Cathan's Seal Grail


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2009
Originally posted by dune6836 on Jun 16, 2009.

Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Lost in the murky depths of lore there is told a tale of 85 mighty rings. These rings, it is fabled, were crafted in the very fires of the hell forge, by the mighty hammer of Hephasto himself.

Kept for aeons past in a hand crafted cabinet carved from finest human bone they hung resplendent in the great hall of the overlord Baal.

Following his imprisonment by the archangel Tyreal his once subjugated minions fell upon them selves and took to looting the great halls of their treasures.

For years they fought, one killing the next and taking his spoils, until, gradually, the collection was broken, scattered across the world, vanished.

Until now...

Do you have what it takes to reunite the collection?

Your primary goal is to search the lands and collect 1 cathan's seal for each possible ilvl. The weakest of the rings has a level of 15 and the greatest is 99.

Nefarious individuals have attempted to copy the rings of power for their own ends and you may find many duplicates in your travels.

Rumour has it that rings numbered 89-99 are the very rarest indeed.

Ring 94 is said to reside with Diablo in the darkest regions of hell.
Ring 95 was believed hidden away by Nihilathak. (edit 2/8/09 corrected ilvl), and for ring 99 you may need to sever the finger of Baal himself.

The others above 89 are said to lie only in the hands of merchants, traded and hoarded away. They will not part with them on whim, or for a low price.

Only once you have 1 of each will the collection be complete and your name be forever spoken in reverential whispers.

The copies, however, are also of some value, since the fewer there are the easier it will be to collect the true rings, therefore you have a secondary goal to collect as many of the fake cathan's seal rings as possible.

Due to an ancient magical enchantment, you can be sure that the very first of each number you find will be a true Cathan's Seal, those you stumble across subsequently are sure to be fakes.

Fair winds noble hero!

Cathan's Seal Grail

Forumite              Date          Distinct ilvl/85    Total Found    Comments
------------------    ----------    ----------------    -----------    -------------------
WoRG                  2019-07-26                  75              ?    15 cubed 1.07 rez rings
Hanshotfirst          2010-06-16                  51              ?    Repeats discarded
Diablo2inDC           2020-03-22                  48           100+
Grape                 2018-10-27                  44              ?    Repeats discarded
ioupainmax            2019-07-27                  44            289
Quickdeath            2011-03-21                  40            ~70    Total retained
maxgerin              2009-09-14                  39           ~300
Sir Lister of Smeg    2009-09-14                  39             94
moo-cow               2009-12-30                  37            101
purplelocust          2012-01-05                  37              ?
jrlafrance            2009-06-16                  36           ~190
Ohomemgrande          2009-12-03                  36            335
Grisu                 2009-08-26                  34            195
crazymatt1            2009-12-29                  34             94
Hrus                  2009-07-27                  33            508
sirpoopsalot          2009-12-10                  30              ?    Repeats discarded
Wolron                2018-09-18                  28             44
dune                  2009-08-04                  27            118
nualum                2009-12-03                  26             71
potter                2010-06-17                  26             43
TheReadMenace         2009-11-10                  24             65
horseheadnebula       2011-03-21                  22             36
XxUberStarxX          2009-11-25                  21             28
Lemma                 2019-07-28                  21            137
Kassul                2009-06-17                  20             48
buraz                 2010-02-01                   8              8
NacRuno               2009-08-27                   7            ~50  
Cattleya              2010-06-16                   6             15
wakiki                2009-11-10                   3              5
UllaV                 2009-12-02                   2              2
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Thats it. You are definitly :crazyeyes: :balloons: :banghead: insane

Good luck to all who enters, may God have mercy on your psyche.
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt


Ohhh, best of luck indeed!
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Ring 92 is in the hands of Nihilathak, but do expect to use some gold to get the remaining rings above 89.

But good luck!
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

this is quite possibly the maddest plan i have ever heard!

good luck ;)
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

This is really awesome. I can't wait to follow the progress. I may jump into the fray at some point if I need a break from current projects...
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Sounds great! I'm a sucker for grails (see this thread...)

I actually generally keep the Angelic rings more and generally throw Cathan's away. But I'm suspect I have a good variation of ilvl Cathan's. I also have some oddball Cathan's from the 1.07 resist ring cube recipes.

Before combing through this one, though, I should update my status on the other grails- I've been putting that off for a while.
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Now I can't let you have first place in the ethereal grail thread and here... :p

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------

  Grisu            33              189   
  dune6836              17                    108

Here are my ilvls:

15, 16, 22, 24, 29, 31, 35, 38, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 75, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, **, 99

EDIT: Very nice write-up by the way! 👍
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Grisu, ouch! nicely done though :) sorry about the eth grail thread but there isnt that much in it really so im sure you'll retake the lead in due course. (as long as someone knocks Hrus off again i'm happy ;) )

everyone, think of this as a reason to be cheerful when a cathans seal drops, rather than an all out cathans seal hunt. i havent been collecting them for that long myself and there are a few i should have for sure if i had picked them all up.

purplelocust, if you wanted to collect angelic halo's instead then feel free to add a new line to the table or make an angelic halo thread :D
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

oh snap, i need to get in on this one. Though different ilvls will be somewhat tedious :p
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

This made me smile :) And kanonfutter is right! :p Good luck...)
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Hahahaha, I hope you guys finish this grail:) Great idea!
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------

  Grisu                33               189   
  dune6836             17                     108
  potter                9                      23
Shouldn't have done that spring cleaning session just recently :(
Would've had somewhat more than what i have now
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Grisu                33               189   
  dune6836             17                     108
  potter                9                      23

I'm a bit of a stasher also, I never throw anything away!

Ilvls: 22, 23, 26, 28, 32, 35, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 49, 50, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 64, 66, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, **, 89, 99.
ilvl    dune6836    Grisu    jrlafrance
15        1   
16        1   
21    1       
22    1    1    1
23            1
24        1   
26    1        1
28    1        1
29        1   
31        1   
32            1
35        1    1
38        1   
40            1
41    1        1
42        1    1
43    1    1    1
44            1
45        1   
46        1    1
48        1   
49    1    1    1
50            1
54            1
55    1    1    1
57    1    1    1
58        1    1
59    1    1    1
60        1   
61    1    1   
62        1   
64            1
66            1
75        1   
76            1
77            1
78        1    1
79            1
80        1    1
81        1    1
82        1    1
83    1    1    1
84        1    1
85    1    1    1
86    1    1    1
87    1    1    1
**    1    1    1
89            1
90            1
99    1    1    1

Tot=    17    33    37

Meh, the formatting isn't cooperating, but you get the jist of it.
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

He could have suggested an Eth Failed Unique Grail...
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Someone here is completely mental.

Hope it's not me. :crazyeyes:

Best of luck with your hunting. I'm going to check my stashes to see if I have any numbers missing from the lists above, just in case I can cash in. lol

Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

... hey, a mindless task that I can pick away at without making anything resembling a concerted effort? Of course I'm in. :nod:

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Grisu                33               189   
  dune6836             17                     108
  poops                12                      28
  potter                9                      23

Ilvls I have: 24, 26, 28, 45, 48, 49, 60, 85, 87, **, 91, 99

Thinking of the hundreds of these I've left lying on the ground over the years though, I wonder how much of a jumpstart I could've had if I'd kept them. I'm certain I'd be near 50 different ilvls, probably more. Probably another 3-4 gambled ones that would be in the 89+ range too. Oh well, at least now I don't have to curse when I see a green ring drop.

Edit: forgot to check my old HC stashes... updated.
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Grisu                33               189   
  Kassul               20                      48
  dune6836             17                     108
  poops                12                      28
  potter                9                      23

Like sirpoops I've left quite a few lying on the ground, at the time I had no regrets(why the hell would I want ANOTHER green ring?) but now... :(

48 Cathan's found, representing 20 ilvls
ilvls == 19, 22, 26, 28, 32, 41, 44, 45, 49, 51, 58, 59, 61, 62, 83, 84, 85, 87, **, 99

HILARIOUS :p I did not count, but quite a few of my Cathan's came from Baal. 99s are not that rare at all.

This very weird grail will give me just a bit more encouragement to go with heavier MF during questing in the hopes of finding a Cathan's. (Good lord it feels strange to say that!)
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         33                     249 
  Grisu                33               189   
  Kassul               20                      48
  dune6836             17                     108
  poops                12                      28
  potter                9                      23

I'm going to put myself ahead of Grisu by virtue of the 60 extra Cathan's I've picked up :)

I also seem to have the only ilvl 94 so far (I'm sure others have dropped, just not listed yet)

This is what I've got: 21-24, 26, 29, 38-39, 41, 44-46, 49, 55, 57-60, 67-69, 73, 75-76, 80-81, 85-**, 94, 99

I'm not crazy
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

You are all insane... Well, I am not at home, but I got 531 Cathan Seal in my half year old backup...
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

It would be interesting to see if, the whole SPF (active members anyway), can complete this grail with what they have now. I would guess not though.
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt


Cathan's Seal
Required Level: 11
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 89
Fingerprint: 0xe62250db
Damage Reduced by 2
6% Life stolen per hit

***Partial Set Item Bonuses***
+10 to Strength
***Partial Set Item Bonuses***

iirc I found another one or two new ilvls, but I'm too lazy to make a count and update right now
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

What an amusing idea!

