Anything Goes D2 Lounge!

I been meaning to go back through classic for some items as well. I need way more sojs, and some rares can roll differently like high resist gloves. I gotta look through that time travelers guide again. @Treeharl definitely was a huge classic guy, although I think he's MIA around here as of late, and I think @helvete knows a lot about classic as well.

Now that I can't find a forum approved version of bvs anymore I've been struggling. I have 1.6.4 BVS set up for 1.07 but for whatever reason I can't get any other versions working with it anymore. Just keeps telling me I don't have the required files in the folder (and I got the files..). Havent taken the time to set up the other spf approved version switcher yet since I'm not familiar and I think it'd require a fresh install for me now since I'm all twisted up with the old bvs. It's just been too long and I don't remember the exact steps I took to install it and I don't want to break my 1.14 and 1.07 that are working perfectly normally.
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Yo guys what should I build next.

I just got done with my auradin of course - I've also pat'ed in the past 3 months: a wolf druid, 2 zealers, a frenzy barb, a singer barb, and a faith multi/strafezon. Other than that my characters include the cookie cutters:
  1. blizz AT sorc
  2. LK sorc
  3. ww barb
  4. windy druid
  5. trapsin
  6. pitmancer
  7. hammerdin
  8. light sorcy
  9. furyzon
Dunno what now. I need some fun strong character ideas.
Yo guys what should I build next.

I just got done with my auradin of course - I've also pat'ed in the past 3 months: a wolf druid, 2 zealers, a frenzy barb, a singer barb, and a faith multi/strafezon. Other than that my characters include the cookie cutters:
  1. blizz AT sorc
  2. LK sorc
  3. ww barb
  4. windy druid
  5. trapsin
  6. pitmancer
  7. hammerdin
  8. light sorcy
  9. furyzon
Dunno what now. I need some fun strong character ideas.

Fun builds:
Enchantress (go for melee)
Throw barb
MA assassin
Melee necro
Summoner druid
Bow paladin
I second the idea of a throw barb. They can be great choices to run small areas like trav, or the pits, or pindle. Even Andariel or Meph is a possibility. I got really lucky with mine and found a cruel/fools/knockback rare pilum, but you will just fine with lacerator+warshrike.

I've had a lot of fun with mine! However, I do have to say that I didn't level him up as a throwbarb...that could get very old.

WW/trap is fun. Untwinked pstrike sin is always a blast.
Dual dream bear sorc, or brand wielding necro bear :) Also ice rw bowazon, kick/DS assassin, or phoenix striker all seems fun to me. Fire druid for ancient tunnels running honestly doesnt seem that fun, but I still want to make one upon finding ravenlore and making phoenix just for a sorta different AT runner.
Oooo, now I'm all nostalgic for my old bnet frozen maiden who used 'Ice'...there is something so satisfying about watching FA demolish lines of monsters.

I could put my Mavina's zon back together again...but it wouldn't be the same :/
All of these I find to be fun builds. Powerhouses (with proper equipment) marked with asterisk:

Nova Sorc*
Vengeance Sorc*
Vengeance Pally*
BH/Charge Pally (Liberator)*
FA/LF Zon (Fishyzon)*
Strafe/LF Zon (Gunslinger)*
Fend Zon
Throw barb
Frenzied Zealbarb*
Rabies Druid
Fireclaws Druid*
WW/Trap Sin*

Off the top of my head ;)
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Dunno why I haven't ever made a nova sorc - gonna go with that. I've been playing melee way too much, need to swap it up.
I think so, but I also find Rabies Druid fun, so maybe I'm just weird... I wouldn't be too surprised by that, really.

They are slow to quest through, act3 in particular can be a pain. It's definitely not a speedrun-type build...
I very much enjoyed my daggermancer, although he was a slightly different approach to the build with minimal poison synergies and pdagger mainly for AR and physical damage and summons. As @zemaj said, not a speed run by any means, but quite fun with some slow stretches due to single target and slight underpowered-ness compared to cookie cutters.
Played a daggermancer in a tourney one time. Stab a monster, run away, stab another one, run away ... weirdly satisfying.

I had a lot of fun with that guy but in HC, it is a strictly time-limited proposition.
I ended up making a throw barb. Couldn't really start throwing till 44 with deathbit. Really wrecks but you gotta swap out all the time they run out so fast. It ends up feeling like why do I even need to throw? I can use everything the same and just double swing. The advantage of throwing is that you don't have to get in melee range but barbs can get up in there no problem so why not double swing? Does nearly the same damage anyways and you don't end up running out of weapon. Blah. Might be getting a bit burned out on the game currently. Playing too many characters.
I did warn ya! Double throw wasn't well thought out by blizz, it only works for short runs. It's a powerhouse, but it doesn't last.

If you want almighty power you could do a titan fury wolf, that could be fun. Using ribcracker, tombreaver, or ebotd archon staff.
I recently realized how much Single Player really makes you good at PvM. I remember playing and when I would make a new sorc and have to start over without knowing anyone, I would have to go leach off of players in public games and couldn't help that much, even on a low player setting. Although before skill reset/tokens came out, you had to hoard your skills early because once wasted skill point was pretty much chalked up as a ruined character, if you were really OCD about it and wanted to compete at the highest level.

Now I can make a HC Sorc and have like a staff and leather armor and some crap and go around and kill monsters throughout Act 1 on P8 settings, even before I get the merc going, and feel safe for the most part. Even without spending a lot of skills or stats that early because my new strategy with Sorceress in today's era, is to go straight Fireball for quite a while and then to swap later on like in NM maybe to get the Blizz going. And now that I realized the extreme value of 'Tir' Runes on certain characters, I really just figured out how great it is on my HC Fissure Druid, I will be able to roll with FB for a long time. 3x Tir weapon and 3x Tir Shield should mean I can spray fireballs like mad and never worry about mana.

It just feels crazy that I can kill monsters on P8, with same gear and style, when I couldn't even really help and had to leach in a low player settings game before with my almost naked Sorceress. Crazy how this forum and doing SP characters the right way, has really made me sooooo much better in PvM. I used to only care about PvP and MFing in 1 player games on Single Player rules! :D

Glad to be going into the HC Realm now. I haven't found what I want on my 45 Fissure/Volcano/Summoner Druid (will change eventually), which is something like Vipermagi, Peasant Crown or good Pelt with ability to 'Lore' it and a few other things.

I hope I can keep my guys alive, well into their progress. I haven't died yet and to be honest, I always played SC to make it through without dying, so I am decent and keeping guys alive with all the SP practice, but I get aggressive sometimes and miss something. One thing I am really worried about, is the Fire Enchanted Bug in Nightmare, assuming it is still that way? I don't think of it much on SC, because it isn't the end of the world if I miss it. I need to keep an eye on that one.

The main thing I discovered recently that I love, is the Tir power that I always glossed over. Endless Fireballs woooooo.
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