SPF Reform Proposals and Discussion

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@fearedbliss thanks for claryfying the issues. I am trying to play with PlugY as legit as possible though. Might edit my plugy cfg files as you have specified as Gardenia's features.
Hi guys,

Not much to say at this moment (and I don't know if I'll personally be chiming in much in this topic) but I'd quickly like to clarify that the current rules regarding PlugY (or variants of it) aren't changing. I have nothing against the mod and I understand that it's popular but it just has no place in the SPF. Sorry to disappoint.
Hi guys,

Not much to say at this moment (and I don't know if I'll personally be chiming in much in this topic) but I'd quickly like to clarify that the current rules regarding PlugY (or variants of it) aren't changing. I have nothing against the mod and I understand that it's popular but it just has no place in the SPF. Sorry to disappoint.

Thanks for the update Dredd. Apologies if anybody seems inpatient. I would just like to clarify that we do, as a whole I believe, appreciate the time that the moderator team is taking/will take to tie up the loose ends here in the SPF, even if sometimes it seems otherwise.
@Dredd Thanks for the update.

@fearedbliss and @RadTang Sorry, but I just don't follow you guys. I'm all for talking about if it would be good to have some changes or not. But until these changes occur, it's all FAM you have to follow, and not go like 'I'm as legit as possible ... almost legit' and that kind of stuff. You can bring up all the reasons you want why you believe it's not fair you can't recover map seeds compared to those using Atma / GoMule, and some / many of us might even agree, but until it's FAM, it's a no-go AFAIK. That's what rules are for. Same for Plugy. Especially since @RadTang has brought up Plugy in about every single post he has posted here since returning a few days ago. Call me a purist or whatever you want, but for me that's definitely crossing a line, and I really start to understand why some of the people who are around this place a lot longer than I have, really have had it with Plugy being mentioned over and over again.
Sorry @T72on1 . I have switched to legit way - regular 1.14D + ATMA for muling. Having smaller stash can be annoying but at least it makes you NOT hoard items. Still, keeping the PlugY for any mods I have installed (though I am aware that Median XL works flawlessly with 1.14D).
Well my GoMule stashes are around 24k items at the moment. And then some Atma stashes for 1.07 on top of that.

Isn't Plugy endless stash space in game? I can imagine how painful it would get to actually find something particular from your stash after hoarding enough ;)
Isn't Plugy endless stash space in game? I can imagine how painful it would get to actually find something particular from your stash after hoarding enough ;)

Endless, more or less at least. And on top of that you get 10x10 stash space per page.
@T72on1 For my current stashes and my new character stashes I'm not going to be using the map seeds to mule anymore and will just accept the map loss, so thanks to the unfairness of the rules, everyone else gets to "cheat" and use GoMule/ATMA and I get to happily lose my map every time I want to transfer items. I'm hoping everyone who supports this type of stuff is happy. I don't see how people don't see the logic and the hypocrisy of all of this, but if this is the way the community wants to move forward with this ansurd type of logic, then I'll just have to accept it. Hopefully this will change with the ruling change.

It just really doesn't make sense to me how people can argue about being so pure, legit, and ethical, and then go ahead and use a bunch of other mods. If people don't like mods or even built in game features (-seed) then make it explicitly clear and ban all mods and third party programs and modifications. That would fix all the problems and then everyone can play vanilla for real. Instead of living in this delusional bubble of "oh I'm playing close to vanilla, oh it's FAM, so it isn't that bad, I only use GoMule/ATMA" and a bunch of other stuff. Don't even use GlideWrapper since that's also a third party programs. If the game requires the CD, then get the ISO and use DAEMON Tools.

What a lovely, incoherent rant. Now **** right off and leave our forum. We don't want you here. If there was an active moderator here you'd have been banned ages ago.
@fearedbliss You know I have publicly stated that I value you for some of your very helpful contributions, so I say this as a friend, but maaaan...way to make friends and influence people!

I get that you've taken a battering from some quarters. I don't think anyone is trying to do you wrong, all they are saying is 'Keep the status quo until the decision is officially made'.
@Fabian I'll peacefully leave immediately when a moderator private messages me and asks me to. Until then I will keep posting my opinions, pointing out inconsistencies, and making my contributions.

@ioupainmax I don't need everyone to like me or agree with me. Progress sometimes requires bluntness. Sometimes it's hard for people to hear it, both myself and others. And yea I agree with the keep the status quo, that's why I stopped using map seeds for muling and explicitly pointed out the hypocrisy of the rules and the community due to this current rule.

Save the nice words for some other time. This guy has been doing this for years, eroding the rules of our forum because he doesn't give a shit about them and has no respect for them. Recently, since there's no moderation, he's been able to do it more and more blatantly, to the point where the SPF is 50% hacks and 50% people playing isolated because everyone is following different rules. I've been critical of Thyiad's moderating for years and years, but one thing she certainly got right when she was active was keeping idiots like this banned. It's awful to see the forum going to shit now that there's no one at the wheel.
@Fabian what's hacky about my work? Singling and BVS are the only two mods accepted by the SPF and Singling is a collection of FAM stuff. Literally Singling is a reflection of the community. If Singling is what you consider 50% hacks then that means the community is hacking at least 50%. Vanilla Frosting can't even be brought up because nobody even plays that.

Edit: also if I didn't care about the rules, then why have I for years been working in the background with Thyiad, Noodle, Dredd, and taking feedback from every single member of the community whether I like what the individual has to say or not? I listen to people, that doesn't mean I have to do or follow what they say. For you to say I don't give a crap about the rules is just misleading.

What a lovely, incoherent rant. Now **** right off and leave our forum. We don't want you here. If there was an active moderator here you'd have been banned ages ago.

@Fabian I appreciate why you are annoyed and fair enough, but please, don't speak for everybody. That said, @fearedbliss I value your contributions to this forum and although I disagree with you on most of the things brought up recently, I respect your right to an opinion. However, the problem is less what is and isn't ethical in itself (because the 'my hack is ok and yours isn't' argument is bullcrap), its about which modifications to the game are allowed in the SPF. That is a very clear moral line. If it is allowed, great. If it isn't allowed, no go. Which mods are allowed in the forum are stated clearly. Your post doesn't help your position and is likely to just incite a negative response.
I'm closing this hamster wheel.

I had hoped to read a civil discussion from many members of the SPF, not post after post from about three people containing personal attacks.

Yes, I'll go through it, yes I'll see what the general feeling is. But this isn't a committee.

In the Questions thread, I asked why everyone was here because I had hoped you'd realize what made the SPF special to you and why you stay. I personally don't join a club and then want to change all the rules. I find a club I like and join that.
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