Best of luck to all those who take up this ridiculous (in a good sense) and original challenge.
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         33                     249 
  Grisu                33               189
  dune                 21                     114   
  Kassul               20                      48
  poops                12                      28
  potter                9                      23

 ilvl      found

17          y
21          y
22          y
26          y
28          y       
33          y
40          y
41          y
43          y
49          y
55          y
57          y
59          y
61          y
64          y
83          y
85          y
86          y
87          y
**          y
99          y

moving up one space. glad to see there are lots of people here as mad as i am :D
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

OK, I had a look and I'll add my Cathan's to the list. I don't have as many as I thought I would- I looked in old tourney and untwinked character stashes mostly, as those are more likely to have a good spread of ilvls. My Angelic ring collection is larger but is concentrated in the ilvl 85+ range so there are more ilvls for my Cathan's. I'll have to start keeping rings that drop questing. I don't have any of the exotic "gamble only" ilvls as I wasn't making an effort to keep those in the past, oh well. These rings are distributed across a huge range of versions, Classic and LoD, HC and SC, so it was a jumble of things to look through and I'm not worrying about what is where- just what the ilvls are.

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         33                     249 
  Grisu                   33              189
  dune                 21                     114   
  Kassul               20                      48
  purplelocust         18                      
  poops                12                      28
  potter                9                      23

Cathan's ilvls:

Here are the real beautiful Cathan's: one of each type from the 1.07 resist ring recipes:

Cathan's Seal
Required Level: 11
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 62
Fingerprint: 0x6f606912
Damage Reduced by 2
Cold Resist +35%
6% Life stolen per hit

Cathan's Seal
Required Level: 11
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 62
Fingerprint: 0x69b539c
Damage Reduced by 2
Fire Resist +33%
6% Life stolen per hit

Cathan's Seal
Required Level: 11
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 62
Fingerprint: 0x7baf223d
Damage Reduced by 2
Lightning Resist +28%
6% Life stolen per hit

Cathan's Seal
Required Level: 11
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 62
Fingerprint: 0x43449b40
Damage Reduced by 2
Poison Resist +8%
6% Life stolen per hit
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         33                     249 
  Grisu                33                     189
  dune                 21                     114   
  Kassul               20                      48
  purplelocust         18                      
  potter               14                      22
  poops                12                      28

ilvls: 99,87,84,83,71,64,62,55,49,47,43,30,26,22
corrected my total also
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Aren't some ilvl impossible to generate via monster drop?! Like 97 or 98 for example. Doesn't that mean that at some point, you need to really on gambling to get those?!
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Correct- there are some ranges where gambling is the only means of getting the ilvls, as dune describes in the intro. So that's why sirpoops highlighted his ilvl 91 and 89 rings- those must have come from gambling.
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Yarrr!!!! :D

Cathan's Seal
Required Level: 11
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 96
Fingerprint: 0xd440b5f0
Damage Reduced by 2
6% Life stolen per hit

***Partial Set Item Bonuses***
+10 to Strength
***Partial Set Item Bonuses***

... we needed a bump to hopefully sucker in another participant (or three) as well, and since this was fresh I figured it might as well be now.

BTW, I also gambled an ilvl88 Cathan's not that long ago. :doh: Proof that I really should push Igor to 94 before going forward with my gambling project. I've also gotten an Angelics ring from gambling since signing up, as well as Cathan's amulet just the other day.

Maybe I'll do a proper update at some point too. Also, I haven't bothered to pick up or count the Cathan's that I know I already have. For example, there have been a ton of green rings on my Travincial runs, but they're still laying on the ground.
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

That's funny, I just found this one which is new for me from Normal Eldritch.

Cathan's Seal
Required Level: 11
Fingerprint: 0xcd21a644
Item Level: 34
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Damage Reduced by 2
6% Life stolen per hit
Set (2 item):
+10 to Strength
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Ohomemgrande         33                     249 
  Grisu                33                     189
  dune                 21                     114   
  Kassul               20                      48
  purplelocust         18                      
  potter               14                      22
  poops                12                      28
OK, I am in... So far I did go only through my 508 Cathans in my Cathans stash, I have more than 20 others around different characters (so there might be some mor ilvls there)
I also thought I gambled a Cathan ring long time ago, but it could be an amulet or it felt in lower ilvl.

Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Anybody still remember Freekje's grail of 10.000 Cathan's seal? I recall I donated some too!
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         34                     249   
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Grisu                33                     189
  dune                 21                     114   
  Kassul               20                      48
  purplelocust         18                      
  potter               14                      22
  poops                12                      28

Isn't that one from 95 gambled?
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

... or Nihlathak (I think)... which may be good to remember if anyone actually wants to complete this ridiculous project. :D
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

That's why I collect them in the first place.
Yes, that one ilvl95 should be form Nilly.
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Long time no see. This thread really caught my eye.

This is of course completely ridiculous, so I'd better add mine. And, in spite of my relatively low total number, I even come out on top for the moment.

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  Sir Lister of Smeg   38                      87
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         34                     249   
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Grisu                33                     189
  dune                 21                     114   
  Kassul               20                      48
  purplelocust         18                      
  potter               14                      22
  poops                12                      28

My item levels are:

17, 19, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 42, 43, 45, 49, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 69, 70, 73, 75, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 87, **, 94, 99.
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Well done Lister! And good to see you back! The lure of the preposterous is strong...

The 94 must have been gambled!

I found some of my old Classic gear stashes and I think I will have some ilvls to add when I sort them out some.
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

This is insane
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

My bad-for some reason I had Nilly as ilvl92 on my chart. :whistling:

@purplelocust: the 94 is Diablo. I've got one too and I know I haven't gambled any high ilvls yet.
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

I've decided that every time I get a new gambled ilvl in the 89-98 range, this thread gets a bump. Hence, my 4th that must be gambled (89, 91, 96 previously):

Cathan's Seal
Required Level: 11
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 90
Fingerprint: 0xfa8a020b
Damage Reduced by 2
6% Life stolen per hit

***Partial Set Item Bonuses***
+10 to Strength
***Partial Set Item Bonuses***

92, 93, 97, and 98 still to go for gambling, though I wouldn't mind getting 94 & 95 too, since they'd save me some Diablo/Nihl runs. :D
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

hello Sir Lister of Smeg, indeed long time. glad to have you aboard.
grats on your gambling success poops, i have gambled a couple lately but i, too, really need to get a chr to 94 and have been tunnel running with my lk runner. she is a cm away from 93 atm.
about the ilvl of nilly. right at the beginning of this i forgot him completely and Islandstone was kind enough to point out my ommision. i went to atma to check his assertion that nilly was indeed mlvl92 and assumed that atma was correct.

with both poops and hrus saying he is mlvl 95 i am wondering if atma is correct? am i making an error here in assuming mlvl = ilvl?
edit i just killed him and he dropped this..

Beryl Crown
Defense: 43
Durability: 42 of 50
Required Strength: 55
Required Level: 3
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 95
Fingerprint: 0x1d2182f
Poison Resist +10%
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Thanks dune. I've still got almost 850M to go in my gambling project of 1B (of course, I still need to farm all that gold, so it's going to be a while before that one's finished), so there's still hope. :p

I spent much of this past ~week pushing Igor to 94, partly because of this thread (but mostly because gaining one extra level halved the chances I'd gamble an amulet below ilvl90). p8/p3 Baal runs return ~3M experience per run at 93, so it was only ~100 runs (counting the 2 or 3 times I died to Iron Maiden). I'm not yet sure if I'll push to 95 with him yet, or maybe wait until the next Pindlethon and get a head-start on EXP in that tournament (in a safer environment than one with frequent spawns of Oblivion Knights). At less than 20k experience per GF run, his Council runs obviously aren't going to get him too much further.

As for Nihlathak, I believe that's a mistake within ATMA, and he's level95. Not that I particularly trust Arreat Summit to be correct, but their cheat-sheet on Nihl says he's 95 too. Paired with the drop you showed and my own (often flawed) vague memories that he's higher than Diablo, that's enough evidence for me.

Edit: According to that link, Nihl's level68 in Normal... which I believe is higher than Baal (or any other monster) in that difficulty. :scratchchin: I never knew that.

Edit: Spent a few minutes organizing my stashes and decided to get this straightened away:

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  Sir Lister of Smeg   38                      87
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         34                     249   
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Grisu                33                     189
  poops                23                     ???  <--- multiples not picked up
  dune                 21                     114   
  Kassul               20                      48
  purplelocust         18                      
  potter               14                      22

Ilvls I have:
21, 24, 26, 28, 45, 48, 49, 55, 59, 60, 66, 69, 75, 81, 85, 87, **, 89, 90, 91, 94, 96, 99

... I think the 94 one is from Diablo, but I found it in an old, old, old stash, so it could've been gambled too.
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  Sir Lister of Smeg   38                      87
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         34                     249   
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Grisu                33                     189
  dune                 27                     118
  poops                23                     ???  <--- multiples not picked up     
  Kassul               20                      48
  purplelocust         18                      
  potter               14                      22

i gambled about 30 mil away on rings only using my clvl93 lk runner. i got 2 cathans fairly quickly then nothing for more than 20 mil. still ilvls 90 and 91 are bagged :)

i think i will try to level her to 94 before my next gamble session.

in the meantime i still didnt have any cathans from the 70's so i decided to hit hell andy. the second run this dropped from a random baddie in her chamber..

