MF/RF Tournament - Sign-up and Running

Sounds people are having a good start! :)

@Neksja Of course you can still join, welcome!

Managed to run for ~4 hours so far. I started out with my Pit Barb to gain some XP with the MFO in mind, but he was a tiny bit slow and didn't kill enough trash mobs... So after hitting 93 with him after ~1 hour I switched to PN Necro. For now going back and forth between 75% FCR/~400 MF and 125% FCR/~300 MF depending on mood more or less. :rolleyes:

Edit: Best non-qualifier drop so far, couple of rolls could have been higher but pretty sure this will be put to use at some point.

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What happened to the old scoring txt files which were organized by point value, they are a lot easier to read!
I've reformatted them so that they are in descending score order, though it is worth double checking the figures in case I've messed anything up...

[Highlight]VI. S&U Scoring and Area-Specific Rules[/Highlight]

This category includes the following targets:
  • Level 85 areas (drops from the following monsters will not count, however: Baal, his minions, Diablo and the Seal bosses)
  • Pindleskin, Shenk, Eldritch, Thresh or Sharptooth
  • Cow level
You may freely switch back and forth between the targets above. The scoring below is the MFO lvl 85 area scoring table, and the scores will apply for S&U drops in all of the above areas since they share the same rarity ratios. (Though only the level 85 areas can drop all of these items of course.)

Score table:
Item                              Score
-------------------------------   -----
Tyrael's Might                     48.2
Death's Web                        27.9
Astreon's Iron Ward                27.8
Mang Song's Lesson                 27.8
Darkforce Spawn                    19.3
Stormlash                          17.0
Death's Fathom                     16.8
Ravenlore                          14.6
Dragonscale                        14.6
Spirit Keeper                      14.2
Schaefer's Hammer                  11.6
Griswold's Redemption              11.3
Cerebus' Bite                      11.0
Griffon's Eye                      10.7
Crown of Ages                      10.7
Templar's Might                    10.7
Steelrend                          10.7
Shadow Dancer                      10.7
Halaberd's Reign                   10.4
Boneflame                          10.4
Griswold's Honor                    9.8
Heaven's Light                      9.8
The Redeemer                        9.8
Death Cleaver                       9.3
Executioner's Justice               9.3
Windforce                           9.3
Ghostflame                          9.3
Gargoyle's Bite                     9.3
The Cranium Basher                  9.3
Earth Shifter                       9.3
Stormspire                          9.3
Steel Pillar                        9.3
The Grandfather                     9.3
Alma Negra                          9.1
Giant Skull                         8.1
Steel Carapace                      8.1
Spirit Ward                         8.1
Demonhorn's Edge                    7.9
Boneshade                           7.9
Ondal's Wisdom                      7.8
Azurewrath                          7.8
Arkaine's Valor                     7.8
Head Hunter's Glory                 7.8
Wolfhowl                            7.3
Blood Raven's Charge                6.7
Steel Shade                         6.6
Spike Thorn                         6.6
Soul Drainer                        6.6
Nosferatu's Coil                    6.6
Stoneraven                          6.0
Blackoak Shield                     5.9
Dracul's Grasp                      5.9
Arachnid Mesh                       5.9
Leviathan                           5.7
Veil of Steel                       5.7
Nightwing's Veil                    5.7
Medusa's Gaze                       5.7
Eaglehorn                           5.7
Horizon's Tornado                   5.7
Doombringer                         5.7
Warshrike                           5.7
M'avina's Caster                    5.2
Firelizard's Talons                 5.2
Stormshield                         5.0
Marrowwalk                          5.0
The Gladiator's Bane                4.9
Thunderstroke                       4.7
Messerschmidt's Reaver              4.6
Gut Siphon                          4.6
Fleshripper                         4.6
Stone Crusher                       4.6
Frostwind                           4.6
Eschuta's Temper                    4.6
Griswold's Valor                    4.3
Immortal King's Soul Cage           4.3
M'avina's True Sight                4.3
Natalya's Mark                      4.3
Cranebeak                           4.3
Widowmaker                          4.3
Wraith Flight                       4.3
Tomb Reaver                         4.3
Lacerator                           4.3
Andariel's Visage                   4.3
Verdungo's Hearty Cord              4.3
Harlequin Crest                     4.1
Ormus' Robes                        3.9
Sandstorm Trek                      3.9
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge           3.8
Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian         3.8
Razor's Edge                        3.6
Nord's Tenderizer                   3.5
Aldur's Deception                   3.3
Taebaek's Glory                     3.3
Trang-Oul's Guise                   3.3
Demon's Arch                        3.3
The Reaper's Toll                   3.3
Bloodmoon                           3.3
Flamebellow                         3.3
Tal Rasha's Guardianship            3.2
Trang-Oul's Girth                   3.2
Rune Master                         3.2
Baranar's Star                      3.2
Djinn Slayer                        3.2
Naj's Light Plate                   3.1
Naj's Puzzler                       3.1
Sazabi's Ghost Liberator            3.1
Jade Talon                          3.0
Demon Limb                          2.8
Gimmershred                         2.8
Hellslayer                          2.6
Hellrack                            2.6
Viperfork                           2.6
Lightsabre                          2.6
Ethereal Edge                       2.5
Windhammer                          2.5
Shadow Killer                       2.4
Ondal's Almighty                    2.3
M'avina's Embrace                   2.3
Wizardspike                         2.3
Bonehew                             2.3
Arioc's Needle                      2.3
Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer            1.9
Credendum                           1.7
Natalya's Shadow                    1.7
Dark Adherent                       1.6
Laying of Hands                     1.4
Dangoon's Teaching                  1.3
Immortal King's Stone Crusher       1.0

