μῡρῐ́ος • Mūríos Project - the pursuit of 10K

Sep 12, 2013
μύρια • Mūríos Project[/HIGHLIGHT]

Ten thousand, the greatest number expressed in Ancient Greek as a single word

I thought of this as long-term goal of mine for D2, and wanted to see if it would interest anybody else. Or, perhaps, somebody has already achieved this feat? The objective is simple: [HIGHLIGHT]attain a combined 10,000 levels with your D2 characters.[/HIGHLIGHT]

Depending on your average level, this will require 110-130 characters to complete. That seems like a ridiculous number. But, for those that enjoy simply playing through the game, it can be done. I figure this will take me over a decade to accomplish.

[HIGHLIGHT]Mūríos Project Totals:[/HIGHLIGHT]
Name:            HC/SC:  Versions:       M/Pats:  Levels:  Start Date:
---------------  ------  --------------  -------  -------  -----------
maxicek          SC      1.07 - 1.13     83       7001     2005
TheNix           Both    1.07 - 1.14     78       6498     2002-08-23
PhineasB         SC      1.13            59       5012     2012
Drystan          HC      1.13/1.14       49+      3907     2006
DiabloTwoinDC    SC      1.07 - 1.14     40       3275     2013-05-19
Timiniator       SC      1.07 - 1.14     41       3230     2000
Grape            SC      1.07/1.13       36       3129     2012
ioupainmax       SC      1.14d           29       2482     2007-06-21
drmalawi         Both    1.14            17       1443     2016
T72on1           SC      1.14d           16       1333     2016-03-20
Babyhell         SC      1.14d            7        643     2018-12
Vildecor         SC      1.14d            4        352     2018

My target number will be 120 characters. Hitting lvl 80 with all of them will give me 9600 for my total. The remaining 400 will be made up through 80x 5-lvl increments. A lvl 85 character adds 1 increment, a lvl 95 character adds 3 increments, etc etc.
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1.07 Runeword Sept
Name:               Class:              Build:              Level:
---------------     --------            --------------      -----
Profeta             Sorceress           FO/Static           92

Normal Sets
Name:               Class:              Build:              Level:
---------------     --------            --------------      -----
Angelic             Sorceress           MeteOrb             1
Arcanna             Sorceress           Blizz-Baller        78
Arctic              Amazon              Frost Maiden        80
Cathan              Assassin            MB-Trapper          78
Cleglaw             Druid               Rabies-geddon       80
Death               Barbarian           Frenzy/DS           78
Infernal            Necromancer         Fishymancer         80
Isenhart            Paladin             Tesla-Froster       80
Milabrega           Paladin             Hammerdin           78
Sigon               Amazon              Poison Jav          78
Tancred             Necromancer         Poisonmancer        80
Vidala              Amazon              Immo Arrow          80

Exceptional Sets
Name:               Class:              Build:              Level:
---------------     --------            --------------      -----
Bul-Kathos          Barbarian           Frenzy              85
König               Barbarian           IK WW               90
Tal-Rasha           Sorceress           Lite-Baller         85

[HIGHLIGHT]1.13 SC 'Passion' Sept:[/HIGHLIGHT] <complete>
[ A ] [ A ] [ B ] [ D ] [ N ] [ P ] [ S ]
Name:               Class:              Build:              Level:
---------------     --------            --------------      -----
Espadada            Sorceress           Melee-Enchantress   78
Gant-Entan          Druid               Zeal-Windy          79
Impeto              Amazon              Fend-Zerkazon       78
Netsui              Assassin            Zeal-Trapper        78
Sans-Zele           Paladin             Tesla-Hammerdin     83
Übereifer           Barbarian           2H Zeal-Barb        78
Zelus               Necromancer         Zeal-Summoner       78

[HIGHLIGHT]1.13 SC [charges] Sept:[/HIGHLIGHT] <complete>
[ A ] [ A ] [ B ] [ D ] [ N ] [ P ] [ S ]
Name:               Class:              Build:              Level:
---------------     --------            --------------      -----
Bruja               Sorceress           Hydra-Orb           79
Conjuratus          Necromancer         Oath-Summoner       82
Leichenbombe        Barbarian           CE-WW               82
Pandemônio          Amazon              Immo-Strafer        81
Sacre               Paladin             HB-Zealot           79
Soeki               Assassin            PJ-Trapper          80
Tropell             Druid               CE-Windy            82