Cathan's Seal
Required Level: 11
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 75
Fingerprint: 0x4e94054a
Damage Reduced by 2
6% Life stolen per hit

***Partial Set Item Bonuses***
+10 to Strength
***Partial Set Item Bonuses***

taking my grail to 27, which puts me above poops so i'm happy :D

ilvl      found

17          y
18          y    
21          y
22          y
26          y
28          y       
33          y
40          y
41          y
43          y
45          y
49          y
55          y
57          y
58          y
59          y
61          y
64          y
75          y
83          y
85          y
86          y
87          y
**          y
90          [B]y[/B]
91          [B]y[/B] 
99          y
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

you're really dedicated to this grail, dune, aren't you? 😁

Nice going, but still I gonna be afloat in the ethereal grail thread :p Think about all those eth items that already dropped in the MFO for better get going! :alright:
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

I don't intend to go out of my way hunting oddball seals, but since I've kept all of them so far and I won't be at the bottom of the table, may as well add myself to the hunt:

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  Sir Lister of Smeg   38                      87
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         34                     249   
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Grisu                33                     189
  dune                 27                     118
  poops                23                     ???  <--- multiples not picked up     
  Kassul               20                      48
  nualum               20                      41
  purplelocust         18                      
  potter               14                      22

Current ilvls:
75 75 75 75 75 75 75
87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87

and in 1.09 stashes...

25 25 25
26 26 26 26 26
28 28 28

20 ilvls, 41 total
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Gambled this nice thing, putting myself ahead of Hrus :p:

Cathan's Seal
Required Level: 11
Fingerprint: 0x5b58d96a
Item Level: 94
Version: Expansion 1.10+
Damage Reduced by 2
6% Life stolen per hit
Set (2 item):
+10 to Strength

Here are my ilvls:

15, 16, 22, 24, 29, 31, 35, 38, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 75, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, **, 94, 99

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  Sir Lister of Smeg   38                      87
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         34                     249   
  Grisu                34                     195
  Hrus                 33                     508
  dune                 27                     118
  poops                23                     ???  <--- multiples not picked up     
  Kassul               20                      48
  nualum               20                      41
  purplelocust         18                      
  potter               14                      22
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

You guys are crazy! I'll have a look at my stashes later tonight but I have a feeling I've shot myself in the foot with this one by never keeping more than 5 or so of an item! 😁

Will check the stashies tonight!

Good luck to you crazy folk!

Joosh 👍
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Same as previous poster, I don't save many of the same item... Just check and I had around 15... like 12 49,ers :p. one 59 one 60 one 61.... to far behind to enter now ^^

But I will follow this one till the end, sick but also a very awesome idea :D

Good luck to all of you.
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Ah c'mon norodian, it's not like any of us really expect to complete this project.

I must say that the pursuit has been worth it to me, just for the times I'm rolling along with a character and a green ring drops. I used to always leave them on the ground and immediately think: :unimpressed:. Now I at least feel a moment's twinge of minor satisfaction when I see a green ring drop, even if it's turns out it's an ilvl I already have or it's an Angelics. As far as I'm concerned, that alteration to my natural reaction is a priceless benefit, even if I don't "win" in the end.

Also, there's the trash-talk factor. For example:

Don't let the numbers fool you. Although it looks like I'm in the middle of the pack, I've got the most gamble-only ilvls so I'm really the one in the lead here. And I'm only 3-4 up on everyone. So you've still got lots of time to get caught up.

and speaking of trash-talk, *takes a look at joosh's signature... points & laughs.* 👅

My gamble project is rolling up to 300M soon, but other than a gambled Angelics a while back, no more luck.

And while I'm spamming, I was just thinking... if I gamble another ilvl that's gamble-only that I already have, I should put it up for auction - seeking only Cathan's Seals, of course. I think I'll stay self-found on this project, but it might be amusing to see how "fierce" the competition would be. :D
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Well after checking my stashes, I have a pathetic 5 Cathan's Seals, 2 of which share the same Ilvl which puts me on a whopping score of 4 😁.

However, from now on I will be collecting these babies and when I make my move back to some previous version to attain some said rings then I will surely move up in the rankings even if but a notch xD.

Kudos to poops in this one I see the most progress from him but I can't help think it's because of his gambling addiction ;).

I'll be watching this...

Joosh 👍
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

never! jump in there..
4 is way better than 3 :D will be glad to have you onboard when you feel worthy ;)
speak only for thyself! the glory will be mine *maniacal laugh*
couldnt have said that better myself, my 100th chr has found 2 green rings now, both were angelics (boo!) but the little thrill when they dropped was worth the crushing disappointment of seeing that ;)
i actually considered having a trading element to this grail and wrote a chapter in the intro to enable it. however there were a few problems. getting mod approval for trading outside the trade forum and then not knowing if anyone would want to partake in the first place. i did decide though that cathans could only be traded for other cathans.

if someone wanted to add a "traded grail" to the chart i wouldnt have a problem with that, might be interesting to see how many cathans you could get for an ilvl 89 cathan :D

myself i think i will stay self found. dune

ps i have only 1 grailer more since my last update :(
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

I finally decided to enter this crazy quest. It seems like i couldn't even reach two digit number for the different ilvls but i am feeling very competitive about this project :)propeller:) so expect some nice updates from me.

ilvl's found:

I had over 30 ilvl 87 & 86 :doh:

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  Sir Lister of Smeg   38                      87
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         34                     249   
  Grisu                34                     195
  Hrus                 33                     508
  dune                 27                     118
  poops                23                     ???  <--- multiples not picked up     
  Kassul               20                      48
  nualum               20                      41
  purplelocust         18                      
  potter               14                      22
  NacRuno              7                      ~50
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Hahahaha, I will plan to pick up the green ones from now, and maybe some gambling... I'll let you know if I find a couple of more rather quickly :)

Josh... Looks like we are at the same score atm ^^´

And btw, I'm rather new to SP, I've spent my years in Bnet but just started here. To be honest I think it's better if I spend some time looking for gear than 90+ more Cathan Seals :p.

But I got to admit, this is a tourament I wouldn't miss for anything if I was a SP veteran already. ^^
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Okay, so I've been paying attention to this thread since its release, but I never really thought I'd have any kind of grand numbers. I restarted maybe 1.5 years ago, so...

However, I'm a collector. And while I don't always pick up normal & exceptional S/U's, green rings and amulets are just one of those things I can't leave on the ground.

So I did my totals:

I located a total of only 56 Cathan's Seals on characters and in stashes. The ilvls?

15, 18, 21, 24, 25, 27, 34, 36, 39, 43, 45, 46, 50, 58, 59, 66, 75, 80, 83, 85, 86, 87, **

That's 23! I'm tied with 'poops! I don't forsee keeping up with him, though. The only way I can do it is to keep questing characters and find some of those 'tweeners. It looks like I need to build a GF barb for some gambling on random characters. It also looks like breaking the 30ilvl mark will be a big step.

Still, I'm adding myself. This is oddball enough for me to constantly keep tabs on it. :crazyeyes:

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  Sir Lister of Smeg   38                      87
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         34                     249   
  Grisu                34                     195
  Hrus                 33                     508
  dune                 27                     118
  poops                23                     ???  <--- multiples not picked up
  TheReadMenace        23                      56
  Kassul               20                      48
  nualum               20                      41
  purplelocust         18                      
  potter               14                      22
  NacRuno              7                      ~50
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Some improvement for me, including some gaps at the lower end getting filled in by questing characters:

ilvls: 15,17,18,19,28,31,37,38,43,47,51,59,62,68,69,70,73,75,83,85,87,90,99

I was excited (remarkably) when I got two set rings to drop from NM Diablo, but it turned out that I already had that ilvl, oh well!

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  Sir Lister of Smeg   38                      87
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         34                     249   
  Grisu                34                     195
  Hrus                 33                     508
  dune                 27                     118
  poops                23                     ???  <--- multiples not picked up
  TheReadMenace        23                      56
  purplelocust         23                     ???
  Kassul               20                      48
  nualum               20                      41
  potter               14                      22
  NacRuno              7                      ~50
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

I got one more item level, 71, while questing with Maniac. Also found a few more of Pindle and Meph.

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         34                     249   
  Grisu                34                     195
  Hrus                 33                     508
  dune                 27                     118
  poops                23                     ???  <--- multiples not picked up
  TheReadMenace        23                      56
  purplelocust         23                     ???
  Kassul               20                      48
  nualum               20                      41
  potter               14                      22
  NacRuno              7                      ~50
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Hey, I needed a reason to pick up green rings, so count me in. Right now, I have only one Cathan's Seal, but I'm going to do it from the beginning. I'll update myself to the table, once I find my first one :)
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

I have no exact number for how many Cathan's Seals I went over to get the numbers, but it's between 200 and 300 in my estimate.

15, 17, 19
21, 22, 24, 25, 26
43, 45, 49
52, 53, 55, 57, 59
60, 63, 64, 66, 68, 69
71, 73, 75, 76, 79
80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, **
90 (from my v1.09, if I'm not mistaken), 99

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         34                     249   
  Grisu                34                     195
  Hrus                 33                     508
  dune                 27                     118
  poops                23                     ???  <--- multiples not picked up
  TheReadMenace        23                      56
  purplelocust         23                     ???
  Kassul               20                      48
  nualum               20                      41
  potter               14                      22
  NacRuno              7                      ~50
Must start playing again if I'm to compete. :nod:

Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Count me in as I'm a packrat.

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         34                     249   
  Grisu                34                     195
  Hrus                 33                     508
  dune                 27                     118
  poops                23                     ???  <--- multiples not picked up
  TheReadMenace        23                      56
  purplelocust         23                     ???
  Kassul               20                      48
  nualum               20                      41
  potter               14                      22
  UllaV                12                      15
  NacRuno               7                     ~50

I have:

15x2, 17, 19x2, 22, 34, 35, 37, 38, 41, 43, 55 and 60x2.

Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Wow, what a weird Grail. I have certainly sold more than 50% of all the Cathan's Seals I have saved. Anyway, I'm in.

