SPF Hall Of Records

Ran two sets of countess, here's the better time:

SC Meteorb Sorceress
Category: Countess
Average time: 44.6s
FCR: 110(105BP)

Swapped out OCcy and chance guards for Wizspike and Magefist to hit the breakpoint for teleporting. Tossed the following insight on the merc for mana regen and merc's killing speed vs countess: Eth Colossus Voulge - 94-839dmg - Level 15 Meditation.

The damage: 462 items stashed (410 runes), including 2 ists, 1 um, 2 pul

Think I might try for a full 1000, given that she feels much more worth the time than in previous patches from what I recall. I could definitely use more mid-runes (and hopefully more ists) to be sure, as well!
Espr, I would go straight to LK, if you don't need exactly Mals-Ists. 1000 LK runs will probably net you a hr or two, and it is much faster + all the mid ones :)

But yeah, Countess might be more efficient for example hunting Ist runes than any other places. Well until you go Hell Forge rushing, but that seems to be thing in the past now...

Also, welcome to the SPF Hall of Records, nice to see new faces running targets! Join people, you don't to have a sub 1.0 fabians Pit Zerker to join here! ;)
Thanks :)

Yeah, I've been a fair bit of LK as well (somewhere between 0.5-1k), with a Vex Lo Mal to show for it so far. It's definitely something I'll start keeping track of numbers for. I'm thinking Countess might be worth it as well, if only to help give me a healthy base of all the other runes, and maybe help me do something like have a 6ist phase blade in the future.

I do feel that countess gives sheer bulk of runes over LK though, if accumulating a mass of runes for crafting or "initial wealth" is a concern. Personally, I'm considering continuing mostly to pad out the number of mid-runes I have. I'm still missing a couple altogether, and quite a few are still limited to only a couple of each. I know any crafting runes will eventually get used too.

LK definitely wins out in having higher runes, significantly more jewels/gems/charms. But Countess is probably more likely to give rare jewels (when she does drop a jewel) than LK superchests so that might be a consideration as well. Her Unique/Sets drop might be important to poorer players as well. I actually got 2 IK items in those runs, and a handful of other sets/uniques or varying value.

As to being faster... I'm actually currently faster at countess than LK, mostly on account of cubing gems,and just sorting through the greater volume of items to pick up (more charms/jewels etc..) and junk that drops that might be obscuring something of value. Perhaps as I get more comfortable with scanning items as they come out of the chest I might stop doing that and speed up considerably. As it is, I'm fairly paranoid about missing items in the clutter.
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You sound exactly like me (and many others, I'm sure) when I was new to LK running. It will get better, I can promise you that :) Scanning will get faster and you will hopefully get past being paranoid. Every HR helps on that matter. Also rolling for the best -or as close as possible - map is for sure worth the time.

I've done a **** load of LK runs, and will do more every now and then. For me it's the most rewarding place to run (among Travi) as long as you are not looking after uniques/sets. For me it's the possibility of good charms, jewels and runes of course that makes it the best place + endless stream of gems for rolling and all the crafting material
Or how does sound almost full set of each possible skillers (many with life), more than full inventory of 7mf scs (many with good adds), most of the most wanted runewords containing HRs done etc. /end self-boasting :D but many find it boring place to run... good luck with all your running anycase!
I suppose that's true! It does help that I enjoy running LK, I find it rather zen, at the end of the day.

Atm, I've got a 2 campfire map, where I can do a little triangle of teleports and end up back at the WP (to go to act 4 to avoid running through kurast), with my fastest runs in the 20-30 second range, average runs in the 40-45s range, and the annoyingly long 1m+ run outliers skewing the curve.
I used to have an aversion to Lower Kurast and really enjoyed running The Countess. I did a small experiment with The Countess and it took me 18 hours to cube an Ohm. In that time I could easily get an Ohm with Lower Kurast and several others. Once you roll a good map and get used to running it, you can easily get <20 second run times.

Since I've started running Lower Kurast I've done ~5,800 runs and I've made a ton of runewords (still need a few) that I never thought I'd ever see (like an Enigma). It's been a long time since I've run it, but I'm always keen of returning because it's a source of great wealth.
@ Espr

I made short video where I ran slowly to demonstrate how to effectively scan everything that drops to avoid digging among drops to make sure nothing dropped losing large amount of time in the process.


