My babies - D2R Edition

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Gul+ runes
The stories
Rich (BB code):
Looter/crafted with | Location/event   | Unique id      | Story
BleedRunner         | LK superchest    | Sur  HC D2R #01| During his LK sessions while questing
BleedRunner         | LK superchest    | Gul  HC D2R #01| During his LK sessions while questing
TheDeadman          | The Pits         | Gul  HC D2R #02| While trying to find bases/Monarch
The runewords
None yet
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Random Tournament D2R Edition
My first D2R character, he was a Holy Freezer in Normal, then used Holy bolt and Smite through Nightmare, and now is fanatically charging his way through Hell. Overleveling and intensive LK running are the means used to build up the resistances and crafting materials. His adventures to be followed in the tournament's thread, his rolls are there, and his theorycrafting post is here.

LK NM + questing
LK NM 3 to 5
End of NM, early hell in various posts

Hell adventures part 1
Hell adventures part 2
Hell adventures part 3
Hell adventures part 4
Hell adventures part 5a
Hell adventures part 5b
Hell adventures part 5c +Pits
Hell adventures part 6
Hell adventures part 7
Hell adventures part 8
Hell adventures part 9
Hell adventures part 10

HR drops
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Random Tournament D2R Edition #SP

Building-up strategy: 1
Act 1
First session 0-9.5
Act 2
Act 3
Act 4
Act 5
Leveling follow-up
Act 1-3
Big update 48.8-64.5
Leveling follow-up
48.8-49.2 up to Blood Raven
51.6 up to Inner Cloister
53 Andariel dead
54 Radament + Rocky waste
58+ up to Arcane Sanctuary
60.6 Duriel dead
64 up to Durance of hate lvl 2
64.5 Durance lvl 3 cleared
Act 4
Act 5
66.2-72 and deeds

Local notes
Forever skill: [66]
Set 66: Frozen Orb, Cold Mastery, Teleport

Normal: [66]+88
Set 88: Ice Blast, Warmth, Energy Shield

Nightmare: [66]

Hell: [66]+63+76+77
Set 63: Firebolt, Fireball, Fire Mastery
Set 76: Glacial Spike, Inferno, Telekinesis
Set 77: Frozen Orb, Charged Bolt, Energy Shield
[STR] <Piece>
[036] Armor (1) Quilted armor, Leather armor, Ring mail, Gothic plate, Full plate mail
[030] Spiked Shield
[026] Helm
[045] Light Gauntlets
[---] Sash
[070] Greaves

Gnarled Staff
Battle Staff
Jared Stone

Targeted start build
Skillsets [66], 88
Total: 27skpts+X+Y
Normal to be completed around clvl48. Switch to FO early Act 3.

Fire - 1pts
01 Warmth

Lightning - 2pts
01 prereq
01 Teleport

Cold - the remaining points
20 Ice Blast
04 prereqs
Y Frozen Orb
X Cold Mastery

Targeted start-of-Nightmare build
Skillset [66]
Total: 51skpts
Normal shall be completed around clvl48.

Fire - 0pts

Lightning - 6+pts
01 prereq

Cold - 45 points maxed
05 prereqs
20 Frozen Orb
20 Cold Mastery

Targeted start-of-Hell build
Skillsets [66], 63, 76, 77
Total: 72skpts+X
Hell will be started more probably around 72+

