The quest for level 99- progress thread

25M down, another 3 to go before Ancients and the last 5M. I also took the liberty of adding Mayhem for @Bewitch :)

* * *

* = Untwinked
† = Hardcore
Rich (BB code):
Rank    Class          Name               Player          Build
1       Druid          Wind_Whisperer     Strijdje        Wind
2       Barbarian      Lycan              Strijdje        Wolfbarb
3       Sorceress      Fortuna            tweety          BlizzBall
4       Sorceress      Ayla               Grogs           Blizz
5       Sorceress      Kara †             DarkChaos       BlizzBall
6       Paladin        Julius             Grogs           Hammerdin
7       Paladin        Mayhem             Marvel          Hammerdin
8       Amazon         ShieldMaiden       jjscud          Lightning
9       Assassin       Mave-II †          DarkChaos       Lightning/FB
10      Paladin        Nikola †           DarkChaos       Holy Shock
11      Sorceress      Miranda            jjscud          Lightning
12      Necro          Scarecrow          Marvel          Skelliemancer
13      Sorceress      Cindy              Callador        Lightning
14      Sorceress      Nemesis            Zaliqai         Lightning
15      Paladin        Uber_Ploppy        DX              Hammer
16      Sorceress      Mihana             Eric Xanthu     Blizzball
17      Paladin        AdmiralAckbar †    Wielanja        Hammer
18      Sorceress      Lighting           elevenlang      Lightening
19      Amazon         Azalea             Ugla            Lightning
20      Amazon         FuryPhys           EatSleepDiablo  Lightning
21      Paladin        Maxamillian        Asmodeous       Schaeferdin
22      Sorceress      Chainlightning     Cyrax           Lightning
23      Sorceress      Helina             LD50            Lightning
24      Sorceress      Blower             inter           Blizzard/Nova
25      Paladin        HolierThanThou     Kimppi          Hammerdin
26      Amazon         Mio                frozzzen        LF/CS
27      Sorceress      Diiieeeeee *       zgpmf           Lightning
28      Paladin        Possessed          Cyrax           Hammerdin
29      Amazon         PureDamagezon      zgpmf           LF
30      Paladin        Spatha_Lux         WoRG            Vengeance
31      Paladin        Samsara †          Corrupted       Hammerdin
32      Amazon         Lightning_speed    Cyrax           LF/CS
33      Sorceress      Allegro            ziambe          Lightning
34      Paladin        Narkis             Helvete         Hammerdin
35      Paladin        Jeffy              jeffy           Hammerdin
36      Sorceress      Coldtest           CRG             Lightning/CL/FW
37      Paladin        Vodka              Grape           Hammerdin
38      Necro          Raising_dead       Cyrax           Skelliemancer
39      Barbarian      Perkele *          zticazzy        WW-barb
40      Sorceress      Eleanor *          Pb_pal          Blizzard/Nova
41      Assassin       Izuna *            NanoMist        Lightning/FB
42      Amazon         Sylvia             hackedagainanda LF/CS
43      Paladin        Fordyl             Kitteh          CS Hammerdin
44      Assasin        Mercy *            PhineasB        Lightning/FB
45      Sorceress      Hiatus *           PhineasB        Lightning
46      Sorceress      HelpYourself *     ffs             Lightning
47      Sorceress      IceTea             Grape           FB/Meteor
48      Paladin        Aura *             Neksja          Hammerdin
49      Sorceress      Sophie*            Yng             Lightning
50      Sorceress      Neverland*         T72on1          FB/Meteor
51      Sorceress      itssoftcore*       Bewitch         FB/Meteor
52      Paladin        Phaedrus*          PhineasB        Hammerdin
53      Necro          Ric*               ffs             Fishymancer/Novamancer
54      Barb           Mayhem*            Bewitch         WW/Conc
[HIGHLIGHT]Table of runners:[/HIGHLIGHT]
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     3.447      98   Amazon       Lady_Fury        CRG                 2017-06-06
2     3.446  HC  98   Sorceress    Opagangnamstyle  zgpmf               2013-04-12
3     3.400      98   Necro        Pestilence       PhineasB            2019-07-07
4     3.369      98   Assassin     Jenna            Grogs
5     3.333      98   Barbarian    yy               scrcrw              2012-12-16
6     3.306      98   Sorceress    Michelle         Solar Ice           2010-02-23
7     3.282      98   Sorceress    Sparkles         Ipsilantee          2009-03-17
8     3.260  HC  98   Paladin      Quov-Tsin        Solar Ice           2012-12-26
9     3.244      98   Sorceress    Electra          krovak              2009-01-12
10    3.230      98   Barbarian    PvP_Baba         Naab                2011-06-05
11    3.229      98   Necromancer  Toxik            usamahanas
12    3.229      98   Sorceress    Atil             Thyiad              2011-02-19
13    3.229      98   Necromancer  Teron            Tupsi               2013-01-05
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     3.109      97   Paladin      Roland           Dodgydave           2014-04-10
2     3.101      97   Paladin      Swiss_Cheese     Masas
3     3.100      97   Barbarian    Unnatural        DX
4     3.100      97   Paladin      Zalikoo          Jaedhann            2010-07-03
5     3.081      97   Assassin     Akane            Nagisa              2013-07-07
6     3.040      97   Paladin      Temps_deMarteau  jrlafrance          2011-05-02
7     3.025      97   Necromancer  Shrek            Vajurewi
8     3.010      97   Paladin      Hybridadinadin   RibGriller
9     3.010      97   Sorceress    Lightemup        RibGriller
10    3.007  HC  97   Paladin      Inultus          Grisu               2012-09-13
11    3.006      97   Paladin      Emperor          bassano             2009-11-18
12    3.005      97   Amazon       BigBoobsBigBow   Silospen
13    3.003      97   Barbarian    Uber_Neno        neno
14    3.001      97   Sorceress    Hera             Reborn2k
15    2.989      97   Assassin     Jasmine          sequana             2009-08-14
16    2.985      97   Sorceress    Spellweaver      Dazliare            2013-03-03
17    2.980      97   Paladin      Brand_Dale       King's Spectre
18    2.962      97   Amazon       Viraya           Hrus
19    2.962      97   Paladin      john_voight      art_vandelay
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.927      96   Necromancer  Zhar             LprMan
2     2.922      96   Sorceress    blizzardmaster   bassano             2009-11-18
3     2.840      96   Paladin      Charged          Shermo
4     2.806      96   Necromancer  usamahuuu        usamahanas
5     2.804      96   Sorceress    Lore             NorthDakota         2013-07-14
6     2.800      96   Barbarian    Lycaeus          dune6836            2009-06-17
7     2.794      96   Paladin      Abresax          Wicket
8     2.791      96   Sorceress    BackAgain        EasyG               2012-09-13
9     2.790      96   Sorceress    BlizzMeSilly     nubikoen
10    2.762      96   Sorceress    MshRmMouthNoise  dune6836            2009-06-01
11    2.740  HC  96   Paladin      Harry-dAmour     Crawlingdeadman     2012-09-26
12    2.730      96   Sorceress    OD-BlizzSorcOT   o1d_dude            2010-03-28
13    2.728      96   Necromancer  Viperidae        dune6836            2009-06-17
14    2.722      96   Paladin      Gabriel          Gabriel74
15    2.721      96   Sorceress    lucania          bassano             2009-11-18
16    2.720  HC  96   Sorceress    Colinda          Gibitam             2011-02-02
17    2.718  HC  96   Sorceress    Langnese         Grisu               2013-01-19
18    2.717      96   Sorceress    Icewind          sawm
19    2.717      96   Sorceress    Lore             NorthDakota         2012-11-01
20    ?.???      96   Paladin      JohnnyBeGood     Babyhell            2019-06-06
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.550      95   Necromancer  Gromph           Shleefin
2     2.543  HC  95   Paladin      Bremmsparkfist   pharphis            2013-01-16
3     2.521      95   Amazon       PewPew           Kimppi              2012-07-26
4     2.514      95   Barbarian    Doom             XDoomasX
5     2.507      95   Sorceress    Xandra           Are
6     2.502      95   Sorceress    Obfuscated_C     SkaMan
7     2.500      95   Sorceress    My-Morwel        slarti
8     2.499      95   Barbarian    Morph            nebux
9     2.496      95   Sorceress    Alara            Deadbob
10    2.494      95   Sorceress    Jaaneito         Toppo
11    2.493      95   Amazon       Katzenjammer     factory
12    2.493      95   Sorceress    Lady_Vashj       Zhao_Yue
13    2.492      95   Sorceress    ColdA**B****     sirpoopsalot
14    2.492      95   Sorceress    Icy_Hell         EternalTenacity     2010-07-24
15    2.492  HC  95   Sorceress    Lulu             LiquidClear
16    2.492      95   Sorceress    Mito             dhaos               2013-07-22
17    2.492      95   Paladin      Yuriy_Sedykh     T72on1              2019-07-03

----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.458      94   Barbarian    ISeeRed          Kimppi              2011-05-21
2     2.412      94   Druid        Debbbole         Debbbole
3     2.397      94   Sorceress    Tortinita        Nagisa              2013-07-07
4     2.359      94   Sorceress    Point            Shermo
5     2.342      94   Sorceress    Aeryn            Aerwynd
6     2.340      94   Sorceress    oz               GabrielSylar
7     2.309      94   Barbarian    Doolin_Axes      jrlafrance
8     2.301      94   Paladin      Jermaine         Lemming
9     2.289      94   Paladin      Skaro            skipjack            2010-09-06
10    2.288      94   Amazon       BitterBeauty     Tasdaz
11    2.287      94   Sorceress    Chelle           Shade
12    2.287      94   Paladin      Hagrid           Mikle
13    2.287      94   Sorceress    Flogging_Molly   Hp_Sauc
14    2.287      94   Sorceress    MeLoveBurgers    DX
15    2.286      94   Sorceress    Bella            smilts
16    2.286      94   Druid        Iltschi          Tenecabo            2015-09-27
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.236      93   Sorceress    PureBlizzard     Friiser             2009-09-15
2     2.234      93   Necromancer  Sharn-Mes        Sharn-Mes
3     2.202      93   Necromancer  ArmyoftheDead    Friiser             2009-09-15
4     2.186      93   Sorceress    Sorceress        Bugzy
5     2.150      93   Assassin     Sneaky-Barren    barren
6     2.148      93   Druid        WinterBreeze     Cyrax               2014-05-30
7     2.137      93   Necromancer  BobSellers       L8hingeTheUnhinged
8     2.134      93   Sorceress    Freezyaballs     Thyiad
9     2.114      93   Amazon       Eagle            tripsu
10    2.107      93   Sorceress    ColdAsIce        SuperSavage
11    2.105      93   Paladin      Tarr             Tarr
12    2.100      93   Paladin      Thanatos         FodderCannoned
13    2.098      93   Sorceress    ChainSmokin      sirpoopsalot        (retired)
14    2.097      93   Barbarian    Horus            aarrgus
15    2.084      93   Amazon       Catte-brie       Sunbearie
16    2.084      93   Barbarian    Nasca            Sledge
17    ?.???      93   Barbarian    BabyBaba         Babyhell
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.074      92   Sorceress    HC-WomenAreWeak  PuffeN
2     2.049      92   Sorceress    IceQueen         RoidRage
3     2.023      92   Sorceress    Lily             QueenEm             (retired)
4     2.022      92   Sorceress    Quezacotl        NightBurst
5     2.013  HC  92   Paladin      Mehuggah         Martinkingss        2011-06-27
6     2.000      92   Assassin     MahTahHahRee     WiseGuy
7     1.999  HC  92   Sorcy        Blizzardisha     sike                2009-03-18
8     1.986      92   Necromancer  Tracul           Tracul
9     1.974  HC  92   Necromancer  HCLRWPN          sebhehe             2013-01-16
10    1.973      92   Amazon       Ursula           Jason Maher         2012-06-19
11    1.948      92   Amazon       Rhiannon         Jason Maher         2012-06-19
12    1.932      92   Sorceress    MistressGale     Jackalope
13    1.931      92   Barbarian    Immortal_King    INC
14    1.931      92   Amazon       asdf_Joan        asdfgah
15    1.927      92   Sorceress    Meteorb          Sir Lister of Smeg
16    1.925      92   Amazon       Angel            Lord_Vega
17    1.924      92   Sorceress    Frosty_Ploppy    DX
18    ?.???      92   Sorceress    BabySorc         Babyhell
19    ?.???      92   Assassin     IpBanPrevales*   Babyhell
20    1.924      92   Sorceress    TooMuchEnergy    T72on1              2019-07-03
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     1.909      91   Sorceress    IcyHotTouch      EternalTenacity     2009-05-03
2     1.856      91   Paladin      Zeus             Joosh               2009-08-16
3     1.821      91   Amazon       ThePerfectJava   Silospen
4     1.802      91   Paladin      Daniela          kstuart             2012-12-31
5     1.801      91   Necromancer  UnHoly_XR        XrceR
6     1.789      91   Barbarian    Smashington      angeldesignpro      2011-02-27
7     1.767      91   Amazon       Maveen           VinKelRix
8     1.765      91   Amazon       Uber_Fluffy      DX
9     1.764  HC  91   Necromancer  Skelemancer      WailingDoom
10    ?.???      91   Amazon       Noobazon         Babyhell
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     1.756      90   Sorceress    pingu            4fun
2     1.738      90   Sorceress    Serena           Tarr
3     1.736      90   Paladin      Dizzy_Hitter     Frosty
4     1.662      90   Paladin      Emperor_II       bassano             2009-11-18
5     1.638      90   Sorceress    TP-Fice          SeeiN2StarS
6     1.620      90   Assassin     Halle            Nazdakka
7     1.619      90   Paladin      Cervantes        Lord_Vega
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
When I came back my main goal was two more trips to 99, a kicksin and a hammerdin. This isn't either of those. I was tempted to hold off adding her till I was a bit further along but the thread was on the first page so I figured why not.

She's level'ed solely in the pits so far and may go another level there but I think I'm going to try out Baaling and maybe Nihl soon.