First I show how inventory of LK runner should look like. I do it in HC so I have 4 life charms, but for SC 2 columns of keys is all you should really have in inventory. Also I cast Shiver Armor + Energy Shield which is just because of HC. This is 105 fcr sorc, 200 fcr is ideal for SC sorc.

Now, fast-scanning process. Items tend to "flood" toward right side of the screen in diablo. Ideal position to see most of drops is actually below and to the right of place where items drop. That's why I tend to position myself below and to the right of chests to see most of drops. If you stay directly below, chances are you will miss some drops which will flood toward right side of the screen. If you stay to the left before you open chest, then chances are even greater you won't see all drops.

Since we know items flood toward right side, when there too many items drop on the ground, you fast tele right of the chest to check drops just like I did several times in video. Also, when really many items drop, you might perform "walk technique" of scanning items. Walk technique is demonstrated on first 3 chest on the video. When you move like that, items shown tend to change, so that is the way to fast scan everything you can't see right away.

When you open chests, you should hold alt or whatever button you have to show drops. That way you can spot orange "flash" when rune drops. Sometimes you will spot orange flash, but won't see rune drop. But... you will know rune did drop and that you should pay attention. Orange flashes tend to be obvious, it's hard to miss them. Perhaps it takes some practice to get used to flashes, but I believe it's usually very obvious when rune drops even when you don't see it right away. So, then you perform right teleport + walk technique if needed to fast check what rune it is. If you don't see it, then collect gold with telekinesis standing to the right side of the chest where you performed walk technique. Rune will eventually appear.

Those techniques are not perfect. You WILL miss items in diablo career, but that is normal. Sometimes no matter how much experience you have at scanning drops, items just don't wanna show. Diablo has certain "blind spots", don't know how else to describe it. Even when there are less than 30 items on screen, some items just don't wanna show no matter where you stand and what you do. Those situations are extremely rare so don't bother with them. You can always collect gold with telekinesis to reduce number of items on screen, but really do it only when you are certain item is below, don't waste time doing it all the time. And practice those techniques, with experience you will have more confidence at scanning items.
The down and to the right trick should be a huge help. The most slow down I was experiencing was on the really massive chest drops, and those positioning tricks you mentioned should help a lot, thank you. The video helped show off teleport/walk thing you mentioned, and definitely gave me a clearer understanding.

I have been practicing with watching for the flashes of orange (and playing with sound on helps alert me to charms and gems), but wasn't entirely trusting that I was seeing everything for the larger loot-splosions. Part of it, is I'll just have to get used to the idea that I'll miss stuff from time to time like you were saying, and part of it is to take advantage of what you mentioned about how the items scroll in.

As to inventory space I'd already pared everything down to two columns of charms, and two columns to 4xKeys and the cube. I often telekineses keys on the ground, so I don't run out. I have been toying with the idea of cutting even more space. Other than a FRW charm, it's mostly resists, which I can probably afford to drop. The reluctance probably an influence from playing PoE. In any case, I'll try going without for a while. And as for FCR, I'm running with 105 as well. It might be worth looking into what options I have for 200+, but I have a feeling it'll require some fairly drastic changes.

Thank you for taking me through the process. :)

Edit: Put the theory to practice and finished off the "slow" set, and did a new set using your advice:

105 FCR BlizzSorc
Category: LK Runs [gems]
flawed total // average time // fastest time      
200: 3:08:53 // 56.664s // 22.533s
200: 2:20:47 // 40.182s // 20.711s
200: 1:44:30 // 31.35s // 21.710s

Fairly significant improvement, especially considering the overall time spent. Still lots of room for improvement in getting better at quickly surveying the chest drops, and cutting more time spent telekinesising junk and what not. Dropping those few charms, even if it was only two rows was also a big help too. Another thing that occurred to me, is it might be worth skipping larger/more dangerous enemy groups that sometimes on chests, but so far I've been going to the other chest in that hit and looting that while blizzard does it's thing to clear the way a bit.