Fire - 41pts
16 Fire bolt
20 Fireball
05 Fire Mastery

Lightning - 2pts
01 prereq
01 Teleport
01 Energy Shield 0skill*

Cold - the remaining points
20 Frozen orb
05 prereqs
4+ Cold Mastery
Act 1xx67Blood Moor
Act 1xx68Cold Plains
Act 1xx68Stony Field
Act 1xx68Dark Wood
Act 1xx69Black Marsh
Act 1xx69Tamoe Highland
Act 1xx79Den of Evil
Act 1xx77The Cave Level 1
Act 1xx69Underground Passage Level 1
Act 1xx80The Hole Level 1
Act 1xx85The Pit Level 1
Act 1xx78The Cave Level 2
Act 1xx83Underground Passage Level 2
Act 1xx81The Hole Level 2
Act 1xx85The Pit Level 2
Act 1xx80Burial Grounds
Act 1xx83Crypt
Act 1xx85Mausoleum
Act 1xx75Tower Cellar Level 1
Act 1xx76Tower Cellar Level 2
Act 1xx77Tower Cellar Level 3
Act 1xx78Tower Cellar Level 4
Act 1xx79Tower Cellar Level 5
Act 1xx70Monastery Gate
Act 1xx70Outer Cloister
Act 1xx70Barracks
Act 1xx71Jail Level 1
Act 1xx71Jail Level 2
Act 1xx71Jail Level 3
Act 1xx72Inner Cloister
Act 1xx72Cathedral
Act 1xx72Catacombs Level 1
Act 1xx73Catacombs Level 2
Act 1xx73Catacombs Level 3
Act 1xx73Catacombs Level 4
Act 1xx76Tristram
Act 1x6481Secret Cow Level
Act 2xx75Rocky Waste
Act 2xx76Dry Hills
Act 2xx76Far Oasis
Act 2xx77Lost City
Act 2xx77Valley of Snakes
Act 2xx79Canyon of the Magi
Act 2xx74Sewers Level 1
Act 2xx74Sewers Level 2
Act 2xx75Sewers Level 3
Act 2xx78Harem Level 2
Act 2xx78Palace Cellar Level 1
Act 2xx78Palace Cellar Level 2
Act 2xx78Palace Cellar Level 3
Act 2xx78Stony Tomb Level 1
Act 2xx79Halls of the Dead Level 1
Act 2xx81Halls of the Dead Level 2
Act 2xx82Claw Viper Temple Level 1
Act 2xx79Stony Tomb Level 2
Act 2xx82Halls of the Dead Level 3
Act 2xx83Claw Viper Temple Level 2
Act 2xx84Maggot Lair Level 1
Act 2xx84Maggot Lair Level 2
Act 2xx85Maggot Lair Level 3
Act 2xx85Ancient Tunnels
Act 2xx80Tal Rasha's Tomb
Act 2xx80Tal Rasha's Chamber
Act 2xx79Arcane Sanctuary
Act 3xx79Spider Forest
Act 3xx80Great Marsh
Act 3xx80Flayer Jungle
Act 3xx80Lower Kurast
Act 3xx81Kurast Bazaar
Act 3xx81Upper Kurast
Act 3xx81Kurast Causeway
Act 3xx82Travincal
Act 3xx79Spider Cave (Arachnid Lair)
Act 3xx79Spider Cavern
Act 3xx80Swampy Pit Level 1
Act 3xx81Swampy Pit Level 2
Act 3xx81Flayer Dungeon Level 1
Act 3xx82Flayer Dungeon Level 2
Act 3xx82Swampy Pit Level 3
Act 3xx83Flayer Dungeon Level 3
Act 3xx84Sewers Level 1
Act 3xx85Sewers Level 2
Act 3xx84Ruined Temple (In Kurast Bazaar)
Act 3xx84Disused Fane (In Kurast Bazaar)
Act 3xx84Forgotten Reliquary (In Upper Kurast)
Act 3xx85Forgotten Temple (In Upper Kurast)
Act 3xx85Ruined Fane (In Kurast Causeway)
Act 3xx85Disused Reliquary (In Kurast Causeway)
Act 3xx83Durance of Hate Level 1
Act 3xx83Durance of Hate Level 2
Act 3xx83Durance of Hate Level 3
Act 4xx82Outer Steppes
Act 4xx83Plains of Despair
Act 4xx84City of the Damned
Act 4xx85River of Flame
Act 4xx85Chaos Sanctuary
Act 5xx80Bloody Foothills
Act 5xx81Frigid Highlands
Act 5xx81Arreat Plateau
Act 5xx82Crystalized Cavern Level 1 (Crystalline Passage)
Act 5xx83Cellar of Pity (Frozen River)
Act 5xx83Crystalized Cavern Level 2 (Glacial Trail)
Act 5xx84Echo Chamber (Drifter Cavern)
Act 5xx81Tundra Wastelands (Frozen Tundra)
Act 5x6282Glacial Caves Level 1 (Ancients' Way)
Act 5x6283Glacial Caves Level 2 (Icy Cellar)
Act 5x6887Rocky Summit (Arreat Summit)
Act 5xx83Nihlathak's Temple
Act 5xx83Halls of Anguish
Act 5xx84Halls of Death's Calling (Halls of Pain)
Act 5xx84Halls of Vaught
Act 5xx81Hell 1 (Abaddon)
Act 5xx82Hell 2 (Pit of Acheron)
Act 5xD83Hell 3 (Infernal Pit)
Act 5x6585The Worldstone Keep Level 1
Act 5x6585The Worldstone Keep Level 2
Act 5x6685The Worldstone Keep Level 3
Act 5x6685Throne of Destruction
Act 5x6685Worldstone Chamber
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@Cattleya's Cause and Effect theorycrafting

Project thread.
Additional personal rule:
D2R shared stash only.
Muling out allowed but items
not usable anymore by any
team member, except for
Torch/Anni in respect of
the existing sharing
limitation rule for those
Given the fact that I would go for a Sept, I will add a personal first leveling mark at 90.

I'll try to go with some builds I never played in SC. Torch/Anni are not targeted, given the ruling of one-build-only it would lock them to then few builds, I don't consider it that fun. Could give a shot with the Smiter however.
Rich (BB code):
Class | Character name  | Build          | Lvl | Act | Loop | M/Pat
Ama   | ColdEsperanza   | Frostmaiden    |  08 |  -n |   00 | No
Assa  | CrudEviscerator | DSKicker       |  14 | A1n |   00 | No
Barb  | CrazyEraser     | Frenzy         |  16 | A1n |   00 | No
Druid | ClawsEnhanced   | FClawsGrizzly  |  14 | A1n |   00 | No
Necro | CausesExplosion | CESummoner     |  16 | A1n |   00 | No
Pal   | ClunkEmitter    | Smiter         |  15 | A1n |   00 | No
Sorc  | ClassicalExcess | StaticBlizzard |  00 |  -n |   00 | No

