Anything Goes D2 Lounge!

@Jocular that is the second time that happened to me in the last like week or two lol. I have no idea why it is doing that.. I didn't actually click on any font options or anything, I never do. At least this time it changed back easily.
Sublime, My HC Sorceress that is now level 20, is still running Countess Runs. I am able to do them pretty quickly and also have typically 2 to 4 boss packs along the way that I take out, that has helped me get to level 20 without going beyond Countess and always has that chance for some nice drops, one of them being a Death's Sash (useless on my sorc and nothing special until gloves are found, especially when I can buy a Belt from Charsi and hold more potions).

I am doing this because I need 3x Tir for my Large Shield and 3x Tir for my Axe and maybe another 2x Tir for my Skull Cap. It is crazy, in the past I was always running Normal Countess looking for Tal/Eth for Stealth(got that long ago on my Sorc) or Rals and Iths for damage for me and my Merc. Well this time I am wanting to get a load of Tir Runes so I can Fireball all day long. Well I have only found 2x so far, yet I have found probably 7 or so Tal, 5 or 6 Eth, 3 or 4 Ral and a handful of other runes. The one time I want the 3rd highest rune available, I get loaded with all of the runes higher than Tir. It is starting to get annoying. I can't even hardly get experience anymore, but I am not going on until I get my gear full of Tir Runes to where one death with a Fireball will fill my bulb practically. my FB is already strong enough to wreck people because of how many runs I have had to do to find the all elusive 'TIR RUNE'. -.-

My plans are to move on quickly after I get my Tir gear and to play Fire Sorc for quite awhile, changing to a pure Blizzard Sorc probably at the latest being NM Mephisto, when I will start running him for awhile and hope for some nice gear. I'm not sure how I feel about teleporting somewhat blindly on HC. I will play it as it goes I guess.

I have my level 45 Fissure/Volcano/Summoner Druid as my only other HC Character, with the plans of changing 'Joplin' to a Tornado/Hurricane Druid down the line. I haven't made one in years and I used him for PvP and PvM, but I thought it would be a good HC build because he is really hard to kill with the strong Cyclone Armor, although he doesn't kill as fast as say a Hammerdin, Javazon, Sorc…. but he is safe and gets the job done. I wanted to make a Sorceress though, as I always like to build a Sorc when I do a restart or startover and I consider starting Hardcore as a "restart". Even though I plan on making all of my Hardcore Characters Untwinked, I may change my mind eventually or with certain characters and having a Blizz Sorc(my favorite char and have probably made like 50 since 1.10 came out lol) is the best way to have an item finding character.

With a good merc a Blizzer doesn't need great gear, wrecks monsters who aren't cold immune(good merc+static+telekinesis does wonders) and wrecks bosses along with static or even just moating Mephisto and doing Pindleskin Runs in Hell is good enough to land tons of good gear. In my experience on Softcore, a Blizzard Sorc+Might Merc can run literally any place in Hell, EXCEPT Pits, Countess Runs, Shenk/Eldritch difficult or any heavily cold immune area and on SC can do on any player setting. On HC, doing players 1-3 should be fine for doing Baal and tons of other areas.

Something special about Sorceresses to me and now that the game has reset skills and Tokens, I can make them strong Fire Sorces and switch them up down the road. I am having a blast playing HC. I just really hope I don't get too careless. I guess that is the excitement.

Just wanted to share what I been up to, as I haen't been posting in any Item Find Threads for quite awhile because of the side HC project I been on. I can't help but share what I am up to, it's fun for me and I always love reading other people's progress on what they are up to. Mine is nothing crazy or exciting, just what I am up to. Hopefully one day I get some groups to game with people who want to play teams and the internet issues don't ruin it. Good Luck Everyone!
My goodness, the Tir Rune has to be the rarest rune in existence. I am going to have enough Eth, Tal and Ral Runes to cube a Zod, before I get the absolute minimum of Tir Runes I need... 6. It is becoming so frustrating spending half the day running Normal Countess just so I can get Tir Runes LOL.

EDIT: So I was complaining about not finding Tir Runes and I have been literally leveling at a snail's pace from 19 to now 21, all on just P8 Countess Runs, which is super slow for those that don't know. It takes on average a boss pack or two and the Countess pack per run to get a sliver of experience lol. Well now I am not so disappointed that it has been taking so long. A few runs after posting this, I did not find any more Tir Runes, but I did find a nice little prize just inside the level 5 stairs where there is a boss pack every few runs.

