Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

I didn't steal the food! He followed me willingly. ;)

*wine please*

* cuddles*

(I'm in Greece on my summer vacation. Wonderful weather so far, but some trouble with the hotel room. Too much noise from a neighbouring hotel. We got another room, but I doubt it'l be less noise there. The room is nicer though. We'll see in 30 mins when we return to th room for the night.)
I wish I had time for vacation. This is the last day off I'm allotting myself before I start working on my application to grad school
I need to stop drinking wine. It's putting me right to sleep which is seriously impacting my gaming. I should drink something that's less sleep inducing but still makes the bad thoughts go away. Divorce papers being filed this week. Gawd Almighty. And still no job. Yay!
Do you happen to have any Everclear?
*serves cuddles, with wine*

I'm got a lot on my mind, but at the same time, nothing really. I am half considering buying a new PC. There's not a lot of games I want to play/try/get, but there are a couple, and my poor laptop can't run them smoothly. I haven't played anything seriously for a while now.

***** session!

New job is kinda irritating. It's like they have this planned. Working at different sites is difficult for an employer, as travel time is included. Most companies aim to get back a bit before the end of the 8-hour period, leaving enough time to pack up and put equipment away. This current company has an annoying habit of getting back to the depot quite late. Out of the 10 days so far, we've left >15 minutes late 8 times, left on time (pretty much right on) 1 time, and a little early once.
The challenge with this is that if I leave late 15+ minutes, I get caught in more traffic than I should, which adds to my discontent. It's entirely a first-world challenge, but for this company, (temporary work,) they have no loyalty to me as an employee, and thus I have none for them. And combining this with multiple other factors (including terrible pay,) I'm already considering making this temporary job even more temporary.

All of the factors on their own I would be fine with. But there's so many things that add to my level of contentedness. I don't have to by happy or loving work, but all the things keep making me question the company.
I feel for you Dry. Over here they're trying to do the same thing at work. Getting people to do more and more work during their own free time. Unpaid ofc.

Last week i had a meeting with my manager who suggested i follow some training they're creating right now. It would be a training that consists of 7x 4.5 hours + extensive self learning. I've seen an email from a person who did this and he was allowed to write 1 hour each time of those 7x 4.5 hours. That means that just checking the course time he worked for free 7x 3.5 hours = 24.5 hours. Since the course spans 7x half a day i think it's safe to assume there's a lot of material to be read/studied. So 2 days would be a very conservative estimate. That means he's already working an entire workweek for free. The self study is probably more and i'm also not counting any additional travel time to and from the location of the training. Oh, and the exam itself was also excluded in this. That's probably another hour or 2.

If they get serious about me doing that, i'll do everything i can to do this during time i'm payed to work.

On a totally unrelated note: I'm in a pretty bad mood. EU elections were yesterday and if exit polls are even remotely accurate, then once again my already low esteem of humanity has taken another big dent. Every time i think people can't possibly be more dumb, they do everything they can to prove me wrong.
Argh - they should pay you for that training. If they want to add to an employees skills/knoclwedge, which is likely to benefit them, it should be paid. That would be a pain, but definitely - if they want it, try to get it paid.

How's your increased workload going? Is it too early to tell? Have you spoken to cute girl yet?
They like to present it like it's really something for you, rather than something that's beneficial to the company. Like i would ever take this training if i had chosen to be a carpenter, lawyer, brain surgeon,...etc. Another often used comment is that you have to be flexible and it only takes a small amount of your time. Maybe not in this case, but with lots of other things they do that. Only problem is they've got a billion of those small things they want you to do and it all adds up quickly.

Another thing he would like is that there'll be some meetings with collegues where you can talk about testing, exchange ideas and that sorta stuff. I was looking at him like: are you serious? You think i want to work a whole day and then go meet some collegues to talk!! Unpaid?! All the while i also could be home chilling (or doing some house work as that also doesn't stop)?! You've got to be kidding!

Workload is too early to tell. Had a meeting about one project. There most of the work that is being done by the person that leaves, will be divided over the remaining people of the team, so it would seem that won't give me much extra work. Which is a good thing i think, because if each project would give me loads of extra work i'd run out of time fast.
Tuesday i got a meeting about another project that is going through some changes so we'll see how that works out. The idea is that a couple of other people will be doing most of the actual work. I have to make sure that they are able to do so and make sure the lvl of their work is up to our standards. Will be interesting as i know close to nothing about that application nor about how they're testing it now.

No, i haven't.
Have you actually posted other things then serving drinks in those 5k posts?

Chicken should go talk to cute girl.
They like to present it like it's really something for you, rather than something that's beneficial to the company. Like i would ever take this training if i had chosen to be a carpenter, lawyer, brain surgeon,...etc. Another often used comment is that you have to be flexible and it only takes a small amount of your time. Maybe not in this case, but with lots of other things they do that. Only problem is they've got a billion of those small things they want you to do and it all adds up quickly.

Another thing he would like is that there'll be some meetings with collegues where you can talk about testing, exchange ideas and that sorta stuff. I was looking at him like: are you serious? You think i want to work a whole day and then go meet some collegues to talk!! Unpaid?! All the while i also could be home chilling (or doing some house work as that also doesn't stop)?! You've got to be kidding!

Workload is too early to tell. Had a meeting about one project. There most of the work that is being done by the person that leaves, will be divided over the remaining people of the team, so it would seem that won't give me much extra work. Which is a good thing i think, because if each project would give me loads of extra work i'd run out of time fast.
Tuesday i got a meeting about another project that is going through some changes so we'll see how that works out. The idea is that a couple of other people will be doing most of the actual work. I have to make sure that they are able to do so and make sure the lvl of their work is up to our standards. Will be interesting as i know close to nothing about that application nor about how they're testing it now.

No, i haven't.

What exactly do you do? It sounds like a pretty soul-sucking place :(
Soul sucking? In that case the joke's on them. :D

It wasn't always like this. Problem is the crisis that's been going on for years now. Compagnies do what they can to cut costs. Even if it means bad news for their employees.
Besides that managers seem to think that work is a hobby you get to do a minimum of 5 days a week so you're thrilled of hearing you can do more of it.

As for what i do: i'm a test analyst (and apparently since last week also test lead / coördinator). This means i test software to make sure the quality of it is of a high standard before it's being released to it's users.
The chicken is reverting to a chick (baby chicken if I'm not mistaken) he is even afraid of typing about cute girl.

Maybe you should transfer to blizzard and test their software before it goes out to its users, maube with you in the lead D3 wouldn't have been the embarrasment it was when it launched, its still not where it is supposed to be but its closer.
I was pulling weeds in my front yard today when I was rather politely hooted and honked at by a trio of guys in a truck. This hasn't happened in a while, quite a while, so I must not have "wife" written all over me anymore. I was APPALLED and DISGUSTED as any modern woman should be. :p
Not intended to be rude, although, I admit my wording is a bit awkward - in part, I expected ******* to be censored. And yes, I do believe GT added a bit of tongue-in-cheek/half truth in her comment - hence her tongue smiley at the end.
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