20 Raise skeleton
20 Skeleton mastery
01 Clay golem
01 Golem mastery
5+ Summon resist
5+ Amplify damage
1 Decrepify*
10 Corpse explosion
Weapon: White in curse wand (x/x/x Decrepify/Skeleton Mastery/Raise Skeleton
* if Decrepify not on wand
20 Fire claws
20 Fissure
20 Molten boulder
5+ Grizzly
01 Werebear
05 Lycanthropy
01 Oak Sage
Weapon: Steel in Scimitar until 2-Shael Cutlass then 6-Shael PB
20 Smite
20 Holy Shield
20 Fanaticism
01 Redemption
Remaining in Sanctuary vs Undead
Weapon: Black/Crushing blow, until Grief
20 Dragon Talon
20 Death Sentry
20 Shadow Master
10 Fade
05 Burst of Speed
01 Cloak of Shadows
Weapon: Dual* Strength claws
Shield: Rhyme until Ravenfrost
Boots: Rare high damage/Goblin Toe until upped Gore Rider
20 Freezing Arrow
20 Cold arrow
20 Valkyrie
09 Pierce
Weapon: Wizendraw, Kuko Shakaku, Melody, Ice
09 Double swing
20 Frenzy
20 Battle orders
20 Weapon Mastery
1/1 Natural resistance/Increased speed
Remaining points in Find item
Weapon: Dual Steel, Dual Strength, Dual King's Grace, Dual Grief
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Cause and Effect Project
Iteration 1
Act Super Uniques           No NM He
 I  Corpsefire               x  o  o
 I  Bishibosh                x  o  o
 I  Bonebreaker              x  o  o
 I  Blood Raven              x  o  o
 I  Coldcrow                 x  o  o
 I  Rakanishu                x  o  o
 I  Treehead Woodfist        x  o  o
 I  Griswold                 x  o  o
 I  The Countess             x  o  o
 I  Pitspawn Fouldog         x  o  o
 I  Bone Ash                 x  o  o
 I  The Smith                x  o  o
 I  Andariel                 x  o  o

II  Radament                 o  o  o
II  Creeping Feature         o  o  o
II  Blood Witch the Wild     o  o  o
II  Beetleburst              o  o  o
II  Coldworm the Burrower    o  o  o
II  Dark Elder               o  o  o
II  Fangskin                 o  o  o
II  Fire Eye                 o  o  o
II  The Summoner             o  o  o
II  Ancient Kaa the Soulless o  o  o
II  Duriel                   o  o  o

III Sszark the Burning       o  o  o
III Witch Doctor Endugu      o  o  o
III Stormtree                o  o  o
III Battlemaid Sarina        o  o  o
III Icehawk Riftwing         o  o  o
III Ismail Vilehand          o  o  o
III Geleb Flamefinger        o  o  o
III Toorc Icefist            o  o  o
III Bremm Sparkfist          o  o  o
III Wyand Voidbringer        o  o  o
III Maffer Dragonhand        o  o  o
III Mephisto                 o  o  o

IV  Izual                    o  o  o
IV  Hephasto the Armorer     o  o  o
IV  Grand Vizier of Chaos    o  o  o
IV  Lord de Seis             o  o  o
IV  Infector of Souls        o  o  o
IV  Diablo                   o  o  o

 V  Dac Farren               o  o  o
 V  Shenk the Overseer       o  o  o
 V  Eldritch the Rectifier   o  o  o
 V  Sharptooth Slayer        o  o  o
 V  Eyeback the Unleashed    o  o  o
 V  Thresh Socket            o  o  o
 V  Frozenstein              o  o  o
 V  Bonesaw Breaker          o  o  o
 V  Snapchip Shatter         o  o  o
 V  Pindleskin               o  o  o
 V  Nihlathak                o  o  o
 V  Talic                    o  o  o
 V  Madawc                   o  o  o
 V  Korlic                   o  o  o
 V  Colenzo the Annihilator  o  o  o
 V  Achmel the Cursed        o  o  o
 V  Bartuc the Bloody        o  o  o
 V  Ventar the Unholy        o  o  o
 V  Lister the Tormentor     o  o  o
 V  Baal                     o  o  o

 I+ The Cow King             o  o  o

Finding the Arctic set armor was great for early leveling...will be useful for amazon and sorceress at least! Not that much of finds given the full run with Gull dagger.
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Cause and Effect Project
Iteration 1
Act Super Uniques           No NM He
 I  Corpsefire               x  o  o
 I  Bishibosh                x  o  o
 I  Bonebreaker              x  o  o
 I  Blood Raven              x  o  o
 I  Coldcrow                 x  o  o
 I  Rakanishu                x  o  o
 I  Treehead Woodfist        x  o  o
 I  Griswold                 x  o  o
 I  The Countess             x  o  o
 I  Pitspawn Fouldog         x  o  o
 I  Bone Ash                 x  o  o
 I  The Smith                x  o  o
 I  Andariel                 x  o  o

II  Radament                 o  o  o
II  Creeping Feature         o  o  o
II  Blood Witch the Wild     o  o  o
II  Beetleburst              o  o  o
II  Coldworm the Burrower    o  o  o
II  Dark Elder               o  o  o
II  Fangskin                 o  o  o
II  Fire Eye                 o  o  o
II  The Summoner             o  o  o
II  Ancient Kaa the Soulless o  o  o
II  Duriel                   o  o  o