* * *

* = Untwinked
† = Hardcore
Rich (BB code):
Rank    Class          Name               Player          Build
1       Druid          Wind_Whisperer     Strijdje        Wind
2       Barbarian      Lycan              Strijdje        Wolfbarb
3       Sorceress      Fortuna            tweety          BlizzBall
4       Sorceress      Ayla               Grogs           Blizz
5       Sorceress      Kara †             DarkChaos       BlizzBall
6       Paladin        Julius             Grogs           Hammerdin
7       Paladin        Mayhem             Marvel          Hammerdin
8       Amazon         ShieldMaiden       jjscud          Lightning
9       Assassin       Mave-II †          DarkChaos       Lightning/FB
10      Paladin        Nikola †           DarkChaos       Holy Shock
11      Sorceress      Miranda            jjscud          Lightning
12      Necro          Scarecrow          Marvel          Skelliemancer
13      Sorceress      Cindy              Callador        Lightning
14      Sorceress      Nemesis            Zaliqai         Lightning
15      Paladin        Uber_Ploppy        DX              Hammer
16      Sorceress      Mihana             Eric Xanthu     Blizzball
17      Paladin        AdmiralAckbar †    Wielanja        Hammer
18      Sorceress      Lighting           elevenlang      Lightening
19      Amazon         Azalea             Ugla            Lightning
20      Amazon         FuryPhys           EatSleepDiablo  Lightning
21      Paladin        Maxamillian        Asmodeous       Schaeferdin
22      Sorceress      Chainlightning     Cyrax           Lightning
23      Sorceress      Helina             LD50            Lightning
24      Sorceress      Blower             inter           Blizzard/Nova
25      Paladin        HolierThanThou     Kimppi          Hammerdin
26      Amazon         Mio                frozzzen        LF/CS
27      Sorceress      Diiieeeeee *       zgpmf           Lightning
28      Paladin        Possessed          Cyrax           Hammerdin
29      Amazon         PureDamagezon      zgpmf           LF
30      Paladin        Spatha_Lux         WoRG            Vengeance
31      Paladin        Samsara †          Corrupted       Hammerdin
32      Amazon         Lightning_speed    Cyrax           LF/CS
33      Sorceress      Allegro            ziambe          Lightning
34      Paladin        Narkis             Helvete         Hammerdin
35      Paladin        Jeffy              jeffy           Hammerdin
36      Sorceress      Coldtest           CRG             Lightning/CL/FW
37      Paladin        Vodka              Grape           Hammerdin
38      Necro          Raising_dead       Cyrax           Skelliemancer
39      Barbarian      Perkele *          zticazzy        WW-barb
40      Sorceress      Eleanor *          Pb_pal          Blizzard/Nova
41      Assassin       Izuna *            NanoMist        Lightning/FB
42      Amazon         Sylvia             hackedagainanda LF/CS
43      Paladin        Fordyl             Kitteh          CS Hammerdin
44      Assasin        Mercy *            PhineasB        Lightning/FB
45      Sorceress      Hiatus *           PhineasB        Lightning
46      Sorceress      HelpYourself *     ffs             Lightning
47      Sorceress      IceTea             Grape           FB/Meteor
48      Paladin        Aura *             Neksja          Hammerdin
49      Sorceress      Sophie*            Yng             Lightning
50      Sorceress      Neverland*         T72on1          FB/Meteor
51      Sorceress      itssoftcore*       Bewitch         FB/Meteor
52      Paladin        Phaedrus*          PhineasB        Hammerdin
53      Necro          Ric*               ffs             Fishymancer/Novamancer
54      Barb           Mayhem*            Bewitch         WW/Conc
[HIGHLIGHT]Table of runners:[/HIGHLIGHT]
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     3.447      98   Amazon       Lady_Fury        CRG                 2017-06-06
2     3.446  HC  98   Sorceress    Opagangnamstyle  zgpmf               2013-04-12
3     3.400      98   Necro        Pestilence       PhineasB            2019-07-07
4     3.369      98   Assassin     Jenna            Grogs
5     3.333      98   Barbarian    yy               scrcrw              2012-12-16
6     3.306      98   Sorceress    Michelle         Solar Ice           2010-02-23
7     3.282      98   Sorceress    Sparkles         Ipsilantee          2009-03-17
8     3.260  HC  98   Paladin      Quov-Tsin        Solar Ice           2012-12-26
9     3.244      98   Sorceress    Electra          krovak              2009-01-12
10    3.230      98   Barbarian    PvP_Baba         Naab                2011-06-05
11    3.229      98   Necromancer  Toxik            usamahanas
12    3.229      98   Sorceress    Atil             Thyiad              2011-02-19
13    3.229      98   Necromancer  Teron            Tupsi               2013-01-05
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     3.109      97   Paladin      Roland           Dodgydave           2014-04-10
2     3.101      97   Paladin      Swiss_Cheese     Masas
3     3.100      97   Barbarian    Unnatural        DX
4     3.100      97   Paladin      Zalikoo          Jaedhann            2010-07-03
5     3.081      97   Assassin     Akane            Nagisa              2013-07-07
6     3.040      97   Paladin      Temps_deMarteau  jrlafrance          2011-05-02
7     3.025      97   Necromancer  Shrek            Vajurewi
8     3.010      97   Paladin      Hybridadinadin   RibGriller
9     3.010      97   Sorceress    Lightemup        RibGriller
10    3.007  HC  97   Paladin      Inultus          Grisu               2012-09-13
11    3.006      97   Paladin      Emperor          bassano             2009-11-18
12    3.005      97   Amazon       BigBoobsBigBow   Silospen
13    3.003      97   Barbarian    Uber_Neno        neno
14    3.001      97   Sorceress    Hera             Reborn2k
15    2.989      97   Assassin     Jasmine          sequana             2009-08-14
16    2.985      97   Sorceress    Spellweaver      Dazliare            2013-03-03
17    2.980      97   Paladin      Brand_Dale       King's Spectre
18    2.962      97   Amazon       Viraya           Hrus
19    2.962      97   Paladin      john_voight      art_vandelay
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.927      96   Necromancer  Zhar             LprMan
2     2.922      96   Sorceress    blizzardmaster   bassano             2009-11-18
3     2.840      96   Paladin      Charged          Shermo
4     2.806      96   Necromancer  usamahuuu        usamahanas
5     2.804      96   Sorceress    Lore             NorthDakota         2013-07-14
6     2.800      96   Barbarian    Lycaeus          dune6836            2009-06-17
7     2.794      96   Paladin      Abresax          Wicket
8     2.791      96   Sorceress    BackAgain        EasyG               2012-09-13
9     2.790      96   Sorceress    BlizzMeSilly     nubikoen
10    2.762      96   Sorceress    MshRmMouthNoise  dune6836            2009-06-01
11    2.740  HC  96   Paladin      Harry-dAmour     Crawlingdeadman     2012-09-26
12    2.730      96   Sorceress    OD-BlizzSorcOT   o1d_dude            2010-03-28
13    2.728      96   Necromancer  Viperidae        dune6836            2009-06-17
14    2.722      96   Paladin      Gabriel          Gabriel74
15    2.721      96   Sorceress    lucania          bassano             2009-11-18
16    2.720  HC  96   Sorceress    Colinda          Gibitam             2011-02-02
17    2.718  HC  96   Sorceress    Langnese         Grisu               2013-01-19
18    2.717      96   Sorceress    Icewind          sawm
19    2.717      96   Sorceress    Lore             NorthDakota         2012-11-01
20    ?.???      96   Paladin      JohnnyBeGood     Babyhell            2019-06-06
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.550      95   Necromancer  Gromph           Shleefin
2     2.543  HC  95   Paladin      Bremmsparkfist   pharphis            2013-01-16
3     2.521      95   Amazon       PewPew           Kimppi              2012-07-26
4     2.514      95   Barbarian    Doom             XDoomasX
5     2.507      95   Sorceress    Xandra           Are
6     2.502      95   Sorceress    Obfuscated_C     SkaMan
7     2.500      95   Sorceress    My-Morwel        slarti
8     2.499      95   Barbarian    Morph            nebux
9     2.496      95   Sorceress    Alara            Deadbob
10    2.494      95   Sorceress    Jaaneito         Toppo
11    2.493      95   Amazon       Katzenjammer     factory
12    2.493      95   Sorceress    Lady_Vashj       Zhao_Yue
13    2.492      95   Sorceress    ColdA**B****     sirpoopsalot
14    2.492      95   Sorceress    Icy_Hell         EternalTenacity     2010-07-24
15    2.492  HC  95   Sorceress    Lulu             LiquidClear
16    2.492      95   Sorceress    Mito             dhaos               2013-07-22
17    2.492      95   Paladin      Yuriy_Sedykh     T72on1              2019-07-03
18    2.492      95   Assassin     Calanthe         jjscud              2019-07-10

----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.458      94   Barbarian    ISeeRed          Kimppi              2011-05-21
2     2.412      94   Druid        Debbbole         Debbbole
3     2.397      94   Sorceress    Tortinita        Nagisa              2013-07-07
4     2.359      94   Sorceress    Point            Shermo
5     2.342      94   Sorceress    Aeryn            Aerwynd
6     2.340      94   Sorceress    oz               GabrielSylar
7     2.309      94   Barbarian    Doolin_Axes      jrlafrance
8     2.301      94   Paladin      Jermaine         Lemming
9     2.289      94   Paladin      Skaro            skipjack            2010-09-06
10    2.288      94   Amazon       BitterBeauty     Tasdaz
11    2.287      94   Sorceress    Chelle           Shade
12    2.287      94   Paladin      Hagrid           Mikle
13    2.287      94   Sorceress    Flogging_Molly   Hp_Sauc
14    2.287      94   Sorceress    MeLoveBurgers    DX
15    2.286      94   Sorceress    Bella            smilts
16    2.286      94   Druid        Iltschi          Tenecabo            2015-09-27
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.236      93   Sorceress    PureBlizzard     Friiser             2009-09-15
2     2.234      93   Necromancer  Sharn-Mes        Sharn-Mes
3     2.202      93   Necromancer  ArmyoftheDead    Friiser             2009-09-15
4     2.186      93   Sorceress    Sorceress        Bugzy
5     2.150      93   Assassin     Sneaky-Barren    barren
6     2.148      93   Druid        WinterBreeze     Cyrax               2014-05-30
7     2.137      93   Necromancer  BobSellers       L8hingeTheUnhinged
8     2.134      93   Sorceress    Freezyaballs     Thyiad
9     2.114      93   Amazon       Eagle            tripsu
10    2.107      93   Sorceress    ColdAsIce        SuperSavage
11    2.105      93   Paladin      Tarr             Tarr
12    2.100      93   Paladin      Thanatos         FodderCannoned
13    2.098      93   Sorceress    ChainSmokin      sirpoopsalot        (retired)
14    2.097      93   Barbarian    Horus            aarrgus
15    2.084      93   Amazon       Catte-brie       Sunbearie
16    2.084      93   Barbarian    Nasca            Sledge
17    ?.???      93   Barbarian    BabyBaba         Babyhell
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.074      92   Sorceress    HC-WomenAreWeak  PuffeN
2     2.049      92   Sorceress    IceQueen         RoidRage
3     2.023      92   Sorceress    Lily             QueenEm             (retired)
4     2.022      92   Sorceress    Quezacotl        NightBurst
5     2.013  HC  92   Paladin      Mehuggah         Martinkingss        2011-06-27
6     2.000      92   Assassin     MahTahHahRee     WiseGuy
7     1.999  HC  92   Sorcy        Blizzardisha     sike                2009-03-18
8     1.986      92   Necromancer  Tracul           Tracul
9     1.974  HC  92   Necromancer  HCLRWPN          sebhehe             2013-01-16
10    1.973      92   Amazon       Ursula           Jason Maher         2012-06-19
11    1.948      92   Amazon       Rhiannon         Jason Maher         2012-06-19
12    1.932      92   Sorceress    MistressGale     Jackalope
13    1.931      92   Barbarian    Immortal_King    INC
14    1.931      92   Amazon       asdf_Joan        asdfgah
15    1.927      92   Sorceress    Meteorb          Sir Lister of Smeg
16    1.925      92   Amazon       Angel            Lord_Vega
17    1.924      92   Sorceress    Frosty_Ploppy    DX
18    ?.???      92   Sorceress    BabySorc         Babyhell
19    ?.???      92   Assassin     IpBanPrevales*   Babyhell
20    1.924      92   Sorceress    TooMuchEnergy    T72on1              2019-07-03
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     1.909      91   Sorceress    IcyHotTouch      EternalTenacity     2009-05-03
2     1.856      91   Paladin      Zeus             Joosh               2009-08-16
3     1.821      91   Amazon       ThePerfectJava   Silospen
4     1.802      91   Paladin      Daniela          kstuart             2012-12-31
5     1.801      91   Necromancer  UnHoly_XR        XrceR
6     1.789      91   Barbarian    Smashington      angeldesignpro      2011-02-27
7     1.767      91   Amazon       Maveen           VinKelRix
8     1.765      91   Amazon       Uber_Fluffy      DX
9     1.764  HC  91   Necromancer  Skelemancer      WailingDoom
10    ?.???      91   Amazon       Noobazon         Babyhell
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     1.756      90   Sorceress    pingu            4fun
2     1.738      90   Sorceress    Serena           Tarr
3     1.736      90   Paladin      Dizzy_Hitter     Frosty
4     1.662      90   Paladin      Emperor_II       bassano             2009-11-18
5     1.638      90   Sorceress    TP-Fice          SeeiN2StarS
6     1.620      90   Assassin     Halle            Nazdakka
7     1.619      90   Paladin      Cervantes        Lord_Vega
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Another 25M in the books for my untwinked 99er necro, so less than 20 hours to go!

