The Noodle Compound V. 2.0

Re: The Noodle Compound

And now you know kegs,and knowing is half the battle, now run kegs ,run like the wind;)
Re: The Noodle Compound


Re: The Noodle Compound

My son's wife wants to have the family dinner at their house, its the first time for that, so kind of a big deal;) myself, I will probablly sip a little eggnog and loosen my belt a notch or two;) my wife,my sister and myself have been making cookies and candy for Christmas plate for everyone, you want one?:) How about you, not just working are you?;)
Re: The Noodle Compound

Nah, I'll have tomorrow and Christmas off. I remember when we first started taking control of holidays from our parents. I'm sure it'll go well. you reminded me that I need to get some eggnog!

Christmas Eve at my parent's house, then Christmas at mine and lunch at her parent's house. Busy couple days.
Re: The Noodle Compound

Dredd is their father... DUN DUN DUNNNNN!!!!!

In a universe far far away...
It was the night before christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even...
*dumdumdum dedum dedum* *)

Darth Vader: "Luke, I know what you're getting for Christmas."
Luke: "No way, that's impossible."
Darth Vader: "Luke I know what you're getting for Christmas."
Luke: "You can't possibly know, how can you know?"
Darth Vader: "I have felt your presents."

*) I'm terrible at this but it's supposed to be the music that indicates Darth Vader is about to make an appearance.

Re: The Noodle Compound

I knew I wouldn't get that edit in on time. I'm just teasing, Viv. I did laugh. The flowers smiley seems to be MIA still so can I offer a make-up cookie instead?
Re: The Noodle Compound

Not a bad joke, I've heard much worse :p

Mermaids not being able to reproduce always makes me think of the family guy episode:

Also...I don't like the new image interface :unimpressed:
Re: The Noodle Compound

Finally got around to watching Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.

Laughed so hard I got a headache. When Knives got the o: face, I nearly choked. Seriously.

That is all.
Re: The Noodle Compound

Hmmm... Never heard of it!

Forum downtime is making me a sad panda. :sadpanda: Why don't we have a sad panda smiley?
Re: The Noodle Compound


There you go, kegs. One sad panda.
Re: The Noodle Compound

That's a dead panda, not a sad one. I don't know that that's what I was really wanting.
Re: The Noodle Compound

It's a sad panda. It's been buried alive, kegs.
Re: The Noodle Compound

If it's buried then you can't see the face. How do you know it's sad?
Re: The Noodle Compound

Oh yeah, right.

"Panda party at my place! The address? Oh, uh, well ..."

Yeah, that's one happy panda ya got there, kegs. Good show.
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