Tyrael's Mighty Breakdown - Item Find Thread September 2015

Cunning Circlet of the Sentinel
Defense: 23
Durability: 18 of 35
Required Level: 45
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 88
Fingerprint: 0xc33e2764
Magic Damage Reduced by 2
+3 to Trap Skills (Assassin Only)

Skull Circle
Required Level: 41
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 75
Fingerprint: 0xf61b5a83
+89 to Mana
+70 to Attack Rating
Replenish Life +9
10% Faster Cast Rate
It's literally perfect for Fury Druid. Well, mana could be fire res or something, but hey... I picked up rare belts for a long time in order to find one like it, without getting even close to this. The build doesn't need LL, damage reduction or off-weapon IAS, prefers life over vit (CtA/Oak Sage) and FHR breakpoints actually matter a bit. So yes, it's better than any unique for that build. Of course in order to use it you'll have to generally be able to enjoy playing less efficient characters... which I for one do. :)
So the belt is only good for Fury druids? no other chars?
and its not possible to upgrade right?
oh my god

I just dropped an soj on andariel and a shako.

So today i got 2 sojs (one on tunnel, one on andariel) and a shako !
Just dropped this :

Rare amu

1 sorc skills
20 res cold
20 res poison
45 res fire
20 res lighting
damage reduced by 4
magic damage reduced by 3
57 to life

Good or bad ? ty

I think its level requirement is 31, so it's excellent until a sorc is reaching the level for something better, like Tal's set or amulet+belt+armor or a decent craft.
@tomersssand @homers

Congratz on Jah, but could you please stop saying ****ing in every single post you make? There are other ways to express excitement beside using **** words all the time.
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Congratz on Jah, but could you please stop saying ****ing in every single post you make? There are other ways to express excitement beside using **** words all the time.

Bleep yeah! Why the bleep you bleepers gotta bleeping say bleep so bleeping much?
I thought it was the same user posting in this thread all the time, didn't even notice the difference between t and h and the extra sss. So fudging blind of me.


Hate that this would be off-topic, so let's put in a decent skiller I found in Travincal an hour ago:

Natural Grand Charm of Sustenance
Grand Charm
Required Level: 42
Fingerprint: 0x7065b410
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
+1 to Elemental Skills (Druid Only)
+21 to Life

That'd be 3rd Elemental life skiller my untwinked Hammerdin has found, +37, +31 and now +21. Sure, when I have 0 Combat lifers :(
hum... lets say 2 sojs is good enough lol

50 minutes run of andy only for this :

Ghoul Gyre
Required Level: 33
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 75
Fingerprint: 0xb843d644
+9 to Energy
+40 to Attack Rating
+8 to Maximum Damage
Fire Resist +9%
@T72on1 I know, I should make that Wind druid. In addition to that, I already have found +2druid/20fcr/10odd all res/30odd +life circlet (sadly no sockets), so I have a decent foundation :)

Oh and my Hammerdin found his second Eth Andariel's Visage:

Andariel's Visage
Defense: 563
Durability: 11 of 11
Required Level: 83
Required Strength: 92
Fingerprint: 0x2fb5974c
Item Level: 85
Version: Expansion 1.10+
15% Chance to cast level 15 Poison Nova when struck
+2 to All Skills
+20% Increased Attack Speed
8% Life stolen per hit
+143% Enhanced Defense
+30 to Strength
+10% to Maximum Poison Resist
Fire Resist -30%
Poison Resist +70%
Level 3 Venom (18/20 Charges)

That is +1 Strength and +6 Enhanced Defense increase to the first one I found, both with 8LL. Not that I'll upgrade the helm since I don't have anymore socket quests left. But for another character, this will suit nicely :)
So the belt is only good for Fury druids? no other chars?
and its not possible to upgrade right?

Yes it can be upgraded. Depends on what you consider "good", it's definitely useful for other chars, but probably apart from Fury Druid I don't think it's actually better than uniqes for any other build.
Played a bit this weekend, mostly LK chest running on P7. Found a few nice charms, including this one that is very nice for my barb:

Also found a few skillers. Only a Elemental and Traps were worth keeping.
As far as runes. I found 1xIst and 3xPul. I now had enough Puls to cube a Mal from them, which allowed me to craft this beauty:

Needless to say I am very very happy with the roll !

Also played with a friend, started Act 1 Hell with my frenzy barb, and him with his 2h Zealot. Found a Shako in the Black Marsh, which will be quite useful for my necromancer :)
Estimated market value