* * *

* = Untwinked
† = Hardcore
Rich (BB code):
Rank    Class          Name               Player          Build
1       Druid          Wind_Whisperer     Strijdje        Wind
2       Barbarian      Lycan              Strijdje        Wolfbarb
3       Sorceress      Fortuna            tweety          BlizzBall
4       Sorceress      Ayla               Grogs           Blizz
5       Sorceress      Kara †             DarkChaos       BlizzBall
6       Paladin        Julius             Grogs           Hammerdin
7       Paladin        Mayhem             Marvel          Hammerdin
8       Amazon         ShieldMaiden       jjscud          Lightning
9       Assassin       Mave-II †          DarkChaos       Lightning/FB
10      Paladin        Nikola †           DarkChaos       Holy Shock
11      Sorceress      Miranda            jjscud          Lightning
12      Necro          Scarecrow          Marvel          Skelliemancer
13      Sorceress      Cindy              Callador        Lightning
14      Sorceress      Nemesis            Zaliqai         Lightning
15      Paladin        Uber_Ploppy        DX              Hammer
16      Sorceress      Mihana             Eric Xanthu     Blizzball
17      Paladin        AdmiralAckbar †    Wielanja        Hammer
18      Sorceress      Lighting           elevenlang      Lightening
19      Amazon         Azalea             Ugla            Lightning
20      Amazon         FuryPhys           EatSleepDiablo  Lightning
21      Paladin        Maxamillian        Asmodeous       Schaeferdin
22      Sorceress      Chainlightning     Cyrax           Lightning
23      Sorceress      Helina             LD50            Lightning
24      Sorceress      Blower             inter           Blizzard/Nova
25      Paladin        HolierThanThou     Kimppi          Hammerdin
26      Amazon         Mio                frozzzen        LF/CS
27      Sorceress      Diiieeeeee *       zgpmf           Lightning
28      Paladin        Possessed          Cyrax           Hammerdin
29      Amazon         PureDamagezon      zgpmf           LF
30      Paladin        Spatha_Lux         WoRG            Vengeance
31      Paladin        Samsara †          Corrupted       Hammerdin
32      Amazon         Lightning_speed    Cyrax           LF/CS
33      Sorceress      Allegro            ziambe          Lightning
34      Paladin        Narkis             Helvete         Hammerdin
35      Paladin        Jeffy              jeffy           Hammerdin
36      Sorceress      Coldtest           CRG             Lightning/CL/FW
37      Paladin        Vodka              Grape           Hammerdin
38      Necro          Raising_dead       Cyrax           Skelliemancer
39      Barbarian      Perkele *          zticazzy        WW-barb
40      Sorceress      Eleanor *          Pb_pal          Blizzard/Nova
41      Assassin       Izuna *            NanoMist        Lightning/FB
42      Amazon         Sylvia             hackedagainanda LF/CS
43      Paladin        Fordyl             Kitteh          CS Hammerdin
44      Assasin        Mercy *            PhineasB        Lightning/FB
45      Sorceress      Hiatus *           PhineasB        Lightning
46      Sorceress      HelpYourself *     ffs             Lightning
47      Sorceress      IceTea             Grape           FB/Meteor
48      Paladin        Aura *             Neksja          Hammerdin
49      Sorceress      Sophie*            Yng             Lightning
50      Sorceress      Neverland*         T72on1          FB/Meteor
51      Sorceress      itssoftcore*       Bewitch         FB/Meteor
52      Paladin        Phaedrus*          PhineasB        Hammerdin
53      Necro          Ric*               ffs             Fishymancer/Novamancer
54      Barb           Mayhem*            Bewitch         WW/Conc
[HIGHLIGHT]Table of runners:[/HIGHLIGHT]
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     3.447      98   Amazon       Lady_Fury        CRG                 2017-06-06
2     3.446  HC  98   Sorceress    Opagangnamstyle  zgpmf               2013-04-12
3     3.425      98   Necro        Pestilence       PhineasB            2019-07-18
4     3.369      98   Assassin     Jenna            Grogs
5     3.333      98   Barbarian    yy               scrcrw              2012-12-16
6     3.306      98   Sorceress    Michelle         Solar Ice           2010-02-23
7     3.282      98   Sorceress    Sparkles         Ipsilantee          2009-03-17
8     3.260  HC  98   Paladin      Quov-Tsin        Solar Ice           2012-12-26
9     3.244      98   Sorceress    Electra          krovak              2009-01-12
10    3.230      98   Barbarian    PvP_Baba         Naab                2011-06-05
11    3.229      98   Necromancer  Toxik            usamahanas
12    3.229      98   Sorceress    Atil             Thyiad              2011-02-19
13    3.229      98   Necromancer  Teron            Tupsi               2013-01-05
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     3.109      97   Paladin      Roland           Dodgydave           2014-04-10
2     3.101      97   Paladin      Swiss_Cheese     Masas
3     3.100      97   Barbarian    Unnatural        DX
4     3.100      97   Paladin      Zalikoo          Jaedhann            2010-07-03
5     3.081      97   Assassin     Akane            Nagisa              2013-07-07
6     3.040      97   Paladin      Temps_deMarteau  jrlafrance          2011-05-02
7     3.025      97   Necromancer  Shrek            Vajurewi
8     3.010      97   Paladin      Hybridadinadin   RibGriller
9     3.010      97   Sorceress    Lightemup        RibGriller
10    3.007  HC  97   Paladin      Inultus          Grisu               2012-09-13
11    3.006      97   Paladin      Emperor          bassano             2009-11-18
12    3.005      97   Amazon       BigBoobsBigBow   Silospen
13    3.003      97   Barbarian    Uber_Neno        neno
14    3.001      97   Sorceress    Hera             Reborn2k
15    2.989      97   Assassin     Jasmine          sequana             2009-08-14
16    2.985      97   Sorceress    Spellweaver      Dazliare            2013-03-03
17    2.980      97   Paladin      Brand_Dale       King's Spectre
18    2.962      97   Amazon       Viraya           Hrus
19    2.962      97   Paladin      john_voight      art_vandelay
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.927      96   Necromancer  Zhar             LprMan
2     2.922      96   Sorceress    blizzardmaster   bassano             2009-11-18
3     2.840      96   Paladin      Charged          Shermo
4     2.806      96   Necromancer  usamahuuu        usamahanas
5     2.804      96   Sorceress    Lore             NorthDakota         2013-07-14
6     2.800      96   Barbarian    Lycaeus          dune6836            2009-06-17
7     2.794      96   Paladin      Abresax          Wicket
8     2.791      96   Sorceress    BackAgain        EasyG               2012-09-13
9     2.790      96   Sorceress    BlizzMeSilly     nubikoen
10    2.762      96   Sorceress    MshRmMouthNoise  dune6836            2009-06-01
11    2.740  HC  96   Paladin      Harry-dAmour     Crawlingdeadman     2012-09-26
12    2.730      96   Sorceress    OD-BlizzSorcOT   o1d_dude            2010-03-28
13    2.728      96   Necromancer  Viperidae        dune6836            2009-06-17
14    2.722      96   Paladin      Gabriel          Gabriel74
15    2.721      96   Sorceress    lucania          bassano             2009-11-18
16    2.720  HC  96   Sorceress    Colinda          Gibitam             2011-02-02
17    2.718  HC  96   Sorceress    Langnese         Grisu               2013-01-19
18    2.717      96   Sorceress    Icewind          sawm
19    2.717      96   Sorceress    Lore             NorthDakota         2012-11-01
20    ?.???      96   Paladin      JohnnyBeGood     Babyhell            2019-06-06
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.550      95   Necromancer  Gromph           Shleefin
2     2.543  HC  95   Paladin      Bremmsparkfist   pharphis            2013-01-16
3     2.521      95   Amazon       PewPew           Kimppi              2012-07-26
4     2.514      95   Barbarian    Doom             XDoomasX
5     2.507      95   Sorceress    Xandra           Are
6     2.502      95   Sorceress    Obfuscated_C     SkaMan
7     2.500      95   Sorceress    My-Morwel        slarti
8     2.499      95   Barbarian    Morph            nebux
9     2.496      95   Sorceress    Alara            Deadbob
10    2.494      95   Sorceress    Jaaneito         Toppo
11    2.493      95   Amazon       Katzenjammer     factory
12    2.493      95   Sorceress    Lady_Vashj       Zhao_Yue
13    2.492      95   Sorceress    ColdA**B****     sirpoopsalot
14    2.492      95   Sorceress    Icy_Hell         EternalTenacity     2010-07-24
15    2.492  HC  95   Sorceress    Lulu             LiquidClear
16    2.492      95   Sorceress    Mito             dhaos               2013-07-22
17    2.492      95   Paladin      Yuriy_Sedykh     T72on1              2019-07-03
18    2.492      95   Assassin     Calanthe         jjscud              2019-07-10

----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.458      94   Barbarian    ISeeRed          Kimppi              2011-05-21
2     2.412      94   Druid        Debbbole         Debbbole
3     2.397      94   Sorceress    Tortinita        Nagisa              2013-07-07
4     2.359      94   Sorceress    Point            Shermo
5     2.342      94   Sorceress    Aeryn            Aerwynd
6     2.340      94   Sorceress    oz               GabrielSylar
7     2.309      94   Barbarian    Doolin_Axes      jrlafrance
8     2.301      94   Paladin      Jermaine         Lemming
9     2.289      94   Paladin      Skaro            skipjack            2010-09-06
10    2.288      94   Amazon       BitterBeauty     Tasdaz
11    2.287      94   Sorceress    Chelle           Shade
12    2.287      94   Paladin      Hagrid           Mikle
13    2.287      94   Sorceress    Flogging_Molly   Hp_Sauc
14    2.287      94   Sorceress    MeLoveBurgers    DX
15    2.286      94   Sorceress    Bella            smilts
16    2.286      94   Druid        Iltschi          Tenecabo            2015-09-27
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.236      93   Sorceress    PureBlizzard     Friiser             2009-09-15
2     2.234      93   Necromancer  Sharn-Mes        Sharn-Mes
3     2.202      93   Necromancer  ArmyoftheDead    Friiser             2009-09-15
4     2.186      93   Sorceress    Sorceress        Bugzy
5     2.150      93   Assassin     Sneaky-Barren    barren
6     2.148      93   Druid        WinterBreeze     Cyrax               2014-05-30
7     2.137      93   Necromancer  BobSellers       L8hingeTheUnhinged
8     2.134      93   Sorceress    Freezyaballs     Thyiad
9     2.114      93   Amazon       Eagle            tripsu
10    2.107      93   Sorceress    ColdAsIce        SuperSavage
11    2.105      93   Paladin      Tarr             Tarr
12    2.100      93   Paladin      Thanatos         FodderCannoned
13    2.098      93   Sorceress    ChainSmokin      sirpoopsalot        (retired)
14    2.097      93   Barbarian    Horus            aarrgus
15    2.084      93   Amazon       Catte-brie       Sunbearie
16    2.084      93   Barbarian    Nasca            Sledge
17    ?.???      93   Barbarian    BabyBaba         Babyhell
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.074      92   Sorceress    HC-WomenAreWeak  PuffeN
2     2.049      92   Sorceress    IceQueen         RoidRage
3     2.023      92   Sorceress    Lily             QueenEm             (retired)
4     2.022      92   Sorceress    Quezacotl        NightBurst
5     2.013  HC  92   Paladin      Mehuggah         Martinkingss        2011-06-27
6     2.000      92   Assassin     MahTahHahRee     WiseGuy
7     1.999  HC  92   Sorcy        Blizzardisha     sike                2009-03-18
8     1.986      92   Necromancer  Tracul           Tracul
9     1.974  HC  92   Necromancer  HCLRWPN          sebhehe             2013-01-16
10    1.973      92   Amazon       Ursula           Jason Maher         2012-06-19
11    1.948      92   Amazon       Rhiannon         Jason Maher         2012-06-19
12    1.932      92   Sorceress    MistressGale     Jackalope
13    1.931      92   Barbarian    Immortal_King    INC
14    1.931      92   Amazon       asdf_Joan        asdfgah
15    1.927      92   Sorceress    Meteorb          Sir Lister of Smeg
16    1.925      92   Amazon       Angel            Lord_Vega
17    1.924      92   Sorceress    Frosty_Ploppy    DX
18    ?.???      92   Sorceress    BabySorc         Babyhell
19    ?.???      92   Assassin     IpBanPrevales*   Babyhell
20    1.924      92   Sorceress    TooMuchEnergy    T72on1              2019-07-03
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     1.909      91   Sorceress    IcyHotTouch      EternalTenacity     2009-05-03
2     1.856      91   Paladin      Zeus             Joosh               2009-08-16
3     1.821      91   Amazon       ThePerfectJava   Silospen
4     1.802      91   Paladin      Daniela          kstuart             2012-12-31
5     1.801      91   Necromancer  UnHoly_XR        XrceR
6     1.789      91   Barbarian    Smashington      angeldesignpro      2011-02-27
7     1.767      91   Amazon       Maveen           VinKelRix
8     1.765      91   Amazon       Uber_Fluffy      DX
9     1.764  HC  91   Necromancer  Skelemancer      WailingDoom
10    ?.???      91   Amazon       Noobazon         Babyhell
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     1.756      90   Sorceress    pingu            4fun
2     1.738      90   Sorceress    Serena           Tarr
3     1.736      90   Paladin      Dizzy_Hitter     Frosty
4     1.662      90   Paladin      Emperor_II       bassano             2009-11-18
5     1.638      90   Sorceress    TP-Fice          SeeiN2StarS
6     1.620      90   Assassin     Halle            Nazdakka
7     1.619      90   Paladin      Cervantes        Lord_Vega
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Nice. Gogogo !!!

My Sorc got from 92 to 93.