[HIGHLIGHT]1.14d SC Item-Theme Project:[/HIGHLIGHT] <in progress>
[ A ] [ A ] [ B ] [ D ] [ N ] [ P ] [ S ]
Name:               Class:              Build:              Level:
---------------     --------            --------------      -----
Granito             Amazon              Stone-Theme         85
Körperteile         Barbarian           Body Parts-Theme    80
Furvus              Necromancer         Black-Theme         85
Galaxia             Sorceress           Outer Space-Theme   85
Ferrique            Paladin             Iron-Theme          83

Other - unrestricted:
Name:               Class:              Build:              Level:
---------------     --------            --------------      -----
Myougi              Assassin            Phoenix Striker     80
Ventisca            Sorceress           Blizzard            95
Esfera              Sorceress           MeteOrb             85
Fundgrube           Barbarian           Pit Zerker          91

Other - restricted:
Name:               Class:              Build:              Level:
---------------     --------            --------------      -----
Sorciere            Paladin             D1-Sorcerer         85
Urkräfte            Barbarian           Frenzy              85

Weekend Warriors
Name:               Class:              Build:              Level:
---------------     --------            --------------      -----
Urkräfte            Barbarian           Frenzy              85

Name:               Class:              Build:              Level:
---------------     --------            --------------      -----
Senpai              Assassin            'Deception'         40
Bosenn-Werblus      Druid               'Black'             34
Ursprung            Barbarian           'Crescent Moon'     34
Antepassado         Amazon              'Death'             17
Ancetre             Paladin             'Brand'             17
Protus              Necromancer         'Bone'              8

Name:               Class:              Build:              Level:
---------------     --------            --------------      -----
Berserker           Barbarian           Singer              77
Branz-Du            Druid               Raven-Theme         54
M'avina             Amazon              M'avina Battle Hymn 43
Gelo                Amazon              'Ice' Frost Maiden  40
Medonho             Amazon              Medusa-zon          42
Griswold            Paladin             Griswold's Legacy   42
Eterno              Amazon              Frost Maiden        34
Harmonie            Paladin             'Harmony'           37
Civerb              Druid               Civerb's Vestments  31
Martele             Paladin             Hammerdin           18
Aldur               Druid               Aldur's Watchtower  18
Iratha              Assassin            Blade Fury           1
Name:               Goal:                                               Total:
---------------     ----------------------------------------------      -----
1.07 RW Sept        1x Mat/Pat of each class with 1.07 RWs              1/7
1.09 Sept           1x Mat/Pat of each class                            0/7

Normal Sets         2x Mat/Pat of each class, +1 Amazon                 11/15
Exceptional Sets    2x Mat/Pat of each class, +1 Amazon                 3/15

Passion Sept        1x Mat/Pat of each class with Passion RW            7/7
Charges Sept        1x Mat/Pat of each class with Charges items         7/7
Item-Theme Sept     1x Mat/Pat of each class with item theme            5/7
Chace to Cast Sept  2x Mat/Pat of each class with CtC items             0/14
Single-Tree Builds  3x Mat/Pat of each class with +0skill items         0/21

Hsarus' Defense     Use once with each class                            1/7
Cow King's Leathers Use once with each class                            0/7
'Beast'             Use once with each class                            0/7

1.14 RW Grail       Make every runeword available in version 1.14       ??/78
1.14 S/U Grail      Find/trade for every Set/Unique in 1.14             ????
Cathan's Grail      Find Cathan's Seal for each ilvl 15-99              ??/85

  • Jav & Spear
    • N - Charged Strike [charges]
    • NM - Impale + Power Strike (Impaler 31)
    • H - Lightning Fury (Thundergod's 47) / Lightning Bolt (Thunderstroke 69)
  • Passive
    • N - Inner Sight [charges]
    • NM - Slow Missle + Valkyrie ('Peace' 29) / Valkyrie ('Harmony' 39)
    • H - Slow Missile ('Sanctuary)
  • Bow & Xbow
    • N - Multi Shot [charges]
    • NM - Immo Arrow (Kuku Shakaku 33) / Strafe (Endlesshail 36) / Guided Arrow (Magewrath)
    • H - Freezing Arrow [charges]

* Death Sentry
* Mindblast
* Cloak of Shadows
* Blade Shield
* Claw blocking (if you use 2 claws)
* Blade Fury can come in handy vs a specific curse
* Dragon Flight (for telestomping)

