Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion d

Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

Finally found ok-ish meph map (5-6 teles to entrance), this morning. My parents are here for holidays, so it was about time. Meph runs are easily squeezed in occasional breakss I have. ained one level on p3 meph today and flavie score says 54 set items, 92 uniques. Also found my first gheeds, but only 26% - Im looking forward leaving it on the ground and SEing when better one drops. Or muling it off maybe, since its 15% reduced prizes one?

Anyways, enough for today, now schoolwork has to be done :/

btw: congrats all on hax runes ;)
Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

Pindle smashed until I reached 92 (decided to do him alone first). I've since re-rolled a decent Meph map (5 tele), and I'm going to run him for a good while. I really, really want a Tal's Ammy, Magefists, and Arachnid Mesh, so I'll try to pound him for the rest of the night to get those.

I'll probably just run Pindle alone again until level 93, which will be ~700 runs if my math is correct. I'm comfortably running Pindle sub-30s, with my Harmony really speeding things up, which isn't so bad. I'll probably remove my MF boots for some 40FRW boots now as well, to try and squeeze out a couple more seconds.

After 93, depending on her gear, I'll decide to do either Diablo or Nihl runs. I've found 4 rare diadems, so I'm really hoping that Griffon's comes soon. She will ultimately become a Blova (might try CL/FO for Diablo/Nihl as well), so that will help immensely.

[highlight]mattinm, champion polgara, blizzard sorceress, level 92, act v hell[/highlight]
Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

Well, I've been running AT on /p8, and have reached 83. And shot briefly into 3rd place :wink:

Flavie tells me I've 76U and 43S items, highest runes are Jah, Ko, Io.

I've been pretty pleased with my drops so far, wearing Skullders, Magefist, Harley, Goldwrap, Silkweaves, Rhyme Bone Shield, Suicide Branch, Nagels, and some rare/magic ring/amulet with MF. This nets me 80FCR and 320MF. My resists are all way in the red, but that's not an issue for MFing AT and Meph.

Highest TC in AT has been a Lightsabre. Most useful find has to be the shako. I've been looking for a decent polearm and a monarch, but no success yet.

I'm tempted to respec and Mat, so I can run cows as well, and level off Pindle, but I think I'll stick it out and level a bit more off AT until it drives me mad. I'm alternating AT and Meph at the moment for some variety. I'll try and last until 86 I think, maybe longer if I can stomach it.
Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

I reached Hell Meph now. Got a perfect map without rerolling so the MF running craze can begin right away. :smug:
I was lucky with the same thing. Unfortunately it takes me about three full minutes to kill him with my pitiful bone spear, but I'll be running him a bit now nonetheless.

Questing after trying a few p1 AT runs, I found a Skin of the Vipermagi (best find so far), Arioc's Needle, and Hellrack for my first elite uniques. Just killed meph, I'm probably going to run CS for for a while to get some levels.

I'm really amazed at how fast all you guys are going. Great work.

Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

It is amazing how far people have gotten in a week. Great work indeed.

I'm kinda wondering when we are going to see our first 99. My guess is another two weeks.
Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

It is amazing how far people have gotten in a week. Great work indeed.

I'm kinda wondering when we are going to see our first 99. My guess is another two weeks.

Unless I can find some items that make me safer for running Diablo and/or Nihl in the next 700 Pindle runs (+the rest of the day worth of Meph runs), then I'm going to slow down considerably after hitting 93. That's about the last single-day amount I can feasibly hit (running like a mad man, which I'll probably burn out from soon), and it just drops off after that. I've never had a character get past 95 because it got way too slow.

Edit: @frozzzen - I knew your not running today was a devious ploy to make me drop my guard :p. I still want to pound Meph silly tonight, but I think I might have to say hello to Pindle again, at least for a little while. I'll justify it by saying I'm looking for Fathom + Griff + Tal's Armour. Yeah, that'll work.

Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

I finally have good enough gear to start running AT for real. I think I`m going to skip Pindle for a long time and just focus on the wonderful lvl85 area as I seem to kill enough bosspacks/minute to compete with what Pindle has to offer. Besides, it makes me able to gain some more levels for my merc before proceeding through act4 and 5.
Huge thanks to Meph for providing me with enough items to have maxed res and 105FCR, much appreciated. Hopefully I`ll never run have to kill him again as he`s mind-numbingly boring to run.

No TC87s so far and I don`t see myself run all that much during the next week as I`m visiting my parents. So there will probably be 0 TC87s at the same time next week:(

[highlight] Idun, Blizzard Sorceress, lvl86, Ancient Tunnels[/highlight]
Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

I'm kinda wondering when we are going to see our first 99. My guess is another two weeks.

I think you'll see quite a few reach 92-94, then things will slow down and people will start catching up.

It's easy to get to 90 off of Pindle, AT, Pits. 92 takes a bit longer. 94 even longer. After that you need to be geared up for Baal or Big D runs... will take a bit longer, imo.

Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

My sorc has hit a minor impasse. I respecced her recently into a full blizzard, and have camped out at Mephiso/AT. Amazingly, she has near-perfect maps for BOTH. So good, i don't want to switch acts to respec and attempt CS. I've given it a shot, but neither she nor the merc have the gear or guts to do it as is. I'm a little tired of her, but will certainly come back to her lovely maps. Given that, I'm going to add another character to the ladder. Introducing my new necromancer, Bonasa_Umbellus.

[highlight]Alca_Torda. blizzard sorc, level 80, Act IV Hell

Bonasa_Umbellus, necro, level 1, Act I Normal[/highlight]
Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

I think you'll see quite a few reach 92-94, then things will slow down and people will start catching up.