III Sszark the Burning       o  o  o
III Witch Doctor Endugu      o  o  o
III Stormtree                o  o  o
III Battlemaid Sarina        o  o  o
III Icehawk Riftwing         o  o  o
III Ismail Vilehand          o  o  o
III Geleb Flamefinger        o  o  o
III Toorc Icefist            o  o  o
III Bremm Sparkfist          o  o  o
III Wyand Voidbringer        o  o  o
III Maffer Dragonhand        o  o  o
III Mephisto                 o  o  o

IV  Izual                    o  o  o
IV  Hephasto the Armorer     o  o  o
IV  Grand Vizier of Chaos    o  o  o
IV  Lord de Seis             o  o  o
IV  Infector of Souls        o  o  o
IV  Diablo                   o  o  o

 V  Dac Farren               o  o  o
 V  Shenk the Overseer       o  o  o
 V  Eldritch the Rectifier   o  o  o
 V  Sharptooth Slayer        o  o  o
 V  Eyeback the Unleashed    o  o  o
 V  Thresh Socket            o  o  o
 V  Frozenstein              o  o  o
 V  Bonesaw Breaker          o  o  o
 V  Snapchip Shatter         o  o  o
 V  Pindleskin               o  o  o
 V  Nihlathak                o  o  o
 V  Talic                    o  o  o
 V  Madawc                   o  o  o
 V  Korlic                   o  o  o
 V  Colenzo the Annihilator  o  o  o
 V  Achmel the Cursed        o  o  o
 V  Bartuc the Bloody        o  o  o
 V  Ventar the Unholy        o  o  o
 V  Lister the Tormentor     o  o  o
 V  Baal                     o  o  o

 I+ The Cow King             o  o  o
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Cause and Effect Project
Iteration 1
Act Super Uniques           No NM He
 I  Corpsefire               x  o  o
 I  Bishibosh                x  o  o
 I  Bonebreaker              x  o  o
 I  Blood Raven              x  o  o
 I  Coldcrow                 x  o  o
 I  Rakanishu                x  o  o
 I  Treehead Woodfist        x  o  o
 I  Griswold                 x  o  o
 I  The Countess             x  o  o
 I  Pitspawn Fouldog         x  o  o
 I  Bone Ash                 x  o  o
 I  The Smith                x  o  o
 I  Andariel                 x  o  o

II  Radament                 o  o  o
II  Creeping Feature         o  o  o
II  Blood Witch the Wild     o  o  o
II  Beetleburst              o  o  o
II  Coldworm the Burrower    o  o  o
II  Dark Elder               o  o  o
II  Fangskin                 o  o  o
II  Fire Eye                 o  o  o
II  The Summoner             o  o  o
II  Ancient Kaa the Soulless o  o  o
II  Duriel                   o  o  o

III Sszark the Burning       o  o  o
III Witch Doctor Endugu      o  o  o
III Stormtree                o  o  o
III Battlemaid Sarina        o  o  o
III Icehawk Riftwing         o  o  o
III Ismail Vilehand          o  o  o
III Geleb Flamefinger        o  o  o
III Toorc Icefist            o  o  o
III Bremm Sparkfist          o  o  o
III Wyand Voidbringer        o  o  o
III Maffer Dragonhand        o  o  o
III Mephisto                 o  o  o

IV  Izual                    o  o  o
IV  Hephasto the Armorer     o  o  o
IV  Grand Vizier of Chaos    o  o  o
IV  Lord de Seis             o  o  o
IV  Infector of Souls        o  o  o
IV  Diablo                   o  o  o

 V  Dac Farren               o  o  o
 V  Shenk the Overseer       o  o  o
 V  Eldritch the Rectifier   o  o  o
 V  Sharptooth Slayer        o  o  o
 V  Eyeback the Unleashed    o  o  o
 V  Thresh Socket            o  o  o
 V  Frozenstein              o  o  o
 V  Bonesaw Breaker          o  o  o
 V  Snapchip Shatter         o  o  o
 V  Pindleskin               o  o  o
 V  Nihlathak                o  o  o
 V  Talic                    o  o  o
 V  Madawc                   o  o  o
 V  Korlic                   o  o  o
 V  Colenzo the Annihilator  o  o  o
 V  Achmel the Cursed        o  o  o
 V  Bartuc the Bloody        o  o  o
 V  Ventar the Unholy        o  o  o
 V  Lister the Tormentor     o  o  o
 V  Baal                     o  o  o

 I+ The Cow King             o  o  o

Finding the Gull dagger from Andariel was a nice find for ClawsEnhanced...may be used by him for a while before really needing damage improvement!
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Cause and Effect Project
Iteration 1
Act Super Uniques           No NM He
 I  Corpsefire               x  o  o
 I  Bishibosh                x  o  o
 I  Bonebreaker              x  o  o
 I  Blood Raven              x  o  o
 I  Coldcrow                 x  o  o
 I  Rakanishu                x  o  o
 I  Treehead Woodfist        o  o  o
 I  Griswold                 o  o  o
 I  The Countess             x  o  o
 I  Pitspawn Fouldog         o  o  o
 I  Bone Ash                 o  o  o
 I  The Smith                o  o  o
 I  Andariel                 o  o  o

II  Radament                 o  o  o
II  Creeping Feature         o  o  o
II  Blood Witch the Wild     o  o  o
II  Beetleburst              o  o  o
II  Coldworm the Burrower    o  o  o
II  Dark Elder               o  o  o
II  Fangskin                 o  o  o
II  Fire Eye                 o  o  o
II  The Summoner             o  o  o
II  Ancient Kaa the Soulless o  o  o
II  Duriel                   o  o  o

