MFO Summer 2021 Signups and Running Thread

It's a snail race in the Baal category :)

This snail's about to speed up a little bit!


Moving to p1/p3 Baaling now I should be able to shave ~a minute off of my time on average (That's just a guess really, but I'm hopeful).

Plus, my MF has now been raised to a cool 98%, thanks Enigma! :cool:
Congrats @Pb_pal - Halfway there now :p

Baal drops suck, confirmed.
Quick progress update on my end from the slow-poke Baal category:

Untwinked 99er Windy hit 97.25 yesterday, starting at 97.05 for MFO. I had hoped to get to 97.5 during MFO but that may be out of reach due to slllooowww Baal runs compared to last three untwinked 99ers that have Baaled, even when taking on Lister and Baal at p1.

I know, I know, Ventar runs are most XP efficient, but Baal drops are too hard to give up in MFO. I sometimes go p3 for Lister and Baal also, which is doable but I think the sweet spot for MF and XP is p1. I haven't timed runs for sanity, but he's definitely at or above 4 minutes, even with 10 teleport map to Throne Room and p1. Giving up up ~60k xp, that's a little more than 5 runs/1M, so likely slightly under 3M/hr. Ugh.

And he has >300 MF but way worse drops for number of runs already compared to Zon and Barb who've competed in the Baal category the last two years. (Complaining complaining, etc., in hopes of drops :p)

He has picked up an Um and a 10/5X Sharp GC with strength, so it's not all bad! Good luck to all over the last <week
...(Complaining complaining, etc., in hopes of drops :p)...
THAT'S what I'm doing wrong. Should have remembered. Don't be hopeful; be hateful!

C'mon, map! I've given you chance after chance. If you don't shape up soon, you know what I'm gonna do?! Grrr... :mad:
*grumble grumble*

Seriously, this map needs a swift kick. In addition to the 40 Chancies & the Skullders, I've now gotten my best pair of War Travs (43) and a new Tal Rasha belt with slightly better MF. It knows why I'm here, and I have to admit it's being a little nice from time to time... but it could be doing sooooo much better.

I'm not angry, map. I'm just disappointed. 😒

Halfway through, plus or minus -- big green and gold to all!

Big GG on the 98, @Pb_pal !
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Reactions: Pb_pal and Grisu
Team W.O.L.F.
Swamigoon, Pin runner

Somebody asked for more smack-talk. So, here's one of our best non-qualifiers so far:
I'll just leave you to imagine and despair at how awesome our qualifiying drops are... :cool:

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Well, at least I reached level 97!


I'll probably switch to /p1 runs now to speed my runs up a bit. It would take 5000 p7 AT runs to level 98 anyways, I don't know if I can stomach that ...Also, AdjEff is quite bad at p7...

AT p7 runs.JPG

Funny random things:
- somehow the new drop calculator sneaks in a lower MF every once in a while (65% instead of 603%).
- Still the avg MF is higher than my MF....does it factor in merc kills?
- I once accidentially did a run on yeah, it is p6.99 and not p7 after all
- After 800 runs and annoying loading times I remembered, that deleting the map files could save loading times...well yes, it saved 4 seconds per runs, what could be another 60 runs or so 🤦‍♂️

EDIT: Any ideas what I should do with the skill points?
Ice Bolt 20
Ice Blast 20
Glacial Spike 20
Blizzard 20
Cold Mastery 20
Frost Nova 1
Frozen Armor 1
Shiver Armor 1
Telekinesis 1
Static Field 1
Teleport 1
Warmth 1

I was thinking Teleport for the reduced mana cost??? Or FO as a Glacial Spike synergy?
GG on the 97, @Grisu !

I saw the same 65% MF sprinkled in among my runs, too. My best guess was that it's not picking up on MF from gear and only recognizing the 3-piece Tal Rasha set bonus. I hope that's a "feature" of the run counter and not the actual in-game memory-read results.

And IMO, no further investments in Teleport. If you have a mana management issue, saving one mana per tele isn't going to solve much. If mana is no issue, that's a wasted point. I use Glacial Spike a lot, so the extra damage would be a welcome bonus.

...Says the guy who is still holding onto two skill points "just in case."

[Also, who said we shouldn't be superstitious? I _swear_ that I never get a good drop when I kill something with Glacial Spike. Every time I resort to GS, I'm instantly assuming that nothing good will come of it and prepping to tele away.]

