Eternity - Untwinked Bowazon Walkthrough

Act 4 Update!

This update will be rather small, as Act 4 is short and not much of note happened (again). Things start to really pick up in Act 5 – I promise! It seems like that’s often the case as Act 5 is where area levels finally start to ramp up a little bit and more exceptional items begin appearing.

After being insulted by Mephisto’s insolence (and his useless drop), Eternity half-heartedly entered Act 4 around level 31-32. We were not looking forward to slowly whittling down Balrogs with our 5-10 damage Zephyr Composite Bow but thank goodness for Magic Arrow! Although MA made Acts 2-3 somewhat of a breeze, I think this act is where I really started to appreciate the boost it can provide to a low-level untwinked bowazon. That raw +20 damage makes a huge difference when your starting damage is so puny, and I imagine it allowed progress through this act far, far faster than otherwise would’ve been possible. Sure, there are other skills, such as Exploding Arrow, that yield higher damage, but they are generally mana-intensive and this mandates somewhat conservative usage (especially prior to Insight). Plus, fire resistance becomes more common in Act 4, whereas magic resistance tends to stay low. Lastly, we of course cannot forget the underrated feature of never needing arrows! I *really* like not having to worry about picking up arrows regularly.

So, first things first – time to find Izual! I don’t remember much about the Outer Steppes and the Plains of Despair except that the Plains had Gloams, and even now their lightning stung due to my across-the-board low resists. Hazade was easily able to tank everything we came across, including Izual himself.


Normal Izual must be one of the worst enemies to fight in terms of return on investment – he takes forever to kill and typically drops gold + garbage. As seen here.

We had one set/unique drop for the entirety of Act 4 before reaching Diablo, despite the ~150 MF we carried the entire time – Arctic Binding.


We keep finding pieces of “Amazon” sets, but always too little, too late to be of any use.

This belt would be very tempting when combined with the gloves (40% MF, 10% IAS, +50 AR, amongst other mods), but I still lack the gloves. Into the ever-growing stash it goes!

We pressed onward with steady progress, as the next screenshot I have is of the Hellforge. I guess Hephasto didn’t have any teeth this time around. I also finally got around to putting a point into Valkyrie – I wanted at least one point in Valk for the fight with Diablo. One more body for him to vaporize before targeting me, hopefully.


Hot damn, an Eld rune! One sixth of the way to a BOTD Hydra Bow ;). At least the Perfect Emerald can help up a unique weapon, if I ever find one worthwhile…

The most useful drop of the Act came in the Chaos Sanctuary (I believe), and it was a very timely drop indeed.


This gave my lightning resistance a much-needed boost just in time for Diablo’s lightning hose.

Given how quickly I knew Diablo would drop the merc, valk, and decoy, this new charm was most welcome. Speaking of charms, by this point I was focusing on any charm giving +damage, mostly elemental, to help keep my kill speed tolerable. In addition to this 28% LR grand charm, I also had a 17% FR GC that I kept on because, despite being a rather crappy GC, I wanted at least *some* fire resistance and didn’t have any more pressing needs for the inventory space.

As expected, Diablo killed the rest of my team immediately, so other than dropping the occasional Valk to try and get a few uninterrupted shots off, I mostly just ran around plinking away with Magic Arrow. It’s nice how much Diablo tends to choreograph his attacks; that allows me plenty of time to stop shooting and get into evasion mode. As you would expect, the battle boiled down to shooting a few arrows and then running for my life, and then repeating that pattern a few dozen times.


Here you can see three arrows en route to Diablo’s backside. Three straight shots before having to run was probably about average.

After Mephisto’s disappointing drop, I was really hoping that my hard (well, time-consuming) work of taking down Diablo would be rewarded. The results were mixed:


Bloodthief! Not the worst drop by any means. A bow would’ve been far more useful, though.

Well, Bloodthief is nothing to write home about at first glance, but Life Leech plus Open Wounds makes this an extremely viable option for Hazade once his regen stops outpacing the damage he takes and/or some big baddies need to be bled out. This might even be a good use for that Perfect Emerald, but I held off on upping anything for the time being. I’d rather hold onto my crafting/upping supplies until a really good opportunity presents itself or a serious need becomes apparent. For now, neither of those are remotely true, so self-restraint rules the day. Hazade’s rare pike severely out-damages the non-upped Bloodthief, so it too gets stashed for now.