This category includes Baal and the five waves. S&U drops from any other monsters do not count.

Score table:
Item                              Score
-------------------------------   -----
Tyrael's Might                    422.5
Death's Web                       231.0
Astreon's Iron Ward               230.4
Mang Song's Lesson                230.4
Darkforce Spawn                   172.2
Death's Fathom                    140.9
Griswold's Redemption              97.7
Griswold's Honor                   94.7
Griffon's Eye                      93.9
Crown of Ages                      93.9
Templar's Might                    93.9
Steelrend                          93.9
Shadow Dancer                      93.9
Death Cleaver                      76.8
Executioner's Justice              76.8
Windforce                          76.8
Ghostflame                         76.8
Gargoyle's Bite                    76.8
The Cranium Basher                 76.8
Earth Shifter                      76.8
Stormspire                         76.8
Steel Pillar                       76.8
The Grandfather                    76.8
Griswold's Valor                   39.8
Immortal King's Soul Cage          39.8
M'avina's True Sight               39.8
Natalya's Mark                     38.7
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge          32.6
Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian        32.6
Ravenlore                          19.5
Dragonscale                        19.5
Stormlash                          16.2
Schaefer's Hammer                  15.3
Spirit Keeper                      13.7
Halaberd's Reign                   11.0
Boneflame                          11.0
Giant Skull                        10.7
Spirit Ward                        10.7
Steel Carapace                     10.6
Cerebus' Bite                      10.6
Heaven's Light                      9.3
The Redeemer                        9.3
Alma Negra                          8.8
Demonhorn's Edge                    7.6
Boneshade                           7.5
Ondal's Wisdom                      7.5
Azurewrath                          7.5
Arkaine's Valor                     7.4
Head Hunter's Glory                 7.4
Wolfhowl                            7.0
Blood Raven's Charge                6.5
Steel Shade                         6.3
Spike Thorn                         6.3
Soul Drainer                        6.3
Nosferatu's Coil                    6.3
Messerschmidt's Reaver              6.1
Gut Siphon                          6.1
Fleshripper                         6.1
Stone Crusher                       6.1
Frostwind                           6.1
Leviathan                           6.0
Veil of Steel                       6.0
Nightwing's Veil                    6.0
Medusa's Gaze                       6.0
Stoneraven                          5.8
Dracul's Grasp                      5.7
Blackoak Shield                     5.6
Arachnid Mesh                       5.6
M'avina's Caster                    5.5
Eaglehorn                           5.4
Horizon's Tornado                   5.4
Doombringer                         5.4
Warshrike                           5.4
Firelizard's Talons                 5.0
Stormshield                         4.7
Marrowwalk                          4.7
The Gladiator's Bane                4.7
Cranebeak                           4.5
Widowmaker                          4.5
Wraith Flight                       4.5
Tomb Reaver                         4.5
Lacerator                           4.5
Thunderstroke                       4.5
Aldur's Deception                   4.5
Taebaek's Glory                     4.5
Trang-Oul's Guise                   4.5
Tal Rasha's Guardianship            4.5
Trang-Oul's Girth                   4.5
Eschuta's Temper                    4.4
Andariel's Visage                   4.1
Verdungo's Hearty Cord              4.1
Harlequin Crest                     3.9
Ormus' Robes                        3.7
Sandstorm Trek                      3.7
Razor's Edge                        3.4
Nord's Tenderizer                   3.4
Naj's Light Plate                   3.2
Naj's Puzzler                       3.2
Demon's Arch                        3.1
The Reaper's Toll                   3.1
Bloodmoon                           3.1
Flamebellow                         3.1
Rune Master                         3.1
Baranar's Star                      3.1
Djinn Slayer                        3.1
Sazabi's Ghost Liberator            3.1
Jade Talon                          2.9
Demon Limb                          2.6
Gimmershred                         2.6
Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer            2.6
Hellslayer                          2.5
Hellrack                            2.5
Viperfork                           2.5
Lightsabre                          2.5
Ondal's Almighty                    2.5
M'avina's Embrace                   2.5
Ethereal Edge                       2.4
Windhammer                          2.4
Shadow Killer                       2.3
Wizardspike                         2.2
Bonehew                             2.2
Arioc's Needle                      2.2
Credendum                           1.7
Natalya's Shadow                    1.7
Dark Adherent                       1.6
Laying of Hands                     1.4
Dangoon's Teaching                  1.3
Immortal King's Stone Crusher       1.0