III Sszark the Burning       o  o  o
III Witch Doctor Endugu      o  o  o
III Stormtree                o  o  o
III Battlemaid Sarina        o  o  o
III Icehawk Riftwing         o  o  o
III Ismail Vilehand          o  o  o
III Geleb Flamefinger        o  o  o
III Toorc Icefist            o  o  o
III Bremm Sparkfist          o  o  o
III Wyand Voidbringer        o  o  o
III Maffer Dragonhand        o  o  o
III Mephisto                 o  o  o

IV  Izual                    o  o  o
IV  Hephasto the Armorer     o  o  o
IV  Grand Vizier of Chaos    o  o  o
IV  Lord de Seis             o  o  o
IV  Infector of Souls        o  o  o
IV  Diablo                   o  o  o

 V  Dac Farren               o  o  o
 V  Shenk the Overseer       o  o  o
 V  Eldritch the Rectifier   o  o  o
 V  Sharptooth Slayer        o  o  o
 V  Eyeback the Unleashed    o  o  o
 V  Thresh Socket            o  o  o
 V  Frozenstein              o  o  o
 V  Bonesaw Breaker          o  o  o
 V  Snapchip Shatter         o  o  o
 V  Pindleskin               o  o  o
 V  Nihlathak                o  o  o
 V  Talic                    o  o  o
 V  Madawc                   o  o  o
 V  Korlic                   o  o  o
 V  Colenzo the Annihilator  o  o  o
 V  Achmel the Cursed        o  o  o
 V  Bartuc the Bloody        o  o  o
 V  Ventar the Unholy        o  o  o
 V  Lister the Tormentor     o  o  o
 V  Baal                     o  o  o

 I+ The Cow King             o  o  o
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Cause and Effect Project
Iteration 1
Act Super Uniques           No NM He
 I  Corpsefire               x  o  o
 I  Bishibosh                x  o  o
 I  Bonebreaker              x  o  o
 I  Blood Raven              x  o  o
 I  Coldcrow                 x  o  o
 I  Rakanishu                x  o  o
 I  Treehead Woodfist        x  o  o
 I  Griswold                 x  o  o
 I  The Countess             x  o  o
 I  Pitspawn Fouldog         x  o  o
 I  Bone Ash                 x  o  o
 I  The Smith                x  o  o
 I  Andariel                 x  o  o

II  Radament                 o  o  o
II  Creeping Feature         o  o  o
II  Blood Witch the Wild     o  o  o
II  Beetleburst              o  o  o
II  Coldworm the Burrower    o  o  o
II  Dark Elder               o  o  o
II  Fangskin                 o  o  o
II  Fire Eye                 o  o  o
II  The Summoner             o  o  o
II  Ancient Kaa the Soulless o  o  o
II  Duriel                   o  o  o

III Sszark the Burning       o  o  o
III Witch Doctor Endugu      o  o  o
III Stormtree                o  o  o
III Battlemaid Sarina        o  o  o
III Icehawk Riftwing         o  o  o
III Ismail Vilehand          o  o  o
III Geleb Flamefinger        o  o  o
III Toorc Icefist            o  o  o
III Bremm Sparkfist          o  o  o
III Wyand Voidbringer        o  o  o
III Maffer Dragonhand        o  o  o
III Mephisto                 o  o  o

IV  Izual                    o  o  o
IV  Hephasto the Armorer     o  o  o
IV  Grand Vizier of Chaos    o  o  o
IV  Lord de Seis             o  o  o
IV  Infector of Souls        o  o  o
IV  Diablo                   o  o  o

 V  Dac Farren               o  o  o
 V  Shenk the Overseer       o  o  o
 V  Eldritch the Rectifier   o  o  o
 V  Sharptooth Slayer        o  o  o
 V  Eyeback the Unleashed    o  o  o
 V  Thresh Socket            o  o  o
 V  Frozenstein              o  o  o
 V  Bonesaw Breaker          o  o  o
 V  Snapchip Shatter         o  o  o
 V  Pindleskin               o  o  o
 V  Nihlathak                o  o  o
 V  Talic                    o  o  o
 V  Madawc                   o  o  o
 V  Korlic                   o  o  o
 V  Colenzo the Annihilator  o  o  o
 V  Achmel the Cursed        o  o  o
 V  Bartuc the Bloody        o  o  o
 V  Ventar the Unholy        o  o  o
 V  Lister the Tormentor     o  o  o
 V  Baal                     o  o  o

 I+ The Cow King             o  o  o

No great find at all for him... leveled up to clvl 16 after having killed Andariel at clvl 14, double swinging.
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Cause and Effect Project
Iteration 1
Act Super Uniques           No NM He
 I  Corpsefire               x  o  o
 I  Bishibosh                x  o  o
 I  Bonebreaker              x  o  o
 I  Blood Raven              x  o  o
 I  Coldcrow                 x  o  o
 I  Rakanishu                x  o  o
 I  Treehead Woodfist        x  o  o
 I  Griswold                 x  o  o
 I  The Countess             x  o  o
 I  Pitspawn Fouldog         x  o  o
 I  Bone Ash                 x  o  o
 I  The Smith                x  o  o
 I  Andariel                 x  o  o