Eternity completed Act 4 around level 35 (? I really need to keep better track of this), with roughly 75 each in STR and VIT, and the rest in DEX. I’ll probably bump strength to 110 and vitality to 125 hard points, while putting the rest into DEX. I’ll probably try to bank 25 or so points eventually, too, in the event I come across a rare Long War Bow or Gothic Bow, or Goldstrike Arch, and want to up it to a Hydra Bow. Nothing like that would be end-game worthy, but it would certainly be viable enough to push me well into Hell. I am constantly keeping potential and worthwhile weapon upgrade options in my mind, since so far weapon drops have been non-existent and sooner or later I will need some serious firepower. For skills, after getting 1 point in Valk, my focus is to have both Critical Strike and Pierce at >50%, followed by maxing Valkyrie. She will be needed in Nightmare.

As mentioned at the top, the last two acts have been pretty mundane, but next week’s update on Act 5 features much more excitement – experience, upgrades, drops (including a legitimate game-changer) - everything you could want in an update! As always, your time spent reading these updates is much appreciated. I’ve found even more motivation to keep pushing this character along since I started this thread, and I owe much of that new motivation to the viewership, so thank you!
I like the teaser for act V. Looking forward to seeing what will happen there.
@Kartongen @ioupainmax Although Eternity remains (and will remain!) a bowazon, I had one particular drop in A5 (two items) that completely changed my strategy heading into NM because of how nicely my overall collection of gear came together as a result of the drop. Nothing shocking, but an almost ideal drop for this gal at that stage of the game. I'll give that update sometime next week!
He kind of gave it away if you know anything about drop odds in Normal, but I'll keep quiet.
I would say I narrowed it down, but didn't totally give it away. Plus, as I said, 2 items. ;)

Edit: And please keep in mind, I had an amazing drop - for an untwinked character in normal difficulty - so I don't want to build it up too much. But, after two pretty lackluster acts/reports, I had to tease something good coming up!
Oh I like this. Now taking all predictions!

Winner gets... Bragging rights?
Kuko was also my hunch. Skystrike would constitute a nice drop but wouldn’t alter gameplay as substantially as exploding arrows. I couldn’t imagine any other drop competing with kuko at that stage in the game.

This thread inspired me to start my own untwinked bowazon, had to have some of the action. She’s parked for now but it’s been really fun to read this and follow along with my own character.
@intersilva Thanks for following along, and I'm glad I provided some inspiration. Glad you're enjoying the WT! What build are you using with your bowazon?

Anyone guessing should remember that there are 2 items that dropped and, when combined with some of my other equipment, all rolled very nicely together into a clear plan of attack for Nightmare. Good guesses so far though!
I'd like to revise my prediction to Wizendraw plus Razortail.
Riphook, combined with cleglaws pincers. I at least consider it the best bow in the game. I actually found it with a sorceress today when running normal Baal. She later got the woestave from Andariels quest drop. A very good game day.

The face of horror? Possibly combined with rattlecage.
These are all great guesses. No one has quite nailed it yet but you all are getting close; I won't give away the answer until my next real update though!
The End of Normal – Act 5 Report

Finally, after two acts of progress with little to show in terms of updates to skills, gear, or strategies, we get to some more exciting developments.

Thanks to continued bad luck with 2os bows, Eternity entered the Bloody Foothills with our trusty Zephyr Composite Bow and began the task of slowly wearing down enemies. Thanks to >50% Pierce, I started focusing more and more on positioning to try and get 2-3 hits per shot rather than 1. I basically viewed this as the easiest way to boost my DPS, as with two enemies in a row I averaged ~1.5x damage per shot, and with 3 enemies in a row about 1.75x. Not a bad way to speed things along.


The ledges in the Bloody Foothills worked well for lining up enemies for pierce: This was an ideal situation with 5 enemies in a row, allowing 2+ hits at least 50% of the time.

After finishing off Shenk, I killed Eldritch a handful of times, maybe 5, to see if he would drop anything useful.


A tantalizing drop from Eldritch and company.