* * *

* = Untwinked
† = Hardcore
Rich (BB code):
Rank    Class          Name               Player          Build
1       Druid          Wind_Whisperer     Strijdje        Wind
2       Barbarian      Lycan              Strijdje        Wolfbarb
3       Sorceress      Fortuna            tweety          BlizzBall
4       Sorceress      Ayla               Grogs           Blizz
5       Sorceress      Kara †             DarkChaos       BlizzBall
6       Paladin        Julius             Grogs           Hammerdin
7       Paladin        Mayhem             Marvel          Hammerdin
8       Amazon         ShieldMaiden       jjscud          Lightning
9       Assassin       Mave-II †          DarkChaos       Lightning/FB
10      Paladin        Nikola †           DarkChaos       Holy Shock
11      Sorceress      Miranda            jjscud          Lightning
12      Necro          Scarecrow          Marvel          Skelliemancer
13      Sorceress      Cindy              Callador        Lightning
14      Sorceress      Nemesis            Zaliqai         Lightning
15      Paladin        Uber_Ploppy        DX              Hammer
16      Sorceress      Mihana             Eric Xanthu     Blizzball
17      Paladin        AdmiralAckbar †    Wielanja        Hammer
18      Sorceress      Lighting           elevenlang      Lightening
19      Amazon         Azalea             Ugla            Lightning
20      Amazon         FuryPhys           EatSleepDiablo  Lightning
21      Paladin        Maxamillian        Asmodeous       Schaeferdin
22      Sorceress      Chainlightning     Cyrax           Lightning
23      Sorceress      Helina             LD50            Lightning
24      Sorceress      Blower             inter           Blizzard/Nova
25      Paladin        HolierThanThou     Kimppi          Hammerdin
26      Amazon         Mio                frozzzen        LF/CS
27      Sorceress      Diiieeeeee *       zgpmf           Lightning
28      Paladin        Possessed          Cyrax           Hammerdin
29      Amazon         PureDamagezon      zgpmf           LF
30      Paladin        Spatha_Lux         WoRG            Vengeance
31      Paladin        Samsara †          Corrupted       Hammerdin
32      Amazon         Lightning_speed    Cyrax           LF/CS
33      Sorceress      Allegro            ziambe          Lightning
34      Paladin        Narkis             Helvete         Hammerdin
35      Paladin        Jeffy              jeffy           Hammerdin
36      Sorceress      Coldtest           CRG             Lightning/CL/FW
37      Paladin        Vodka              Grape           Hammerdin
38      Necro          Raising_dead       Cyrax           Skelliemancer
39      Barbarian      Perkele *          zticazzy        WW-barb
40      Sorceress      Eleanor *          Pb_pal          Blizzard/Nova
41      Assassin       Izuna *            NanoMist        Lightning/FB
42      Amazon         Sylvia             hackedagainanda LF/CS
43      Paladin        Fordyl             Kitteh          CS Hammerdin
44      Assasin        Mercy *            PhineasB        Lightning/FB
45      Sorceress      Hiatus *           PhineasB        Lightning
46      Sorceress      HelpYourself *     ffs             Lightning
47      Sorceress      IceTea             Grape           FB/Meteor
48      Paladin        Aura *             Neksja          Hammerdin
49      Sorceress      Sophie*            Yng             Lightning
50      Sorceress      Neverland*         T72on1          FB/Meteor
51      Sorceress      itssoftcore*       Bewitch         FB/Meteor
52      Paladin        Phaedrus*          PhineasB        Hammerdin
53      Necro          Ric*               ffs             Fishymancer/Novamancer
54      Barb           Mayhem*            Bewitch         WW/Conc
[HIGHLIGHT]Table of runners:[/HIGHLIGHT]
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     3.447      98   Amazon       Lady_Fury        CRG                 2017-06-06
2     3.446  HC  98   Sorceress    Opagangnamstyle  zgpmf               2013-04-12
3     3.425      98   Necro        Pestilence       PhineasB            2019-07-18
4     3.369      98   Assassin     Jenna            Grogs
5     3.333      98   Barbarian    yy               scrcrw              2012-12-16
6     3.306      98   Sorceress    Michelle         Solar Ice           2010-02-23
7     3.282      98   Sorceress    Sparkles         Ipsilantee          2009-03-17
8     3.260  HC  98   Paladin      Quov-Tsin        Solar Ice           2012-12-26
9     3.244      98   Sorceress    Electra          krovak              2009-01-12
10    3.230      98   Barbarian    PvP_Baba         Naab                2011-06-05
11    3.229      98   Necromancer  Toxik            usamahanas
12    3.229      98   Sorceress    Atil             Thyiad              2011-02-19
13    3.229      98   Necromancer  Teron            Tupsi               2013-01-05
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     3.109      97   Paladin      Roland           Dodgydave           2014-04-10
2     3.101      97   Paladin      Swiss_Cheese     Masas
3     3.100      97   Barbarian    Unnatural        DX
4     3.100      97   Paladin      Zalikoo          Jaedhann            2010-07-03
5     3.081      97   Assassin     Akane            Nagisa              2013-07-07
6     3.040      97   Paladin      Temps_deMarteau  jrlafrance          2011-05-02
7     3.025      97   Necromancer  Shrek            Vajurewi
8     3.010      97   Paladin      Hybridadinadin   RibGriller
9     3.010      97   Sorceress    Lightemup        RibGriller
10    3.007  HC  97   Paladin      Inultus          Grisu               2012-09-13
11    3.006      97   Paladin      Emperor          bassano             2009-11-18
12    3.005      97   Amazon       BigBoobsBigBow   Silospen
13    3.003      97   Barbarian    Uber_Neno        neno
14    3.001      97   Sorceress    Hera             Reborn2k
15    2.989      97   Assassin     Jasmine          sequana             2009-08-14
16    2.985      97   Sorceress    Spellweaver      Dazliare            2013-03-03
17    2.980      97   Paladin      Brand_Dale       King's Spectre
18    2.962      97   Amazon       Viraya           Hrus
19    2.962      97   Paladin      john_voight      art_vandelay
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.927      96   Necromancer  Zhar             LprMan
2     2.922      96   Sorceress    blizzardmaster   bassano             2009-11-18
3     2.840      96   Paladin      Charged          Shermo
4     2.806      96   Necromancer  usamahuuu        usamahanas
5     2.804      96   Sorceress    Lore             NorthDakota         2013-07-14
6     2.800      96   Barbarian    Lycaeus          dune6836            2009-06-17
7     2.794      96   Paladin      Abresax          Wicket
8     2.791      96   Sorceress    BackAgain        EasyG               2012-09-13
9     2.790      96   Sorceress    BlizzMeSilly     nubikoen
10    2.762      96   Sorceress    MshRmMouthNoise  dune6836            2009-06-01
11    2.740  HC  96   Paladin      Harry-dAmour     Crawlingdeadman     2012-09-26
12    2.730      96   Sorceress    OD-BlizzSorcOT   o1d_dude            2010-03-28
13    2.728      96   Necromancer  Viperidae        dune6836            2009-06-17
14    2.722      96   Paladin      Gabriel          Gabriel74
15    2.721      96   Sorceress    lucania          bassano             2009-11-18
16    2.720  HC  96   Sorceress    Colinda          Gibitam             2011-02-02
17    2.718  HC  96   Sorceress    Langnese         Grisu               2013-01-19
18    2.717      96   Sorceress    Icewind          sawm
19    2.717      96   Sorceress    Lore             NorthDakota         2012-11-01
20    ?.???      96   Paladin      JohnnyBeGood     Babyhell            2019-06-06
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.550      95   Necromancer  Gromph           Shleefin
2     2.543  HC  95   Paladin      Bremmsparkfist   pharphis            2013-01-16
3     2.521      95   Amazon       PewPew           Kimppi              2012-07-26
4     2.514      95   Barbarian    Doom             XDoomasX
5     2.507      95   Sorceress    Xandra           Are
6     2.502      95   Sorceress    Obfuscated_C     SkaMan
7     2.500      95   Sorceress    My-Morwel        slarti
8     2.499      95   Barbarian    Morph            nebux
9     2.496      95   Sorceress    Alara            Deadbob
10    2.494      95   Sorceress    Jaaneito         Toppo
11    2.493      95   Amazon       Katzenjammer     factory
12    2.493      95   Sorceress    Lady_Vashj       Zhao_Yue
13    2.492      95   Sorceress    ColdA**B****     sirpoopsalot
14    2.492      95   Sorceress    Icy_Hell         EternalTenacity     2010-07-24
15    2.492  HC  95   Sorceress    Lulu             LiquidClear
16    2.492      95   Sorceress    Mito             dhaos               2013-07-22
17    2.492      95   Paladin      Yuriy_Sedykh     T72on1              2019-07-03
18    2.492      95   Assassin     Calanthe         jjscud              2019-07-10

----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.458      94   Barbarian    ISeeRed          Kimppi              2011-05-21
2     2.412      94   Druid        Debbbole         Debbbole
3     2.397      94   Sorceress    Tortinita        Nagisa              2013-07-07
4     2.359      94   Sorceress    Point            Shermo
5     2.342      94   Sorceress    Aeryn            Aerwynd
6     2.340      94   Sorceress    oz               GabrielSylar
7     2.309      94   Barbarian    Doolin_Axes      jrlafrance
8     2.301      94   Paladin      Jermaine         Lemming
9     2.289      94   Paladin      Skaro            skipjack            2010-09-06
10    2.288      94   Amazon       BitterBeauty     Tasdaz
11    2.287      94   Sorceress    Chelle           Shade
12    2.287      94   Paladin      Hagrid           Mikle
13    2.287      94   Sorceress    Flogging_Molly   Hp_Sauc
14    2.287      94   Sorceress    MeLoveBurgers    DX
15    2.286      94   Sorceress    Bella            smilts
16    2.286      94   Druid        Iltschi          Tenecabo            2015-09-27
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.236      93   Sorceress    PureBlizzard     Friiser             2009-09-15
2     2.234      93   Necromancer  Sharn-Mes        Sharn-Mes
3     2.202      93   Necromancer  ArmyoftheDead    Friiser             2009-09-15
4     2.186      93   Sorceress    Sorceress        Bugzy
5     2.150      93   Assassin     Sneaky-Barren    barren
6     2.148      93   Druid        WinterBreeze     Cyrax               2014-05-30
7     2.137      93   Necromancer  BobSellers       L8hingeTheUnhinged
8     2.134      93   Sorceress    Freezyaballs     Thyiad
9     2.114      93   Amazon       Eagle            tripsu
10    2.107      93   Sorceress    ColdAsIce        SuperSavage
11    2.105      93   Paladin      Tarr             Tarr
12    2.100      93   Paladin      Thanatos         FodderCannoned
13    2.098      93   Sorceress    ChainSmokin      sirpoopsalot        (retired)
14    2.097      93   Barbarian    Horus            aarrgus
20    2.097      93   Sorceress    TooMuchEnergy    T72on1              2019-07-19
15    2.084      93   Amazon       Catte-brie       Sunbearie
16    2.084      93   Barbarian    Nasca            Sledge
17    ?.???      93   Barbarian    BabyBaba         Babyhell
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.074      92   Sorceress    HC-WomenAreWeak  PuffeN
2     2.049      92   Sorceress    IceQueen         RoidRage
3     2.023      92   Sorceress    Lily             QueenEm             (retired)
4     2.022      92   Sorceress    Quezacotl        NightBurst
5     2.013  HC  92   Paladin      Mehuggah         Martinkingss        2011-06-27
6     2.000      92   Assassin     MahTahHahRee     WiseGuy
7     1.999  HC  92   Sorcy        Blizzardisha     sike                2009-03-18
8     1.986      92   Necromancer  Tracul           Tracul
9     1.974  HC  92   Necromancer  HCLRWPN          sebhehe             2013-01-16
10    1.973      92   Amazon       Ursula           Jason Maher         2012-06-19
11    1.948      92   Amazon       Rhiannon         Jason Maher         2012-06-19
12    1.932      92   Sorceress    MistressGale     Jackalope
13    1.931      92   Barbarian    Immortal_King    INC
14    1.931      92   Amazon       asdf_Joan        asdfgah
15    1.927      92   Sorceress    Meteorb          Sir Lister of Smeg
16    1.925      92   Amazon       Angel            Lord_Vega
17    1.924      92   Sorceress    Frosty_Ploppy    DX
18    ?.???      92   Sorceress    BabySorc         Babyhell
19    ?.???      92   Assassin     IpBanPrevales*   Babyhell
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     1.909      91   Sorceress    IcyHotTouch      EternalTenacity     2009-05-03
2     1.856      91   Paladin      Zeus             Joosh               2009-08-16
3     1.821      91   Amazon       ThePerfectJava   Silospen
4     1.802      91   Paladin      Daniela          kstuart             2012-12-31
5     1.801      91   Necromancer  UnHoly_XR        XrceR
6     1.789      91   Barbarian    Smashington      angeldesignpro      2011-02-27
7     1.767      91   Amazon       Maveen           VinKelRix
8     1.765      91   Amazon       Uber_Fluffy      DX
9     1.764  HC  91   Necromancer  Skelemancer      WailingDoom
10    ?.???      91   Amazon       Noobazon         Babyhell
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     1.756      90   Sorceress    pingu            4fun
2     1.738      90   Sorceress    Serena           Tarr
3     1.736      90   Paladin      Dizzy_Hitter     Frosty
4     1.662      90   Paladin      Emperor_II       bassano             2009-11-18
5     1.638      90   Sorceress    TP-Fice          SeeiN2StarS
6     1.620      90   Assassin     Halle            Nazdakka
7     1.619      90   Paladin      Cervantes        Lord_Vega
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Pestilence took a little break after hitting 98.75 last weekend. Getting back to him with morning coffee allowed him the finish this 25M stretch, so only one more update left here. He will make some more progress this evening, and then should make solid progress through the weekend. So getting close!

