The Shapeshifting MP Group

Made it to Hell, and picked up a level in the Cave so she's sitting at lvl 76. Bramble just wasn't worth it for damage boost, so we're going to run Fortitude. For extra AR, we are going dual Ravens given the massive leech from eBotD, and the Shadow Warrior will have Claws of Thunder on LMB as suggested in an earlier post. It was noticeable damage in late NM (but not overpowering by any means) and I suspect Infinity will end up keeping it about the same until at least later Hell. We have mostly AR GCs of Vita or FHR, which may swap out for Sharps based on the group's auras to push max damage higher. Without BO, she has ~2700 HP when shifted :)

Name           Character        Class        Build                     Current Level        Merc
____           _________        _____        _____                     _____________        ________

D2DC           Kren-Douar       Druid        Earth Shifter             77  A1 Hell          Might & Infinity
maxicek        Isklor           Paladin      Polar Bear                77  A1 Hell          Defiance & Infinity
skiffcz        Logan            Barb         3fpa Feral Wolf           79  A1 Hell          Harmony
ffs            Furry            Amazon       Fuzzy Dodger              83  A1 Hell          Might & Pride
PhineasB       Praxidike        Assassin     Venomous Bearsin          76  A1 Hell          Faith
I will run the harmony rogue. Dude is sooo fast tho, I might skip inc speed even, have problems not running past monsters :D :D

If 30 BO is ok with you, then I have BO covered. I can also demonlimb you if you need when Im gonna be demonlimbing myself.
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Name           Character        Class        Build                     Current Level        Merc
____           _________        _____        _____                     _____________        ________

D2DC           Kren-Douar       Druid        Earth Shifter             77  A1 Hell          Might & Infinity
maxicek        Isklor           Paladin      Polar Bear                77  A1 Hell          Blessed Aim & Infinity
skiffcz        Logan            Barb         3fpa Feral Wolf           79  A1 Hell          Harmony
ffs            Furry            Amazon       Fuzzy Dodger              83  A1 Hell          Might & Pride
PhineasB       Praxidike        Assassin     Venomous Bearsin          76  A1 Hell          Faith

I changed to Blessed Aim, this lifts my AR to almost 4K which is much more healthy. I just need to make sure he stays alive now. Last time there was so much onscreen I didn't realise he had died on a couple of occasions.

The fastest character has the Harmony merc - Will we even see it :ROFLMAO:
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Name           Character        Class        Build                     Current Level        Merc
____           _________        _____        _____                     _____________        ________

D2DC           Kren-Douar       Druid        Earth Shifter             77  A1 Hell          Might & Infinity
maxicek        Isklor           Paladin      Polar Bear                77  A1 Hell          Blessed Aim & Infinity
skiffcz        Logan            Barb         3fpa Feral Wolf           79  A1 Hell          Harmony
ffs            Furry            Amazon       Fuzzy Dodger              83  A1 Hell          Might & Pride
PhineasB       Praxidike        Assassin     Venomous Bearsin          76  A1 Hell          Faith
d2lover        Stunningham      Druid        Stun/HoW/Ribcracker       ~55 A1 Hell          Prayer + Insight

Mainly build my Druid for that Party.

Tophatcat will give me a Ribcracker

Max Lycantrophy and HoW, of course, from now on additional points wander into Stun
So, I managed to find setup which allows me to run Atma's fulltime in the end, so PI's should be a negligible problem now. At 3fps it proc's pretty reliably. Also bragging shot:


Yes. Thats eighteen thousand seven hundred sixty five defense - before defiance merc.

Can't wait, this will be fun!
My Stunbear:


he wears 1.07 LoH, I hope that is enough.

Cold is not exactly prominent apart from coldenchanted bosses, don't know, I want to still have 4*2 inventory place free.

Poison I just want to have enough that I don't die from it, with Prayer+Insight it's ok I guess.
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^ thats fine, thats fine, I can always drop or be unable to continue, plan B is always a good idea

btw ready
Well Bears > Avengers. We certainly wouldn't have needed two movies to deal with Thanos.
Lots of fun tonight everyone, thanks for joining.
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