OT: What TV Shows/Anime are you currently watching?

I've read the Elenium, but it wasn't as good as the Belgariad/Malloreon.

Does this Magician in the Riftwar saga kick butt, at least?

I'll check out Mistborn, thanks for the recommendation!

It's decent. Personally I like Mistborn a whole lot more.
Deadwood (yes, I know I'm late on this one)

I freaking LOVE Deadwood. I introduced my wife to it this weekend - I've resisted doing so for years, as cursing makes her uncomfortable. After a bit of an initial shock, she recognized the brilliance, and is totally obsessed. We blasted through all of season one, and got a running start at season two. Sooo good!
I should probably add Dr Who as my youngest has just watched all of the series on Netflix.

As far as books are concerned I thoroughly recommend the First Law series by Joe Abercrombie, especially if you like Barbarians. Gritty Fantasy at it’s best.
The Belgariad/Mallorean were the first fantasy series I read when I was younger (and still re-read them every now and then). I also highly recommend the Mistborn series by Sanderson, as well as the Stormlight Archive series he's working on. I also enjoyed the Sword of Truth series by Terry Brooks.

TV shows:
I must admit I've been binge watching much more than playing D2 lately. Just finished watching Twin Peaks (both the original and The Return). Very glad I finally watched these. Awesome stuff!
Currently watching House and the occasional Star Trek, progressing through each iteration.

I do not Anime.
TV Shows - Recently .....
The Terror
Killing Eve (I would love to be a deranged assassin .... oh wait I have been, D2 styles)

Anime: only ever watched one show: Death Note.

Books: too many to list but anything by Bill Bryson. Also read alot of Dawkins. I mainly read non-fiction.
An update to this thread.


Iron Druid Chronicles, by Kevin Hearne, read by Luke Daniels.
Modern day setting, protagonist is a druid, and mythical creatures/gods exist, but are all based on mythology and religion (all gods exist, from Thor to The Morrigan to Jesus, as do mythological creatures, focusing a bit on irish/old english/celtic folklore.)

This was an excellent series overall (though there were a few WTF moments and it did go downhill towards the end). Thanks @Drystan for recommending it.

  1. Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.:
    Excellent series that just recently ended - really enjoyed everything about it.

  2. Killjoys:
    Really fun series - likeable characters and good production values.

  3. Suits & Pearson:
    Suits - Only watching this to see how it ends, but the writing, acting and dialogue are all atrocious. Characters make some minor progress over the course of the episode (read: stop acting like a-holes in the last 2 minutes) only to revert back to form in the next episode. No sustained growth of any characters - really dire show. It's entertaining because of how bad it is. Also, nobody cares whose name is up on the wall. The 'enemy' this season is the most rational person on the show and therefore more likeable than the main cast...
    Pearson - a little better than Suits, if only because the cast and storylines seem a bit more fresh.
  1. Black Clover:
    Still watching this, pretty good overall.

  2. Psycho-Pass:
    Only 4 episodes in, but looks promising.
To prod this legitimate necromancy along:
  • Most anything on HBO; Years and Years currently (how depressing...); binged on Big Little Lies and Barry recently
  • Watched all of Stranger Things on Netflix recently as well (recommended)
  • Free mornings/afternoons are dedicated to old Simpsons episodes and the occasional Archer episode
My reading has not been so great lately. Currently slogging through an academic work on Southeastern Indians. It is rather dated but still interesting in parts. Need to do some searching on my Kindle to find my next great read. Might go back to some classics.
I've been trying to get into the 12 Monkeys TV series (8 or so episodes or so in) and I really struggling. Before that I re-watched the entire Dark Matter series and, although I enjoy Killjoys and The Expanse better, I am a little disappointed it did not get renewed. Before that I tried to get into the Legend of the Seeker series (just no!) and the Shannara chronicles (I at least got to the end of this one).
As for books, I have recently come off a Terry Goodkind binge (at least the first 5 book of the sword of truth series). The last book I read was a fantasy book released by a YouTuber I watch (Shadiversity) called the Shadow of the Conqueror; for a first time writer it's a great read!
I've been trying to get into the 12 Monkeys TV series (8 or so episodes or so in) and I really struggling. Before that I re-watched the entire Dark Matter series and, although I enjoy Killjoys and The Expanse better, I am a little disappointed it did not get renewed. Before that I tried to get into the Legend of the Seeker series (just no!) and the Shannara chronicles (I at least got to the end of this one).
As for books, I have recently come off a Terry Goodkind binge (at least the first 5 book of the sword of truth series). The last book I read was a fantasy book released by a YouTuber I watch (Shadiversity) called the Shadow of the Conqueror; for a first time writer it's a great read!