Barbarian: (Gorefoot, Bloodletter, Bloodtree, 'Passion')

Druid: (Islestrike)
  • Shape-shifting [N-WW, NM-Maul, H-Fury]
  • Elemental [N-AB, NM-Fissure, H-Wind]
    • Earth Shifter, Beast RW, Pelt (+WB, +SW)
  • Summoning [N-SW, NM-DW, H-Grizzly]
    • Plague Bearer, Pelt (+WW, +Lyc)
Necromancer: ('White', Marrowalk)
  • Summoning
    • Malestorm (+CE, +Amp)
  • Poison n Bone
    • Ume's Lament (+Decrep, +Terror)
  • Curses
    • AoKL (+RS, +SM)
Paladin: (Tearhaunch)

Sorceress: (Ormus' Robes, 'Enigma', 'Leaf', Spire of Lazarus, Iron Jang Bong, Snowclash)
  • Fire [N-Inferno, NM-FB/FW, H-Meteor/Hydra]
    • 'Memory' (+ES, +Static)
  • Cold [N-IB/FN, NM- GS, H-Blizz/Orb]
    • Warpspear (+ES, +TK, +Tele)
  • Lightning [N-CB, NM-Nova/Lite, H-CL]
    • Trang-Oul (+FW, +Meteor)
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Ambitious. I'd be scared to figure out my total level count, but I'll bet it is pretty hefty. GL!
That sure is a lot of levels. Good luck !!! I'll aim for 1000 to start with :).
Haha. Thanks, the levels add up quickly when you don't play characters to 95+ At least this will hopefully keep me motivated to "finish" my characters. I have many at various stages throughout the game, and I just leave them sitting. Gotta get them to Pat/Mat in order for those levels to count! ;)
I'll add mine to your startup list, just to have some comparison with years playing, number of chars, and ~levels. I won't be competing though, but I believe mine could be in the 3000's. I don't think I'd have the energy to do triple what I've got. XD

Maybe put some extra stats in the table: HC/SC/Both, year of last restart (mine was when I joined spf in '06 I believe,) anything else?

Oh, and good luck! The SPF never ends their surprises with insane goals and feats.
Good idea, I'll add in those stats. Yea, I'm approaching 3000. But, a lot of those characters aren't Mat/Pat-ed.. :oops:

Edit: Just curious, does anybody know if there is a limit to the number of characters you're allowed to have on the character screen?
I have 62 characters in 1.14d so at least that many.

Not all my characters are Mat/Pat though. I have several Champions over level 90...If we include all characters whatever their title, I have 3818+ levels.

EDIT 1: @DiabloTwoinDC When I saw the title of the thread, thought it was one of those spambots. Then I saw your name.

EDIT 2: Just counting Mats/Pats = 2241

This is excluding other Patches like 1.09 which are currently mothballed on an External HD.
I have 62 characters in 1.14d so at least that many.

Not all my characters are Mat/Pat though. I have several Champions over level 90...If we include all characters whatever their title, I have 3818+ levels.

EDIT 1: @DiabloTwoinDC When I saw the title of the thread, thought it was one of those spambots. Then I saw your name.

EDIT 2: Just counting Mats/Pats = 2241

This is excluding other Patches like 1.09 which are currently mothballed on an External HD.

62 characters, very nice. How many Mats/Pats? I'll put you at the top of the list! :)
26 Mats/Pats

I also have those Champions that are pretty much all there but stopped to run Pindle/Meph etc. and only have Baal left. My highest character is a lvl 95 Blizzard sorceress that is in Pindle running mode and gear.
Name:               HC/SC:          Versions:           Characters:         Levels:        Start Date:
ioupainmax                          1.14                26                  2241
D2DC                SC              1.07, 1.13          22                  1762           5-19-13
Drystan             HC              1.13/1.14           49+                 3907           2006

Added mine. I have only included my HC chars. I have +3 extra SC characters and more than 5 Median XL chars which I haven't included (keep it to Vanilla/FAM D2, otherwise it just gets needlessly messy; Lvl 120 in Median is easy compared to 90+ in D2.) These Median chars include 1 HC lvl 120, and 4 SC lvl 120.
Best of luck getting to 10,000 levels!

