Anything Goes D2 Lounge!

TIL 1.00 monsters can drop a tome of identify. When did they change that?
Or did I just lag out hard and drop mine or something? (I'm experiencing extreme lag when I MP... it's annoying)
Normal monsters can drop full rejuvs too. Don't know when they changed it; their change log is a bit lacking. To say the least.

Try setting the process affinities of the game.exe processes to 2 out of 4 cores, or if you only have 2, set the game host to one, and the rest to another. D2 will otherwise use all available CPU.
I tried setting them to 3 out of 4 cores for each. I guess next time I'll set each process to only 2 of them. Thanks!
Patch 1.02
- Fixed several bugs to improve memory usage--those bugs could cause
  the game to slow down after playing for a while.

I've experienced a similar issue. The game will get very laggy after awhile. This is probably due to bad memory management and completely dynamic memory addressing. I would recommend at least grabbing the fixer pack I posted, to help drastically cut down CPU usage. You can then place each .exe on a different core.

Sorceresses are very difficult to play. You actually have to invest points in mana. I ruined mine by overlooking this, then once I hit level 65 I had max skills and was tripping back to town after every pack. I'd go with 2 barbs and a necro. One decent barb is all you really need.

Drop tables were rewritten in 1.07 and they took out tomes and full rejuvs. But they gave each monster a chance for lower TC's as well.
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is a barb sturdy enough for the act bosses? So far I've just been messing with a necro for running around A1 leveling some other chars as well.

edit: and before WW and BO, what skills should I pump?
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What do people spend extra skill points on for trav barbs after the core of WW/BO/Mastery/Find Item? I put a few hard points into Natural Resistance after 55% hork, but more points in it have pretty poor returns.
incr speed is ok, I guess. But for trav I would GUESS (I don't play them) that boosting zerk for PIs or the passive def boost.
Incr speed is good for earlier versions like 1.07 where run speed is boosted more by %faster run/walk and starts off slower overall
is a barb sturdy enough for the act bosses? So far I've just been messing with a necro for running around A1 leveling some other chars as well.

edit: and before WW and BO, what skills should I pump?
Just your mastery of choice. Barbs have little problems with act bosses, as long as they aren't terribly underleveled.
Are there some rough guidelines for level by the end of each act? Also, which weapons are typically end-game in 1.00.. I see pikes mentioned all the time, but I'm thinking I may as well level one barb with spear mastery and another with whatever else is likely useful...
Both my barb and sorc finished Hell in the late 20's. Yeah. Painful... (especially for my mouse when it flew across the room)

Due to the 2h damage bug, Pikes or Ancient Axes are generally the best. You don't have to worry about skills early on. Just put one point into bash and get the biggest weapon you can. Then the usual once you hit level 30. Buff BO last because of the bad returns. Barbs are the ultimate tank with no leech penalty. Your basically immortal once you get 10%LL and a decent weapon.

Mastery will depend on weapon choice later on. I'd go with pikes because the range is awesome and you can get them from the King on normal.
+1 for pikes. You can get around 1k max damage pretty easily, and with 25 attacks per second, that should do. Range is sic too, especially since the lower resolution makes for less screen to cover with a WW.

I'd run around in the River of Flame in normal until lvl 30, though. And remember to use Leap Attack when you get cursed with Iron Maiden. Counts as a ranged attack, and always hits.
Alright sounds great! I forgot leap attack was a solution to IM. Do I need to pump dex for anything? Is it 45 for pikes like arreat summit shows?

I guess I'll shop a better-than-nothing spear and boost spear mastery, then.

Any idea if mummy spawns (from standing sarcophagi) or crows (from crow nest) also give exp?
I'm tempted to find 1 and park a char with some life regen + merc nearby but close enough that it doesn't kill the nests...
The nests and mummy sarcophagi empty out after a while, and die by themselves. IIRC, any monster death gives exp, even the raised ones, and if no one got credit for the kill (like eggs bursting open), then everyone gets a share of the exp, provided they're in the same named area.

Spears are terribly slow, and will take some getting used to. Even if respec is unavailable, 1 point in some other mastery won't make or break the character, especially since Find Item isn't worth it. So IF you luck into something with good damage, you could always use it. However, a 3s pike with some skulls in it should do the trick. You're HC anyway, so you'll know to take measures against getting swarmed.

You may still want to level off of something other than maggot young until you get WW, because they spawn pretty plentiful.
I've thought about doing that. It would be a really cheap way to level. But I don't remember any spawned minion giving exp except for maggots. And even then, merc's are so weak and don't heal fast enough.

Until you hit level 30, i'd do some Outer steppes or City of Damned runs on the biggest game possible.
Here's pretty much everything in Classic leveling. Due to the +-5, maggots become pretty bad around 80-81. Getting past lv 87-89 is a total joke.

Monster levels
                     N     NM    H
Sand Maggot Young    16    41    66
Rock Worm Young      17    42    67
Devourer Young       19    44    69
Giant Lamprey Young  21    46    71
Blood Maggot Young   24    49    74
Venom Lord           30    55    80
Oblivion Knight      30    55    80
Maw Fiend            30    55    80
Storm Caster         30    55    80
Grotesque            30    55    80
Grotesque Wyrm       30    55    80
Urdar                32    57    82
Diablo               40    65    90
I totally forgot about maggots earlier on in A2. I guess I can use them a bit. Thanks!

BTW revived fallen didn't give me exp from what I could tell
Does anybody have much experience with vanilla D2? It would be 1.14d, with NO mods. I was planning to play an untwinked HC character, originally a bone necromancer, but I feel like without insight it would just be so terribly slow to play a caster :p Any insight on reasonable characters for vanilla?

Edit: I'm also considering just going bone necromancer and getting used to potting more often haha
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