HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

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Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants


I'm playing both single player and Can I use ATMA for single player muling and still go on Does ATMA make any changes to the game that would stop me from playing on Haven't dared to install ATMA because of this, but now I found some good items on my sp amazon that I would like to transfer to another of my sp characters.


(I have tried to search the forums for an answer as I'm sure this has been discussed before, but haven't found it.)
Re: 1.13 and d2gfx.dll

You can still setup mods (such as RWM and RRM for each version), it's just not as elegant as having a separate folder. Simply create a data folder within the version (e.g. C:\Program Files\Diablo II\1.12a\data) and copy the contents of the data folder in the mod folder (e.g. RedRuneMod\data) into the newly created data folder -- these should be two folders called global and local.

Now, create your desktop shortcut as normal, but make sure to use -direct as one of the flags (e.g. Target = "C:\Program Files\Diablo II\1.12a\LaunchModGame.vbs" -direct). Like I said before, this isn't exactly elegant, but you can't just change the "Start In" line to the mod folder, because TrenShadow won't be able to find all the *.dll, etc files.

Thanks that worked like a charm! I also added '-txt' to the Target. RRM/RWM works with my multiple instances of 1.12a through your method which is very cool.

As for RRM/RWM working 100% in 1.13, I'm not certain of this. The new drops might mess with these folders somewhat. I've seen posts of people getting them to work, so I'm guessing it's possible, I just haven't dealt with it yet.

P.S. Thanks for giving me another idea for my version switcher :p. I'll add a flag of -m/--mod= to specify a mod folder to start in.

Yeah, I think I might hold off on 1.13 for a while, especially since I have just got everything to work now - no need to rock the boat.

Good luck with your version switcher, I look forward to the finished product. If you want me to test it at some point in the coming weeks lemme know. I'm going to be a bit busy with Uni though, so I may not respond as quick as I have lately!

Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

It should be noted, however, with this method, there can be consequences if you don't close the primary TrenShadow instance first, because it will revert all files (except Game.exe, because it's in use, if not the .dll files as well) and revert your save folder in the registry.

Hence why I edited the code to run multiple instances :p.

Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants


I'm playing both single player and Can I use ATMA for single player muling and still go on Does ATMA make any changes to the game that would stop me from playing on Haven't dared to install ATMA because of this, but now I found some good items on my sp amazon that I would like to transfer to another of my sp characters.


(I have tried to search the forums for an answer as I'm sure this has been discussed before, but haven't found it.)

ATMA won't interfere with you B.Net account at all, and isn't ban-able. However, running any of the mods (RWM/RRM/CRM) or using a modified D2gfx.dll will likely get you banned.

So, if you play on B.Net, I'd recommend not using a modified D2gfx.dll at all (just one time forgetting = permanent ban) and to have a separate shortcut for running the game without mods.

Or, perhaps best of all, use TrenShadow and create another folder with all your 1.12a files in it, as well as your save folder. Then, you could have that be your SP install (with mods + modified D2gfx.dll, if you wish) without having to worry about it interfering with Battle.Net at all. You're SP play would just use TrenShadow and your B.Net play would use the main install.

Hence why I edited the code to run multiple instances :p.

Indeed :p. If only the maintainer of the switcher could have fixed it. I generally try to have my code assume the worst. TrenShadow works fine in it's current state, but it could be potentially disastrous.

Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

ATMA won't interfere with you B.Net account at all, and isn't ban-able. However, running any of the mods (RWM/RRM/CRM) or using a modified D2gfx.dll will likely get you banned.


I'm not using any mods, just want to mule some things. So this is good news for me. Thank you!

Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

Hence why I edited the code to run multiple instances :p.

Do you mean you edited the TrenShadow code? If so, could you tell me how to do it so that I can't mess up the running of multiple instances!

Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

I picked up RWM/RRM and GoMule (Mac) when I restarted D2 for the first time in like five years. Works like a charm, but with one oddity: "+1 to Assassin skills" in-game on items reads simply as "+1"

Anyone else experienced this?
Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

I picked up RWM/RRM and GoMule (Mac) when I restarted D2 for the first time in like five years. Works like a charm, but with one oddity: "+1 to Assassin skills" in-game on items reads simply as "+1"

Anyone else experienced this?

Your not the only one. It's just a display bug, though.

Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

I downloaded GoMule so I could access a stash that was created for me. I received the file info via e-mail and now I am clueless on what I need to do to access the item.

I uploaded the file from my e-mail and when I try to open it it asks me what program I want to use to open the file with. I tried to use the GoMule program but all the files are empty and none seem to be a file that would allow one to execute a file.

I am not even sure if I am using the newest form of DII and how to find out which version I am using and if that would affect the process also.

Such a newby :wink:

Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants


You can easily see which version of D2 you are running by starting the game. In the bottom left of the main menu, you'll see the version. (Or you can open Patch.txt in your Diablo II installation folder).

As for how to open stashes in GoMule, you'll need to start the program and then either go File->Open Stash or click the open stash button on the toolbar. Then, navigate to the folder containing the stash and open it (should be something.d2x). AFAIK, there is no way to associate the *.d2x file-type with GoMule, and have it open naturally.

