- Jan 3, 2007
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DISCLAIMER: Tournament migration finished thanks to @lizard
This tournament has already ended. It was originally started by skunkbelly on Jun 14, 2005. The last post was made Jul 6, 2005.
(link to original thread on diabloii.net)
This tournament has already ended. It was originally started by skunkbelly on Jun 14, 2005. The last post was made Jul 6, 2005.
(link to original thread on diabloii.net)
Announcing the "I Got the Melee Blues" Tournament: the sequel to Rare Pleasure
This is the follow-up to the Rare Pleasure Tournament, and although it may seem easier for characters starting out, I think it's far more diabolical in the long run. It will start almost immediately after the end of the Rare Pleasure tournament, and will last until August 31.
This one is pretty simple: you must play a melee character, and you can only equip blue magic items. Here are the complete rules.
RULES, Part One: characters
1. HC characters only.
2. You must get all WPs and complete all quests before moving to the next act. "Completing a quest" is defined as turning the box on the quest window to gray. There are no exceptions to this rule: both of the pertinent act 5 quests (socketing quest and naming quest) must be used before proceeding to the next difficulty.
3. MP is forbidden.
4. All characters must use melee skills: no ranged attacks of any sort are permitted. If that isn't clear enough, here are some elaborations:
a. The following sorceress skills may be used: Warmth, Enchant, all three Masteries, all three Cold Armors, Energy Shield, Thunderstorm, Teleport. All others are banned.
b. Amazons: all passive and magic skills and all spear skills are permitted. All bow, crossbow and javelin skills are banned.
c. Necromancers: Bone Armor, Poison Dagger, Bone Wall, Bone Prison, Golem Mastery, all Golems, Summon Resist, and all Curses may be used. All other skills (including skeletons and revives) are banned.
d. Druids: Cyclone Armor, all Summons, and all Shape-Shifting skills are permitted. All other elemental skills are banned.
e. Assassins: All Martial Arts skills and all Shadow Skills are permitted, as is Blade Shield. All other traps are forbidden.
f. Paladins: all skills are permitted except for Blessed Hammer, Holy Bolt, and Fist of the Heavens (except as synergies).
g. Barbarians may not use Throwing Mastery or Double Throw. Singing barbs (any barbarian using War Cry as his main attack skill) are banned; however, War Cry itself may be used for its stunning effect. To prevent abuse, you may have a combined maximum of 30 hard skill points in War Cry and its synergies (Howl, Taunt, and Battle Cry). Good stun length is thereby possible, but the damage will be weak.
5. It is permissible to place a point into a banned skill if it is a prerequisite for another skill. It is also permissible to put points into banned skills if they are synergies for permitted skills. You're on your honor not to use banned skills.
6. Any act 2 or act 5 mercenary may be used, but they must adhere to the equipment rules (stated below). You may use an act 1 mercenary in act 1 normal difficulty only; if she dies before reaching act 2, you may not resurrect her. Upon reaching act 2, you must replace your mercenary with an act 2 melee mercenary.
7. If your character dies at any point, you are eliminated from the tournament.
RULES, Part Two: equipment
1. Untwinked. You may mule items off to your other non-tournament characters. Otherwise, no use of ATMA is permitted.
2. Your character may only use BLUE items (i.e., normal “magic†items). If you do not have a blue item for a particular equipment slot, you may not have an item in that slot. The following exceptions (and *only* these exceptions) apply to the "blues only" rule:
a. You may use the weapon that your character is generated with, until you find your first blue weapon. Upon finding your first blue melee weapon of any sort (even if you cannot yet use it due to item requirements), you must discard your "birth weapon" NOTE: If you cannot use the item due to class restrictions (i.e., you find an assassin katar, and you're playing a barbarian), this rule does not apply.
b. Quest-related items may NOT be used for anything other than their intended purpose (i.e., smashing the compelling orb or soulstone).
c. You may shop and gamble as much as you wish.
d. Potions, scrolls, keys and tomes are permitted with the exception of throwing potions, which are banned.
3. Sockets in items can be filled with BLUE JEWELS or SAPPHIRES only (after all, sapphires are blue!). No exceptions. Socketable quest reward items (barb rescue runes, hellforge gems/runes, etc.) may NOT be used (unless, of course, they are sapphires¦ mule them off, if they're worthwhile. If you use sapphires in a socket, they may be of any quality.
4. All charms MAY be used, with the exception of Gheed's Fortune (which isn't blue).
5. You can re-run areas, kill bosses, etc., as much as you desire.
6. The various quests that generate rare items as rewards (Charsi, Ormus, Anya) are even more useless in this tournament than they are in standard play: since they are all rare, they may not be equipped (though you're welcome to mule any worthwhile results off to other characters).
7. You may use the Horadric Cube to modify your blue magic items as much as you wish (i.e., three perfect gem recipe, weapon re-rolling recipes, three amulets > one ring, etc.). All recipes are permitted, so long as the end result is a blue magic item.
8. You may not use charges of banned skills from items. You also may not use banned skills given by item bonuses (i.e., a staff with +2 to Frozen Orb). You may use the item, however, as long as you don't use the banned skill.
9. Items with "Chance to Cast" mods, even for banned skills, ARE permitted (I don't think these will be much of a factor, given that unique and set items are banned, and CTC mods tend to be very weak).
10. Unlike the "Rare Pleasure" tournament, trading is not permitted.
11. As stated above, only melee weapons may be used. Ranged weapons that can be used as melee weapons (javelins, throwing weapons) may be used as melee weapons only. Bows and crossbows may be used by werewolves and werebears, but ONLY while they are in were-form (since in shifted form, they are treated as melee weapons).
1. This is a quick tournament. It will begin on Friday, July 1, at noon Eastern Standard Time. It will end at 7:00 p.m. EST on Wednesday, August 31.
2. Players must make an update upon the completion of Normal difficulty, NM difficulty, and upon the completion of each act in Hell difficulty. Of course, everyone is welcome to post more frequently, if they desire.
3. Scoring will be determined as follows:
a. 2 points will be awarded for each quest completed.
b. 1 point will be awarded for each WP gathered.
c. 3 points will be awarded for killing the Cow King in each difficulty.
d. 1 point will be *subtracted* for each character level gained (yes, a negative score is possible).
e. Achieving Guardian status gives a bonus of 20 points.
f. In the highly unlikely event of a tie, the winner will be determined by a forum vote… whoever is democratically determined to have the lamest gear will win the tie.
4. THE PRIZE: The winner will receive an ATMA stash containing the proceeds from 100 hardcore Hell Mephisto runs, to be completed by my sorceress, who wears about 400% MF. So the prize could be great, or it could be lots of breast plates. You'll have to win to find out!
5. To enter, add your name and character class to the sign-up table below. Remember, no starting until noon on Friday, July 1. You may change your character class up to the starting moment of the tournament; after that, no changes to your character class may be made.
Name Build Level Act/Diff. Forum Name Pts
Blueskunk TBD
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