Ribcracker Fury Druid - Uber Killer Guide

Re: Ribcracker Fury Druid - Uber Killer Guide

Hi to everybody
I'm new here and i'm from Italy, so please sorry guys for mine not perfect english.

I have a question: i have a very expensive Fury/Rabies poison druid but i don't know what to do against "iron maiden".
Any raccomandations please?
Re: Ribcracker Fury Druid - Uber Killer Guide

My fury/rabies venom druid is:
Jalal socket 40/15ias
Archon plate Bramble
Eth tomb reaver socket zod-40/15ias-40/15ias
Trang gloves
Gore raider
Bul-khatos 5%
Amu - 2 druid skills, 6ml - 6ll, 29 strenght, xx%cold res
Lvl 85
Strenght - 155
Dexterity - 105
Life - 413
Energy - 77

But i dont understand why, i die very often, and i dont know what to do against iron maiden
Can anyone help me plz?
Re: Ribcracker Fury Druid - Uber Killer Guide

Well, where to begin...

40/15's don't do anything in the helm. Only WIAS is calculated at higher levels of Wolves.

Iron Maiden is a curse that takes the physical damage one deals and deals over 200% of that damage to the striker. To counter it, one either needs:

A skill that lowers physical damage dealt (Hunger)
A low physical/high elemental damage weapon (Baranar's/Azure Wrath)
Charge the Oblivion Knights who cast the curse so that they override it with Decrepify.
Re: Ribcracker Fury Druid - Uber Killer Guide

Yeah, Iron Maiden was murdering me when I was doing Uber Izual a few days ago.
Re: Ribcracker Fury Druid - Uber Killer Guide

Question: Best thing to socket a non-eth Ribcracker with? I just upped my 200% (I know, it's so bad, but it's probably worth it in the short-term) and added a socket from one of my many spare socket quests. I was thinking Amn - more life leech never hurt any wolf druid. I can't see getting my Fury any faster (Shael) and I know 40% dmg won't matter much (ED jewel). Any other ideas? If I had a Gul, I'd almost consider it for that juicy 20% AR bonus... but I wouldn't want to waste a Gul in this epic-low Ribcracker.
Re: Ribcracker Fury Druid - Uber Killer Guide

Shael or IAS jewel will actually make your upped ribby faster - 8/5 fury instead of 9/5. Other attacks such as Feral rage will be 1 frame faster. Most people add IAS/ed jewel.
If you intend to use it on a bear too then Shael is better. Gul would be a big waste as Fury already has massive %AR.
If you really don't want the extra speed then Lo is a good choice, is this PvP or PvM ?
Re: Ribcracker Fury Druid - Uber Killer Guide

Shael/IAS jewel with res/Ber
Re: Ribcracker Fury Druid - Uber Killer Guide

Thread title: Ribcracker Fury Druid ...

Thread title: ... Uber Killer Guide


Shael it is.

I meant if you intend to use the item later on a bear or other character. I went through this same issue and stuck in a nice ed/ias jewel for my Fury wolf. Now I've been playing a bear and found this left me 5% IAS short and the ed/ias jewel was too good to Hel out for a Shael. Bear is kickass btw, I just went through Hell Chaos Sanctuary as fast as I could run. SW owns IM, and Maul kills faster than Fury when you have a big weapon.

So you decided on Shael ? Flexible choice. If you are only going to it on a wolf though, an ias jewel with a second mod would be better.

Re: Ribcracker Fury Druid - Uber Killer Guide

Aye, but I did not have any such jewels.

I'm just happy that now my Fury is blindingly faster than I've ever seen it.
Re: Ribcracker Fury Druid - Uber Killer Guide

I'm having a lot of trouble finding an upp'd ribcracker on East NL. Could anyone recommend an alternative gear setup that would allow me to run ubers, or does anyone have one to trade?

If it's a trade you can just PM me :)
Re: Ribcracker Fury Druid - Uber Killer Guide

the ethereal version of the upp'ed ribcracker has absolutely sick dmg...
Re: Ribcracker Fury Druid - Uber Killer Guide

i never saw this, but this is the exact build me and my buddy made.

shaeled ribcracker
cta and spirit monarch for swap (we decided we didnt need the life tap wand)

the only difference was we opted to us cerebruses bite, it had a few more mods that were more beneficial to us, and we got it for free, haha.

alternate, grief pb and probably a phoenix monarch. maybe a sanctuary trolls nest.
Re: Ribcracker Fury Druid - Uber Killer Guide

For ubers? Ew. Phoenix's upped damage won't do anything for you.
Re: Ribcracker Fury Druid - Uber Killer Guide

I ended up using an ebotdz with SS and max block instead of the posted setup (with highlords). I can solo ubers no problem although it does take a little while. I'm working on getting a really hard hitting switch weapon to help finish them off faster. Would still like an Ethribby though...
Re: Ribcracker Fury Druid - Uber Killer Guide

actually if there's a choice, should I go for an eth upped ribcracker w/ zod or upped ribcracker w/ shael?

I haven't seen the latter option but the eth upped ribcracker really gives some sick physical dmg...
Re: Ribcracker Fury Druid - Uber Killer Guide

Either or:

It's really a matter of preference. Shaeled Ribby applies CB at a faster rate but takes longer to get that last bit of health when CB does nothing. Eth Ribby has less of a problem with that.
Re: Ribcracker Fury Druid - Uber Killer Guide

In the short run: Not really.

For ubering where it takes minuets to kill one: Most definitely.
Estimated market value