Only S&Us dropped by Nihl count.

Score table:
Item                              Score
-------------------------------   -----
Tyrael's Might                    439.7
Death's Web                       240.4
Astreon's Iron Ward               239.8
Mang Song's Lesson                239.8
Darkforce Spawn                   177.5
Death's Fathom                    145.2
Griswold's Redemption              97.9
Griffon's Eye                      97.7
Crown of Ages                      97.7
Templar's Might                    97.7
Steelrend                          97.7
Shadow Dancer                      97.7
Griswold's Honor                   91.2
Death Cleaver                      79.9
Executioner's Justice              79.9
Windforce                          79.9
Ghostflame                         79.9
Gargoyle's Bite                    79.9
The Cranium Basher                 79.9
Earth Shifter                      79.9
Stormspire                         79.9
Steel Pillar                       79.9
The Grandfather                    79.9
Griswold's Valor                   39.9
Immortal King's Soul Cage          39.9
M'avina's True Sight               39.9
Natalya's Mark                     37.3
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge          32.6
Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian        32.6
Ravenlore                          20.1
Dragonscale                        20.1
Stormlash                          16.9
Schaefer's Hammer                  15.9
Spirit Keeper                      14.2
Halaberd's Reign                   11.4
Boneflame                          11.4
Giant Skull                        11.1
Steel Carapace                     11.1
Spirit Ward                        11.1
Cerebus' Bite                      11.0
Heaven's Light                      9.7
The Redeemer                        9.7
Alma Negra                          9.1
Demonhorn's Edge                    7.9
Boneshade                           7.8
Ondal's Wisdom                      7.8
Azurewrath                          7.8
Arkaine's Valor                     7.7
Head Hunter's Glory                 7.7
Wolfhowl                            7.2
Blood Raven's Charge                6.7
Steel Shade                         6.6
Spike Thorn                         6.6
Soul Drainer                        6.6
Nosferatu's Coil                    6.6
Messerschmidt's Reaver              6.4
Gut Siphon                          6.4
Fleshripper                         6.4
Stone Crusher                       6.4
Frostwind                           6.4
Leviathan                           6.3
Veil of Steel                       6.2
Nightwing's Veil                    6.2
Medusa's Gaze                       6.2
Stoneraven                          6.0
Blackoak Shield                     5.9
Dracul's Grasp                      5.9
Arachnid Mesh                       5.9
Eaglehorn                           5.6
Horizon's Tornado                   5.6
Doombringer                         5.6
Warshrike                           5.6
M'avina's Caster                    5.3
Firelizard's Talons                 5.2
Stormshield                         4.9
Marrowwalk                          4.9
The Gladiator's Bane                4.9
Cranebeak                           4.7
Widowmaker                          4.7
Wraith Flight                       4.7
Tomb Reaver                         4.7
Lacerator                           4.7
Thunderstroke                       4.6
Eschuta's Temper                    4.6
Aldur's Deception                   4.5
Taebaek's Glory                     4.5
Trang-Oul's Guise                   4.5
Tal Rasha's Guardianship            4.5