Unfortunately, this was just a teaser as neither the bow nor the belt were any good. Ah well, maybe I’ll find a good bow/belt combo later on :cool:. Not long after, I found a 2os Short War Bow. Let’s see… attack speed drops by 1 frame, with no gear changes needed. Well, the added physical damage seemed appealing so I went ahead and made my second Zephyr.


7-18 damage looks much better than 5-10 on the Composite Bow, although it’s still pretty bad.

The overall DPS, due to losing one frame, was probably similar between the two bows but an increasing sense of impatience pushed me into the swap. Not long thereafter, I found a 2os Edge Bow and again made Zephyr for a nice boost to 7-25 on-weapon damage. Although the Short/Edge/Spider Bow line has the undesirable base 5 WSM, I was able to equip Bloodfist to maintain 11 FPA. Finally, progress started to feel a little faster again. Good thing Orts and Eths are so common! I actually think I used the Ort Qual-Kehk gives you for his quest reward on one of the bows. Probably the first time that’s happened – I don’t think I’ve ever bothered making Ancient’s Pledge before, considering that Rhyme (CBF, blocking, MF) or a 3x Pdiamond Kite Shield (resists) are almost always better options.


How is thing not immune to fire?

At this point, things were definitely starting to look up thanks to the bow upgrade and the frequent green and gold drops. Tancred’s Crowbill, The Coif of Glory, Isenhart’s Lightbrand, Iratha’s Coil, and Angelic Sickle all fell before reaching the Crystalline Passage. Although those items are fairly useless at the moment, my first ‘keeper’ charm fell while traversing the Arreat Plateau.


Not quite end-game worthy, but until I rack up 8 of these with suffixes, this will stick around.

I haven’t paid too close of attention to +damage charms before, usually focusing on AR, but I was pleasantly surprised at how well that +10 damage is affected by multipliers, even this early in the game. This charm immediately added ~20 to my LCS’s max damage (if my memory serves correctly), which was a fantastic boost at this stage. That added damage really came in handy in the Crystalline Passage, as although my tanks were strong, the merc in particular wasn’t suited to overly-drawn out battles with beefier enemies. Some life leech will help, but until then he did need the occasional potion. Thankfully the Valkyrie is much sturdier and can be deployed to take the brunt of enemy attacks.


Two tanks are better than one - especially when you’re under attack from both sides.

The Frozen River is pretty uneventful in Normal, but I still chose to play it safe and stay out of Frozentstein’s Cold Nova radius. Call it practice for later difficulties.


No one’s getting close to me through this choke-point.

After rescuing Anya, I continued to accrue (mostly) useless sets and uniques, finding Sander’s Superstition, Soul Harvest, Manald Heal #2, Vidala’s Barb #2 (Grr), Tancred’s Skull, Rakescar, The Mahim-Oak Curio, and Snakecord #2 all before confronting Pindleskin. As an aside, I typically fight to the Ancient’s Way waypoint before going back to tackle Nihlathak prior to “consulting with” the Ancients.


An overall ethereal grailer for me. Nifty.

It was also during this act that more useful runes started to fall. I found one each of Shael, Sol, and Amn all before reaching Nihlathak, as well. The Valkyrie was immensely helpful tackling Pindle’s Garden. I chose the more aggressive approach, rushing Pindle and his pack immediately and hoping my tanks could hold up against the onslaught from outside the temple. It worked, but I think in NM I won’t take my chances with such an aggressive approach.


Hold the line!

After an unremarkable battle against Nihlathak (it’s amazing how harmless he is in Normal), I decided to clear out the rest of the Halls of Vaught, and I was rewarded with a very useful piece of merc equipment.


Wormskull – often the first off-weapon life leech item I use on twinked mercs; I consider myself quite lucky to find it at this stage of the game. It should make the early parts of Nightmare much easier on the merc!

Finally, on my trek back from the Ancient’s Way waypoint to the Arreat Summit, I stumbled across what I consider a truly nice Zephyr base – a Cedar Bow. So I quickly made another Zephyr (I was keeping the runes readily available) and felt much happier going into the Ancients fight. Not that they would be dangerous, but I really didn’t want that battle to take 10 minutes. Same thought for the Minions of Destruction and Baal, of course. That makes three new Zephyrs made in Act 5. Funny how the items you want (in this case, useful 2os bows) tend to drop in bunches sometimes.


