Finding the Balance #3 (MF & RF Tournament)

6 hours at Countess.
Gonna try to push to LK and try that. I’m done mashing escape against Archers. I’ll find something else to scare the **** out of me.
You must have a nice pile of Keys by now!
A few hours in, and luckily I have found two decent qualifiers so far.

(I thought about posting some trash talk, but I realized that I was simply too leet for the riff-raff here, so I wrote a smack at the end of my own pet topic instead.) :devilish:
Hello there! Best drop so far.


A little more than 6 hours in. Couple of runes showed up too, but I mostly care about gold for LLD gambling. Currently averaging roughly 600k per minute, but I pick up a lot of stuff, perhaps I’ll reduce that to fewer item types going forward.
I'm not getting as much time as I thought I would. Spending much of my time babysitting my 3 month old grandson. So, mostly running LK and I thought things would go really well when the second chest I popped produced a nice qualifier. After 2 1/2 hours now have 5 qualifiers, but only the one good one.

He's napping so oft to Diablo!
Pushed to LK without a RIP, first map was a linear 2 campfire so I’ve tried running it a bit to see racks etc. 1 hour done, may reroll.
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Finished my first batch. Not sure if I will be able to make a second one.

PS: You are doomed, and you are better just giving up. What can you do against 3 Zods in 5 minutes?

Here, a non-qualifier chosen randomly among the thousands of drops I got:

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4 Hours in and a good thing I've just switched to D2R. just realized that I have a non-Rune qualifier. So 1 non Rune and about 6 rune qualifiers. Unfortunately, non of them are Zods.
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5 hours of Cows done. 12 qualifiers but they look pretty lackluster after my Pindle drops in the MFO and the 10k I did after. Cows are much more difficult for me to be efficient. When I would lock into automatic mode with Pindle, I'd often get more efficient, but with the Moo Moo Farm I find myself getting less efficient: wasting time killing straggling cows, being obsessive compulsive checking to make sure I didn't miss drops, etc.

I'll try to get a little more disciplined and speedy to give some of you beasts a tiny bit of competition!
Half an hour later got another qualifier. Currently at 7,5 hours.

5 hours of Cows done. 12 qualifiers but they look pretty lackluster after my Pindle drops in the MFO and the 10k I did after. Cows are much more difficult for me to be efficient. When I would lock into automatic mode with Pindle, I'd often get more efficient, but with the Moo Moo Farm I find myself getting less efficient: wasting time killing straggling cows, being obsessive compulsive checking to make sure I didn't miss drops, etc.
Compared to other areas, I think you really need to be efficient at cows to make them deliver. There are times where 10 hours at P7 still don't give me anything. Try to farm at P5 if you are having many issues. It will help both with kill speed and with the loot clutter and it's considered by many to be the perfect Players Setting.

But from what I can read, don't overdo it with leftovers. Let the few cows that don't die from the horde and move to the next group. You are litterally wasting more time to kill 4 cows than 40. Don't try to herd them into the next group even if they are "close". Target big groups move to the next. Herd nearby groups, move to the next and so on. Any Cows that survive from these groups are basically a waste to handle unless they can create another big stack. Good luck!
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I had to push myself a lot during these holidays and bridging days. I'll make a trip during the last week of the tournament and I won't be able to play. I was planning to run efficient targets efficiently, namely LK and Pindle. In the end, I wasn't able to clock much more than 3 hours each. I felt physically ill (read: dizzy) while I was trying to run Pindle under 20. So I settled for snipping elites, seal bosses and Big D himself in Chaos /p1 for the rest of my batch. No full clears, I didn't even bother killing minions.
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About 8 hours completed.

Most of my runs have been with my blizzard sorceress in ancient tunnels. Nothing has dropped there except for one qualifying rune. But just one hour of maggot 3 runs with my fire trapper, to alleviate the AT monotony, has produced three S/U qualifiers. That's certainly not the PRNG behavior I expected so far in this tournament.
As per usual towards the end of the year, work exploded and I barely have time to play at the moment... or sleep, for that matter. :) Roughly 7 hours in. Hoping to get more running done this weekend.
Estimated market value