Edit: Ah, I read again, and only chars having beaten Baal on Hell are counted. The Median HC chars have not beaten Hell - I planned to try to cheese them through the bugged Baal which dies as soon as he loses one of his immunities (he has full immunity to all damage, but randomly loses one every now and then,) but Baal wave number 5 has an insta-kill that I could not find a work-around. The SC Median chars have beaten Baal.
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@Drystan Nice! Especially for median HC, I don't mess with that. I tried median once, when I got two act 2 some meteor fell from the sky and killed me. Also it seems that barrels are way more deadly than regular D2. So I don't think I will be trying median HC anytime soon haha.
Name:                    HC/SC:   Versions:               Mats/Pats:   Levels:   Start Date:
----------------------   ------   ---------------------   ----------   -------   -----------
Drystan                  HC       1.13/1.14               49+          3907      2006
ioupainmax               SC       1.14d                   26           2241      2007-06-21
D2DC                     SC       1.07, 1.13              22           1762      2013-05-19

I originally started playing around 2003 and had an account on here called @ioupain. However, I had a long break (and forgot my password to that account) so I returned to the game around 1.10 or 1.11 in 2007.

I've moved forward with every patch from 1.09, but rather than list them all, just say that all my active characters are 1.14d. I did do some time travelling in 1.09 for nostalgia, but I'll leave them off for now. I have my first HC character in the S/U Worshippers tourney but only level 6 lol.

PATCH: 1.14d

EDIT 1: @DiabloTwoinDC hope it's ok that I updated the table and changed 'Characters' to 'Mats/Pats' so it's clear further down the thread that we are only counting characters that have killed Hell Baal.

EDIT 2: Also changed to Universal Date Format since we are an international bunch...
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Great changes, ioupain. Love the added details and tidying up!
I should note, that I have one level 63 character 1.07 Rack Runner included.

@fearedbliss - Median is great, but in no way is it hardcore friendly. I knew that when I started it, but it's that challenge that thrills me. There are way too many insta-kills, and areas that you will die in, but as to questing, I ran a SC char first to explore the areas, and determine the most dangerous instakills, and then quested through the same area in HC.
There were goals I had in Median, but I get bored in SC. I run in, and die. I run in with no gear, and die again. After <10 deaths, trying to recover a body, I get bored and give up. The deaths mean nothing, and I get more enjoyment from those risks and having to restart - the questing part of the game. I've had several HC Median chars up to Hell Baal, but was never confident in getting through all five Baal waves. Some characters got "GG Noob" (deeds), but there is still at least one up to Hell Baal. As said, I did want to use the Median bugged Baal to cheese one Guardian, but the final wave had an insta-kill I couldn't work out how to confidently avoid. :)
Then, I stopped because I was using Shared Stash for Median only, and, while cleaning up my files, I deleted these files called "sharedstash" or something similar, wondering what they were. Surely, since I don't recognise them, they can't be that important...
Months/maybe a year later, after reinstalling, I went through my files, trying to work out where my items went, only to realise I deleted all my near-complete Sets and HC Median wealth. >.> Never went back to it after that.

As to standard D2, I've had more Guardians. I've had uncountable HC Guardian deaths - I believe most would be Blizz sorces, so many deaths to Pindle, but other areas as well. If we counted deedz Guardians, my tally would be over 4000 levels. That is a shock to me. And @DiabloTwoinDC wants to get 10,000! That would be quite the feat.
I know there are others with more than me, so would love to see what variety we have here.
I have deleted so many chars... even those my 1st two which made to Hell but never passed it...
Still remember a sorc without TP (or so?) which couldn't pass through Hell ancients and conc barb (?) who was unable to pass through Blood Moor (Hell difficulty).

Staying out of this one. Maybe in one of the next afterlives if I will be playing D2 then :D
Name:                    HC/SC:   Versions:               Mats/Pats:   Levels:   Start Date:
----------------------   ------   ---------------------   ----------   -------   -----------
TheNix                   Both     1.07 - 1.13             67           5633      2002-08-23
Drystan                  HC       1.13/1.14               49+          3907      2006
ioupainmax               SC       1.14d                   26           2241      2007-06-21
D2DC                     SC       1.07, 1.13              22           1762      2013-05-19

The levels are for Mat/Pat/Guard only (I've only got one lvl 87 Guardian but he deserves a mention). I've got no way of telling how many levels I've got racked up in uncompleted and deleted characters.
Estimated market value