Dark Matter - Good series, watched it all, yes shame it got cancelled.
Legend of the Seeker - I liked it, but then I liked Xena and Hercules too :p
Shannara Chronicles - decent, but almost an updated Legend of the Seeker style show.

To prod this legitimate necromancy along:
  • Most anything on HBO; Years and Years currently (how depressing...); binged on Big Little Lies and Barry recently
  • Watched all of Stranger Things on Netflix recently as well (recommended)
  • Free mornings/afternoons are dedicated to old Simpsons episodes and the occasional Archer episode
My reading has not been so great lately. Currently slogging through an academic work on Southeastern Indians. It is rather dated but still interesting in parts. Need to do some searching on my Kindle to find my next great read. Might go back to some classics.

Years and Years - started off good, depressing but also fascinating. It seemed like it was building to a crescendo but then fizzled out completely.
As for books, I have recently come off a Terry Goodkind binge (at least the first 5 book of the sword of truth series).

I actually just finished a re-reading of this. At least, finished as far as the first 11-book arc is concerned. Currently, I'm beginning the Wheel of Time series. I made it to book four and stopped for some reason I can't remember (perhaps to read A Song of Ice and Fire?), so I decided to start over to catch up on things I might have forgotten. Really looking forward to completing this series, and maybe the upcoming (perhaps) show will turn out better than Legend of the Seeker did.

I read the first book of the Shanarra Chronicles, haven't seen any of the show.

Not much in the way of TV show watching. I may eventually renew Netflix just to catch season 3 of Stranger Things. Finishing where I left of with Star Trek TNG, though I may go to a different show before moving on to DS9.
Legend of the Seeker - I liked it, but then I liked Xena and Hercules too.

After reading Goodkind's sword of truth series (which has a considerable amount of mature content), the pg Legend of the Seeker was not my cup of tea.

I actually just finished a re-reading of this.

I've only got books 1-5 and 8-11, I still need to track down the ones in between. Years ago, I was reading Sword of Truth and Wheel of Time at the same time; there are similar themes running through both series and I kept getting the characters mixed up.

EDIT: I changed "adult" content to "mature" content; adult content has certain implications!
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I liked book six though it had some of the heavier Goodkind preachy parts. Book seven is much like book eight. I could have done without both of them IMO.
Re-reading this thread made me remember back when GoT was still awesome... luckily the show set the bar so low that I really think GRRM could pretty much mail-in the last couple books, and that would seem fantastic, at this point.

Also, I haven't really watched much TV since then... probably should, but just haven't been feeling it.

I did recently reread the Hitchhiker's books... amazing how quickly those seem to be becoming non-fiction.
I would also like to recommend The Realm of the Elderlings series- by Robin Hobb
If you manage to reach half the book (any book from the series) you won't be able to let go and 500 pages will seem like too short
I would also like to recommend The Realm of the Elderlings series- by Robin Hobb
If you manage to reach half the book (any book from the series) you won't be able to let go and 500 pages will seem like too short

Assassin's Apprentice has been sitting in my Audible library for a while. I'll have to tackle it soon.
Hey all! This thread's right up my alley.

Currently at the beginning of the last of the 4 books in the hyperion cantos. Enjoying it a good amount.

Also just finished book 2 of Malazan, so I'm just getting started in that serious undertaking (ten 1000ish page books) :) I have my likes and dislikes. It's more than good enough for me to keep going with excitement, but it's not a candidate for a top 5 fantasy series for me so far. Plenty of time for that to change though :)

I've seen wheel of time mentioned above, and it's one of my favorites for sure. I probably would have already started my first re-listen (I do a lot of audible) if it wasn't such a large-seeming undertaking. ASOIAF, kingkiller chronicle, wheel of time, and dresden files are probably my favorites. Sanderson is ok, and I will get the next stormlight book I'm sure (I just finished oathbringer recently), but he's not a favorite of mine. Feels a little bland.

Also @mir I read the farseer trilogy but gave up on it after those 3 books.
I found it sooooo frustrating that during the entire trilogy it felt like the good guys sat around doing nothing, watching the bad guys gain power and control until (predictably) things go very badly. And the ending was fun, but not fun enough to make up for that for me. I've heard such good things about liveship traders though. You think it's worth me checking it out despite these gripes?

I'm watching jojo's bizarre adventure while playing d2 right now. I've decided I like doing that, as I'm not going to consume nearly as much tv otherwise. So I miss a very large percentage of what's going on visually, but I think that's more fun than not watching stuff. Anyways jojo's is interesting lol. It's like if colonel armstrong from FMA had his own series. All the shouting and manly tears. So I don't quite see why this is so popular, however I'm so entertained by the fact it's so popular that it makes the show very fun for me. If that makes any sense.