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         34                     249   
  Grisu                34                     195
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Quickdeath           28                      40  (total I had saved)
  dune                 27                     118
  poops                23                     ???  <--- multiples not picked up
  TheReadMenace        23                      56
  purplelocust         23                     ???
  Kassul               20                      48
  nualum               20                      41
  potter               14                      22
  UllaV                12                      15
  NacRuno               7                     ~50

I have:

16, 17, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 37,42, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51,52, 55, 61, 63, 64, 68, 73, 75, 76, 80, 82, 85, 87, **
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Just a minor update of my score: I found an ilvl 46 and 83.

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         34                     249   
  Grisu                34                     195
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Quickdeath           30                      44  (total I had saved)
  dune                 27                     118
  poops                23                     ???  <--- multiples not picked up
  TheReadMenace        23                      56
  purplelocust         23                     ???
  Kassul               20                      48
  nualum               20                      41
  potter               14                      22
  UllaV                12                      15
  NacRuno               7                     ~50

I have:

16, 17, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 37, 42, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51,52, 55, 61, 63, 64, 68, 73, 75, 76, 80, 82, 83, 85, 87, **
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Just a minor update of my score: I found an ilvl 46.

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         34                     249   
  Grisu                34                     195
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Quickdeath           30                      44  (total I had saved)
  dune                 27                     118
  poops                23                     ???  <--- multiples not picked up
  TheReadMenace        23                      56
  purplelocust         23                     ???
  Kassul               20                      48
  nualum               20                      41
  potter               14                      22
  UllaV                13                      16
  NacRuno               7                     ~50

I have:

15x2, 17, 19x2, 22, 34, 35, 37, 38, 41, 43, 46, 55 and 60x2.

Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

guess i'll update too~

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         34                     249   
  Grisu                34                     195
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Quickdeath           30                      44  (total I had saved)
  dune                 27                     118
  poops                23                     ???  <--- multiples not picked up
  TheReadMenace        23                      56
  purplelocust         23                     ???
  Kassul               20                      48
  nualum               20                      41
  potter               18                      36
  UllaV                13                      16
  NacRuno               7                     ~50


22, 26, 30, 43, 47, 49, 55, 59, 62, 64, 71, 75, 83, 84, 85, 87, **, 99
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         35                     249   
  Grisu                34                     195
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Quickdeath           30                      44  (total I had saved)
  dune                 27                     118
  poops                23                     ???  <--- multiples not picked up
  TheReadMenace        23                      56
  purplelocust         23                     ???
  Kassul               20                      48
  nualum               20                      41
  potter               18                      36
  UllaV                13                      16
  NacRuno               7                     ~50

Found a 65 in WSK2 or 3 (NM) while leveling an Amazon.

Cathan's Seal
Required Level: 11
Fingerprint: 0x5a6f5864
Item Level: 65
Version: Expansion 1.10+
6% Life stolen per hit
Damage Reduced by 2 Set (2 items): +10 to Strength
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Been running NM meph and he's dropped several 59's.

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         35                     249   
  Grisu                34                     195
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Quickdeath           30                      44  (total I had saved)
  dune                 27                     118
  poops                26                     ???  <--- multiples not picked up
  TheReadMenace        23                      56
  purplelocust         23                     ???
  Kassul               20                      48
  nualum               20                      41
  potter               18                      36
  UllaV                14                      21
  NacRuno               7                     ~50

I have:

15x2, 17, 19x2, 22, 34, 35, 37, 38, 41, 43, 46, 55, 59x5 and 60x2.

Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Cathan's Seal
Required Level: 11
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 15
Fingerprint: 0xf43fe57f
Damage Reduced by 2
6% Life stolen per hit

***Partial Set Item Bonuses***
+10 to Strength
***Partial Set Item Bonuses***

Found recently when questing, so now I have the lowliest ring crossed off. I have a character parked at the start of Hell who'll hopefully pick up a new one or two through hell. I just counted, and have managed to pick up a couple more since my last update (I edited the table in UllaV's post - it's easier than posting it again).

Gambling hasn't been lucky lately - no Cathans rings in the last ~250M, though I believe I've had a couple of Cathans amulets. If I had to guess, I think anyone wanting to get all of the gamble-only ilvls is looking at atleast 500M spent only on rings. I'm at 462M, but that's been spent on rings, amulets, circlets & coronets, and I was lucky to get the 4 in the first ~200M. The last 4 ilvls are going to take serious luck to get before I finish my gambling project.
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

I'm removin myself from this table. The reason can be read here.

Hope I'll reintroduce myself here soon.

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         35                     249   
  Grisu                34                     195
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Quickdeath           30                      44  (total I had saved)
  dune                 27                     118
  poops                26                     ???  <--- multiples not picked up
  TheReadMenace        23                      56
  purplelocust         23                     ???
  Kassul               20                      48
  nualum               20                      41
  potter               18                      36
  NacRuno               7                     ~50

Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Dune, I just wanted to drop in an say that this is one of the most amusing grail ideas I've ever seen, and that the write-up was FLABBERGASTINGLY AMAZING!

I might chronicle the rings found on my tourney characters here, each time they die.
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

A few new ones found questing in Classic (16,26,35) gives


 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         35                     249   
  Grisu                34                     195
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Quickdeath           30                      44  (total I had saved)
  dune                 27                     118
  poops                26                     ???  <--- multiples not picked up
  purplelocust         26                     ???
  TheReadMenace        23                      56
  Kassul               20                      48
  nualum               20                      41
  potter               18                      36
  NacRuno               7                     ~50
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         35                     249   
  Grisu                34                     195
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Quickdeath           30                      44  (total I had saved)
  dune                 27                     118
  poops                26                     ???  <--- multiples not picked up
  purplelocust         26                     ???
  TheReadMenace        23                      56
  Kassul               20                      48
  nualum               20                      41
  potter               18                      36
  NacRuno               7                     ~50
  wakiki                3                       5

I'm a nub, I know. I only play tournaments though. Let's see how many I can get. :cool:
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         35                     249   
  Grisu                34                     195
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Quickdeath           30                      44  (total I had saved)
  dune                 27                     118
  poops                26                     ???  <--- multiples not picked up
  purplelocust         26                     ???
  TheReadMenace        24                      65
  Kassul               20                      48
  nualum               20                      41
  potter               18                      36
  NacRuno               7                     ~50
  wakiki                3                       5

I found a new one while questing my last character. Found it in ActV in normal; ilvl33.

Very slow progress with this grail. :D
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Finally organised all my mule stash's and had a total of 28 cathan's seals, *phew* this could take a while.

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         35                     249   
  Grisu                34                     195
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Quickdeath           30                      44  (total I had saved)
  dune                 27                     118
  poops                26                     ???  <--- multiples not picked up
  purplelocust         26                     ???
  TheReadMenace        24                      65
  XxuberstarxX         21                      28             
  Kassul               20                      48
  nualum               20                      41
  potter               18                      36
  NacRuno               7                     ~50
  wakiki                3                       5
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

I reintroduce myself here as I just found my second Cathans Seal.

So I have two: 19 and 20.


 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         35                     249   
  Grisu                34                     195
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Quickdeath           30                      44  (total I had saved)
  dune                 27                     118
  poops                26                     ???  <--- multiples not picked up
  purplelocust         26                     ???
  TheReadMenace        24                      65
  XxuberstarxX         21                      28             
  Kassul               20                      48
  nualum               20                      41
  potter               18                      36
  NacRuno               7                     ~50
  wakiki                3                       5
  UllaV                 2                       2
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         36                     335   
  Grisu                34                     195
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Quickdeath           30                      44  (total I had saved)
  dune                 27                     118
  poops                26                     ???  <--- multiples not picked up
  purplelocust         26                     ???
  TheReadMenace        24                      65
  XxuberstarxX         21                      28             
  Kassul               20                      48
  nualum               20                      41
  potter               18                      36
  NacRuno               7                     ~50
  wakiki                3                       5
  UllaV                 2                       2

Normal Diablo was kind enough to drop me this for my Certain Death character. My most recent Flavie said I had 334 of these silly green rings so this one makes 335.

Cathan's Seal
Required Level: 11
Fingerprint: 0x92f35541
[highlight]Item Level: 40[/highlight]
Version: Expansion 1.10+
6% Life stolen per hit
Damage Reduced by 2 Set (2 items): +10 to Strength
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         36                     335   
  Grisu                34                     195
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Quickdeath           30                      44  (total I had saved)
  dune                 27                     118
  poops                26                     ???  <--- multiples not picked up
  purplelocust         26                     ???
  nualum               26                      71
  TheReadMenace        24                      65
  XxuberstarxX         21                      28             
  Kassul               20                      48
  potter               18                      36
  NacRuno               7                     ~50
  wakiki                3                       5
  UllaV                 2                       2

Making slow progress, but I did pick up the capper from Baal recently. With my recent andariel running, I'm up to 17 at ilvl 75 :crazyeyes:
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Woot, an excuse for a bump! :jig::

Cathan's Seal
Required Level: 11
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 98
Fingerprint: 0xdf56f759
Damage Reduced by 2
6% Life stolen per hit

***Partial Set Item Bonuses***
+10 to Strength
***Partial Set Item Bonuses***

That leaves 92, 93, and 97 as my last remaining gamble-only Cathan's to go. I still need one from Nihlathak (95) too, then after that it's all monster-hunting for the rest.

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         36                     335   
  Grisu                34                     195
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Quickdeath           30                      44  (total I had saved)
  poops                30                     ???  repeats discarded
  dune                 27                     118
  purplelocust         26                     ???
  nualum               26                      71
  TheReadMenace        24                      65
  XxuberstarxX         21                      28             
  Kassul               20                      48
  potter               18                      36
  NacRuno               7                     ~50
  wakiki                3                       5
  UllaV                 2                       2
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

And I thought I was wasting my time saving every Cathan's Seal since joining the SPF! I guess I'll have to switch from gambling amulets to rings for a while...