* * *

* = Untwinked
† = Hardcore
Rich (BB code):
Rank    Class          Name               Player          Build
1       Druid          Wind_Whisperer     Strijdje        Wind
2       Barbarian      Lycan              Strijdje        Wolfbarb
3       Sorceress      Fortuna            tweety          BlizzBall
4       Sorceress      Ayla               Grogs           Blizz
5       Sorceress      Kara †             DarkChaos       BlizzBall
6       Paladin        Julius             Grogs           Hammerdin
7       Paladin        Mayhem             Marvel          Hammerdin
8       Amazon         ShieldMaiden       jjscud          Lightning
9       Assassin       Mave-II †          DarkChaos       Lightning/FB
10      Paladin        Nikola †           DarkChaos       Holy Shock
11      Sorceress      Miranda            jjscud          Lightning
12      Necro          Scarecrow          Marvel          Skelliemancer
13      Sorceress      Cindy              Callador        Lightning
14      Sorceress      Nemesis            Zaliqai         Lightning
15      Paladin        Uber_Ploppy        DX              Hammer
16      Sorceress      Mihana             Eric Xanthu     Blizzball
17      Paladin        AdmiralAckbar †    Wielanja        Hammer
18      Sorceress      Lighting           elevenlang      Lightening
19      Amazon         Azalea             Ugla            Lightning
20      Amazon         FuryPhys           EatSleepDiablo  Lightning
21      Paladin        Maxamillian        Asmodeous       Schaeferdin
22      Sorceress      Chainlightning     Cyrax           Lightning
23      Sorceress      Helina             LD50            Lightning
24      Sorceress      Blower             inter           Blizzard/Nova
25      Paladin        HolierThanThou     Kimppi          Hammerdin
26      Amazon         Mio                frozzzen        LF/CS
27      Sorceress      Diiieeeeee *       zgpmf           Lightning
28      Paladin        Possessed          Cyrax           Hammerdin
29      Amazon         PureDamagezon      zgpmf           LF
30      Paladin        Spatha_Lux         WoRG            Vengeance
31      Paladin        Samsara †          Corrupted       Hammerdin
32      Amazon         Lightning_speed    Cyrax           LF/CS
33      Sorceress      Allegro            ziambe          Lightning
34      Paladin        Narkis             Helvete         Hammerdin
35      Paladin        Jeffy              jeffy           Hammerdin
36      Sorceress      Coldtest           CRG             Lightning/CL/FW
37      Paladin        Vodka              Grape           Hammerdin
38      Necro          Raising_dead       Cyrax           Skelliemancer
39      Barbarian      Perkele *          zticazzy        WW-barb
40      Sorceress      Eleanor *          Pb_pal          Blizzard/Nova
41      Assassin       Izuna *            NanoMist        Lightning/FB
42      Amazon         Sylvia             hackedagainanda LF/CS
43      Paladin        Fordyl             Kitteh          CS Hammerdin
44      Assasin        Mercy *            PhineasB        Lightning/FB
45      Sorceress      Hiatus *           PhineasB        Lightning
46      Sorceress      HelpYourself *     ffs             Lightning
47      Sorceress      IceTea             Grape           FB/Meteor
48      Paladin        Aura *             Neksja          Hammerdin
49      Sorceress      Sophie*            Yng             Lightning
50      Sorceress      Neverland*         T72on1          FB/Meteor
51      Sorceress      itssoftcore*       Bewitch         FB/Meteor
52      Paladin        Phaedrus*          PhineasB        Hammerdin
53      Necro          Ric*               ffs             Fishymancer/Novamancer
54      Barb           Mayhem*            Bewitch         WW/Conc
[HIGHLIGHT]Table of runners:[/HIGHLIGHT]
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     3.450      98   Necro        Pestilence       PhineasB            2019-07-26
2     3.447      98   Amazon       Lady_Fury        CRG                 2017-06-06
3     3.446  HC  98   Sorceress    Opagangnamstyle  zgpmf               2013-04-12
4     3.369      98   Assassin     Jenna            Grogs
5     3.333      98   Barbarian    yy               scrcrw              2012-12-16
6     3.306      98   Sorceress    Michelle         Solar Ice           2010-02-23
7     3.282      98   Sorceress    Sparkles         Ipsilantee          2009-03-17
8     3.260  HC  98   Paladin      Quov-Tsin        Solar Ice           2012-12-26
9     3.244      98   Sorceress    Electra          krovak              2009-01-12
10    3.230      98   Barbarian    PvP_Baba         Naab                2011-06-05
11    3.229      98   Necromancer  Toxik            usamahanas
12    3.229      98   Sorceress    Atil             Thyiad              2011-02-19
13    3.229      98   Necromancer  Teron            Tupsi               2013-01-05
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     3.109      97   Paladin      Roland           Dodgydave           2014-04-10
2     3.101      97   Paladin      Swiss_Cheese     Masas
3     3.100      97   Barbarian    Unnatural        DX
4     3.100      97   Paladin      Zalikoo          Jaedhann            2010-07-03
5     3.081      97   Assassin     Akane            Nagisa              2013-07-07
6     3.040      97   Paladin      Temps_deMarteau  jrlafrance          2011-05-02
7     3.025      97   Necromancer  Shrek            Vajurewi
8     3.010      97   Paladin      Hybridadinadin   RibGriller
9     3.010      97   Sorceress    Lightemup        RibGriller
10    3.007  HC  97   Paladin      Inultus          Grisu               2012-09-13
11    3.006      97   Paladin      Emperor          bassano             2009-11-18
12    3.005      97   Amazon       BigBoobsBigBow   Silospen
13    3.003      97   Barbarian    Uber_Neno        neno
14    3.001      97   Sorceress    Hera             Reborn2k
15    2.989      97   Assassin     Jasmine          sequana             2009-08-14
16    2.985      97   Sorceress    Spellweaver      Dazliare            2013-03-03
17    2.980      97   Paladin      Brand_Dale       King's Spectre
18    2.962      97   Amazon       Viraya           Hrus
19    2.962      97   Paladin      john_voight      art_vandelay
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.927      96   Necromancer  Zhar             LprMan
2     2.922      96   Sorceress    blizzardmaster   bassano             2009-11-18
3     2.840      96   Paladin      Charged          Shermo
4     2.806      96   Necromancer  usamahuuu        usamahanas
5     2.804      96   Sorceress    Lore             NorthDakota         2013-07-14
6     2.800      96   Barbarian    Lycaeus          dune6836            2009-06-17
7     2.794      96   Paladin      Abresax          Wicket
8     2.791      96   Sorceress    BackAgain        EasyG               2012-09-13
9     2.790      96   Sorceress    BlizzMeSilly     nubikoen
10    2.762      96   Sorceress    MshRmMouthNoise  dune6836            2009-06-01
11    2.740  HC  96   Paladin      Harry-dAmour     Crawlingdeadman     2012-09-26
12    2.730      96   Sorceress    OD-BlizzSorcOT   o1d_dude            2010-03-28
13    2.728      96   Necromancer  Viperidae        dune6836            2009-06-17
14    2.722      96   Paladin      Gabriel          Gabriel74
15    2.721      96   Sorceress    lucania          bassano             2009-11-18
16    2.720  HC  96   Sorceress    Colinda          Gibitam             2011-02-02
17    2.718  HC  96   Sorceress    Langnese         Grisu               2013-01-19
18    2.717      96   Sorceress    Icewind          sawm
19    2.717      96   Sorceress    Lore             NorthDakota         2012-11-01
20    ?.???      96   Paladin      JohnnyBeGood     Babyhell            2019-06-06
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.550      95   Necromancer  Gromph           Shleefin
2     2.543  HC  95   Paladin      Bremmsparkfist   pharphis            2013-01-16
3     2.521      95   Amazon       PewPew           Kimppi              2012-07-26
4     2.514      95   Barbarian    Doom             XDoomasX
5     2.507      95   Sorceress    Xandra           Are
6     2.502      95   Sorceress    Obfuscated_C     SkaMan
7     2.500      95   Sorceress    My-Morwel        slarti
8     2.499      95   Barbarian    Morph            nebux
9     2.496      95   Sorceress    Alara            Deadbob
10    2.494      95   Sorceress    Jaaneito         Toppo
11    2.493      95   Amazon       Katzenjammer     factory
12    2.493      95   Sorceress    Lady_Vashj       Zhao_Yue
13    2.492      95   Sorceress    ColdA**B****     sirpoopsalot
14    2.492      95   Sorceress    Icy_Hell         EternalTenacity     2010-07-24
15    2.492  HC  95   Sorceress    Lulu             LiquidClear
16    2.492      95   Sorceress    Mito             dhaos               2013-07-22
17    2.492      95   Paladin      Yuriy_Sedykh     T72on1              2019-07-03
18    2.492      95   Assassin     Calanthe         jjscud              2019-07-10

----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.458      94   Barbarian    ISeeRed          Kimppi              2011-05-21
2     2.412      94   Druid        Debbbole         Debbbole
3     2.397      94   Sorceress    Tortinita        Nagisa              2013-07-07
4     2.359      94   Sorceress    Point            Shermo
5     2.342      94   Sorceress    Aeryn            Aerwynd
6     2.340      94   Sorceress    oz               GabrielSylar
7     2.309      94   Barbarian    Doolin_Axes      jrlafrance
8     2.301      94   Paladin      Jermaine         Lemming
9     2.289      94   Paladin      Skaro            skipjack            2010-09-06
10    2.288      94   Amazon       BitterBeauty     Tasdaz
11    2.287      94   Sorceress    Chelle           Shade
12    2.287      94   Paladin      Hagrid           Mikle
13    2.287      94   Sorceress    Flogging_Molly   Hp_Sauc
14    2.287      94   Sorceress    MeLoveBurgers    DX
15    2.286      94   Sorceress    Bella            smilts
16    2.286      94   Druid        Iltschi          Tenecabo            2015-09-27
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.236      93   Sorceress    PureBlizzard     Friiser             2009-09-15
2     2.234      93   Necromancer  Sharn-Mes        Sharn-Mes
3     2.202      93   Necromancer  ArmyoftheDead    Friiser             2009-09-15
4     2.186      93   Sorceress    Sorceress        Bugzy
5     2.150      93   Assassin     Sneaky-Barren    barren
6     2.148      93   Druid        WinterBreeze     Cyrax               2014-05-30
7     2.137      93   Necromancer  BobSellers       L8hingeTheUnhinged
8     2.134      93   Sorceress    Freezyaballs     Thyiad
9     2.114      93   Amazon       Eagle            tripsu
10    2.107      93   Sorceress    ColdAsIce        SuperSavage
11    2.105      93   Paladin      Tarr             Tarr
12    2.100      93   Paladin      Thanatos         FodderCannoned
13    2.098      93   Sorceress    ChainSmokin      sirpoopsalot        (retired)
14    2.097      93   Barbarian    Horus            aarrgus
20    2.097      93   Sorceress    TooMuchEnergy    T72on1              2019-07-19
15    2.084      93   Amazon       Catte-brie       Sunbearie
16    2.084      93   Barbarian    Nasca            Sledge
17    ?.???      93   Barbarian    BabyBaba         Babyhell
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.074      92   Sorceress    HC-WomenAreWeak  PuffeN
2     2.049      92   Sorceress    IceQueen         RoidRage
3     2.023      92   Sorceress    Lily             QueenEm             (retired)
4     2.022      92   Sorceress    Quezacotl        NightBurst
5     2.013  HC  92   Paladin      Mehuggah         Martinkingss        2011-06-27
6     2.000      92   Assassin     MahTahHahRee     WiseGuy
7     1.999  HC  92   Sorcy        Blizzardisha     sike                2009-03-18
8     1.986      92   Necromancer  Tracul           Tracul
9     1.974  HC  92   Necromancer  HCLRWPN          sebhehe             2013-01-16
10    1.973      92   Amazon       Ursula           Jason Maher         2012-06-19
11    1.948      92   Amazon       Rhiannon         Jason Maher         2012-06-19
12    1.932      92   Sorceress    MistressGale     Jackalope
13    1.931      92   Barbarian    Immortal_King    INC
14    1.931      92   Amazon       asdf_Joan        asdfgah
15    1.927      92   Sorceress    Meteorb          Sir Lister of Smeg
16    1.925      92   Amazon       Angel            Lord_Vega
17    1.924      92   Sorceress    Frosty_Ploppy    DX
18    ?.???      92   Sorceress    BabySorc         Babyhell
19    ?.???      92   Assassin     IpBanPrevales*   Babyhell
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     1.909      91   Sorceress    IcyHotTouch      EternalTenacity     2009-05-03
2     1.856      91   Paladin      Zeus             Joosh               2009-08-16
3     1.821      91   Amazon       ThePerfectJava   Silospen
4     1.802      91   Paladin      Daniela          kstuart             2012-12-31
5     1.801      91   Necromancer  UnHoly_XR        XrceR
6     1.789      91   Barbarian    Smashington      angeldesignpro      2011-02-27
7     1.767      91   Amazon       Maveen           VinKelRix
8     1.765      91   Amazon       Uber_Fluffy      DX
9     1.764  HC  91   Necromancer  Skelemancer      WailingDoom
10    ?.???      91   Amazon       Noobazon         Babyhell
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     1.756      90   Sorceress    pingu            4fun
2     1.738      90   Sorceress    Serena           Tarr
3     1.736      90   Paladin      Dizzy_Hitter     Frosty
4     1.662      90   Paladin      Emperor_II       bassano             2009-11-18
5     1.638      90   Sorceress    TP-Fice          SeeiN2StarS
6     1.620      90   Assassin     Halle            Nazdakka
7     1.619      90   Paladin      Cervantes        Lord_Vega
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Last edited:
Another 25M down, so last update here :) Pestilence has another 5M until he hits Ancients, which will allow him to finish up the last bit with a little less than 5 minutes at Nihl. I may get a little more time in this evening, but likely not enough to finish up. But within the next couple days for sure!

Progress continues to be smooth, and although I'm a little more liberal with aborted runs/S&Es at this stage, it is needed much less with him than with Mercy or Hiatus. There isn't any Nihl roll that's so slow it requires abort, and his skills allow managing messy rolls to the point that bailing isn't often required.

But there are still a few times that keep us on our toes with nasty mobs around a nasty aura'ed Nihl:
View attachment 14683
(You'll note the might aura on the Ice Spawn at the top.) Let's just say he "Saved and Exited" ;)