It's easy to get to 90 off of Pindle, AT, Pits. 92 takes a bit longer. 94 even longer. After that you need to be geared up for Baal or Big D runs... will take a bit longer, imo.
Can someone log in to Bnet and see how far they've gone? I would think you should be able to go faster in SP with /p8. We probably don't have as good of gear or play as much as bnetters though. I just reinstalled d2 with only SP so I can't go on bnet to check myself. Preemptive thank you!

Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

Got myself killed really stupidly in the chaos sanctuary. Ugh, probably start up a sorc now, the necro is so slow.
Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

sorry to hear about you loss when my sorc dies i am going to necro
Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

Ran NM Mephy and Pindle for items today, so I can head to Hell at some point this weekend. Got some nice stuff; Magefist, Kelpie, but still no VMagi. Managed to get to 74. Not sure what tomorrow will be yet.

Edit: Flavie says I have 85 SUs and 19 runes.

[highlight]Halliwell, Sorc, Lvl 74, A1 Hell - SC FAM[/highlight]

@skoolbus: For US East, a 96 sorc is at top of the SC ladder (top 425 are over 90), while a 95 zon is at the top of the HC ladder (only 99 over 90). Both Expansion, btw.
Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

ugh, im getting so frustrated with my necro.
I got through the maggot lair just fine but unsummoning and letting my merc take care of everything. But now i've hit a brick wall getting through the arcane sanctuary. My skeletons do crappy damage, and basically are worthless, and my merc gets rocked and dies almost all the time. He has life leach and a 200+ damage insight... but i guess its not enough.
There is basically nothing I can do to get through it. All i can do is gamble amulets and hope I can get one with tele charges I guess.
I admit, I forgot how awful summon necros are at arcane sanc, and maggot lair. I used to play them all the time on bnet and would get others to rush that part, or put an enigma on. Now I;m thinking about either respecing again or just quiting this guy.
Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

@skoolbus - That sucks! Good luck with the next char!

@vague - Indeed, summoning necros can be painful to get through. I find using Dim Vision before the enemy gets a chance to clog the paths, or using Terror if they already have, is a great way to give your skeles some breathing room.


Well, I pushed it way to hard today, I think. You can ask wikkid how much I've been running as I span the Hamachi channel as I'm going and he's usually the only one to respond :p. I had a great amount of finds (not all great, but all helpful for the MF tourney). You can see the best ones in the IFT.

I ran Pindle up until level 93, but I've ran AT for the next 1/4 of a level or so, as I found that it gives me more XP over time with my current map (I'd have to do ~6.5 pindle runs in the same time as an AT run, which doesn't happen). I had a few NDEs in there when I was still feeling the map out, but the last few dozen runs went very, very smooth.

I've just got one respec left, and I'm determined to not run Baal at all (using the Ancients to hit 99), so I've really got to make it count. She'll need to be a solid Diablo runner, and I'll probably end up going with a Blova. I'm really hoping that a Griffon's and/or a Fathom drop while leveling in the Pits to make my life much, much easier.

Current gear:
Shako w/ PTopaz
Vipermagi (4PTopaz Dusk Shroud for Pindle/Meph)
Arachnid Mesh (Goldwrap for Pindle/Meph)
Occy (2x-Hel Ali-Baba on switch for Meph; Harmony on switch for AT/Pindle)
35FRC spirit monarch (Rhyme on switch for Meph)
BK (21MF magic ring for Meph/Pindle)
Aldur's Boots (25MF magic boots for Meph)
37MF Chance Guards

26MF Gheeds
4MF sc
11LR/1dex sc
9LR sc
15Life sc x2

Total gear found:
274 SUs (191 uniques + 83 sets [8 completed])

Tomorrow, I'll finish up hitting level 94, barring anything crazy happening, and hopefully have an Ist+Mal to make my Call to Arms, a Griffons, and a Fathom. Here's to wishful thinking :D.

[highlight]mattinm, champion polgara, blizzard sorceress, level 93, act v hell[/highlight]
Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

Wow dude! You're sick. Get help :D
I know I won't follow ;)
Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

Can someone log in to Bnet and see how far they've gone? I would think you should be able to go faster in SP with /p8. We probably don't have as good of gear or play as much as bnetters though.

Bizurker said:
@skoolbus: For US East, a 96 sorc is at top of the SC ladder (top 425 are over 90), while a 95 zon is at the top of the HC ladder (only 99 over 90). Both Expansion, btw.

European realm is slightly ahead: 97 sorc in SC and 96 sorc in HC.

The ability to co-op in Baal runs is a huge advantage on b-net me thinks.

Side-note: Decided to do "just a couple more" Meph runs yesterday before going to bed and he rewarded me with a golden Shako! :jig:

Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

bob: the same here :D "Ok, ten more runs" and eth kelpie, shako and demonlimb was my reward!

mattin: curse you jobless! GG :)

edit: isnt that so that on bnet they share accounts going for first 99 in teams, and also have support MFers etc, so comparing our one man army effort is a bit pointless? (I may be completely wnorng though, never been there)
Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

isnt that so that on bnet they share accounts going for first 99 in teams, and also have support MFers etc, so comparing our one man army effort is a bit pointless? (I may be completely wnorng though, never been there)

I never played on bnet either but I remember reading about a very organised ladder rush by a german guild way back in 1.09. (The report still exists. It's in german but for those who are interested: clicky)
They managed to get to 99 in 39 hours. I don't think that's possible in 1.10+ and I don't know if there are still D2 guilds like that today.

But yeah, you probably can't compare SP level speed to bnet.

Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

@Mattinm: I`really glad you decided to stay away from HC:)

@Skoolbus: I`m really sorry to hear about your necro.
Estimated market value