WOOOOOOOOOO! The cursor kind of blocks the item, but I think you guys get the idea here :)
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You just need to bite the bullet, fire up 1.07 and snatch yourself one of these babies then you'll be gucci, skip them slumbag tir runes XD

Triumphant Ring
Required Level: 2
Fingerprint: 0x6a0eaa60
Item Level: 54
Version: Expansion
+35 to Mana after each Kill
@NorthDakota lol yeah I am aware of those. They seem kind of absurd to be using. Plus I am playing untwinked and have so far kept my 1.14d single player stuff separate from my other PC that is running 1.07. I haven't ran very far into 1.07... probably a level 40~ Sorceress that doesn't have any great gear yet. I was playing through and a just got really bored of 1.07 and started trying to teleport past all of the crap along the way. 1.07 is not very fun. And when I learned that you can only get the items I wanted, 07/08 Shako/Valor mainly, from doing racks, I kind of stopped playing and went back to my 1.14d. And now I am doing some untwinked HC chars.

I did want to bring forward a 07/08 Valor and Shako to relive my old 1.09 Hydra/Thunderstorm Sorc I used to own with in dueling with the 08 shako/valor in the 1.09 bnet days. I want to get into dueling and I kind of got bummed out that everyone uses 1.07 charms and other items in 1.14d duels. I may update 1.07 to 1.08 and try to get Valor/Shako via boss runs. I just don't really want to do racks to get those items and 1.07 is such a pain to play. I heard those rings are kind of bugged? It just takes the fun out of the game for me, if I were to start out with something like that lol. I do say that thing is absolutely crazy though. No worries about mana for sure with one of those. I just prefer playing untwinked, especially on my new HC saga. Although I don't know how many more Tals and Rals and everything but Tirs I can continue to find before I smash my computer lol. It doesn't make much sense... I have well into the double digits of all the runes, except the Tir, in which I have only accumulated 3 so far. I don't get it...
Eh I just wanted to post things. Can't imagine socketing a bunch of tirs XD. Rack running isn't so bad, definitely worth it imo for that valor. Just about the neatest item. Untwinked is too hard for me I'm a babay
@NorthDakota playing walkthroughs twinked is boring to me, unless it is a character I am trying to get to a certain point for a certain reason. I really enjoy playing through the game on P8 untwinked and finding items that would probably get tossed during twinked MF Runs, but they are very valuable in the moment. I love beating the game on the hardest mode I can make it and working to get the best gear I can find. I took it up a notch to HC, I hope my typical carefree playstyle doesn't do me in lol.

I tell you what though, playing P8 untwinked time and time again will make you really really good at the game. It is a night and day difference to how well I am at the game, PvM particularly, from when I was a bnet only player to now a SP player that worked my way up to the hardest variables and settings I could make. Enough so that I trust running around nearly naked on p8 sorc HC through higher areas.

It is worth doing the untwinked walkthroughs! you should try them, they area blast and do improve your play a ton!!

When I get enough stuff down the line on softcore, I may start twinking them and working them towards PvP chars or specific PvM runners.
I've been going through the 'TreasureClassEx.txt' a lot lately and one of the things I was interested in was wether Wraiths are the only 'regular' monsters (i.e. not champions/uniques/SUs/bosses) with better chances at runes. So I took the TCs for all the regular monsters and calculated the chances to drop a rune for all of them on all player settings.

They all have one pick except for the council which have three. Here I took the chance to get at least one rune but it doesn't matter much since we already know how good they are for runes.

The only two contenders which we don't know yet are 'Swarm' and 'Quill' which are the TCs for Swarms and Quill Rats respectively. There are also TCs for Flying Scimitars but you can't kill those en masse so I omitted them. (They have the exact same chance to drop from their rune TC as a Cow if anyone cares)

In the following table the columns indicate the TC and the player bonus (1 for p1/2, 2 for p3/4,...).
View attachment 14337
This gives the ratio of the rune drop chance for a given TC on a given psetting versus the rune drop chance for the H2H/Cast/Miss TC on the same psetting. For example on players 1 the Quill TC has 1,45 times as high a chance to drop a rune than H2H/Cast/Miss.

Pretty much as expected, we see the familiar 3,59 factor for p8 ghosts and how good Cows/Council are for runes. As for Swarms and Quillrats:
  • Swarms suck. On top of their worse odds for runes they are also capped at Ber no matter where they spawn.
  • Quillrats actually are better at dropping runes than Cows. However except for Minion Quillrats in the 'Ancient's Way' and the 'Halls of Pain' they are capped at Vex. The two exceptions are capped at Ber though.
Apart from that the only thing I learned here is that H2H (melee monsters), Cast (Caster type monsters) and Miss (ranged monsters) have the same chances at runes.