Trang-Oul's Girth                   4.5
Andariel's Visage                   4.3
Verdungo's Hearty Cord              4.3
Harlequin Crest                     4.1
Ormus' Robes                        3.9
Sandstorm Trek                      3.9
Razor's Edge                        3.5
Nord's Tenderizer                   3.5
Demon's Arch                        3.2
The Reaper's Toll                   3.2
Bloodmoon                           3.2
Flamebellow                         3.2
Rune Master                         3.2
Baranar's Star                      3.2
Djinn Slayer                        3.2
Naj's Light Plate                   3.1
Naj's Puzzler                       3.1
Sazabi's Ghost Liberator            3.1
Jade Talon                          3.0
Demon Limb                          2.8
Gimmershred                         2.7
Hellslayer                          2.6
Hellrack                            2.6
Viperfork                           2.6
Lightsabre                          2.6
Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer            2.6
Ethereal Edge                       2.5
Windhammer                          2.5
Ondal's Almighty                    2.5
M'avina's Embrace                   2.5
Shadow Killer                       2.4
Wizardspike                         2.3
Bonehew                             2.3
Arioc's Needle                      2.3
Credendum                           1.7
Natalya's Shadow                    1.7
Dark Adherent                       1.6
Laying of Hands                     1.4
Dangoon's Teaching                  1.3
Immortal King's Stone Crusher       1.0

These figures have been updated as of 2018-07-18 to correct for Nihlathak (weigted scores & adjustments) and the fact that Stone Crusher (an unequal pair) was not adjusted in the original score data.
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You sir, are a genius.

Now I can clearly see that my qualifiers are numbers 1-5 in the list :p

No but seriously, thank you.
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@ffs please sense check my files in case I've botched it, was tired at the time...
In the list by @ioupainmax it says 'only S/U dropped by Nihl count'. How am I supposed to tell it dropped from Nihl, not a straggler around him? Also, I am killing a bit more stuff than in my usual routine, mainly to increase my rune drop chances, but also to make the runs more interesting. It would be a shame to not have those drops count.

And yes this means I have spent my first minutes in the tournament. 30 mins exactly. I still think it will be hard for me to finish full 20 hours.
@T72on1 Good morning to you too sir! ;)

How am I supposed to tell it dropped from Nihl, not a straggler around him?

You can check the item level in GoMule.

Also, I am killing a bit more stuff than in my usual routine, mainly to increase my rune drop chances, but also to make the runs more interesting. It would be a shame to not have those drops count.

Runes count, but S&Us only from Mr. Nihl himself. It's the same as in the Baal category where only Baal's and wave monsters' S&Us count. This isn't new, it's the same in MFO. That's because they have their own relative rarities, and when I created the Nihl table from scratch it didn't take long to realize the same applies here. I didn't check, but I'd assume other Halls of Vaught monsters drop according to the Category 1 table (not the drop odds, but the rarity relative to IK Stone Crusher). So you'd have two completely different systems applicable that could theoretically lead to very random results.
In the list by @ioupainmax it says 'only S/U dropped by Nihl count'.