* * *

* = Untwinked
† = Hardcore
Rich (BB code):
Rank    Class          Name               Player          Build
1       Druid          Wind_Whisperer     Strijdje        Wind
2       Barbarian      Lycan              Strijdje        Wolfbarb
3       Sorceress      Fortuna            tweety          BlizzBall
4       Sorceress      Ayla               Grogs           Blizz
5       Sorceress      Kara †             DarkChaos       BlizzBall
6       Paladin        Julius             Grogs           Hammerdin
7       Paladin        Mayhem             Marvel          Hammerdin
8       Amazon         ShieldMaiden       jjscud          Lightning
9       Assassin       Mave-II †          DarkChaos       Lightning/FB
10      Paladin        Nikola †           DarkChaos       Holy Shock
11      Sorceress      Miranda            jjscud          Lightning
12      Necro          Scarecrow          Marvel          Skelliemancer
13      Sorceress      Cindy              Callador        Lightning
14      Sorceress      Nemesis            Zaliqai         Lightning
15      Paladin        Uber_Ploppy        DX              Hammer
16      Sorceress      Mihana             Eric Xanthu     Blizzball
17      Paladin        AdmiralAckbar †    Wielanja        Hammer
18      Sorceress      Lighting           elevenlang      Lightening
19      Amazon         Azalea             Ugla            Lightning
20      Amazon         FuryPhys           EatSleepDiablo  Lightning
21      Paladin        Maxamillian        Asmodeous       Schaeferdin
22      Sorceress      Chainlightning     Cyrax           Lightning
23      Sorceress      Helina             LD50            Lightning
24      Sorceress      Blower             inter           Blizzard/Nova
25      Paladin        HolierThanThou     Kimppi          Hammerdin
26      Amazon         Mio                frozzzen        LF/CS
27      Sorceress      Diiieeeeee *       zgpmf           Lightning
28      Paladin        Possessed          Cyrax           Hammerdin
29      Amazon         PureDamagezon      zgpmf           LF
30      Paladin        Spatha_Lux         WoRG            Vengeance
31      Paladin        Samsara †          Corrupted       Hammerdin
32      Amazon         Lightning_speed    Cyrax           LF/CS
33      Sorceress      Allegro            ziambe          Lightning
34      Paladin        Narkis             Helvete         Hammerdin
35      Paladin        Jeffy              jeffy           Hammerdin
36      Sorceress      Coldtest           CRG             Lightning/CL/FW
37      Paladin        Vodka              Grape           Hammerdin
38      Necro          Raising_dead       Cyrax           Skelliemancer
39      Barbarian      Perkele *          zticazzy        WW-barb
40      Sorceress      Eleanor *          Pb_pal          Blizzard/Nova
41      Assassin       Izuna *            NanoMist        Lightning/FB
42      Amazon         Sylvia             hackedagainanda LF/CS
43      Paladin        Fordyl             Kitteh          CS Hammerdin
44      Assasin        Mercy *            PhineasB        Lightning/FB
45      Sorceress      Hiatus *           PhineasB        Lightning
46      Sorceress      HelpYourself *     ffs             Lightning
47      Sorceress      IceTea             Grape           FB/Meteor
48      Paladin        Aura *             Neksja          Hammerdin
49      Sorceress      Sophie*            Yng             Lightning
50      Sorceress      Neverland*         T72on1          FB/Meteor
51      Sorceress      itssoftcore*       Bewitch         FB/Meteor
52      Paladin        Phaedrus*          PhineasB        Hammerdin
53      Necro          Ric*               ffs             Fishymancer/Novamancer
54      Barb           Mayhem*            Bewitch         WW/Conc
[HIGHLIGHT]Table of runners:[/HIGHLIGHT]
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     3.475      98   Necro        Pestilence       PhineasB            2019-07-28
2     3.447      98   Amazon       Lady_Fury        CRG                 2017-06-06
3     3.446  HC  98   Sorceress    Opagangnamstyle  zgpmf               2013-04-12
4     3.369      98   Assassin     Jenna            Grogs
5     3.333      98   Barbarian    yy               scrcrw              2012-12-16
6     3.306      98   Sorceress    Michelle         Solar Ice           2010-02-23
7     3.282      98   Sorceress    Sparkles         Ipsilantee          2009-03-17
8     3.260  HC  98   Paladin      Quov-Tsin        Solar Ice           2012-12-26
9     3.244      98   Sorceress    Electra          krovak              2009-01-12
10    3.230      98   Barbarian    PvP_Baba         Naab                2011-06-05
11    3.229      98   Necromancer  Toxik            usamahanas
12    3.229      98   Sorceress    Atil             Thyiad              2011-02-19
13    3.229      98   Necromancer  Teron            Tupsi               2013-01-05
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     3.109      97   Paladin      Roland           Dodgydave           2014-04-10
2     3.101      97   Paladin      Swiss_Cheese     Masas
3     3.100      97   Barbarian    Unnatural        DX
4     3.100      97   Paladin      Zalikoo          Jaedhann            2010-07-03
5     3.081      97   Assassin     Akane            Nagisa              2013-07-07
6     3.040      97   Paladin      Temps_deMarteau  jrlafrance          2011-05-02
7     3.025      97   Necromancer  Shrek            Vajurewi
8     3.010      97   Paladin      Hybridadinadin   RibGriller
9     3.010      97   Sorceress    Lightemup        RibGriller
10    3.007  HC  97   Paladin      Inultus          Grisu               2012-09-13
11    3.006      97   Paladin      Emperor          bassano             2009-11-18
12    3.005      97   Amazon       BigBoobsBigBow   Silospen
13    3.003      97   Barbarian    Uber_Neno        neno
14    3.001      97   Sorceress    Hera             Reborn2k
15    2.989      97   Assassin     Jasmine          sequana             2009-08-14
16    2.985      97   Sorceress    Spellweaver      Dazliare            2013-03-03
17    2.980      97   Paladin      Brand_Dale       King's Spectre
18    2.962      97   Amazon       Viraya           Hrus
19    2.962      97   Paladin      john_voight      art_vandelay
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.927      96   Necromancer  Zhar             LprMan
2     2.922      96   Sorceress    blizzardmaster   bassano             2009-11-18
3     2.840      96   Paladin      Charged          Shermo
4     2.806      96   Necromancer  usamahuuu        usamahanas
5     2.804      96   Sorceress    Lore             NorthDakota         2013-07-14
6     2.800      96   Barbarian    Lycaeus          dune6836            2009-06-17
7     2.794      96   Paladin      Abresax          Wicket
8     2.791      96   Sorceress    BackAgain        EasyG               2012-09-13
9     2.790      96   Sorceress    BlizzMeSilly     nubikoen
10    2.762      96   Sorceress    MshRmMouthNoise  dune6836            2009-06-01
11    2.740  HC  96   Paladin      Harry-dAmour     Crawlingdeadman     2012-09-26
12    2.730      96   Sorceress    OD-BlizzSorcOT   o1d_dude            2010-03-28
13    2.728      96   Necromancer  Viperidae        dune6836            2009-06-17
14    2.722      96   Paladin      Gabriel          Gabriel74
15    2.721      96   Sorceress    lucania          bassano             2009-11-18
16    2.720  HC  96   Sorceress    Colinda          Gibitam             2011-02-02
17    2.718  HC  96   Sorceress    Langnese         Grisu               2013-01-19
18    2.717      96   Sorceress    Icewind          sawm
19    2.717      96   Sorceress    Lore             NorthDakota         2012-11-01
20    ?.???      96   Paladin      JohnnyBeGood     Babyhell            2019-06-06
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.550      95   Necromancer  Gromph           Shleefin
2     2.543  HC  95   Paladin      Bremmsparkfist   pharphis            2013-01-16
3     2.521      95   Amazon       PewPew           Kimppi              2012-07-26
4     2.514      95   Barbarian    Doom             XDoomasX
5     2.507      95   Sorceress    Xandra           Are
6     2.502      95   Sorceress    Obfuscated_C     SkaMan
7     2.500      95   Sorceress    My-Morwel        slarti
8     2.499      95   Barbarian    Morph            nebux
9     2.496      95   Sorceress    Alara            Deadbob
10    2.494      95   Sorceress    Jaaneito         Toppo
11    2.493      95   Amazon       Katzenjammer     factory
12    2.493      95   Sorceress    Lady_Vashj       Zhao_Yue
13    2.492      95   Sorceress    ColdA**B****     sirpoopsalot
14    2.492      95   Sorceress    Icy_Hell         EternalTenacity     2010-07-24
15    2.492  HC  95   Sorceress    Lulu             LiquidClear
16    2.492      95   Sorceress    Mito             dhaos               2013-07-22
17    2.492      95   Paladin      Yuriy_Sedykh     T72on1              2019-07-03
18    2.492      95   Assassin     Calanthe         jjscud              2019-07-10

----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.458      94   Barbarian    ISeeRed          Kimppi              2011-05-21
2     2.412      94   Druid        Debbbole         Debbbole
3     2.397      94   Sorceress    Tortinita        Nagisa              2013-07-07
4     2.359      94   Sorceress    Point            Shermo
5     2.342      94   Sorceress    Aeryn            Aerwynd
6     2.340      94   Sorceress    oz               GabrielSylar
7     2.309      94   Barbarian    Doolin_Axes      jrlafrance
8     2.301      94   Paladin      Jermaine         Lemming
9     2.289      94   Paladin      Skaro            skipjack            2010-09-06
10    2.288      94   Amazon       BitterBeauty     Tasdaz
11    2.287      94   Sorceress    Chelle           Shade
12    2.287      94   Paladin      Hagrid           Mikle
13    2.287      94   Sorceress    Flogging_Molly   Hp_Sauc
14    2.287      94   Sorceress    MeLoveBurgers    DX
15    2.286      94   Sorceress    Bella            smilts
16    2.286      94   Druid        Iltschi          Tenecabo            2015-09-27
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.236      93   Sorceress    PureBlizzard     Friiser             2009-09-15
2     2.234      93   Necromancer  Sharn-Mes        Sharn-Mes
3     2.202      93   Necromancer  ArmyoftheDead    Friiser             2009-09-15
4     2.186      93   Sorceress    Sorceress        Bugzy
5     2.150      93   Assassin     Sneaky-Barren    barren
6     2.148      93   Druid        WinterBreeze     Cyrax               2014-05-30
7     2.137      93   Necromancer  BobSellers       L8hingeTheUnhinged
8     2.134      93   Sorceress    Freezyaballs     Thyiad
9     2.114      93   Amazon       Eagle            tripsu
10    2.107      93   Sorceress    ColdAsIce        SuperSavage
11    2.105      93   Paladin      Tarr             Tarr
12    2.100      93   Paladin      Thanatos         FodderCannoned
13    2.098      93   Sorceress    ChainSmokin      sirpoopsalot        (retired)
14    2.097      93   Barbarian    Horus            aarrgus
20    2.097      93   Sorceress    TooMuchEnergy    T72on1              2019-07-19
15    2.084      93   Amazon       Catte-brie       Sunbearie
16    2.084      93   Barbarian    Nasca            Sledge
17    ?.???      93   Barbarian    BabyBaba         Babyhell
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.074      92   Sorceress    HC-WomenAreWeak  PuffeN
2     2.049      92   Sorceress    IceQueen         RoidRage
3     2.023      92   Sorceress    Lily             QueenEm             (retired)
4     2.022      92   Sorceress    Quezacotl        NightBurst
5     2.013  HC  92   Paladin      Mehuggah         Martinkingss        2011-06-27
6     2.000      92   Assassin     MahTahHahRee     WiseGuy
7     1.999  HC  92   Sorcy        Blizzardisha     sike                2009-03-18
8     1.986      92   Necromancer  Tracul           Tracul
9     1.974  HC  92   Necromancer  HCLRWPN          sebhehe             2013-01-16
10    1.973      92   Amazon       Ursula           Jason Maher         2012-06-19
11    1.948      92   Amazon       Rhiannon         Jason Maher         2012-06-19
12    1.932      92   Sorceress    MistressGale     Jackalope
13    1.931      92   Barbarian    Immortal_King    INC
14    1.931      92   Amazon       asdf_Joan        asdfgah
15    1.927      92   Sorceress    Meteorb          Sir Lister of Smeg
16    1.925      92   Amazon       Angel            Lord_Vega
17    1.924      92   Sorceress    Frosty_Ploppy    DX
18    ?.???      92   Sorceress    BabySorc         Babyhell
19    ?.???      92   Assassin     IpBanPrevales*   Babyhell
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     1.909      91   Sorceress    IcyHotTouch      EternalTenacity     2009-05-03
2     1.856      91   Paladin      Zeus             Joosh               2009-08-16
3     1.821      91   Amazon       ThePerfectJava   Silospen
4     1.802      91   Paladin      Daniela          kstuart             2012-12-31
5     1.801      91   Necromancer  UnHoly_XR        XrceR
6     1.789      91   Barbarian    Smashington      angeldesignpro      2011-02-27
7     1.767      91   Amazon       Maveen           VinKelRix
8     1.765      91   Amazon       Uber_Fluffy      DX
9     1.764  HC  91   Necromancer  Skelemancer      WailingDoom
10    ?.???      91   Amazon       Noobazon         Babyhell
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     1.756      90   Sorceress    pingu            4fun
2     1.738      90   Sorceress    Serena           Tarr
3     1.736      90   Paladin      Dizzy_Hitter     Frosty
4     1.662      90   Paladin      Emperor_II       bassano             2009-11-18
5     1.638      90   Sorceress    TP-Fice          SeeiN2StarS
6     1.620      90   Assassin     Halle            Nazdakka
7     1.619      90   Paladin      Cervantes        Lord_Vega
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Updating here also :)

