same as 3000, and 0.4 seconds is automatically saved. That must be tested manually, but this sheets both helps optimizes that setup and gives an idea of the approximate maximum amount of time one may give up or save by using more or less vitality. One could similarly use this simulator to see what is lost by moving some skill points from shout to BO. I concluded that was worse than putting more points into vitality, but surprisingly not by much.
Lastly, I did remake this simulator in google sheets, which ended up being a waste of a rather lot of time. The google sheets version took approximately 100x as long to run as the excel one, so I just scrapped it. I neither have the know-how nor the motivation to make the simulator in another form for those of us who don't have access to excel. But if someone wanted to do such a thing, they are more than welcome. Hope this is helpful or at least interesting. Enjoy!
Thanks to @Gripphon @Fabian @ffs for the discussion and past literature. And big thanks to @ResTTe for helping, checking, beta testing, and coming up with the dps stat optimization method.
Edit: Monster Spawn rates edited on 11-Sept-2020 based on the number in this thread.
Hi all. There was some interesting discussion recently in the Hall of Records thread about damage ranges and breakpoints for the pitzerker. I was always frustrated with the fact that, at least to my knowledge, there was never a firm way to tell the best way to allocate stat points between strength and dex for the pitzerker. I also wanted to know how much time beefing up str/dex would save versus dumping all spare points into vitality. I decided to dig a little deeper and started trying to calculate average swings per enemy, but quickly realized this would be so difficult to calculate, that simulating it would be the much better route to go. So I made a simulator in excel (using VBA/macros). It takes all 36 relevant pit enemies (the 4 boss types with mana burn, stone skin, both, and neither, as well as the 5 champion types), and runs a simulation to get average number of swings per run based off that. This result allows us to calculate the decrease in time spent attacking from adding points into strength or dex for example.
Sheet Overview
Instructions is a title page with lengthy discussion of how to use the sheet as well as some discussion on how I used the sheet and what data I found useful for it. This thread will contain just a brief overview of what's available, but there is much more detail in this Instructions sheet if someone is stuck or just wants more info.
Input is where you put in all the stats and gear and such for your pitzerker. This can be used both for a gear planner that will calculate your hp and mana, and is used for the input for the simulator.
Stat Optimization is a method developed by @ResTTe , where you can optimize your str/dex ratio without having to run the simulator many times. I wasn't sure how valid this method of comparison was until I made this simulator, but in the handful of test cases I ran, the simulator and this stat optimization agreed exactly on what was best. So I recommend, if you do want to put extra points into str/dex, that you use this sheet to figure out how to distribute them.
Monsters is the sheet that the simulator uses to run the sim. No interaction is required or recommended from the user. Just there to see how the calc is done (or for checking) or to get more information.
First off, from the planner I concluded that I needed to use dual wizzy on swap and be ok with 54% FI for the foreseeable future, as I can't get the amount of mana I would like from dual branches without more mana/mf charms and more mana on my amulet or somewhere else.
Then, more importantly, I analyzed my setup with max vita (~3k hp) and what I considered to be my minimum desired hp (2600). For max vita I got 25.452 swings per run, and for my max dmg with 2603 hp (161 dex, 160 str), I got 24.330 swings per run. I used 8 boss packs per run for these numbers. With 9 frames per attack, this results in 0.404 expected seconds saved per run. Assuming gameplay is the same. Is this worth it? It depends. I decided I would rather have the extra life until my runtimes get down to more elite levels, and then I may test the difference empirically. Because it's entirely possible that the extra hp could save more than 0.4 seconds through reduced potting and more aggressive play. However it is also possible that 2600 hp feels the exact same as 3000, and 0.4 seconds is automatically saved. That must be tested manually, but this sheets both helps optimizes that setup and gives an idea of the approximate maximum amount of time one may give up or save by using more or less vitality. One could similarly use this simulator to see what is lost by moving some skill points from shout to BO. I concluded that was worse than putting more points into vitality, but surprisingly not by much.
Lastly, I did remake this simulator in google sheets, which ended up being a waste of a rather lot of time. The google sheets version took approximately 100x as long to run as the excel one, so I just scrapped it. I neither have the know-how nor the motivation to make the simulator in another form for those of us who don't have access to excel. But if someone wanted to do such a thing, they are more than welcome. Hope this is helpful or at least interesting. Enjoy!
Thanks to @Gripphon @Fabian @ffs for the discussion and past literature. And big thanks to @ResTTe for helping, checking, beta testing, and coming up with the dps stat optimization method.
Edit: Monster Spawn rates edited on 11-Sept-2020 based on the number in this thread.
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