Favorites are FMA (I like the original better than brotherhood... i know i know... sue me :p But I'll argue it all day), cowboy bebop, and one punch man. Also loved the first half of death note. I watched neon genesis evangelion, and I love really weird stuff. But this was too much for me. Do not recommend. Was thinking about checking out hunter x hunter next. Any other big recommendations?
@Luhkoh yes, it's a good trilogy, as I said, its a bit boring in the beginning but some plots just push you to read further and further. A complex and very interesting story.
Hey all! This thread's right up my alley.
I've seen wheel of time mentioned above, and it's one of my favorites for sure. I probably would have already started my first re-listen (I do a lot of audible) if it wasn't such a large-seeming undertaking. ASOIAF, kingkiller chronicle, wheel of time, and dresden files are probably my favorites.
+1 for WoT mentioning! "Twice twice shall he be marked..."
Also, what in the heck is ASOIAF?

I have not really watched any TV in decades, in the context of actually watching a live/current series, on an honest to god, real television set. Have not owned a TV for over twenty years, and any television content since then has been watched via computer/internet. I have no patience for commercials at all, so I don't see me ever gong back to watching tv in this lifetime.
  1. Hero's was mentioned up thread, and I have to agree that that series had great potential and started strong, and then got totally lost in later seasons. Was a shame to see something like that show falling apart like it did.
  2. Dark Matter, also mentioned upthread, great show, but did also suffer a bit of a fumble, but managed to make a comeback with some of the final episodes. Shame to see it cancelled.
  3. An army buddy is trying to get me to watch GoT, but so far I cannot be bothered to subscribe to HBO for the month or two it would take to get through all 8 seasons. It's definitely on my todo list, but not likely to happen anytime soon.
  4. Lucifer was good at first, then fell out of favor/interest.
  5. Designated Survivor was awesome, and really kept my interest for it's whole run. Very well done to the writers/cast.
  6. Newsroom was another well written/acted series, and kept my interest the entire run.
  7. The man in the High Castle. This series is great, and I am eagerly awaiting more!
  8. Travelers. Love the series, hated the last episode ending, but will watch more if made.
  9. The Americans. Need more of this.
  10. Limitless. Give us, the audience, some closure/ongoing adventures.

Not really a fan of anime, but I do have a few in mind.
  1. Heavy Metal. Saw this at ft Dix, NJ when I joined the US Army. Loved it, and the soundtrack. Often still hunt down the B-17 portion to listen too, usually while working out or playing D2.
  2. Final Fantasy VII - The spirits within. Loved this one, but have never played any of those games.
  3. Star Blazers. Way back in the day, when returning home from high school, that would be the first program I would watch! Has it truly been 38 years since then?!?!
  4. The Hobbit. Saw that in grade school, liked it then, couldn't be bothered with the modern iteration back in the day, until I saw a preview for the second film "The Two Towers", and then had to scramble to find/watch LotR before watching the rest. Hooked!

  1. The Black Company. If you liked Tolkien, you would have to love Glen Cook. AD&D had the wizards as frail old men, to weak to wield swords and battle axes and such in physical combat. Tolkien/LotR has taken that apart, at least/especially with Sauron, but I wouldn't want to be any one of the ring wielders in that series and run across any of the "Ten who were Taken", especially not BoneGnasher.
  2. The Chronicles of Amber. RZ at his best!
  3. The Berserker series. Various authors, many great stories. "The Stone Place" and "Itself Surprised" are two of my favorites from this collection of SF stories.
  4. Pandora's Planet. Good and bad, some of it is very good, and some of it is dry and time consuming, but it is a very small book, and some gems just cannot be passed up.!!!
  5. Herbig-Haro. A short story, and a sequel to the next one.
  6. The road not taken. I read these out of order, but this is a prequel to the story told in #5.
  7. Invader. Have to go back to the classics.
  8. Red Storm Rising.
  9. All the way Back. A nice little story, fun and enjoyable.
  10. Thomas Covenant series.
Started this an hour ago, time to post as is, lol.
Nice! ASOIAF is "A Song of Ice and Fire", which are the books that Game of Thrones is based on. Game of Thrones is the title of the first book in the series. So no reason to watch the tv show, just read these! The downside being that the books are likely to never get closure (5 of a supposed 7 are written) and books 4 and 5 are markedly worse than 1-3 (but are still very good imo).

I love black company! Very good. Books 2 and 4 were my favorites, but it was good throughout. I also should have mentioned that with a disclaimer for very very violent content, acts of caine is an EXCELLENT series. Definitely should have been in my list of favorites. Especially for people who like the darker content of black company, asoiaf, or first law for example.

I haven't read chronicles of amber or thomas covenant yet, but have heard of both. I don't think I've heard of the rest. Maybe I'll give them a look!
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