@T72on1 I actually copied this from the first post in this thread, which ffs wrote (for reasons he's just described).

@ffs Do you have a copy of the file that was used to make the calculations for the points? I only ask as I get slightly different answers when I calculate the points with relative rarity to IK Stone Crusher. Perhaps I'm using a different drop calculator or perhaps you've rounded numbers or neatened up certain figures?
Doh, GoMule ilvl readout, of course. Sometimes I'm so short sighted ;).

I just checked the tables. Seems I was incredibly lucky when I got that DFathom and DWeb from Nihl a while ago. But maybe those were from stragglers too. I should check. Edit: yep, both from Nihl himself !!!
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One hour in, 4 qualifiers. One of them was a meh grailer, but according to the drop table... worth many points!
@ioupainmax The Baal and lvl 85 etc. tables I copied from the last MFO. For Nihlathak I used the GoMule drop calculator and rounded to one decimal IIRC. Feel free to PM me if you see any issues or potentially wrong numbers.
Wouldn't players# change the drop chances for Nihlatak because of the keys though? Like how you want to run p1 countess for runes? (or maybe it's completely different, no idea :))

Actually that's nonsense... drop weight doesn't change...
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Seems that I'm able to join after all. For a while it looked I might not have the time, but now I think I'm able to at least get a score. Sorry to sign up this late, hope it's still ok.

My original plan, back when the tourney was announced, was to run Pits with my untwinked Druid, but since I'm just half way to Enigma with him, and I'm spoiled by being able to teleport, I think I just run Pits with the Necro instead. Because this tournament obviously needs another Pit Necro :rolleyes:

Category 1
Level 85 areas, Pindle+, Cow level

Category 2
Baal & waves

Category 3
Reporting in with a grand total of 0.5 in hours to start. RL has ramped up a bit so I doubt I'll finish a full set, but just wanted to say good luck to everyone! Looking forward to some nice haul pics in this one. :)
Close to 200 minutes so far and a couple of lousy runes :p I think i'm countering the good luck everyone is having so far!
30 minutes here :/
Off tonight/tomorrow, perhaps I can put some time in.
Eek, I should probably start playing, only done 1 hour-ish. Been too busy checking the scoring system.

Out of interest, does anyone recall a reason for halving the points Tyrael's gives sometime between February 2011 and July 2011 (Winter MFO 2011 and Summer MFO 2011)?

It seems that jjscud altered some points but I can't find the background information. @maxicek and some others were more active in those threads than I was at the time (I didn't play any tournaments or MFOs until this year), do you recall the reasons?

As far as I can tell, it may have been done to make things more competetive as Tyrael's was an auto-win in those days...
I wasn't around back then, but it makes scoring sense that unique items that share a common base should not have full points awarded based on its rarity. For example, consider the Cranium Basher and Earth Shifter- each item is twice as rare as a Windforce due to sharing the Thunder Maul base, but the chance to drop a unique Thunder Maul is the same as a unique Hydra Bow. Halving the score of Cranium Basher and Earth Shifter corrects this scoring imbalance where a unique Thunder Maul is worth twice that of a unique Hydra Bow. Why is it half? The correction factor is to divide by the number of unique items belonging to the common base, which in this case is 2.

Odds from Alvl 85 unique monster at 0 MF:
(From the german calc, more accurate)
IK Stone Crusher 1:11084
Crown of Ages 1:118682
Templar's Might 1:133518
Tyrael's Might 1:1068141

Crown of Ages 118682/11084 = 10.7
Templar's Might (133518/11084)/2 = 6.0
Tyrael's Might (1068141/11084)/2 = 48.2

If anything, Templar's Might should be worth less than the other 4 TC 87 armors that are worth 10.7 points, but I suppose that would just add salt to the wound. That's my guess as to why Templar's Might is still worth 10.7.
Just to check the math, the weighted average of Templar's and Tyrael's scores should be equal to the score of a unique Sacred Armor.
6.0*(8/9) + 48.2*(1/9) = 10.7 <- checks out. (Don't mind the rounding errors)
Estimated market value