My ilvls: 22, 28, 35, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 49, 50, 52, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 66, 70, 71, 73, 75, 76, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, **, 99

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         36                     335   
  Grisu                34                     195
  crazymatt1           34                      94
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Quickdeath           30                      44  (total I had saved)
  poops                30                     ???  repeats discarded
  dune                 27                     118
  purplelocust         26                     ???
  nualum               26                      71
  TheReadMenace        24                      65
  XxuberstarxX         21                      28             
  Kassul               20                      48
  potter               18                      36
  NacRuno               7                     ~50
  wakiki                3                       5
  UllaV                 2                       2
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Why not join in another groovy competition 👍
Mine ilvls: 16, 23, 37 & 44

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         36                     335   
  Grisu                34                     195
  crazymatt1           34                      94
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Quickdeath           30                      44  (total I had saved)
  poops                30                     ???  repeats discarded
  dune                 27                     118
  purplelocust         26                     ???
  nualum               26                      71
  TheReadMenace        24                      65
  XxuberstarxX         21                      28             
  Kassul               20                      48
  potter               18                      36
  NacRuno               7                     ~50
  buraz                 4                       4
  wakiki                3                       5
  UllaV                 2                       2
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  moo-cow              37                     101
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         36                     335   
  Grisu                34                     195
  crazymatt1           34                      94
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Quickdeath           30                      44  (total I had saved)
  poops                30                     ???  repeats discarded
  dune                 27                     118
  purplelocust         26                     ???
  nualum               26                      71
  TheReadMenace        24                      65
  XxuberstarxX         21                      28             
  Kassul               20                      48
  potter               18                      36
  NacRuno               7                     ~50
  buraz                 4                       4
  wakiki                3                       5
  UllaV                 2                       2
I was surprised with how many different ilvls I had, and only a few were from my 1.09 days.

16, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 36, 40, 42, 43, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 57, 58, 59, 62, 68, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, **

added: found a lvl 61 ring today.
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  moo-cow              37                     101
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         36                     335   
  Grisu                34                     195
  crazymatt1           34                      94
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Quickdeath           30                      44  (total I had saved)
  poops                30                     ???  repeats discarded
  dune                 27                     118
  purplelocust         26                     ???
  nualum               26                      71
  TheReadMenace        24                      65
  XxuberstarxX         21                      28             
  Kassul               20                      48
  potter               18                      36
  buraz                 8                       8
  NacRuno               7                     ~50
  buraz                 8                       8
  wakiki                3                       5
  UllaV                 2                       2

Let me bump this thread a bit since I found 4 new ones.
Ilvl's: 16, 23, 37, 44, 52, 61, 85 & **
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

One Year Anniversary! :congrats: . . . of one of the craziest threads in the SPF . . . 😁

I started collecting Cathan Seals a year ago and so far I have found 51 of the lost rings (repeats discarded). Most recently my level 93 Paladin gambled:

Cathan's Seal
Required Level: 11
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 94 <--- Ugh!
Fingerprint: 0x8a85b0cf
Damage Reduced by 2
6% Life stolen per hit

***Partial Set Item Bonuses***
+10 to Strength
***Partial Set Item Bonuses***

Item level 94 :doh: (apparently Diablo drops an item level 94 Cathan’s) . . . but on the plus side . . . I apparently hadn’t had Diablo drop one yet . . .

Here’s what I’m still missing:

15, 20, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 44, 50, 51, 53, 61, 62, 65, 71, 72, 77, 78, 80, 84, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93 ,95, 96, 97, 98

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  Hanshotfirst         51                     ???  repeats discarded
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  moo-cow              37                     101
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         36                     335   
  Grisu                34                     195
  crazymatt1           34                      94
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Quickdeath           30                      44  (total I had saved)
  poops                30                     ???  repeats discarded
  dune                 27                     118
  purplelocust         26                     ???
  nualum               26                      71
  TheReadMenace        24                      65
  XxuberstarxX         21                      28             
  Kassul               20                      48
  potter               18                      36
  buraz                 8                       8
  NacRuno               7                     ~50
  buraz                 8                       8
  wakiki                3                       5
  UllaV                 2                       2


Thanks Dune for the great thread!
(Who would have thought someone could get me excited about collecting Cathan’s :crazyeyes: )
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

*Sigh* You know, I'd almost convinced myself I could just vendor those darn things and now this thread pops up. (When I played before I was saving them just to see how many I ended up with. I had several hundred, as I recall.)

For the record, I hate you all... 😁

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  Hanshotfirst         51                     ???  repeats discarded
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  moo-cow              37                     101
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         36                     335   
  Grisu                34                     195
  crazymatt1           34                      94
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Quickdeath           30                      44  (total I had saved)
  poops                30                     ???  repeats discarded
  dune                 27                     118
  purplelocust         26                     ???
  nualum               26                      71
  TheReadMenace        24                      65
  XxuberstarxX         21                      28             
  Kassul               20                      48
  potter               18                      36
  buraz                 8                       8
  NacRuno               7                     ~50
  buraz                 8                       8
  Cattleya              6                      15
  wakiki                3                       5
  UllaV                 2                       2

The most impressive statistic out of all of this is since my restart, with only 15 Cathan's Seal finds, I've got all but 2 of the Set/Unique rings in the game. (I'm missing Wisp Projector, and of course, the SoJ.) That really puts in perspective how lucky I've been with the Unique rings since my return.
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  Hanshotfirst         51                     ???  repeats discarded
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  moo-cow              37                     101
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         36                     335   
  Grisu                34                     195
  crazymatt1           34                      94
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Quickdeath           30                      44  (total I had saved)
  poops                30                     ???  repeats discarded
  dune                 27                     118
  purplelocust         26                     ???
  nualum               26                      71
  potter               26                      43
  TheReadMenace        24                      65
  XxuberstarxX         21                      28             
  Kassul               20                      48
  buraz                 8                       8
  NacRuno               7                     ~50
  buraz                 8                       8
  Cattleya              6                      15
  wakiki                3                       5
  UllaV                 2                       2

Since it's on the first page, updatin' time it is.


22, 26, 30, 33(new), 35(new), 39(new), 40(new), 43, 46(new), 47, 49, 55, 58(new), 59, 62, 64, 69(new), 71, 75, 83, 84, 85, 86(new), 87, **, 99
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  Hanshotfirst         51                     ???  repeats discarded
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  moo-cow              37                     101
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         36                     335   
  Grisu                34                     195
  crazymatt1           34                      94
  Hrus                 33                     508
  purplelocust         33                     ???
  Quickdeath           30                      44  (total I had saved)
  poops                30                     ???  repeats discarded
  dune                 27                     118
  nualum               26                      71
  potter               26                      43
  TheReadMenace        24                      65
  XxuberstarxX         21                      28             
  Kassul               20                      48
  buraz                 8                       8
  NacRuno               7                     ~50
  buraz                 8                       8
  Cattleya              6                      15
  wakiki                3                       5
  UllaV                 2                       2

Some new ilvls have been accumulating, mostly from questing, giving now a total of 33:

Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

nice reason to collect green rings. my stashes contains 10k items so i have some cathan's seals already so why not to jump into table.

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  Hanshotfirst         51                     ???  repeats discarded
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  moo-cow              37                     101
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         36                     335   
  Grisu                34                     195
  crazymatt1           34                      94
  Hrus                 33                     508
  purplelocust         33                     ???
  Quickdeath           30                      44  (total I had saved)
  poops                30                     ???  repeats discarded
  dune                 27                     118
  nualum               26                      71
  potter               26                      43
  TheReadMenace        24                      65
  horseheadnebula      22                      36
  XxuberstarxX         21                      28             
  Kassul               20                      48
  buraz                 8                       8
  NacRuno               7                     ~50
  buraz                 8                       8
  Cattleya              6                      15
  wakiki                3                       5
  UllaV                 2                       2

ilvls what i have:
17, 19, 22, 25, 28, 43, 49, 58, 61, 66, 68, 71, 73, 75, 81, 83, 85, 86, 87, **, 95, 99
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Just did another survey of my Cathan's Seals - I am now up to 40 and 2nd place on this list. Whoohoo! Can't believe I passed Hrus on any kind of grail :jig: - this reflects my endless questing and lack of high level magic finding (I have never run Hell Mephisto! )

I now have the following ilvls:

16, 17, 20, 22-26, 28, 36, 37, 39, 40, 42, 46-52, 55, 58, 61-64, 68, 73, 75, 76, 80-85, 87, **, 90

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  Hanshotfirst         51                     ???  repeats discarded
  Quickdeath           40                     ~70 (total retained)
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  moo-cow              37                     101
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         36                     335   
  Grisu                34                     195
  crazymatt1           34                      94
  Hrus                 33                     508
  purplelocust         33                     ???
  poops                30                     ???  repeats discarded
  dune                 27                     118
  nualum               26                      71
  potter               26                      43
  TheReadMenace        24                      65
  horseheadnebula      22                      36
  XxuberstarxX         21                      28             
  Kassul               20                      48
  buraz                 8                       8
  NacRuno               7                     ~50
  buraz                 8                       8
  Cattleya              6                      15
  wakiki                3                       5
  UllaV                 2                       2
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

I stopped collecting every Cathan's seal ring a long time ago, but when I saw the thread yesterday i started wondering just how many I had. Turns out only 17 and 15 different ilvls. So, I didn't see much reason to bothrt posting

I also finished my latest mat yesterday and Baal dropped guess what? Yep, a Cathan seal was the only set or unique he dropped. That got me to go back and look at those duplicate item level rings.

