[Simple+]Tournament of Tournament Idea for first chance at new forum awards/achievements in SPF since the RFL begins March.


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Guide Author
Feb 23, 2006
Hello everyone and good Friday in most of the world!

Well other than the embarrassing no proper tag for a new tournament like this so [Simple+] will have to do.

In the increased participation thread good feedback and minor interest when I mentioned a tournament of tournaments. So, I wanted to get some ideas going before a hopeful launch in the next day or week.

General ideas:

1. You may pick any tournament that has not been hosted by you for your initial attempt (You aren't that vain are you :D)
2. Other than restrictive rules a set of general rules that are commonly accepted to increase participation (listed below) are allowed.
3. Put a link in your replies of the initial tournament.
4. Multi-player is allowed in both 1.14/D2R for any tournament if you wish to pair up.
5. Others?

Increase Participation Rules:
1. Rerunning is allowed
2. All quest and waypoint do not have to be activated/used unless it is specific to the tournament's theme. If a quest such as Charsi/Socket/Personalization is required to complete, you may forgo that reward for the tournament if you intend to use it after or for another character.
3. A Softcore option exist, and you may continue upon death (SC will have a separate tab.)
4. Others I didn't think of?

For example, I might choose I got the Blues by Skunkbelly way back in 2005

Rerunning is already allowed, and thematically it appears that questing needs to be finished (or not used). But the Waypoints don't interfere so I can avoid waypoints if I decide too.

Thoughts of everyone that is interested?
I am definitely interested in this (I go back and replay old tournament rules on my own anyway lol). It'll be nice to post about progress as it happens though. I had actually been planning my next one to be an All Alone Assassin, but as I hosted that, I'll have to pick something else!
*Runs go off and reread old tournament threads for the 10th time*
Very interested as well, will probably delay startup a bit so I can finish one of my other tourney toons to avoid spreading my attention too much…
As usual, I will probably be joining this as well once I decide which tournament to do. I'm leaning towards jiansonz's original S/U Worshipper tournament. At some point I may need to take a page from @Grisu 's playbook and start up my own thread for my unfinished tournament characters (only have...7 of them right now I think).
Cool some good interest, any adjustment to the general overview or increased participation adjustments?
Will definitely join, using a pally to (hopefully) finish my HC Tourney Sept. I need to pick out a tourney, and likely will go with one of the blue or green/gold or similar for simplicity. I’m focusing on finishing my Untwinked 99er Druid, but thinking that some progress through A1 N might serve as a good break here and there.
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Would anyone like to host this in general, otherwise I will sometime in the afternoon EST.
This looks interesting. With my limited time, I think I want to focus on one character right now, and it looks like I can work that in with this tourney. (Yay flexibility!)

Just a couple questions:

What is the timeframe? Bascially until interest falls off? I just ask because between my limited playtime and preference for full clearing areas, it could take me months to kill Hell Baal even with lower restrictions.

Just to make sure I'm clear, the "Increased Participation rules" will override the initial tourney rules, right? So, for example, if I decided to go inception for this tournament and chose Dazliare's Build Your Own Tournament I wouldn't have to go single pass nor would I be out on a SC death, even though those were part of the original tourney, right?

Finally, what is the stance on S&E for characters for this tournament. (I'm specifically interested for SC characters, but figured I'd ask the more general question for others.)

Edit: One more question: would there be any objections to my use of in game character mules along with Gomule for extended stash? I've found I prefer it for the items I'm using more often over GoMule (which I mostly use to collect sets and uniques) since I don't have to exit the game and I enjoy the visceral aspect of moving the items around in game. I've been setting up my untwinked characters in their own Windows account so they get the stash (and any mules) to themselves, so there's no risk of mixing up stuff.
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This looks interesting. With my limited time, I think I want to focus on one character right now, and it looks like I can work that in with this tourney. (Yay flexibility!)

Just a couple questions:

What is the timeframe? Bascially until interest falls off? I just ask because between my limited playtime and preference for full clearing areas, it could take me months to kill Hell Baal even with lower restrictions.

Just to make sure I'm clear, the "Increased Participation rules" will override the initial tourney rules, right? So, for example, if I decided to go inception for this tournament and chose Dazliare's Build Your Own Tournament I wouldn't have to go single pass nor would I be out on a SC death, even though those were part of the original tourney, right?

Finally, what is the stance on S&E for characters for this tournament. (I'm specifically interested for SC characters, but figured I'd ask the more general question for others.)
You are correct, you can go rerun areas if it was originally single pass and continue on even with a death.

I think S&E will be just a Yes or No with negative points if used. (I'm going to make a scoring chart in general.)
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