II  Radament                 o  o  o
II  Creeping Feature         o  o  o
II  Blood Witch the Wild     o  o  o
II  Beetleburst              o  o  o
II  Coldworm the Burrower    o  o  o
II  Dark Elder               o  o  o
II  Fangskin                 o  o  o
II  Fire Eye                 o  o  o
II  The Summoner             o  o  o
II  Ancient Kaa the Soulless o  o  o
II  Duriel                   o  o  o

III Sszark the Burning       o  o  o
III Witch Doctor Endugu      o  o  o
III Stormtree                o  o  o
III Battlemaid Sarina        o  o  o
III Icehawk Riftwing         o  o  o
III Ismail Vilehand          o  o  o
III Geleb Flamefinger        o  o  o
III Toorc Icefist            o  o  o
III Bremm Sparkfist          o  o  o
III Wyand Voidbringer        o  o  o
III Maffer Dragonhand        o  o  o
III Mephisto                 o  o  o

IV  Izual                    o  o  o
IV  Hephasto the Armorer     o  o  o
IV  Grand Vizier of Chaos    o  o  o
IV  Lord de Seis             o  o  o
IV  Infector of Souls        o  o  o
IV  Diablo                   o  o  o

 V  Dac Farren               o  o  o
 V  Shenk the Overseer       o  o  o
 V  Eldritch the Rectifier   o  o  o
 V  Sharptooth Slayer        o  o  o
 V  Eyeback the Unleashed    o  o  o
 V  Thresh Socket            o  o  o
 V  Frozenstein              o  o  o
 V  Bonesaw Breaker          o  o  o
 V  Snapchip Shatter         o  o  o
 V  Pindleskin               o  o  o
 V  Nihlathak                o  o  o
 V  Talic                    o  o  o
 V  Madawc                   o  o  o
 V  Korlic                   o  o  o
 V  Colenzo the Annihilator  o  o  o
 V  Achmel the Cursed        o  o  o
 V  Bartuc the Bloody        o  o  o
 V  Ventar the Unholy        o  o  o
 V  Lister the Tormentor     o  o  o
 V  Baal                     o  o  o

 I+ The Cow King             o  o  o
He completed Act 1, finding all uniques but Pitspawn, so he had to find him as last task, before giving the hand to CrazyEraser, who just started his own journey.

No great find so far except for a unique mace, which will be very useful for melee due to the 33% crushing blow.
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Cause and Effect Project
Iteration 0
Act Super Uniques           No NM He
 I  Corpsefire               o  o  o
 I  Bishibosh                o  o  o
 I  Bonebreaker              o  o  o
 I  Blood Raven              o  o  o
 I  Coldcrow                 o  o  o
 I  Rakanishu                o  o  o
 I  Treehead Woodfist        o  o  o
 I  Griswold                 o  o  o
 I  The Countess             o  o  o
 I  Pitspawn Fouldog         o  o  o
 I  Bone Ash                 o  o  o
 I  The Smith                o  o  o
 I  Andariel                 o  o  o

II  Radament                 o  o  o
II  Creeping Feature         o  o  o
II  Blood Witch the Wild     o  o  o
II  Beetleburst              o  o  o
II  Coldworm the Burrower    o  o  o
II  Dark Elder               o  o  o
II  Fangskin                 o  o  o
II  Fire Eye                 o  o  o
II  The Summoner             o  o  o
II  Ancient Kaa the Soulless o  o  o
II  Duriel                   o  o  o

III Sszark the Burning       o  o  o
III Witch Doctor Endugu      o  o  o
III Stormtree                o  o  o
III Battlemaid Sarina        o  o  o
III Icehawk Riftwing         o  o  o
III Ismail Vilehand          o  o  o
III Geleb Flamefinger        o  o  o
III Toorc Icefist            o  o  o
III Bremm Sparkfist          o  o  o
III Wyand Voidbringer        o  o  o
III Maffer Dragonhand        o  o  o
III Mephisto                 o  o  o

IV  Izual                    o  o  o
IV  Hephasto the Armorer     o  o  o
IV  Grand Vizier of Chaos    o  o  o
IV  Lord de Seis             o  o  o
IV  Infector of Souls        o  o  o
IV  Diablo                   o  o  o

 V  Dac Farren               o  o  o
 V  Shenk the Overseer       o  o  o
 V  Eldritch the Rectifier   o  o  o
 V  Sharptooth Slayer        o  o  o
 V  Eyeback the Unleashed    o  o  o
 V  Thresh Socket            o  o  o
 V  Frozenstein              o  o  o
 V  Bonesaw Breaker          o  o  o
 V  Snapchip Shatter         o  o  o
 V  Pindleskin               o  o  o
 V  Nihlathak                o  o  o
 V  Talic                    o  o  o
 V  Madawc                   o  o  o
 V  Korlic                   o  o  o
 V  Colenzo the Annihilator  o  o  o
 V  Achmel the Cursed        o  o  o
 V  Bartuc the Bloody        o  o  o
 V  Ventar the Unholy        o  o  o
 V  Lister the Tormentor     o  o  o
 V  Baal                     o  o  o

 I+ The Cow King             o  o  o
TheDeadman - Guardian
March of the Doomed 2022

Act 1
01-17 Black Marsh
17-20 Andariel kill
Act 2
20-26 Full review
The deadman deeds in Arcane Sanctuary
Act 3
26-31 Full review
Act 4-5
31-49 Full review
Act 1
Act 2
Thoughts about endgame skilling
Act 3
Nothing noteworthy...
Act 4
Up to RoF waypoint
Chaos Sanctuary
Act 5
Guardian post!
LK stuff and conclusion

HR drops
Pic to be added
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Inc_Damager, 1.14D forwarded character
Ubers' Smiter career

After having crafted some gear in 1.14D, Inc_Damager had been forwarded to grab my first SPF Torches.

