Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

GT, instead of either putting up with things or kicking them straight to the curb, have you tried explaining to them what they're doing and how that makes you feel? Perhaps they're not even aware they're acting this way, or how bad it makes you feel.

Vivi..ehm i mean Ariadne (this will take some getting used to), you told your parents to stuff their money in a cellar? I certainly didn't see that one coming!

Pff. Can i order a now holiday here instead of a drink? I've had enough. Wasted day yesterday. Don't expect it to be much better today (if any).
Also some unexpected bad news in my mailbox yesterday. A collegue was hospitalized during my holiday. It is said that he'll start working again tomorrow, but those that know a little more about how he's doing are skeptical about that. So we'll see if he shows up.
Hey all - just getting back into D2 after a few years hiatus. Anyone have any Mountain Dew to pass my way?
*serves Dew

*serves wine

*serves sangria

*serves tequila

*serves long island iced tea

Thanks for the birthday wishes.
Thats sad to hear Goldtru.
I hope they really don't know what they are doing and if they are they are not fit to be parents, it might have been a nice thing that they have done but one right thing doesn't make every wrong thing just dissappear.
GT sounds like bitching here for release Here is the smart choice.
We Love Ya Baby!
Your are just putting up with what you have to, I would try to smile and get them to leave if not happy at least content with thier view that you have things under control for the future so your schedules clear to the next Holiday.

Meh LOL look at this guy - he only gets one really good day a year.
New year; no babies in sight so far. Due date 31st of Jan so still some time

Is it a sign of me getting tired of D2 when I seriously get ANGRY with the idiot merc who just doesn't act logically??? Either he hides in the shadow or attack the wrong monsters.

Also, cut my finger while cooking today. Hurts a bit and bleeds a lot when being cut in the fingers. Just saying...
Happy New Year to you. A bit late, but I don't read here that often any longer. Love you and have a really good 2015. )

*wine please*
*serves wine

*serves Dew

*serves sangria

*serves tequila

*serves long island iced tea

*waves at Moar
Happy New Year to you. A bit late, but I don't read here that often any longer. Love you and have a really good 2015. )

*wine please*
Happy ny moar. Hope everything is ok with you
I'm not Kitteh, but after spending so much time with my friends' cats, I think I have adapted some of qualities.

Long Island Iced Tea, please.
GT, instead of either putting up with things or kicking them straight to the curb, have you tried explaining to them what they're doing and how that makes you feel? Perhaps they're not even aware they're acting this way, or how bad it makes you feel.

Vivi..ehm i mean Ariadne (this will take some getting used to), you told your parents to stuff their money in a cellar? I certainly didn't see that one coming!

Pff. Can i order a now holiday here instead of a drink? I've had enough. Wasted day yesterday. Don't expect it to be much better today (if any).
Also some unexpected bad news in my mailbox yesterday. A collegue was hospitalized during my holiday. It is said that he'll start working again tomorrow, but those that know a little more about how he's doing are skeptical about that. So we'll see if he shows up.

It's likely that telling the parents how they make her feel will just lead to worse behaviour or pretending it was never said, or claiming it's meant as supportive.

As for my parents, I told them to stuff their money where the sun doesn't shine. Which is indeed the cellar.
We need Moar Moar.

Zenigma your not a real Kitteh untill you suddenly appear at every best spot to sit on while someone is planning to go sit there.

Some parents really need to learn that at one time their kids grow up and have their own life and that at that moment you "stop" beeing parents and become "peers".
Hello everybody, its been a while since i posted on the forums so whats up everyone? Anything exciting the past few weeks happen to anybody?
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