Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion d


New member
Aug 15, 2009
Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

Hello, all! Kefir-Tribe suggested the idea of an SPF ladder here, but is currently strapped for time to administer the ladder when 1.13 goes final on March 23rd. I've decided to step in and run the ladder, as well as add a few features onto my website that I think will be nice.

There has been a major overhaul with the layout, as well as the addition of the Timeframe, Scoring, and Ladder Tournaments sections. The information contained within is largely the same, except for the additions. I've taken the format unashamedly from Ohomemgrande's great ladder thread here:

Please note that there is a fundamental change proposed: Basically, it reduces the Ladder to two ladders (HC+SC), and allows the player to define individual characters as Vanilla/FAM within the ladder. This allows more player flexibility. In an attempt to still give Vanilla meaning, there will be two winners declared in each ladder: one for Vanilla, and one for FAM.

- The ladders have been condensed into only SC+HC (with one winner in each).
- The website has been published (feel free to start PM-ing me for passwords), but no character can be uploaded until 1.13 goes final.
- A decision has been made on hot-muling (4h); the topic is still up for debate, but I think this is how we'll go about it.

[highlight]Table of Contents[/highlight]
1. Timeframe
2. Versions/Mods
3. Characters
4. Items/Muling
5. Player Interaction
6. Scoring
7. Ladder Tournaments
8. Website
9. Signups

[highlight]1. TIMEFRAME[/highlight]
a. The ladder will officially begin on March 23rd, 2010, after the release of 1.13 final from Blizzard.

b. The ladder shall run for at minimum 6 months. After 6 months has passed, the ladder shall run until either:
1. Blizzard releases a new official patch (non-beta).
2. There is no activity within the ladder for more than 2 consecutive weeks.​

[highlight]2. VERSIONS/MODS[/highlight]
a. All characters must be started in 1.13 final, with no interaction with characters or items from previous version of Diablo II, nor with characters or items outside the ladder.

b. There shall be two (2) separate ladders: SC + HC.

c. For the sake of MP and Trading, all characters will be assumed FAM, unless specifically declared as Vanilla on creation. Please see section 3 for more information.

d. The use of a modified D2gfx.dll is allowed; however, you may only have one character in a game at any given time.

e. Standard SPF rules apply to command-line arguments and in-game commands, specifically the abuse of map seeds is prohibited.

[highlight]3. CHARACTERS[/highlight]
a. Characters are assumed FAM, unless specifically declared as Vanilla when first added to the ladder. Note that Vanilla/FAM associations are on a per-character basis, not a per-player basis. Please ensure that your Trader Profile is up-to-date with your character status if you intend to MP or Trade.

b. Vanilla character can be converted to FAM characters; however, FAM character are prohibited from becoming Vanilla characters.

c. There are no class nor build restrictions.

d. HC/SC is contingent upon the Ladder in which the character is participating.

e. There is no limit to the number of characters a player can have, nor to the number of ladders a player is competing in.

f. Ladder registration is rolling and is open from the start of this post, until the Ladder has officially ended.

g. No characters may be created for the ladder until 1.13 final has been released.

[highlight]4. ITEMS/MULING[/highlight]
a. Forum approved muling programs may be used (ATMA/GoMule). All other external programs that interact with Diablo II are strictly prohibited.

b. Only items found during the ladder by ladder characters my be used by ladder characters.

c. Items are allowed to be moved from a player's ladder stash (or off of ladder characters) into their non-ladder stash (or onto non-ladder characters); however, after doing so, the player is prohibited from bringing the item back into his/her ladder stashes or onto his/her ladder characters.

d. Vanilla -> FAM item conversions are allowed; FAM -> Vanilla item conversions are prohibited.

e. ATMA Indestructible bugging is strictly prohibited.

f. HC -> SC (and vice versa) transfers are strictly prohibited; there is to be no interaction between the ladders.

g. Items trades are to take place within the SPF Trade Forum and adhere to all SPF trade rules, including posting a trade profile and paying attention to probation period requirements. Please designated "Ladder" within your thread title.