Finally some real damage! This should make the final push much more tolerable.

The Valkyrie/Mercenary combo again proved invaluable during the fight with the Ancients:


Two tanks are indeed better than one. What a perfect setup.

In the Throne Room I found Iceblink. Hit freezes target, hmmm. Another item for the toolbox, although I doubt the freeze length will be worthwhile.

Before discussing the Baal fight, I’ll say a few words about stats and skills. I finished Normal difficulty at level 47 and generally stuck to my 2-1-1 ratio of Dex-Str-Vit, although I did push Str a little more aggressively for a while in the event that a nice Long War Bow dropped and merited upgrading. Once I made the Zephyr Cedar Bow that became less of a concern. For skills, things looked like this:

20 – Magic Arrow
10 – Valkyrie
8 – Critical Strike (51%)
5 – Pierce (55%)
7 – Pre-reqs

This made for one solid, reliable attack, a second (very) sturdy tank, and >50% for both CS and Pierce. It was a good balance and made all of Normal safe and relatively fast-paced.

Now it’s time for the drop that I’ve been teasing. It was indeed from Baal’s quest drop. The fight was fairly long but tolerable thanks to the Zephyr Cedar Bow and the steadily increasing Valkyrie damage. The big moment finally came, and when Baal fell, he left me some nice new toys.


Four uniques and one set, and two of the uniques are fantastic for this character. What a drop!

So, looking ahead to Nightmare, let’s see what we can do with these new tools. Goldwrap was upgraded for the extra row of potions and it offers 30% MF and 10% IAS, so it was equipped immediately.

Now, about Riphook. First, @Maltatai was the closest to guessing correctly, by picking Riphook but missing Goldwrap. Congrats on the great guess, and thanks for the other guesses as well! It was fun seeing the other item combos that came up (I thought that Wizendraw + Razortail was a particularly clever guess, @Hutton). If you aren’t too familiar with Riphook’s many tricks, I suggest you take a moment to give it a long hard look. Especially in an untwinked setting, it is simply fantastic: 30% IAS, 30% Open Wounds, 30% slows target, life leech, good % enhanced damage – that’s one hell of a collection of useful mods all in one package. I don’t have a screenshot at the moment, but it had a fantastic roll: 10% life leech (7-10% range) and 219% ED (180-220% range). This weapon is definitely good enough to upgrade to a Blade Bow, where it’s damage will go up significantly (the listed damage is 25-70 on the Razor Bow base, but would jump to 66-130 on a Blade Bow). Combined with its lethal combination of slowing enemies and applying irresistible damage, I already feel comfortable about my ability to finish questing through Hell (provided I can farm a Pul rune for upgrading).

So why else do I feel so good about this drop? Well, a -10 WSM bow (such as a Razor Bow) requires 37% IAS for max speed strafing, and 42% IAS for a 9 FPA regular attack. Combining Riphook, Goldwrap, and Bloodfist gets me to 50%, which is perfect for hitting those two breakpoints. My original plan was to tediously farm NM Countess until I could cube up a Ko rune, and then hope for a decent Harmony base to drop, but my new plan is to respec into a pure strafer and steamroll Nightmare using these three items plus as much MF as I can manage.

Here's the real take-home message: Baal’s drop effectively neutered the entire upcoming difficulty.

So with that, thanks as always for reading. I hope you enjoyed the update, and stay tuned for next week when we try out our new toys while venturing out into the Blood Moor once again.
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If you aren’t too familiar with Razortail’s many tricks, I suggest you take a moment to give it a long hard look. Especially in an untwinked setting, it is simply fantastic: 30% IAS, 30% Open Wounds, 30% slows target, life leech, good % enhanced damage

@jonnyphive Think you meant to say Riphook here...

Nice update
Congrats! So satisfying! Honestly, I feel like this is the ideal gaming experience (but one that that doesn't often occur) where the game just gives you something perfect right when you need it. It's fun to grind also, but not having to grind is a really nice treat as well.
@sir_cyclops I completely agree. It was nice to grind and slowly build up the character, but finding those items was basically a big dopamine surge that really inspired me to push pretty aggressively through NM. I'm sure things will turn back into a grind once Baal falls a second time, though. That will probably make for a nice change of pace after how leisurely Nightmare has been.
Estimated market value