Edit: Third set saw further improvements largely due to three things: -ns mode, devoting less time to non-flawless gems (still grabbing reg. gems, just not if I have to dig for them and such), and practice. Slowed down a fair bit towards the end due to fatigue, which was a shame, but overall I'm pretty happy with progress made.
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SC Singer Barb
Category Pits p1
MF: 619
Hork: 56%
Average time: 1:11:342
Bosspacks: 377 (7.54)
Efficiency: 6.065 sec/bosspack
Adjeff: 2.182

So I got stuck with this map because I got boring of re-rolling. It's fine after all, but far from optimal. It could naturally have a bit higher avg bosses. Another problem that slows me a bit is that many of the places spawning boss packs are very narrow. I've problems getting merc to target uniques, Howl just doesn't work really well at those spots. I think Javazon for example would love this kind of map...


Shako 'Ist'
2 Warcries 10fcr random adds amulet
6xIst Military Pick
2x 10fcr/7mf/random adds rings
War Travs
2x skillers


Eth Andariel's 'Cham'
Eth Treachery
Eth Insight Tresher

Possible improvements could be for example: 3WC/10FCR Amu, that would free one skiller for 3*7mf scs. Or 2 Barb/WC 15 FCR amu freeing one ring slot for pure MF. Another way could be to use 3 WC/xx MF amu and Ist Suicide Branch.

And in theory some crazy Circlet could open up even more options.. or some magic 1.07 Barb Helm with 3 sockets. Also: I need 1.07 base for merc's Insight :)

That's about it. I think I'll play this map a bit more before rolling new... Really enjoying playing that Barb right now. Singers are great fun.

Edit: Espr, nice progress! Keep going, I'm sure you'll be able to reach 25s avg pretty soon :)
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SC Blizzwall Sorceress
Category: p1 Pindle
Runs: 200
MF: 457 (161.598 eMF)(round down or up here? Rounding down to be safe)
CAT: 20.546s avg
Skipped: 0
Adjeff: 3.94 fabians (-0.45 gain)

I tinkered with her setup some to get more MF and FRW. I think other than some minor improvements in play this is about as far as I can take this character on p1 setting. I noticed most of the longer runs were because Blizzard was trolling and/or pindle became a dodge tank. Still don't quite feel safe with her on p8, but I'm not sure what I can do about that besides maybe respec vita instead of block. Maybe a more IAS-focused merc setup to trigger decripify more quickly. I want to say that the charge attacks can't be blocked, but I might be thinking of PoE.

Still, gives her something other than LK to do. (Her AT map is pretty terrible, but her LK map would be pretty hard to give up). At the very least I know I can pull that time down another second by being a bit less sloppy.

@grape: Thank you. :)

I had decided to take a break from LK, and progress a bit in 1.07, but somehow talked myself into racking a bunch until my eyes bled, so I never did quite get that break, until today. I tend to do the most LK when I'm pretty tired, and therefor prone to sloppier play but I did notice some of the practice from recording runs transfer to improvements when doing LK runs more casually in zombie-mode; which is very nice. So far I've been maintaining about the same speed, but getting better not missing those white/blue coloured items worth picking up, whilst at said speed. Or rather, noticing them before teleporting away (and therefor having to backtrack or give up on the items). ^^;

Out of curiosity, what base did you use for your insight? And that's still a heck of an impressive efficiency, considering the non-optimalness you mentioned. :)
SC Singer Barb
Category Pits p1
MF: 619
Hork: 56%
Average time: 1:11:342
Bosspacks: 377 (7.54)
Efficiency: 6.065 sec/bosspack
Adjeff: 2.182

So I got stuck with this map because I got boring of re-rolling. It's fine after all, but far from optimal. It could naturally have a bit higher avg bosses. Another problem that slows me a bit is that many of the places spawning boss packs are very narrow. I've problems getting merc to target uniques, Howl just doesn't work really well at those spots. I think Javazon for example would love this kind of map...