* * *

* = Untwinked
† = Hardcore
Rich (BB code):
Rank    Class          Name               Player          Build
1       Druid          Wind_Whisperer     Strijdje        Wind
2       Barbarian      Lycan              Strijdje        Wolfbarb
3       Sorceress      Fortuna            tweety          BlizzBall
4       Sorceress      Ayla               Grogs           Blizz
5       Sorceress      Kara †             DarkChaos       BlizzBall
6       Paladin        Julius             Grogs           Hammerdin
7       Paladin        Mayhem             Marvel          Hammerdin
8       Amazon         ShieldMaiden       jjscud          Lightning
9       Assassin       Mave-II †          DarkChaos       Lightning/FB
10      Paladin        Nikola †           DarkChaos       Holy Shock
11      Sorceress      Miranda            jjscud          Lightning
12      Necro          Scarecrow          Marvel          Skelliemancer
13      Sorceress      Cindy              Callador        Lightning
14      Sorceress      Nemesis            Zaliqai         Lightning
15      Paladin        Uber_Ploppy        DX              Hammer
16      Sorceress      Mihana             Eric Xanthu     Blizzball
17      Paladin        AdmiralAckbar †    Wielanja        Hammer
18      Sorceress      Lighting           elevenlang      Lightening
19      Amazon         Azalea             Ugla            Lightning
20      Amazon         FuryPhys           EatSleepDiablo  Lightning
21      Paladin        Maxamillian        Asmodeous       Schaeferdin
22      Sorceress      Chainlightning     Cyrax           Lightning
23      Sorceress      Helina             LD50            Lightning
24      Sorceress      Blower             inter           Blizzard/Nova
25      Paladin        HolierThanThou     Kimppi          Hammerdin
26      Amazon         Mio                frozzzen        LF/CS
27      Sorceress      Diiieeeeee *       zgpmf           Lightning
28      Paladin        Possessed          Cyrax           Hammerdin
29      Amazon         PureDamagezon      zgpmf           LF
30      Paladin        Spatha_Lux         WoRG            Vengeance
31      Paladin        Samsara †          Corrupted       Hammerdin
32      Amazon         Lightning_speed    Cyrax           LF/CS
33      Sorceress      Allegro            ziambe          Lightning
34      Paladin        Narkis             Helvete         Hammerdin
35      Paladin        Jeffy              jeffy           Hammerdin
36      Sorceress      Coldtest           CRG             Lightning/CL/FW
37      Paladin        Vodka              Grape           Hammerdin
38      Necro          Raising_dead       Cyrax           Skelliemancer
39      Barbarian      Perkele *          zticazzy        WW-barb
40      Sorceress      Eleanor *          Pb_pal          Blizzard/Nova
41      Assassin       Izuna *            NanoMist        Lightning/FB
42      Amazon         Sylvia             hackedagainanda LF/CS
43      Paladin        Fordyl             Kitteh          CS Hammerdin
44      Assasin        Mercy *            PhineasB        Lightning/FB
45      Sorceress      Hiatus *           PhineasB        Lightning
46      Sorceress      HelpYourself *     ffs             Lightning
47      Sorceress      IceTea             Grape           FB/Meteor
48      Paladin        Aura *             Neksja          Hammerdin
49      Sorceress      Sophie*            Yng             Lightning
50      Sorceress      Neverland*         T72on1          FB/Meteor
51      Sorceress      itssoftcore*       Bewitch         FB/Meteor
52      Paladin        Phaedrus*          PhineasB        Hammerdin
53      Necro          Ric*               ffs             Fishymancer/Novamancer
54      Barb           Mayhem*            Bewitch         WW/Conc
55      Necro          Pestilence*        PhineasB        Novamancer
[HIGHLIGHT]Table of runners:[/HIGHLIGHT]
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     3.447      98   Amazon       Lady_Fury        CRG                 2017-06-06
2     3.446  HC  98   Sorceress    Opagangnamstyle  zgpmf               2013-04-12
3     3.369      98   Assassin     Jenna            Grogs
4     3.333      98   Barbarian    yy               scrcrw              2012-12-16
5     3.306      98   Sorceress    Michelle         Solar Ice           2010-02-23
6     3.282      98   Sorceress    Sparkles         Ipsilantee          2009-03-17
7     3.260  HC  98   Paladin      Quov-Tsin        Solar Ice           2012-12-26
7     3.244      98   Sorceress    Electra          krovak              2009-01-12
8    3.230      98   Barbarian    PvP_Baba         Naab                2011-06-05
9    3.229      98   Necromancer  Toxik            usamahanas
10    3.229      98   Sorceress    Atil             Thyiad              2011-02-19
11    3.229      98   Necromancer  Teron            Tupsi               2013-01-05
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     3.109      97   Paladin      Roland           Dodgydave           2014-04-10
2     3.101      97   Paladin      Swiss_Cheese     Masas
3     3.100      97   Barbarian    Unnatural        DX
4     3.100      97   Paladin      Zalikoo          Jaedhann            2010-07-03
5     3.081      97   Assassin     Akane            Nagisa              2013-07-07
6     3.040      97   Paladin      Temps_deMarteau  jrlafrance          2011-05-02
7     3.025      97   Necromancer  Shrek            Vajurewi
8     3.010      97   Paladin      Hybridadinadin   RibGriller
9     3.010      97   Sorceress    Lightemup        RibGriller
10    3.007  HC  97   Paladin      Inultus          Grisu               2012-09-13
11    3.006      97   Paladin      Emperor          bassano             2009-11-18
12    3.005      97   Amazon       BigBoobsBigBow   Silospen
13    3.003      97   Barbarian    Uber_Neno        neno
14    3.001      97   Sorceress    Hera             Reborn2k
15    2.989      97   Assassin     Jasmine          sequana             2009-08-14
16    2.985      97   Sorceress    Spellweaver      Dazliare            2013-03-03
17    2.980      97   Paladin      Brand_Dale       King's Spectre
18    2.962      97   Amazon       Viraya           Hrus
19    2.962      97   Paladin      john_voight      art_vandelay
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.927      96   Necromancer  Zhar             LprMan
2     2.922      96   Sorceress    blizzardmaster   bassano             2009-11-18
3     2.840      96   Paladin      Charged          Shermo
4     2.806      96   Necromancer  usamahuuu        usamahanas
5     2.804      96   Sorceress    Lore             NorthDakota         2013-07-14
6     2.800      96   Barbarian    Lycaeus          dune6836            2009-06-17
7     2.794      96   Paladin      Abresax          Wicket
8     2.791      96   Sorceress    BackAgain        EasyG               2012-09-13
9     2.790      96   Sorceress    BlizzMeSilly     nubikoen
10    2.762      96   Sorceress    MshRmMouthNoise  dune6836            2009-06-01
11    2.740  HC  96   Paladin      Harry-dAmour     Crawlingdeadman     2012-09-26
12    2.730      96   Sorceress    OD-BlizzSorcOT   o1d_dude            2010-03-28
13    2.728      96   Necromancer  Viperidae        dune6836            2009-06-17
14    2.722      96   Paladin      Gabriel          Gabriel74
15    2.721      96   Sorceress    lucania          bassano             2009-11-18
16    2.720  HC  96   Sorceress    Colinda          Gibitam             2011-02-02
17    2.718  HC  96   Sorceress    Langnese         Grisu               2013-01-19
18    2.717      96   Sorceress    Icewind          sawm
19    2.717      96   Sorceress    Lore             NorthDakota         2012-11-01
20    ?.???      96   Paladin      JohnnyBeGood     Babyhell            2019-06-06
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.550      95   Necromancer  Gromph           Shleefin
2     2.543  HC  95   Paladin      Bremmsparkfist   pharphis            2013-01-16
3     2.521      95   Amazon       PewPew           Kimppi              2012-07-26
4     2.514      95   Barbarian    Doom             XDoomasX
5     2.507      95   Sorceress    Xandra           Are
6     2.502      95   Sorceress    Obfuscated_C     SkaMan
7     2.500      95   Sorceress    My-Morwel        slarti
8     2.499      95   Barbarian    Morph            nebux
9     2.496      95   Sorceress    Alara            Deadbob
10    2.494      95   Sorceress    Jaaneito         Toppo
11    2.493      95   Amazon       Katzenjammer     factory
12    2.493      95   Sorceress    Lady_Vashj       Zhao_Yue
13    2.492      95   Sorceress    ColdA**B****     sirpoopsalot
14    2.492      95   Sorceress    Icy_Hell         EternalTenacity     2010-07-24
15    2.492  HC  95   Sorceress    Lulu             LiquidClear
16    2.492      95   Sorceress    Mito             dhaos               2013-07-22
17    2.492      95   Paladin      Yuriy_Sedykh     T72on1              2019-07-03
18    2.492      95   Assassin     Calanthe         jjscud              2019-07-10

----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.458      94   Barbarian    ISeeRed          Kimppi              2011-05-21
2     2.412      94   Druid        Debbbole         Debbbole
3     2.397      94   Sorceress    Tortinita        Nagisa              2013-07-07
4     2.359      94   Sorceress    Point            Shermo
5     2.342      94   Sorceress    Aeryn            Aerwynd
6     2.340      94   Sorceress    oz               GabrielSylar
7     2.309      94   Barbarian    Doolin_Axes      jrlafrance
8     2.301      94   Paladin      Jermaine         Lemming
9     2.289      94   Paladin      Skaro            skipjack            2010-09-06
10    2.288      94   Amazon       BitterBeauty     Tasdaz
11    2.287      94   Sorceress    Chelle           Shade
12    2.287      94   Paladin      Hagrid           Mikle
13    2.287      94   Sorceress    Flogging_Molly   Hp_Sauc
14    2.287      94   Sorceress    MeLoveBurgers    DX
15    2.286      94   Sorceress    Bella            smilts
16    2.286      94   Druid        Iltschi          Tenecabo            2015-09-27
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.236      93   Sorceress    PureBlizzard     Friiser             2009-09-15
2     2.234      93   Necromancer  Sharn-Mes        Sharn-Mes
3     2.202      93   Necromancer  ArmyoftheDead    Friiser             2009-09-15
4     2.186      93   Sorceress    Sorceress        Bugzy
5     2.150      93   Assassin     Sneaky-Barren    barren
6     2.148      93   Druid        WinterBreeze     Cyrax               2014-05-30
7     2.137      93   Necromancer  BobSellers       L8hingeTheUnhinged
8     2.134      93   Sorceress    Freezyaballs     Thyiad
9     2.114      93   Amazon       Eagle            tripsu
10    2.107      93   Sorceress    ColdAsIce        SuperSavage
11    2.105      93   Paladin      Tarr             Tarr
12    2.100      93   Paladin      Thanatos         FodderCannoned
13    2.098      93   Sorceress    ChainSmokin      sirpoopsalot        (retired)
14    2.097      93   Barbarian    Horus            aarrgus
20    2.097      93   Sorceress    TooMuchEnergy    T72on1              2019-07-19
15    2.084      93   Amazon       Catte-brie       Sunbearie
16    2.084      93   Barbarian    Nasca            Sledge
17    ?.???      93   Barbarian    BabyBaba         Babyhell
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.074      92   Sorceress    HC-WomenAreWeak  PuffeN
2     2.049      92   Sorceress    IceQueen         RoidRage
3     2.023      92   Sorceress    Lily             QueenEm             (retired)
4     2.022      92   Sorceress    Quezacotl        NightBurst
5     2.013  HC  92   Paladin      Mehuggah         Martinkingss        2011-06-27
6     2.000      92   Assassin     MahTahHahRee     WiseGuy
7     1.999  HC  92   Sorcy        Blizzardisha     sike                2009-03-18
8     1.986      92   Necromancer  Tracul           Tracul
9     1.974  HC  92   Necromancer  HCLRWPN          sebhehe             2013-01-16
10    1.973      92   Amazon       Ursula           Jason Maher         2012-06-19
11    1.948      92   Amazon       Rhiannon         Jason Maher         2012-06-19
12    1.932      92   Sorceress    MistressGale     Jackalope
13    1.931      92   Barbarian    Immortal_King    INC
14    1.931      92   Amazon       asdf_Joan        asdfgah
15    1.927      92   Sorceress    Meteorb          Sir Lister of Smeg
16    1.925      92   Amazon       Angel            Lord_Vega
17    1.924      92   Sorceress    Frosty_Ploppy    DX
18    ?.???      92   Sorceress    BabySorc         Babyhell
19    ?.???      92   Assassin     IpBanPrevales*   Babyhell
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     1.909      91   Sorceress    IcyHotTouch      EternalTenacity     2009-05-03
2     1.856      91   Paladin      Zeus             Joosh               2009-08-16
3     1.821      91   Amazon       ThePerfectJava   Silospen
4     1.802      91   Paladin      Daniela          kstuart             2012-12-31
5     1.801      91   Necromancer  UnHoly_XR        XrceR
6     1.789      91   Barbarian    Smashington      angeldesignpro      2011-02-27
7     1.767      91   Amazon       Maveen           VinKelRix
8     1.765      91   Amazon       Uber_Fluffy      DX
9     1.764  HC  91   Necromancer  Skelemancer      WailingDoom
10    ?.???      91   Amazon       Noobazon         Babyhell
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     1.756      90   Sorceress    pingu            4fun
2     1.738      90   Sorceress    Serena           Tarr
3     1.736      90   Paladin      Dizzy_Hitter     Frosty
4     1.662      90   Paladin      Emperor_II       bassano             2009-11-18
5     1.638      90   Sorceress    TP-Fice          SeeiN2StarS
6     1.620      90   Assassin     Halle            Nazdakka
7     1.619      90   Paladin      Cervantes        Lord_Vega
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Update too!

Name:               Class:              Build:              Level:
---------------     --------            --------------      -----
JohnnyBeGood        Paladin             Hammerdin           96
IpBanPrevales       Assassin            Lightning trap      95
BabyBaba            Barbarian           WWhirler            94
Noobazon            Amazon              Furyzon             92
BabySorc            Sorceress           Blizzard            93
BabyNinetyNiner     Paladin             FanaZealer          91
* * *