Hope that solves your problem.
Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

Problem 1:
Windows 7 won't let ATMA/GoMule create stashes/characters in Program Files, but elsewhere is fine. I suppose this is an "administrator of this computer" problem (which I am :rolleyes:), but I have no idea idea how to get around it. Making my stashes in a random folder and then having to move them back into ..\ATMA\ATMA_config is annoying.

Problem 2:
Less related to Diablo 2, but despite using Internet Explorer's function to delete all history/cookies/etc., CCleaner, Window 7's inherent delete all temporary junk function, my friends can still trace the videos I watch online (just the videos). >_> How do I delete this hidden depot of information? :D
Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

Problem 1:
If it's an administrator problem, try opening ATMA/GoMule while holding Ctrl+Shift. If that allows you to save in the Program Files area, then you can make the changes permanent by Right Clicking your the shortcut you use to run ATMA/GoMule (or the program itself, if that's how you do it), clicking Properties, going to the Compatibility tab, then checking "Run this program as administrator".

Problem 2:
Change to Chrome and fly incognito (Ctrl+Shift+n) :p. Seriously though, I absolutely love that browser and will do all in my power to push people away from IE. I'd try running CCleaner as administrator as well, though... maybe it isn't able to clean them up for some reason.

That's about all the info I can suggest, for now at least. I haven't used Windows 7 all that much (about 3-months while staying with my friend in the summer).
Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

Problem 1:
Windows 7 won't let ATMA/GoMule create stashes/characters in Program Files, but elsewhere is fine. I suppose this is an "administrator of this computer" problem (which I am :rolleyes:), but I have no idea idea how to get around it. Making my stashes in a random folder and then having to move them back into ..\ATMA\ATMA_config is annoying.
Users cannot ordinarily write to the Program Files directory. This is a good thing, because it keeps the contents from being unknowingly modified. You can run the program with elevated privileges as suggested above, or modify the permissions as such:

Navigate to the save directory, then right click, properties.
Security tab on the top, then Advanced button.
On the new dialog, Change Permissions button.
Enter your user name and click Check Names, then OK.
Tick the Full Control checkbox in the Allow column (or grant permissions as you see fit), then OK everything.

Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants


You can easily see which version of D2 you are running by starting the game. In the bottom left of the main menu, you'll see the version. (Or you can open Patch.txt in your Diablo II installation folder).

As for how to open stashes in GoMule, you'll need to start the program and then either go File->Open Stash or click the open stash button on the toolbar. Then, navigate to the folder containing the stash and open it (should be something.d2x). AFAIK, there is no way to associate the *.d2x file-type with GoMule, and have it open naturally.

Hope that solves your problem.

I downloaded ATMA and figured out how to view the stash. Now I just need to get version 1.10 to use the items ;-)

Thanks for the response.


Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants


I fear my Amazon is trashed...

I use GoMule for 1.13 beta. A problem came up today. When I had muled some things from my char to the stash I was just looking around on the different tabs (rather new GoMule user), one of them being about the gold stash. I didn't transfer any gold or touch the values. When I later opened the character max stash had been set to 900k and I had 0 gold. I have muled items many times before without any problems. The only difference this time was that I looked at the tab with the gold stash.

What do you think happened?
Is there some way to fix this?

Grateful for any help.

Edit: Looked at my other character. He still had some gold in the stash, but max gold had been set to 100k. He is lvl 18. The Amazon i lvl 35.

Edit2: Another family member had changed back to version 1.12... Realized this when I saw a rune without the coloured text. Changed back and max gold is back to 2500k. Seems ok now, apart from 0 gold on my amazon... So be warned - do not change back to 1.12 och try to play your 1.13 characters, it will cost you. ;)
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Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

Hi i sorry if this might already be metioned but i using Diablo 1.13 and one of the new items dropped from Andy .....twisted essence of surfering.... So decided too mule it off but as soon as i opened ATMA with the char the item was on, it would not let me saying the the item data base was corrupted.

So i re-entered the game dropped the item on the floor and restarted atma and now it works i fine, i dont if this would happened with the other new items but i would not want to risk it.

Anyways hope this imformation was useful
Re: HELP - atma/gomule, rwm/rrm, utilities and variants

Thanks mattinm/Oscuro for the help, but I need MOAR help. If possible, don't quote this post, as I intend to remove images afterwards.

I did the following.


Problem: nothing changed.

I've given full control to everyone for ATMA, ATMA's shortcut, ATMA in the Start Menu, the ATMA folder in Program Files, and all subfolders within ATMA, etc. :rolleyes:


Problem: nothing changed.

The shortcut refuses to let me run it as an adminstrator.

Pic. - Following pressing "OK", I get a pop-up that says NO SOUP FOR YOU, ACCESS DENIED.

Overall problems:
- Still unable to save any d2x or d2s file in ATMA under Program Files through ATMA.
- Files that I download into that directory are locked and somehow hidden, but "there".

How do I fix this very, very, annoying problem?
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