Shako 'Ist'
2 Warcries 10fcr random adds amulet
6xIst Military Pick
2x 10fcr/7mf/random adds rings
War Travs
2x skillers


Eth Andariel's 'Cham'
Eth Treachery
Eth Insight Tresher

Possible improvements could be for example: 3WC/10FCR Amu, that would free one skiller for 3*7mf scs. Or 2 Barb/WC 15 FCR amu freeing one ring slot for pure MF. Another way could be to use 3 WC/xx MF amu and Ist Suicide Branch.

And in theory some crazy Circlet could open up even more options.. or some magic 1.07 Barb Helm with 3 sockets. Also: I need 1.07 base for merc's Insight :)

That's about it. I think I'll play this map a bit more before rolling new... Really enjoying playing that Barb right now. Singers are great fun.

Edit: Espr, nice progress! Keep going, I'm sure you'll be able to reach 25s avg pretty soon :)

Well then I guess I have to roll a new map :)
Out of curiosity, what base did you use for your insight? And that's still a heck of an impressive efficiency, considering the non-optimalness you mentioned. :)

It's Tresher. Thanks, yeah, it's good I guess. I want to improve still for sure. :) More especially if FoE manages to top my result :D

Well then I guess I have to roll a new map :)

Best of luck !

I'll do the same when I have time. Race for sub 2.0 fabians adjeff....! :D
It's Tresher. Thanks, yeah, it's good I guess. I want to improve still for sure. :) More especially if FoE manages to top my result :D

Best of luck !

I'll do the same when I have time. Race for sub 2.0 fabians adjeff....! :D

GPA all the way! Mine is probably my favorite item on the entire char. 1.07 eth gpa with perfect dmg and crit roll, and 16 meditation /bragging. I made the calcs though, and it seems that both thresher, gpa and cv are very close to being equal. I can't remember, but I think gpa tops with a few avg dmg with my treach/andy's setup.

And if we are having a race, then I definitely need a new map. ew.
That sounds like a big hurty stick indeed!

Seems like I hadn't paid enough attention for my merc. What a dumb I am, this is very merc dependant build after all. It turns out I had just carried away with very low dmg roll with my Insight. That's taken care of now: I re-rolled 260ed/6 critical hit/15 medi.

I also changed my Eth Cham'd Andy's for fervored normal one (30str/10 ll, found by this Singer <3), takes to the next IAS break point. I might try to improve my result in this map once before rolling, bosses are definitely dropping quicker now... I didn't calculate it but I can see the DPS improvement is quite significant. :)

edit: I just found out that my Black Marsh WP is more near to Pit than the Outer Cloister WP. Also the tele pattern is straight, unlike from Outer Cloister... woot, I bet that along with changes to merc will shave some seconds from average alone!
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Yeah, my merc is currently wearing Ptopaz'd Andy's. I don't have a cham, but want one :p Also, nice Insight roll! How much mana/life/WC dmg do you have?
Thanks! I'm really digging it a lot. Though I still envy your Insight :D Cham'd Andy is barely useful from my observations, CE bosses won't usually hit through, it's only the death explosion freezing for a few seconds. But with GPA IAS jool wouldn't matter, so yeah I would then keep the Cham Andy's.

Current numbers (lvl 90) 2831/929, 966-1002 dmg. I could live with less hp/mana as I'm SC, so there's room for less points BO and more points in WC synergy. It would be very minor improvement though, maybe even unnecessary.

For some reason I left Tome in inventory last time. I'll ditch that for the next attempt. That will carry me to the next "break point". Current MF 619, next one should be 631. Even the next one after that, 643, should be achievable if I can find couple of better MF/FCR rings or amu with MF...

I'm starting to think below 2 fabians adjeff is possible without even rolling the map. :D But we'll see about that. Won't make any attempts before thursday or so.
I remember I read some thread where people were discussing eth bases for morons. I'm not sure if this was the one but I'll link here the calculator I made and posted in my HC trade thread:

I made a calculator. If it's correct, best setup uses forti and CV. If you want to use treachery GPA will be better. Other than the pure DPS analysis, you should consider that forti can shatter some corpses and thresher will trigger might aura faster which can be good in a shorter run. For Infinity, Thresher is probably better because of the CB.
Tables updated, also added spoiler at the end which contains full tables with all reported runners in the thread, while primary tables contain only best results per player for certain build. Third decimal included into final number.
Estimated market value