Turns out I am now the proud owner of 5 ilvl 99 Cathan seals rings. Now I find this rather surprising as i have a grand total of 8 mats or pats and 2 of those were before I discovered ATMA. Plus I am not in the habit of running the WSK, maybe another dozen times over the years since Ball never seems to drop me anything and I remember quickly moving on to a new character.

Even taming that down a bit means that Ball has dropped me this ring over 20% of the time:crazyeyes: To bad it has no real use.
Re: Cathan Seal Collectors Thread : A Grail Hunt

Some updates, bringing me to 37. I still have some other stashes to go through, though!


 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  Hanshotfirst         51                     ???  repeats discarded
  Quickdeath           40                     ~70 (total retained)
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  moo-cow              37                     101
  purplelocust         37                     ???
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         36                     335   
  Grisu                34                     195
  crazymatt1           34                      94
  Hrus                 33                     508
  poops                30                     ???  repeats discarded
  dune                 27                     118
  nualum               26                      71
  potter               26                      43
  TheReadMenace        24                      65
  horseheadnebula      22                      36
  XxuberstarxX         21                      28             
  Kassul               20                      48
  buraz                 8                       8
  NacRuno               7                     ~50
  buraz                 8                       8
  Cattleya              6                      15
  wakiki                3                       5
  UllaV                 2                       2
Major bump. Saw this few years ago, but unfortunately it didn't stuck with me and I really haven't identified lots of green rings. But now that I'm questing many characters through the game, this should give a nice incentive to keep some more MF at least through norm and nm.

This seem to have been popular. Maybe it could gather some interest again? I think this is an awesome idea :p

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  Hanshotfirst         51                     ???  repeats discarded
  Quickdeath           40                     ~70 (total retained)
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  moo-cow              37                     101
  purplelocust         37                     ???
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         36                     335
  Grisu                34                     195
  crazymatt1           34                      94
  Hrus                 33                     508
  poops                30                     ???  repeats discarded
  dune                 27                     118
  nualum               26                      71
  potter               26                      43
  TheReadMenace        24                      65
  horseheadnebula      22                      36
  XxuberstarxX         21                      28
  Grape                21                      --
  Kassul               20                      48
  buraz                 8                       8
  NacRuno               7                     ~50
  buraz                 8                       8
  Cattleya              6                      15
  wakiki                3                       5
  UllaV                 2                       2

Looks like I'm lacking behind! But at least I have the elusive ilvls 96, 97 and 98 already. Next gambler is goint to be a lvl 94 one...
This is crazy, but I want to see someone complete this grail! Don't plan on dedicating time to it, but I'll throw my name on the list. Good luck!

count - 21
ilvl - 16, 19, 21, 22, 23, 28, 33, 34, 43, 45, 53, 57, 59, 60, 62, 64, 71, 82, 85, 86, **

1.07 resist
count - 1
Cathan's Seal
Required Level: 11
Item Version: Expansion
Item Level: 53
Fingerprint: 0x30c9095e
Damage Reduced by 2
Poison Resist +23%
6% Life stolen per hit

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  Hanshotfirst         51                     ???  repeats discarded
  Quickdeath           40                     ~70 (total retained)
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  moo-cow              37                     101
  purplelocust         37                     ???
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         36                     335
  Grisu                34                     195
  crazymatt1           34                      94
  Hrus                 33                     508
  poops                30                     ???  repeats discarded
  dune                 27                     118
  nualum               26                      71
  potter               26                      43
  TheReadMenace        24                      65
  horseheadnebula      22                      36
  XxuberstarxX         21                      28
  Grape                21                      --
  Kassul               20                      48
  Diablo2inDC          21                      ??? repeats discarded
  buraz                 8                       8
  NacRuno               7                     ~50
  buraz                 8                       8
  Cattleya              6                      15
  wakiki                3                       5
  UllaV                 2                       2
5 more down since I started this. All expect one were got by simply paying more attention when questing through the game. One was an ilvl90 gamble. Now I know that I have many easy ones like normal Travi and Meph to go, which will be found eventually, either while guesting or leveling a new char.

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  Hanshotfirst         51                     ???  repeats discarded
  Quickdeath           40                     ~70 (total retained)
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  moo-cow              37                     101
  purplelocust         37                     ???
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         36                     335
  Grisu                34                     195
  crazymatt1           34                      94
  Hrus                 33                     508
  poops                30                     ???  repeats discarded
  dune                 27                     118
  nualum               26                      71
  potter               26                      43
  Grape                26
  TheReadMenace        24                      65
  horseheadnebula      22                      36
  XxuberstarxX         21                      28
  Kassul               20                      48
  Diablo2inDC          17                      ??? repeats discarded
  buraz                 8                       8
  NacRuno               7                     ~50
  buraz                 8                       8
  Cattleya              6                      15
  wakiki                3                       5
  UllaV                 2                       2

This is how I keep these organized:
View attachment 4381
The one I have a cursor on, is the first available, aka ilvl15 one. The last in the stash is the ilvl99 one. Every empty space is a missing ilvl one. Easy and fast to check with GoMule while playing.

Join the madness! :p
Climbing up the Cathan's ladder! Only 21 more and I'll take the lead of this :p

RFL and cows could give me one more, as I don't have ilvl 83 one (that would be from Champion/Fanatic etc. cow)

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  Hanshotfirst         51                     ???  repeats discarded
  Quickdeath           40                     ~70 (total retained)
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  moo-cow              37                     101
  purplelocust         37                     ???
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         36                     335
  Grisu                34                     195
  crazymatt1           34                      94
  Hrus                 33                     508
  Grape                31                     --
  poops                30                     ???  repeats discarded
  dune                 27                     118
  nualum               26                      71
  potter               26                      43
  TheReadMenace        24                      65
  horseheadnebula      22                      36
  XxuberstarxX         21                      28
  Kassul               20                      48
  Diablo2inDC          17                      ??? repeats discarded
  buraz                 8                       8
  NacRuno               7                     ~50
  buraz                 8                       8
  Cattleya              6                      15
  wakiki                3                       5
  UllaV                 2                       2
Ofc it's a tad easier when you're up against no active players (well maybe purplelocust still pops by - but still) :D
Maybe I'll join and start on a fresh little 0 at some point :)
Considering how easy these are to collect and keep a book about, I hope more people will join the hunt! :p
I've already found several Cathan's rings with the different areas for this RFL, unfortunately I think I tossed most of them. I'm going to start this up after I browse through my stashes.
Joining the top 5.

Now all I need is some company here. Trust me, this makes basic norm/nm questing more fun! First, you can try to squeeze some extra MF to your twinking item sets, which is fun, and you can plan some leveling spots according to what ilvl you're missing (more fun/variety!) Every green ring dropping could be a grailer, how exciting is that!? :p

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  Hanshotfirst         51                     ???  repeats discarded
  Quickdeath           40                     ~70 (total retained)
  maxgerin             39                  200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  Grape                38                     ---
  moo-cow              37                     101
  purplelocust         37                     ???
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         36                     335
  Grisu                34                     195
  crazymatt1           34                      94
  Hrus                 33                     508
  poops                30                     ???  repeats discarded
  dune                 27                     118
  nualum               26                      71
  potter               26                      43
  TheReadMenace        24                      65
  horseheadnebula      22                      36
  XxuberstarxX         21                      28
  Kassul               20                      48
  Diablo2inDC          17                      ??? repeats discarded
  buraz                 8                       8
  NacRuno               7                     ~50
  buraz                 8                       8
  Cattleya              6                      15
  wakiki                3                       5
  UllaV                 2                       2
I'll join in!

My Sorceress is called Cathan and she has gone for a nice Green & Gold theme, following Grape's layout of the ilvls in the Inventory (15-54) & Stash (55-99).

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  Hanshotfirst         51                     ???  repeats discarded
  Quickdeath           40                     ~70  (total retained)
  maxgerin             39              200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  Grape                38                     ---
  moo-cow              37                     101
  purplelocust         37                     ???
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         36                     335
  Grisu                34                     195
  crazymatt1           34                      94
  Hrus                 33                     508
  poops                30                     ???  repeats discarded
  dune                 27                     118
  nualum               26                      71
  potter               26                      43
  ioupainmax           25                     204
  TheReadMenace        24                      65
  horseheadnebula      22                      36
  XxuberstarxX         21                      28
  Kassul               20                      48
  Diablo2inDC          17                     ???  repeats discarded
  buraz                 8                       8
  NacRuno               7                     ~50
  buraz                 8                       8
  Cattleya              6                      15
  wakiki                3                       5
  UllaV                 2                       2


Awesome! I had to put some greens on my Cathan's holder as well. It seems to be this summer's color of fashion!

View attachment 5471
You could also start an angelic halo grail!
Way too reasonable.

What about SoJ grail? :cool:
Sure any game version counts? Cause 1.00 seems to be a lot in advantage there :)
A fairly sizeable jump for me, 35 found now.

 forum name      Ilvl Grail Seals     Total Cathan's Found
----------      ----------------     --------------------
  Hanshotfirst         51                     ???  repeats discarded
  Quickdeath           40                     ~70  (total retained)
  maxgerin             39              200 to 300
  Sir Lister of Smeg   39                      94
  Grape                38                     ---
  moo-cow              37                     101
  purplelocust         37                     ???
  jrlafrance           36                    ~190
  Ohomemgrande         36                     335
  ioupainmax           35                     226
  Grisu                34                     195
  crazymatt1           34                      94
  Hrus                 33                     508
  poops                30                     ???  repeats discarded
  dune                 27                     118
  nualum               26                      71
  potter               26                      43
  TheReadMenace        24                      65
  horseheadnebula      22                      36
  XxuberstarxX         21                      28
  Kassul               20                      48
  Diablo2inDC          17                     ???  repeats discarded
  buraz                 8                       8
  NacRuno               7                     ~50
  buraz                 8                       8
  Cattleya              6                      15
  wakiki                3                       5
  UllaV                 2                       2


EDIT: Added another!
@ioupainmax great! I've seen plenty of these lately, but not a single one with a new ilvl!