(All of the above results are true for 'runes' replaced by 'good' where the good TC has gems, jewelry and runes. However the only monster type in the above table with a bonus to dropping uniques/sets/rares are the councilmembers, so they're the only regular monsters with high chances for facets or rare rings)
I have a question about the Pit map of my untwinked 99er Sorc, but didn't want to derail that topic. So here I am :).

I haven't done any actual counting or recording of my gameplay, but quite some times now I've had the impression that level 2 has 4 boss packs. However, I always thought that 3 is the maximum amount there. So I'm here to ask: is the maximum amount 3 or 4 boss packs on that second level? And while we are at it, what's the max amount on level 1?

I'm pretty sure this has been asked several times, including last year. Maybe I even was the one asking the question :oops:. But I can't find the answer right now. The only thing I have found was the table under 'lvl 85 area' in this mf thread. But I know for certain I have asked about that minimum amount of 6 boss packs in AT, and the answer was that it was completely not true. So I assume that the max amount for level 1 in that table might be true, but the minimum amount certainly isn't.
@T72on1 Definitely can have 4 on level 2. Definitely can have 8 on level 1. I think those are the max's as well, but I'm not 100% sure. And you can have wellll below the minimum listed in that older MF guide. I think pits lvl 1 can have as little as 2 bosspacks (certainly can have only 3), and you should be guaranteed 1 on lvl2, but @Mest666 just posted a video with zero bosspacks on lvl 2 lol.

Speaking as a "far from pro" pit runner, If you have a not-enormous map and count bosses for 20 runs and average over 7.5 you probably have a very good map, and if it's over 8 it's likely very very good. I am truly awful at counting bosspacks, but I have been making myself do it for 20 runs and taking a video of like 10 before deciding to keep my map for a long time period.

Albatross's AT guide covers min and max for AT, but for pit, there is not such a nice guide (yet).

This is more info than you asked for and it's probably not applicable to you since you seem to have already rolled a nice map. But I'll post these here in case it helpful, because I've had some effort digging up good pitmap advice when rolling maps for rfl 3, but heres a link dump.

Gripphon advice 1
Gripphon advice 2
Corrupted advice
Total monsters in pit
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I haven't done any actual counting or recording of my gameplay, but quite some times now I've had the impression that level 2 has 4 boss packs. However, I always thought that 3 is the maximum amount there. So I'm here to ask: is the maximum amount 3 or 4 boss packs on that second level? And while we are at it, what's the max amount on level 1?

This is explained in this post by fruit (which you liked :p). In particular this section is the key to the max number of bosspacks:

Once MonUMax has been reached, it will no longer upgrade any monster to unique. (These counters do not include hardcoded packs or super uniques.)

Now 'The Pit lvl 2' as well as the 'Ancient Tunnels' each have a hardcoded pack next to the chest. So from fruit's explanation they can get one more bosspack than is indicated in the tables you linked. 'The Pit lvl 1' doesn't have such a hardcoded pack so that the maximum given in the guide is correct for that level.

The value in the 'Max Boss Packs' column is also called MonUMax and you can roughly say that:

actual max # of bosspacks = MonUMax + # of hardcoded bosspacks

which is basically correct in all the cases we know about. I do not know wether evil urns in the ice caves count as hardcoded or random or whatever, so that situation might be different again. (@Fruit maybe you know something? :D)

Only drawback of this is that you need to know the # of hardcoded bosspacks which is not contained in the .txt files.
Thanks a lot to both of you.

@art_vandelay Touché :). I already had the feeling I had seen a good explanation recently, but my head is just too full at the moment.

So it's indeed 8 for Pits 1 and 4 for Pits 2. I'll certainly do some counting for extended periods the next times I'll play the Sorc. Now I really want to know if my map is indeed good, and if it is, just how good. I definitely have a high amount of packs in the first level often, and never less than 2 in the second, often 3 and sometimes 4.
I couldn't resist doing 5 test runs this morning before work, to get things going. I got 9, 8, 8, 8, 7 boss packs during those runs, so 8 on average. Tiny sample of course, but I'm still confident I'll get well above 7 on average. More testing incoming.

Btw, I only got 2 boss packs in Pits 2 during those 5 runs, whereas I often get 3 or sometimes even 4. That made me wonder ... in the explanation of @Fruit which @art_vandelay linked to in his post, when talking about segments in an area determining if a pack will be upgrade to boss pack, are Pits 1 and Pits 2 one area? Or does it work for both levels seperate from each other? In other words: if I have already gotten a lot of boss packs in Pits 1, will it lower my chances for a lot of boss packs in Pits 2?