* = Untwinked
† = Hardcore
Rich (BB code):
Rank    Class          Name               Player          Build
1       Druid          Wind_Whisperer     Strijdje        Wind
2       Barbarian      Lycan              Strijdje        Wolfbarb
3       Sorceress      Fortuna            tweety          BlizzBall
4       Sorceress      Ayla               Grogs           Blizz
5       Sorceress      Kara †             DarkChaos       BlizzBall
6       Paladin        Julius             Grogs           Hammerdin
7       Paladin        Mayhem             Marvel          Hammerdin
8       Amazon         ShieldMaiden       jjscud          Lightning
9       Assassin       Mave-II †          DarkChaos       Lightning/FB
10      Paladin        Nikola †           DarkChaos       Holy Shock
11      Sorceress      Miranda            jjscud          Lightning
12      Necro          Scarecrow          Marvel          Skelliemancer
13      Sorceress      Cindy              Callador        Lightning
14      Sorceress      Nemesis            Zaliqai         Lightning
15      Paladin        Uber_Ploppy        DX              Hammer
16      Sorceress      Mihana             Eric Xanthu     Blizzball
17      Paladin        AdmiralAckbar †    Wielanja        Hammer
18      Sorceress      Lighting           elevenlang      Lightening
19      Amazon         Azalea             Ugla            Lightning
20      Amazon         FuryPhys           EatSleepDiablo  Lightning
21      Paladin        Maxamillian        Asmodeous       Schaeferdin
22      Sorceress      Chainlightning     Cyrax           Lightning
23      Sorceress      Helina             LD50            Lightning
24      Sorceress      Blower             inter           Blizzard/Nova
25      Paladin        HolierThanThou     Kimppi          Hammerdin
26      Amazon         Mio                frozzzen        LF/CS
27      Sorceress      Diiieeeeee *       zgpmf           Lightning
28      Paladin        Possessed          Cyrax           Hammerdin
29      Amazon         PureDamagezon      zgpmf           LF
30      Paladin        Spatha_Lux         WoRG            Vengeance
31      Paladin        Samsara †          Corrupted       Hammerdin
32      Amazon         Lightning_speed    Cyrax           LF/CS
33      Sorceress      Allegro            ziambe          Lightning
34      Paladin        Narkis             Helvete         Hammerdin
35      Paladin        Jeffy              jeffy           Hammerdin
36      Sorceress      Coldtest           CRG             Lightning/CL/FW
37      Paladin        Vodka              Grape           Hammerdin
38      Necro          Raising_dead       Cyrax           Skelliemancer
39      Barbarian      Perkele *          zticazzy        WW-barb
40      Sorceress      Eleanor *          Pb_pal          Blizzard/Nova
41      Assassin       Izuna *            NanoMist        Lightning/FB
42      Amazon         Sylvia             hackedagainanda LF/CS
43      Paladin        Fordyl             Kitteh          CS Hammerdin
44      Assasin        Mercy *            PhineasB        Lightning/FB
45      Sorceress      Hiatus *           PhineasB        Lightning
46      Sorceress      HelpYourself *     ffs             Lightning
47      Sorceress      IceTea             Grape           FB/Meteor
48      Paladin        Aura *             Neksja          Hammerdin
49      Sorceress      Sophie*            Yng             Lightning
50      Sorceress      Neverland*         T72on1          FB/Meteor
51      Sorceress      itssoftcore*       Bewitch         FB/Meteor
52      Paladin        Phaedrus*          PhineasB        Hammerdin
53      Necro          Ric*               ffs             Fishymancer/Novamancer
54      Barb           Mayhem*            Bewitch         WW/Conc
55      Necro          Pestilence*        PhineasB        Novamancer
[HIGHLIGHT]Table of runners:[/HIGHLIGHT]
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     3.447      98   Amazon       Lady_Fury        CRG                 2017-06-06
2     3.446  HC  98   Sorceress    Opagangnamstyle  zgpmf               2013-04-12
3     3.369      98   Assassin     Jenna            Grogs
4     3.333      98   Barbarian    yy               scrcrw              2012-12-16
5     3.306      98   Sorceress    Michelle         Solar Ice           2010-02-23
6     3.282      98   Sorceress    Sparkles         Ipsilantee          2009-03-17
7     3.260  HC  98   Paladin      Quov-Tsin        Solar Ice           2012-12-26
7     3.244      98   Sorceress    Electra          krovak              2009-01-12
8    3.230      98   Barbarian    PvP_Baba         Naab                2011-06-05
9    3.229      98   Necromancer  Toxik            usamahanas
10    3.229      98   Sorceress    Atil             Thyiad              2011-02-19
11    3.229      98   Necromancer  Teron            Tupsi               2013-01-05
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     3.109      97   Paladin      Roland           Dodgydave           2014-04-10
2     3.101      97   Paladin      Swiss_Cheese     Masas
3     3.100      97   Barbarian    Unnatural        DX
4     3.100      97   Paladin      Zalikoo          Jaedhann            2010-07-03
5     3.081      97   Assassin     Akane            Nagisa              2013-07-07
6     3.040      97   Paladin      Temps_deMarteau  jrlafrance          2011-05-02
7     3.025      97   Necromancer  Shrek            Vajurewi
8     3.010      97   Paladin      Hybridadinadin   RibGriller
9     3.010      97   Sorceress    Lightemup        RibGriller
10    3.007  HC  97   Paladin      Inultus          Grisu               2012-09-13
11    3.006      97   Paladin      Emperor          bassano             2009-11-18
12    3.005      97   Amazon       BigBoobsBigBow   Silospen
13    3.003      97   Barbarian    Uber_Neno        neno
14    3.001      97   Sorceress    Hera             Reborn2k
15    2.989      97   Assassin     Jasmine          sequana             2009-08-14
16    2.985      97   Sorceress    Spellweaver      Dazliare            2013-03-03
17    2.980      97   Paladin      Brand_Dale       King's Spectre
18    2.962      97   Amazon       Viraya           Hrus
19    2.962      97   Paladin      john_voight      art_vandelay
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.927      96   Necromancer  Zhar             LprMan
2     2.922      96   Sorceress    blizzardmaster   bassano             2009-11-18
3     2.840      96   Paladin      Charged          Shermo
4     2.806      96   Necromancer  usamahuuu        usamahanas
5     2.804      96   Sorceress    Lore             NorthDakota         2013-07-14
6     2.800      96   Barbarian    Lycaeus          dune6836            2009-06-17
7     2.794      96   Paladin      Abresax          Wicket
8     2.791      96   Sorceress    BackAgain        EasyG               2012-09-13
9     2.790      96   Sorceress    BlizzMeSilly     nubikoen
10    2.762      96   Sorceress    MshRmMouthNoise  dune6836            2009-06-01
11    2.740  HC  96   Paladin      Harry-dAmour     Crawlingdeadman     2012-09-26
12    2.730      96   Sorceress    OD-BlizzSorcOT   o1d_dude            2010-03-28
13    2.728      96   Necromancer  Viperidae        dune6836            2009-06-17
14    2.722      96   Paladin      Gabriel          Gabriel74
15    2.721      96   Sorceress    lucania          bassano             2009-11-18
16    2.720  HC  96   Sorceress    Colinda          Gibitam             2011-02-02
17    2.718  HC  96   Sorceress    Langnese         Grisu               2013-01-19
18    2.717      96   Sorceress    Icewind          sawm
19    2.717      96   Sorceress    Lore             NorthDakota         2012-11-01
20    ?.???      96   Paladin      JohnnyBeGood     Babyhell            2019-06-06
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.550      95   Necromancer  Gromph           Shleefin
2     2.543  HC  95   Paladin      Bremmsparkfist   pharphis            2013-01-16
3     2.521      95   Amazon       PewPew           Kimppi              2012-07-26
4     2.514      95   Barbarian    Doom             XDoomasX
5     2.507      95   Sorceress    Xandra           Are
6     2.502      95   Sorceress    Obfuscated_C     SkaMan
7     2.500      95   Sorceress    My-Morwel        slarti
8     2.499      95   Barbarian    Morph            nebux
9     2.496      95   Sorceress    Alara            Deadbob
10    2.494      95   Sorceress    Jaaneito         Toppo
11    2.493      95   Amazon       Katzenjammer     factory
12    2.493      95   Sorceress    Lady_Vashj       Zhao_Yue
13    2.492      95   Sorceress    ColdA**B****     sirpoopsalot
14    2.492      95   Sorceress    Icy_Hell         EternalTenacity     2010-07-24
15    2.492  HC  95   Sorceress    Lulu             LiquidClear
16    2.492      95   Sorceress    Mito             dhaos               2013-07-22
17    2.492      95   Paladin      Yuriy_Sedykh     T72on1              2019-07-03
18    2.492      95   Assassin     Calanthe         jjscud              2019-07-10
19    ?.???      95   Assassin     IpBanPrevales*   Babyhell
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.458      94   Barbarian    ISeeRed          Kimppi              2011-05-21
2     2.412      94   Druid        Debbbole         Debbbole
3     2.397      94   Sorceress    Tortinita        Nagisa              2013-07-07
4     2.359      94   Sorceress    Point            Shermo
5     2.342      94   Sorceress    Aeryn            Aerwynd
6     2.340      94   Sorceress    oz               GabrielSylar
7     2.309      94   Barbarian    Doolin_Axes      jrlafrance
8     2.301      94   Paladin      Jermaine         Lemming
9     2.289      94   Paladin      Skaro            skipjack            2010-09-06
10    2.288      94   Amazon       BitterBeauty     Tasdaz
11    2.287      94   Sorceress    Chelle           Shade
12    2.287      94   Paladin      Hagrid           Mikle
13    2.287      94   Sorceress    Flogging_Molly   Hp_Sauc
14    2.287      94   Sorceress    MeLoveBurgers    DX
15    2.286      94   Sorceress    Bella            smilts
16    2.286      94   Druid        Iltschi          Tenecabo            2015-09-27
17    ?.???      94   Barbarian    BabyBaba         Babyhell
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.236      93   Sorceress    PureBlizzard     Friiser             2009-09-15
2     2.234      93   Necromancer  Sharn-Mes        Sharn-Mes
3     2.202      93   Necromancer  ArmyoftheDead    Friiser             2009-09-15
4     2.186      93   Sorceress    Sorceress        Bugzy
5     2.150      93   Assassin     Sneaky-Barren    barren
6     2.148      93   Druid        WinterBreeze     Cyrax               2014-05-30
7     2.137      93   Necromancer  BobSellers       L8hingeTheUnhinged
8     2.134      93   Sorceress    Freezyaballs     Thyiad
9     2.114      93   Amazon       Eagle            tripsu
10    2.107      93   Sorceress    ColdAsIce        SuperSavage
11    2.105      93   Paladin      Tarr             Tarr
12    2.100      93   Paladin      Thanatos         FodderCannoned
13    2.098      93   Sorceress    ChainSmokin      sirpoopsalot        (retired)
14    2.097      93   Barbarian    Horus            aarrgus
20    2.097      93   Sorceress    TooMuchEnergy    T72on1              2019-07-19
15    2.084      93   Amazon       Catte-brie       Sunbearie
16    2.084      93   Barbarian    Nasca            Sledge
17    ?.???      93   Sorceress    BabySorc         Babyhell
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     2.074      92   Sorceress    HC-WomenAreWeak  PuffeN
2     2.049      92   Sorceress    IceQueen         RoidRage
3     2.023      92   Sorceress    Lily             QueenEm             (retired)
4     2.022      92   Sorceress    Quezacotl        NightBurst
5     2.013  HC  92   Paladin      Mehuggah         Martinkingss        2011-06-27
6     2.000      92   Assassin     MahTahHahRee     WiseGuy
7     1.999  HC  92   Sorcy        Blizzardisha     sike                2009-03-18
8     1.986      92   Necromancer  Tracul           Tracul
9     1.974  HC  92   Necromancer  HCLRWPN          sebhehe             2013-01-16
10    1.973      92   Amazon       Ursula           Jason Maher         2012-06-19
11    1.948      92   Amazon       Rhiannon         Jason Maher         2012-06-19
12    1.932      92   Sorceress    MistressGale     Jackalope
13    1.931      92   Barbarian    Immortal_King    INC
14    1.931      92   Amazon       asdf_Joan        asdfgah
15    1.927      92   Sorceress    Meteorb          Sir Lister of Smeg
16    1.925      92   Amazon       Angel            Lord_Vega
17    1.924      92   Sorceress    Frosty_Ploppy    DX
18    ?.???      92   Amazon       Noobazon         Babyhell
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     1.909      91   Sorceress    IcyHotTouch      EternalTenacity     2009-05-03
2     1.856      91   Paladin      Zeus             Joosh               2009-08-16
3     1.821      91   Amazon       ThePerfectJava   Silospen
4     1.802      91   Paladin      Daniela          kstuart             2012-12-31
5     1.801      91   Necromancer  UnHoly_XR        XrceR
6     1.789      91   Barbarian    Smashington      angeldesignpro      2011-02-27
7     1.767      91   Amazon       Maveen           VinKelRix
8     1.765      91   Amazon       Uber_Fluffy      DX
9     1.764  HC  91   Necromancer  Skelemancer      WailingDoom
10    ?.???      91   Paladin      BabyNinetyNiner* Babyhell
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
1     1.756      90   Sorceress    pingu            4fun
2     1.738      90   Sorceress    Serena           Tarr
3     1.736      90   Paladin      Dizzy_Hitter     Frosty
4     1.662      90   Paladin      Emperor_II       bassano             2009-11-18
5     1.638      90   Sorceress    TP-Fice          SeeiN2StarS
6     1.620      90   Assassin     Halle            Nazdakka
7     1.619      90   Paladin      Cervantes        Lord_Vega
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
Rank  Exp    HC  Lvl  Class        Name             Player              Date
----  -----  --  ---  -----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------
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I'm currently deciding whether to save Ancients on my 99er concentrate CS barbarian. I've now decided not to make him an untwinked entry, so I don't need to worry about respecs. However, I'm trying to decide whether that exp is worth not hitting Guardian until afterwards. It feels weird to not Guardian first, but also, 40mil is a decent number :p

Those who have done both, did it really feel like that big a difference?
Well it’s a little less than 15% of the XP for 98-99, so depending on XP gain for that level it saves maybe 10-20 hours of running?

That being said: To even get to 98 with Barb in this lifetime means Baal/wave runs with WW, so saving Ancients with that class is not really a strategy in the first place. ;)
Well it’s a little less than 15% of the XP for 98-99, so depending on XP gain for that level it saves maybe 10-20 hours of running?

That being said: To even get to 98 with Barb in this lifetime means Baal/wave runs with WW, so saving Ancients with that class is not really a strategy in the first place. ;)

I'm not sure that is true actually. I don't see why CS runs with a single target Barbarian can't be efficient :)

Edit: Although if there is sufficient reasoning that it can't be reasonable, I may have to rethink my choice and go back Baal runs with Habacalva :rolleyes:
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There's nothing magical about CS, the main reason it's a great target sub-98 is because Infector and Vizier have quite a few extra minions in comparison to other A85 boss packs. That means for AoE chars that can clear them quickly, it's normally more beneficial than running other lvl 85 areas. But if you focus down seal bosses with a single-target build that's not the case, except maybe for the fact you can include Diablo (but even that is only worth it from ~97 onwards). I'd assume Ancients saving some 10-20 hours is going to be very little in comparison to how much faster it is to run Baal/waves with WW from the get-go...
Agree with @ffs although I feel the need to include the disclaimer:

It's unquestionably viable if you're willing to sink the time into it. But single target will be slower in general and for sure much slower in the leveling stage up to 97 (even at 97, the minions from seal bosses provide a good chunk of the seal bosses' contribution to XP/run).
@Kitteh ofc i agree with what everyone has said so far, but I think you can interpret it differently. Instead of thinking "oh well I'd better go back to whirlwind and do baal", you can say 1. no you don't need to save ancients and 2. you can do conc barb until exp gain gets too slow to tolerate :p
@Kitteh ofc i agree with what everyone has said so far, but I think you can interpret it differently. Instead of thinking "oh well I'd better go back to whirlwind and do baal", you can say 1. no you don't need to save ancients and 2. you can do conc barb until exp gain gets too slow to tolerate :p

Well, I no longer allow my characters to change builds, just to respec within a build :p I'm throwing ideas around at the moment. I just crafted 336 caster amulets in the hope of some inspiration, but nope haha
Hi everyone!
I started playing D2 again after a 12 year or so hiatus. It is simply the best game ever created, and I felt so nostalgic when I started again. First I tried battlenet, which I played a lot back in the days. I quickly got fed up of the bots running the show, and decided to give singleplayer a go. I then found this amazing thread and got inspired to join the site. I here present a list of my current runners. I know they are not all high enough to be included, but my long-term goal is to make one of each character reach this list, and perhaps even lvl 99 for some of them :)

I guess they will all be classified as twinked, as I am using gomule to transfer items between the characters. They are, however, all hardcore characters. I will be updating my progress every now and again.

Sorceress (Kate): Level 93, 2.160 xp
Assasin (Jess): Level 92, 1.931 xp
Paladin (Pete): Level 92, 1.924 xp

Barbarian (Kyle): Level 87, 1.266 xp
Druid (Ryan): Level 86, 1.153 xp
Necromancer (Neil): Level 85, 1.062 xp
Amazon (Jule): Level 85, 1.056 xp
Estimated market value