[Also also, I noticed a discrepancy between your skill point allocations and mine. Investigation ensued. Turns out I haven't killed Hell Izzy on this clvl97 character yet. ...Oops.]
Sent the first week update ahead of time. Got the second vaccine shot today, and supposedly the side effects are more intense the second time, so there's a good chance that I will be spending a good portion of day in bed.
Sent the first week update ahead of time. Got the second vaccine shot today, and supposedly the side effects are more intense the second time, so there's a good chance that I will be spending a good portion of day in bed.
You are beaten. It is useless to resist.

A85...I am... your winner.

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Reactions: Kartongen
Sent my first week update in as well since I won't be around tonight to send it in. Should be able to get a decent chunk of hours in by the end of the weekend too, so hopefully can increase the score a bit by then.

@Grisu - Boost Shiver Armor? I think that's usually what I do for a pure Blizzy. If you actually use GS though, that might be a better option, but I don't know that it's going to make a huge difference any way at this point.
@Pb_pal grats on 98! I'm curious as to where you'll take him for the 98-99 stage post-MFO.


Work slowed down a bit and I was able to wrap up a second 500 run set before the weekend after all.

Drop-wise, well there was one that I'll actually be using on some characters so that's OK I guess, but generally quality/rarity of drops has been super terrible... I stopped counting the blue/yellow 27+ pointer bases, at this point it's really annoying rather than amusing... :mad: #complaining

Kept running with LoH.

Berserker 3 LoH.png

On paper it slightly outperformed the first 500 runs with Chancies, although it's not 100% comparable because I picked up fewer items and had more practice from all the previous runs. The FR from LoH actually helps occasionally, there's one spawning location near one of those burning impaled corpses where I otherwise had to pot sometimes when I stood in the flames.

Anyway, 1000 Berserker runs done, probably will mix in some other characters for the last stretch.
2nd update sent.

The last couple days have been filled with unexpected roadblocks preventing me from playing. Chief among them are a debilitating toothache that's resulted in very little and very poor sleep (and an emergency dentist visit today), and work stuff has suddenly & dramatically imploded so I'll be up for hours tonight working on something that absolutely cannot wait (hooray for being a salary man).

At this point, I think I'll be fortunate to make a podium spot at the end. But there's still some time left. All I have to do is get supremely lucky... how hard can it be? :D

Best of luck to all during the final stretch!
Team W.O.L.F.
Babyhell, Pit runner

Week results sent.

Objective 1: checked.

Objective 2: checked.

Objective 3: no limit.

Since last time, running time is much better, and adjeff lowers accordingly, while number of packs is stable - a bit higher but not by much.

Will have to give a try after MFO on 100 runs to set a personal score.

Regarding qualifiers, 55 logged (747/627 must help!), and oh boy there were upgrades, you'd save yourself some frustration by stopping running right now (please?).
Closest gap between two qualifier drops were on the same run, and highest had been a separation of 22 runs.

For non-qualifiers, a second Pul.

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Reactions: ffs and Kartongen
Thanks to everyone who's sent updates. Please send when you get chance if you haven't already. I'll plan to post update mid-day tomorrow my time (US West Coast) with all updates that I've received.
First 7 Days Update – Pindle+, A85 and Baal Categories

All updates are in! Sorry for being a little slow with posting. None of the leaders are out of sight (and all three categories are quite close actually), so lots of excitement to be had over the last weekend!

The order holds among our competitors, and it remains anyone’s to win. Current rankings (without information about point totals) is in the spoiler.

2. Swamigoon
3. jjscud

Things have tightened at the top, and the top four closely packed and another large group within spitting distance of the leaders. This will be exciting to watch unfold! Current rankings (without information about point totals) is in the spoiler.

1. Nagisa
2. Babyhell
3. Nano
4. ffs
5. Grisu
6. Apila
7. Trim
8. Saracen85
9. JohnRemedy

More points were gathered, and the ranking is completely shaken up (well, as much as can happen with three competitors). And a key drop to any of us would be decisive as we come down to the wire!
1. Pb_pal
2. maxicek
3. PhineasB
Alright. I must admit I've been lucky so far. But as it stands I do need a Tyrael's drop during that last stretch.

Nothing impossible, just unlikely...the fact is that I'm not sure if I can throw more runs or not, so...

I hope our friends' wedding will be worth it! If not...
Estimated market value