Btw, what I like a lot about my map, next to it's boss density and the fact that it's quite lineair (no backtracking needed), is that it doesn't have any fallen camps. For my build, a Lightning Sorc, and the fact that she mainly focuses on xp and rune drops, it would probably be better to have one or even two camps actually. But I can only imagine how good this map would be for my PitBarb.
So conventional wisdom is to farm mephy on p3 right? I was arguing with a guy on reddit who was saying p1 is almost always better. I said its trivial to look up the difference in the drop odds and compare to your runtimes. However, then I did so and saw that silospen and german drop calc differ by quite a bit (20% vs 2% difference in p1 and p3). So not trivial at all apparently.

So I calc'd them myself. @drmalawi 's video HERE is how I did the math, and he says he'll make another, better video on it later. I knew both drop calculators did not take the optional 7th pick into account correctly, but I did not expect such a big discrepancy.

Anyways p3 mephisto is only 9.5% better than p1, and so I think the guy on reddit was right, and I probably should have been farming mephy on p1 all along. I ran the numbers for Andy too and she, as expected, is still likely best on p3 or p5. Of course it all depends on your runtimes, but for moat tricking blizzard sorcs (or at least for mine) p1 looks like the better way to go. Here are the ratios I calc'd.

Mephisto drop ratios
  • p1 to p3 - 1.095
  • p3 to p5 - 1.003
  • p5 to p7 - 1.000
Quest bugged Andariel drop ratios
  • p1 to p3 - 1.440
  • p3 to p5 - 1.070
  • p5 to p7 - 1.014
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@Luhkoh What did you calculate exactly? (i.e. what do you mean by drop chance)

For reference expected number of drops per kill at p3 (~5,908) divided by expected number of drops per kill at p1 (~5,297) is about 1,115 so quite a bit higher than 1% increase.
I claimed 9.5% increase not 0.95%. So fairly similar to your number. Where did you get the expected drops per kill? I calculated chance for mephy to drop an arbitrary item on the different playersettings and used the ratio of that number. And made sure the arbitrary probability was small enough for malawi's adding the probability thing to work. I had him do the same calc a few minutes ago this morning and he got the same result.
Here is my entire calculation with derivations.
For Mephisto (Hell). I have for the other act bosses too.

Have a look @art_vandelay you might learn something.

Mephisto Hell

px = players number x

No Drop = 15 (p1), 2 (p3), 0 (p5+)

Prob sum (items) = 66 (gold = 5, Act 4 (H) Equip = 52, Act 4 (H) Junk = 5, Act 4 (H) Good = 3, ceh = 1)

Chance of no drop per pick is calculated as P_0 = No Drop /(No Drop + Prob sum) = 18.5% (p1), 2.94% (p3), 0% (p5+)

Chance of 7th pick is calculated as "chance getting at least one no drop in 6 picks" : P_7 = 1-(1-P_0)^6 = 70.7% (p1), 16.4% (p3), 0% (p5+)

Effective number of picks is 6 + P_7 = 6.707 (p1), 6.164 (p3), 6 (p5+)

In order to figure out the relative gain in drop chance of an item of consideration, which we will assume have a very small drop chance (less than 1/100 say), we have two things to consider
i) The decrease in no drop means that each pick has a higher chance of picking the item of interest.
ii) The decrease in no drop can provide a 7th pick.

Players 3 vs players 1:

Let the item of consideration have drop chance per pick equal to P on p1.
On p3, we need to take into account that the new denominator in the first TC-selection on Mephisto no is 2 + 66 = 68 instead of 15 + 66 = 81 as it was on p1.
81/66 = 1.191
This means that the drop chance per pick for our item of interest on p3 is 1.191 * P

On players 1, the chance of getting at least one item of interest can be approximated by "exactly one" since the drop chance is so small. Or we can do it the more sophisticated way using Taylor expansion.
The result is that the chance per kill is 6.707 * P on p1.
On p3, we have instead 6.164 * 1.191 * P

The relative gain p3 vs p1 is 6.164 * 1.191 / 6.707 = 1.095 i.e. 9.5% higher.

Players 5 vs players 3:
i) 68/66 = 1.0303
ii) 6*1.0303 / 6.164 = 1.003 i.e 0.3% gain

Players 5 vs players 1
i) 81/66 = 1.227
ii) 6*1.227/6.707 = 1.098 i.e 9.8% gain
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Estimated market value