Only two remains to be gambled for me (ilvls 90 and 92), rest are droppable by monsters. I just wonder how much gold I will have to throw at it. A billion or two more might do ;)
Whaaaat? Seriously?

How much gold do you have?
Heh, I've around 25 million right now. I stop and gamble usually when 100 million is gathered. Rinse and repeat ten times. Last billion post and post with a link to three other batches.

I'm glad I'm not really gambling for Cathan's rings or I would have become mad with all the repeated ilvls without the missing ones :p
:eek: Nice finds, I'm trying to get a Bahamut's ring of the Apprentice, so I imagine I will improve my Cathan's collection somewhat before I get what I need.
Cathan's Seal Grail

Rich (BB code):
Forumite              Date          Distinct ilvl/85    Total Found    Comments
------------------    ----------    ----------------    -----------    -------------------
Hanshotfirst          2010-06-16                  51              ?    Repeats discarded
Quickdeath            2011-03-21                  40            ~70    Total retained
ioupainmax            2018-06-22                  40            268  
maxgerin              2009-09-14                  39           ~300  
Sir Lister of Smeg    2009-09-14                  39             94  
Grape                 2017-06-03                  38              -  
moo-cow               2009-12-30                  37            101  
purplelocust          2012-01-05                  37              ?  
jrlafrance            2009-06-16                  36           ~190  
Ohomemgrande          2009-12-03                  36            335  
Grisu                 2009-08-26                  34            195  
crazymatt1            2009-12-29                  34             94  
Hrus                  2009-07-27                  33            508  
sirpoopsalot          2009-12-10                  30              ?    Repeats discarded
dune                  2009-08-04                  27            118  
nualum                2009-12-03                  26             71  
potter                2010-06-17                  26             43  
TheReadMenace         2009-11-10                  24             65  
horseheadnebula       2011-03-21                  22             36  
XxUberStarxX          2009-11-25                  21             28  
Kassul                2009-06-17                  20             48  
Diablo2inDC           2016-09-03                  17              ?    Repeats discarded
buraz                 2010-02-01                   8              8  
NacRuno               2009-08-27                   7            ~50      
Cattleya              2010-06-16                   6             15  
wakiki                2009-11-10                   3              5  
UllaV                 2009-12-02                   2              2

Quite a good bump, up to 40 now!

Moved into 2nd place

Cathan's Seal Grail

Rich (BB code):
Forumite              Date          Distinct ilvl/85    Total Found    Comments
------------------    ----------    ----------------    -----------    -------------------
Hanshotfirst          2010-06-16                  51              ?    Repeats discarded
ioupainmax            2018-07-11                  41            274  
Quickdeath            2011-03-21                  40            ~70    Total retained
maxgerin              2009-09-14                  39           ~300  
Sir Lister of Smeg    2009-09-14                  39             94  
Grape                 2017-06-03                  38              -  
moo-cow               2009-12-30                  37            101  
purplelocust          2012-01-05                  37              ?  
jrlafrance            2009-06-16                  36           ~190  
Ohomemgrande          2009-12-03                  36            335  
Grisu                 2009-08-26                  34            195  
crazymatt1            2009-12-29                  34             94  
Hrus                  2009-07-27                  33            508  
sirpoopsalot          2009-12-10                  30              ?    Repeats discarded
dune                  2009-08-04                  27            118  
nualum                2009-12-03                  26             71  
potter                2010-06-17                  26             43  
TheReadMenace         2009-11-10                  24             65  
horseheadnebula       2011-03-21                  22             36  
XxUberStarxX          2009-11-25                  21             28  
Kassul                2009-06-17                  20             48  
Diablo2inDC           2016-09-03                  17              ?    Repeats discarded
buraz                 2010-02-01                   8              8  
NacRuno               2009-08-27                   7            ~50      
Cattleya              2010-06-16                   6             15  
wakiki                2009-11-10                   3              5  
UllaV                 2009-12-02                   2              2

41 now!

Every tournament that has tables attracts you, no? :rolleyes:
OK, why not enter. I have 28 different seals and 44 total. Efficiency rating is decent. Now I can check the i Lvl whenever I find one! It is always good to have something else to do.

Cathan's Seal Grail

Rich (BB code):
Forumite              Date          Distinct ilvl/85    Total Found    Comments
------------------    ----------    ----------------    -----------    -------------------
Hanshotfirst          2010-06-16                  51              ?    Repeats discarded
ioupainmax            2018-07-11                  41            274  
Quickdeath            2011-03-21                  40            ~70    Total retained
maxgerin              2009-09-14                  39           ~300  
Sir Lister of Smeg    2009-09-14                  39             94  
Grape                 2017-06-03                  38              -  
moo-cow               2009-12-30                  37            101  
purplelocust          2012-01-05                  37              ?  
jrlafrance            2009-06-16                  36           ~190  
Ohomemgrande          2009-12-03                  36            335  
Grisu                 2009-08-26                  34            195  
crazymatt1            2009-12-29                  34             94  
Hrus                  2009-07-27                  33            508  
sirpoopsalot          2009-12-10                  30              ?    Repeats discarded
Wolron                2018-09-18                  28             44
dune                  2009-08-04                  27            118  
nualum                2009-12-03                  26             71  
potter                2010-06-17                  26             43  
TheReadMenace         2009-11-10                  24             65  
horseheadnebula       2011-03-21                  22             36  
XxUberStarxX          2009-11-25                  21             28  
Kassul                2009-06-17                  20             48  
Diablo2inDC           2016-09-03                  17              ?    Repeats discarded
buraz                 2010-02-01                   8              8  
NacRuno               2009-08-27                   7            ~50      
Cattleya              2010-06-16                   6             15  
wakiki                2009-11-10                   3              5  
UllaV                 2009-12-02                   2              2

Welcome @Wolron !

Cathan's Seal Grail

Rich (BB code):
Forumite              Date          Distinct ilvl/85    Total Found    Comments
------------------    ----------    ----------------    -----------    -------------------
Hanshotfirst          2010-06-16                  51              ?    Repeats discarded
ioupainmax            2018-07-11                  41            274  
Grape                 2018-09-18                  41              ?    Repeats discarded
Quickdeath            2011-03-21                  40            ~70    Total retained
maxgerin              2009-09-14                  39           ~300  
Sir Lister of Smeg    2009-09-14                  39             94  
moo-cow               2009-12-30                  37            101 
purplelocust          2012-01-05                  37              ?  
jrlafrance            2009-06-16                  36           ~190  
Ohomemgrande          2009-12-03                  36            335  
Grisu                 2009-08-26                  34            195  
crazymatt1            2009-12-29                  34             94  
Hrus                  2009-07-27                  33            508  
sirpoopsalot          2009-12-10                  30              ?    Repeats discarded
Wolron                2018-09-18                  28             44
dune                  2009-08-04                  27            118  
nualum                2009-12-03                  26             71  
potter                2010-06-17                  26             43  
TheReadMenace         2009-11-10                  24             65  
horseheadnebula       2011-03-21                  22             36  
XxUberStarxX          2009-11-25                  21             28  
Kassul                2009-06-17                  20             48  
Diablo2inDC           2016-09-03                  17              ?    Repeats discarded
buraz                 2010-02-01                   8              8  
NacRuno               2009-08-27                   7            ~50      
Cattleya              2010-06-16                   6             15  
wakiki                2009-11-10                   3              5  
UllaV                 2009-12-02                   2              2

I'm missing only one of those that need to be gambled, ilvl 93. After I get that I'm pretty sure I could finish this should I want to put some effort. Probably funnier to just keep picking them up for a good while though and checking what's missing every now and then :)
I'm past the 50 %, this time it's three more down. Not sure about the third, but apparently I was missing ilvls 60 and 55. Got them from Norm Baal and NM Summoner, guesting with the same character in one session :)

Eight more to the leading spot, although @ioupainmax is close as well!

Cathan's Seal Grail

Rich (BB code):
Forumite              Date          Distinct ilvl/85    Total Found    Comments
------------------    ----------    ----------------    -----------    -------------------
Hanshotfirst          2010-06-16                  51              ?    Repeats discarded
Grape                 2018-10-27                  44              ?    Repeats discarded
ioupainmax            2018-07-11                  41            274  
Quickdeath            2011-03-21                  40            ~70    Total retained
maxgerin              2009-09-14                  39           ~300  
Sir Lister of Smeg    2009-09-14                  39             94  
moo-cow               2009-12-30                  37            101 
purplelocust          2012-01-05                  37              ?  
jrlafrance            2009-06-16                  36           ~190  
Ohomemgrande          2009-12-03                  36            335  
Grisu                 2009-08-26                  34            195  
crazymatt1            2009-12-29                  34             94  
Hrus                  2009-07-27                  33            508  
sirpoopsalot          2009-12-10                  30              ?    Repeats discarded
Wolron                2018-09-18                  28             44
dune                  2009-08-04                  27            118  
nualum                2009-12-03                  26             71  
potter                2010-06-17                  26             43  
TheReadMenace         2009-11-10                  24             65  
horseheadnebula       2011-03-21                  22             36  
XxUberStarxX          2009-11-25                  21             28  
Kassul                2009-06-17                  20             48  
Diablo2inDC           2016-09-03                  17              ?    Repeats discarded
buraz                 2010-02-01                   8              8  
NacRuno               2009-08-27                   7            ~50      
Cattleya              2010-06-16                   6             15  
wakiki                2009-11-10                   3              5  
UllaV                 2009-12-02                   2              2

Empty space = missing ilvl, first in the inventory (from top left) = ilvl 15 and the last one in the stash = ilvl99.