His gear is the following (dump before forward, and a Life Tap wand has been forwarded beside after the first organs collect)
Name:       Inc_Damager
Class:      Paladin
Experience: 939366884
Level:      83

Strength:   90/153
Dexterity:  116/146
Vitality:   289/314
Energy:     15/20
HP:         1071/1190
Mana:       138/178
Stamina:    435/475
Defense:    29/3600
AR:         565/867

Fire:       212/172/112
Cold:       216/176/116
Lightning:  213/173/113
Poison:     210/170/110

MF:         25       Block:      43
GF:         100
FR/W:       3
FHR:        40
IAS:        30
FCR:        0

Sacrifice: 0/0
Smite: 20/22
Holy Bolt: 1/3
Zeal: 0/0
Charge: 1/3
Vengeance: 0/0
Blessed Hammer: 1/3
Conversion: 0/0
Holy Shield: 20/22
Fist of the Heavens: 0/0

Might: 1/5
Holy Fire: 0/0
Thorns: 0/0
Blessed Aim: 1/5
Concentration: 1/5
Holy Freeze: 0/0
Holy Shock: 0/0
Sanctuary: 0/0
Fanaticism: 20/24
Conviction: 0/0

Prayer: 0/0
Resist Fire: 0/0
Defiance: 0/0
Resist Cold: 0/0
Cleansing: 0/0
Resist Lightning: 10/12
Vigor: 0/0
Meditation: 0/0
Redemption: 0/0
Salvation: 1/3
Rich (BB code):
Kill switch
Phase Blade
One Hand Damage: 31 - 35
Required Level: 59
Required Strength: 25
Required Dexterity: 136
Fingerprint: 0x7d2e141f
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
35% Chance to cast level 15 Venom on striking
+30% Increased Attack Speed
Damage +349
Ignore Target's Defense
-25% Target Defense
+155% Damage to Demons (Based on Character Level)
Adds 5 - 30 Fire Damage
-24% to Enemy Poison Resistance
20% Deadly Strike
Prevent Monster Heal
+2 to Mana after each Kill
+13 Life after each Kill
5 Sockets (5 used)
Socketed: Eth Rune
Socketed: Tir Rune
Socketed: Lo Rune
Socketed: Mal Rune
Socketed: Ral Rune

Kurast Shield
Defense: 1317
Chance to Block: 0
Durability: 28 of 28
Required Level: 57
Required Strength: 114
Fingerprint: 0xcc9b9d8a
Item Level: 79
Version: Expansion 1.10+
15% Chance to cast level 5 Life Tap on striking
Level 14 Defiance Aura When Equipped
+2 to Offensive Aura Skills (Paladin Only)
+30% Faster Block Rate
Freezes target +1
+256% Enhanced Defense
Replenish Life +7
+5% to Maximum Cold Resist
+5% to Maximum Fire Resist
All Resistances +41
25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Repairs 1 Durability in 4 Seconds
4 Sockets (4 used)
Socketed: Vex Rune
Socketed: Ohm Rune
Socketed: Ist Rune
Socketed: Dol Rune

Body armor
Archon Plate
Defense: 1711
Durability: 40 of 60
Required Level: 63
Required Strength: 103
Fingerprint: 0x1ffb83e6
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
15% Chance to cast level 3 Dim Vision when struck
+10% Faster Hit Recovery
+237% Enhanced Defense
+10 to Strength
All Resistances +45
Half Freeze Duration
5% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
-3 to Light Radius
3 Sockets (3 used)
Socketed: Fal Rune
Socketed: Um Rune
Socketed: Pul Rune

Other armor pieces
Dracul's Grasp
Vampirebone Gloves
Defense: 132
Durability: 11 of 14
Required Level: 76
Required Strength: 50
Fingerprint: 0xc07100e8
Item Level: 86
Version: Expansion 1.10+
5% Chance to cast level 10 Life Tap on striking
9% Life stolen per hit
25% Chance of Open Wounds
+101% Enhanced Defense
+13 to Strength
+7 Life after each Kill

Thundergod's Vigor
War Belt
Defense: 154
Durability: 17 of 24
Required Level: 47
Required Strength: 110
Fingerprint: 0x7eb24ebb
Item Level: 99
Version: Expansion 1.10+
5% Chance to cast level 7 Fist of the Heavens when struck
Adds 1 - 50 Lightning Damage
+3 to Lightning Fury (Amazon Only)
+3 to Lightning Strike (Amazon Only)
+192% Enhanced Defense
+20 to Strength
+20 to Vitality
+10% to Maximum Lightning Resist
+20 Lightning Absorb

