Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

Lighting you on fire probably helps as good as buying you alcohol.
Also does that mean that everyone that buys you alcohol hates you?
Doesn't everyone hate Zokar from time to time?
Why would anyone hate Zokar ever?
Except for those red, red penguin eyes. They follow me around the room. Everywhere I go, those red, bloody penguin eyes are on me.
OH GOD HE'S HERE!!! Help ..... /splutter
Why would anyone hate Zokar ever?
Except for those red, red penguin eyes. They follow me around the room. Everywhere I go, those red, bloody penguin eyes are on me.
OH GOD HE'S HERE!!! Help ..... /splutter

Repent! The end is nigh!
I like to prepare for the end of the world by sleeping. This is the sort of thing you'd like to be awake for.
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