Super easy to keep a count of these. Why don't YOU just join this Grail today! ;)
View attachment 11453
@Grape What level is your Cathan's mule?! Quite a heavy armour...
She's 85, but I had to re-spec for the Templar's :p
Rolled another Cathan's Seal with the 1.07 poison rez ring formula today, which finally spurred me to dig through my stashes and put together my entry for this...I knew I had a lot, but hadn't thought I was quite so close...

1.07 is very good for this grail, as most of the ilvls that must be gambled in modern patches can actually drop in 1.07. On the other hand, I don't believe you can get ilvl96 or ilvl97 Cathan's in 1.07, as you can't gamble set/unique items there...

Fortunately, I had already gambled ilvls 96 & 97 Cathan's Seals years ago with Spatha_Lux, and 1.07 Nihlathak provided an ilvl98 one in short order, so I'm only missing 10 ilvls (15,20,21,24,27,29,33,39,42,48).

I know I have at least some of those ilvls in my hardcore tourney stashes, but I decided not to mix in any hardcore items for this...who knows, if I complete this grail softcore, I may enter again for hardcore :rolleyes:

Cathan's Seal Grail

Rich (BB code):
Forumite              Date          Distinct ilvl/85    Total Found    Comments
------------------    ----------    ----------------    -----------    -------------------
WoRG                  2019-07-26                  75              ?    15 cubed 1.07 rez rings 
Hanshotfirst          2010-06-16                  51              ?    Repeats discarded
Grape                 2018-10-27                  44              ?    Repeats discarded
ioupainmax            2018-07-11                  41            274  
Quickdeath            2011-03-21                  40            ~70    Total retained
maxgerin              2009-09-14                  39           ~300  
Sir Lister of Smeg    2009-09-14                  39             94  
moo-cow               2009-12-30                  37            101 
purplelocust          2012-01-05                  37              ?  
jrlafrance            2009-06-16                  36           ~190  
Ohomemgrande          2009-12-03                  36            335  
Grisu                 2009-08-26                  34            195  
crazymatt1            2009-12-29                  34             94  
Hrus                  2009-07-27                  33            508  
sirpoopsalot          2009-12-10                  30              ?    Repeats discarded
Wolron                2018-09-18                  28             44
dune                  2009-08-04                  27            118  
nualum                2009-12-03                  26             71  
potter                2010-06-17                  26             43  
TheReadMenace         2009-11-10                  24             65  
horseheadnebula       2011-03-21                  22             36  
XxUberStarxX          2009-11-25                  21             28  
Kassul                2009-06-17                  20             48  
Diablo2inDC           2016-09-03                  17              ?    Repeats discarded
buraz                 2010-02-01                   8              8  
NacRuno               2009-08-27                   7            ~50      
Cattleya              2010-06-16                   6             15  
wakiki                2009-11-10                   3              5  
UllaV                 2009-12-02                   2              2

Empty space = missing ilvl, first in the inventory (from top left) = ilvl15 and the last one in the stash = ilvl97, ilvls98 & 99 worn.
Flawless Gems show Cathan's from the 1.07 resistance ring cube formulae, Emerald=PR, Topaz=LR, Ruby=FR, Sapphire=CR.
View attachment 14620

@Grape if you're still missing ilvl93, try running 1.07 hell council w/330MF...Galeb, Ismail, or Toorc should drop you an ilvl93 Cathan's MUCH faster than gambling in modern!!!

Cathan's Seal Grail

Rich (BB code):
Forumite              Date          Distinct ilvl/85    Total Found    Comments
------------------    ----------    ----------------    -----------    -------------------
WoRG                  2019-07-26                  75              ?    15 cubed 1.07 rez rings 
Hanshotfirst          2010-06-16                  51              ?    Repeats discarded
Grape                 2018-10-27                  44              ?    Repeats discarded
ioupainmax            2019-07-27                  44            289  
Quickdeath            2011-03-21                  40            ~70    Total retained
maxgerin              2009-09-14                  39           ~300  
Sir Lister of Smeg    2009-09-14                  39             94  
moo-cow               2009-12-30                  37            101 
purplelocust          2012-01-05                  37              ?  
jrlafrance            2009-06-16                  36           ~190  
Ohomemgrande          2009-12-03                  36            335  
Grisu                 2009-08-26                  34            195  
crazymatt1            2009-12-29                  34             94  
Hrus                  2009-07-27                  33            508  
sirpoopsalot          2009-12-10                  30              ?    Repeats discarded
Wolron                2018-09-18                  28             44
dune                  2009-08-04                  27            118  
nualum                2009-12-03                  26             71  
potter                2010-06-17                  26             43  
TheReadMenace         2009-11-10                  24             65  
horseheadnebula       2011-03-21                  22             36  
XxUberStarxX          2009-11-25                  21             28  
Kassul                2009-06-17                  20             48  
Diablo2inDC           2016-09-03                  17              ?    Repeats discarded
buraz                 2010-02-01                   8              8  
NacRuno               2009-08-27                   7            ~50      
Cattleya              2010-06-16                   6             15  
wakiki                2009-11-10                   3              5  
UllaV                 2009-12-02                   2              2

44 found, same as Grape!

I decided to check my stash and found I had the following ilvls already:
33, 48, 57, 58, 60, 72, 73, 75, 79-88, 94, 95, 99

I'll have to start saving these when I time travel as well since I know I've vendored some of the ilvls I'm missing in 1.00 (e.g. 31 from norm cow king).

Cathan's Seal Grail

Rich (BB code):
Forumite              Date          Distinct ilvl/85    Total Found    Comments
------------------    ----------    ----------------    -----------    -------------------
WoRG                  2019-07-26                  75              ?    15 cubed 1.07 rez rings 
Hanshotfirst          2010-06-16                  51              ?    Repeats discarded
Grape                 2018-10-27                  44              ?    Repeats discarded
ioupainmax            2019-07-27                  44            289  
Quickdeath            2011-03-21                  40            ~70    Total retained
maxgerin              2009-09-14                  39           ~300  
Sir Lister of Smeg    2009-09-14                  39             94  
moo-cow               2009-12-30                  37            101 
purplelocust          2012-01-05                  37              ?  
jrlafrance            2009-06-16                  36           ~190  
Ohomemgrande          2009-12-03                  36            335  
Grisu                 2009-08-26                  34            195  
crazymatt1            2009-12-29                  34             94  
Hrus                  2009-07-27                  33            508  
sirpoopsalot          2009-12-10                  30              ?    Repeats discarded
Wolron                2018-09-18                  28             44
dune                  2009-08-04                  27            118  
nualum                2009-12-03                  26             71  
potter                2010-06-17                  26             43  
TheReadMenace         2009-11-10                  24             65  
horseheadnebula       2011-03-21                  22             36  
XxUberStarxX          2009-11-25                  21             28  
Lemma                 2019-07-28                  21            137
Kassul                2009-06-17                  20             48  
Diablo2inDC           2016-09-03                  17              ?    Repeats discarded
buraz                 2010-02-01                   8              8  
NacRuno               2009-08-27                   7            ~50      
Cattleya              2010-06-16                   6             15  
wakiki                2009-11-10                   3              5  
UllaV                 2009-12-02                   2              2
Been sorting through all my stashes, so I figure this is a good time to update. With well over 100 copies, I thought I would have had more. Too many copies of ilvl 85 and **. :rolleyes:
16 19
21 22 23 24 26 28 29
33 34 35
41 43 44 45 46 48 49
53 55 57 58 59
60 62 64 66 69
71 73 74 75 79
80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 **
90 93 94 95 99
Cathan's Seal Grail
Forumite              Date          Distinct ilvl/85    Total Found    Comments
------------------    ----------    ----------------    -----------    -------------------
WoRG                  2019-07-26                  75              ?    15 cubed 1.07 rez rings
Hanshotfirst          2010-06-16                  51              ?    Repeats discarded
Diablo2inDC           2020-03-22                  48           100+
Grape                 2018-10-27                  44              ?    Repeats discarded
ioupainmax            2019-07-27                  44            289
Quickdeath            2011-03-21                  40            ~70    Total retained
maxgerin              2009-09-14                  39           ~300
Sir Lister of Smeg    2009-09-14                  39             94
moo-cow               2009-12-30                  37            101
purplelocust          2012-01-05                  37              ?
jrlafrance            2009-06-16                  36           ~190
Ohomemgrande          2009-12-03                  36            335
Grisu                 2009-08-26                  34            195
crazymatt1            2009-12-29                  34             94
Hrus                  2009-07-27                  33            508
sirpoopsalot          2009-12-10                  30              ?    Repeats discarded
Wolron                2018-09-18                  28             44
dune                  2009-08-04                  27            118
nualum                2009-12-03                  26             71
potter                2010-06-17                  26             43
TheReadMenace         2009-11-10                  24             65
horseheadnebula       2011-03-21                  22             36
XxUberStarxX          2009-11-25                  21             28
Lemma                 2019-07-28                  21            137
Kassul                2009-06-17                  20             48
buraz                 2010-02-01                   8              8
NacRuno               2009-08-27                   7            ~50  
Cattleya              2010-06-16                   6             15
wakiki                2009-11-10                   3              5
UllaV                 2009-12-02                   2              2

Edit: Forgot about 1.07. +6 more levels from there. ;)

Also, @WoRG that looks hideous. You're gonna need to find all the same ring type..
Estimated market value