Guillaume's Face
Winged Helm
Defense: 217
Durability: 31 of 40
Required Level: 34
Required Strength: 115
Fingerprint: 0xdfef98c9
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+30% Faster Hit Recovery
35% Chance of Crushing Blow
15% Deadly Strike
+120% Enhanced Defense
+15 to Strength

Goblin Toe
Light Plated Boots
Defense: 33
Durability: 9 of 18
Required Level: 22
Required Strength: 50
Fingerprint: 0x77e92e08
Item Level: 75
Version: Expansion 1.10+
25% Chance of Crushing Blow
+54% Enhanced Defense
+15 Defense
Damage Reduced by 1
Magic Damage Reduced by 1
-1 to Light Radius

Raven Frost
Required Level: 45
Fingerprint: 0xb94296ca
Item Level: 80
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+152 to Attack Rating
Adds 15 - 45 Cold Damage Over 4 Secs (100 Frames)
+20 to Dexterity
+40 to Mana
Cold Absorb 20%
Cannot Be Frozen

Dwarf Star
Required Level: 45
Fingerprint: 0x18bb50ac
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+40 to Life
+40 Maximum Stamina
Heal Stamina Plus 15%
Fire Absorb 15%
Magic Damage Reduced by 14
100% Extra Gold from Monsters

Mara's Kaleidoscope
Required Level: 67
Fingerprint: 0xfede70d1
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+2 to All Skills
All Stats +5
All Resistances +20

Charm collection
Shimmering Grand Charm
Grand Charm
Required Level: 27
Fingerprint: 0xa5bd49f8
Item Level: 88
Version: Expansion 1.10+
All Resistances +13

Shimmering Grand Charm
Grand Charm
Required Level: 27
Fingerprint: 0x23e8ab41
Item Level: 88
Version: Expansion 1.10+
All Resistances +13

Amber Grand Charm
Grand Charm
Required Level: 22
Fingerprint: 0xdaf9be75
Item Level: 80
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Lightning Resist +28%

Sapphire Grand Charm of Dexterity
Grand Charm
Required Level: 22
Fingerprint: 0xeeb70391
Item Level: 81
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+5 to Dexterity
Cold Resist +30%

Ruby Grand Charm of Vita
Grand Charm
Required Level: 69
Fingerprint: 0x775a439d
Item Level: 80
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+38 to Life
Fire Resist +26%

Jade Grand Charm of Life
Grand Charm
Required Level: 15
Fingerprint: 0x1e686436
Item Level: 80
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+19 to Life
Poison Resist +24%

Sapphire Small Charm of Inertia
Small Charm
Required Level: 32
Fingerprint: 0xfe6c2e80
Item Level: 87
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+3% Faster Run/Walk
Cold Resist +10%

Ruby Small Charm
Small Charm
Required Level: 32
Fingerprint: 0x38095c6e
Item Level: 88
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Fire Resist +10%

Emerald Small Charm of Sustenance
Small Charm
Required Level: 32
Fingerprint: 0x5808cf79
Item Level: 80
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+12 to Life
Poison Resist +10%

Coral Small Charm of Life
Small Charm
Required Level: 20
Fingerprint: 0x492b2a3f
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+10 to Life
Lightning Resist +9%

Shimmering Small Charm
Small Charm
Required Level: 25
Fingerprint: 0x1073a1e6
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
All Resistances +3

Shimmering Small Charm
Small Charm
Required Level: 25
Fingerprint: 0xc57f0d10
Item Level: 80
Version: Expansion 1.10+
All Resistances +4

Shimmering Large Charm of Fire
Large Charm
Required Level: 26
Fingerprint: 0x72cdd577
Item Level: 80
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Adds 2 - 5 Fire Damage
All Resistances +7

Torches collection
Hellfire Torch
Large Charm
Required Level: 75
Fingerprint: 0x2e8b9330
Item Level: 99
Version: Resurrected
5% Chance to cast level 10 Firestorm on striking
+3 to Amazon Skill Levels
All Stats +10
All Resistances +17
+8 to Light Radius
Level 30 Hydra (10/10 Charges)
None yet!
Hellfire Torch
Large Charm
Required Level: 75
Fingerprint: 0x1c47d8b
Item Level: 99
Version: Resurrected
5% Chance to cast level 10 Firestorm on striking
+3 to Barbarian Skill Levels
All Stats +16
All Resistances +14
+8 to Light Radius
Level 30 Hydra (10/10 Charges)

Hellfire Torch
Large Charm
Required Level: 75
Fingerprint: 0xd1e17e3b
Item Level: 99
Version: Resurrected
5% Chance to cast level 10 Firestorm on striking
+3 to Barbarian Skill Levels
All Stats +20
All Resistances +19
+8 to Light Radius
Level 30 Hydra (10/10 Charges)
None yet!
None yet!
None yet!
Hellfire Torch
Large Charm
Required Level: 75
Fingerprint: 0x69b74ff5
Item Level: 99
Version: Resurrected
5% Chance to cast level 10 Firestorm on striking
+3 to Sorceress Skill Levels
All Stats +13
All Resistances +10
+8 to Light Radius
Level 30 Hydra (10/10 Charges)
Annihilus collection
Small Charm
Required Level: 70
Fingerprint: 0x626f8507
Item Level: 99
Version: Resurrected
+1 to All Skills
All Stats +20
All Resistances +19
+8% to Experience Gained
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  • Like
Reactions: snickersnack
Estimated market value