h. Hot-muling is prohibited on the Ladder. If you do hot-mule (in the case of a Gheed's), the item hot-muled must be immediately removed from the Ladder (stashes and characters). This is to allow hot-muling in general (in accordance with standard SPF procedure), while protecting the Ladder from being "tainted" by the practice. [highlight]Still up for discussion until the ladder goes live, but I think this is the best comprimise, so people don't "lose" their Gheed's and the ladder remains untainted.[/highlight]

[highlight]5. PLAYER INTERACTION[/highlight]
a. Characters may only interact with characters within their designated ladder (this includs Multiplayer (MP) and trading); however, see 5b for Vanilla/FAM concerns. Note that players must be registered within the given ladder before creating a character (and interacting with other ladder characters). Failure to specify each ladder in which you are competing will result in the disqualification of all characters (and items the character has found) from the respective ladder.

b. MP and Trading between Vanilla/FAM characters shall follow general SPF practice:
i. Vanilla characters cannot MP with FAM characters, or vice versa (see 5g for the one exception).
ii. Vanilla -> FAM trades are allowed; FAM -> Vanilla trades are prohibited.​

c. There are no level restrictions for MP.

d. Individual players are not allowed, in any way, to self-rush their own characters (note that players may only have one character per game as restricted by rule 2d). Players are however allowed to twink their new characters, provided the items meet all ladder restrictions.

e. There will be a Hamachi channel created specifically for the Ladder, as well as a thread within the MP forum. Please ensure that you are following rule 5a when participating in MP. The Hamachi network is: SPF_Ladder_1 (password: nobnet). More channels will be added as necessary.

f. All players are required to post/update their Trader Profile in the SPTF prior to interacting with other players, whether through Trading or MP.

g. For the sake of PvP, Vanilla characters may participate against FAM characters, so long as no experience is gained during the game (the host must pre-clear the Blood Moar), no quests are completed during the game, and Vanilla players are made aware of their inherit disadvantage.

[highlight]6. SCORING[/highlight]
a. The first character to reach level 99 within each ladder shall be declared the winner of the given ladder and award a prize to be determined at a later date (e.g. there will be two winner per ladder). If the ladder ends without a character reaching level 99 in any given ladder, the following point system shall be used:
Level		 Score
1-80		1/Level (80 at 80)
81-90		2/Level (100 at 90)
91-93		3/Level (109 at 93)
94-96		5/Level (124 at 96)
97		8/Level (132 at 97)
98		12/Level (144 at 98)
99		20/Level (164 at 99)

b. Bonus points may be earned throughout the ladder by competing in Ladder-specific tournaments. See section 7 for a specific breakdown of Ladder-specific tournaments. These bonus points are tied to the character, not the player, and cannot be reapportioned.

c. Ladder characters are allowed to compete in other SPF tournaments, providing the tournament does not require the player to break any Ladder rules. Character shall receive 10 bonus points for 1st place, 5 bonus points for second place, and 2 bonus point for 3rd place within non-Ladder tournaments.

d. Specific Ladder-only tournaments will have their bonus point designation within their respective tournament thread.

[highlight]7. LADDER TOURNAMENTS[/highlight]
a. It is the intention of the ladder to have multiple tournments throughout its existence to provide some extra entertainment to the ladder. These will likely included PvP tournaments, mini-MFO's (either by time limit or period), and picture hunts, as well as any other ideas participants come up with.

b. The common prize for tournaments shall be PGems and/or runes. Each tournament will likely have a small entry fee; however, you are allowed to host tournaments that require no fee and give no prize. The first tournament (see 7d) shall have no entry fee.

c. Anyone may host a tournament. However, please post the idea for the tournament within this thread or via PM to me prior to creating the tournament in order to ensure that the tournament doesn't break any ladder rules, is fair to all ladder participants, and contains a reasonable points bonus or other prizes.

d. The first tournament will start on March 24th and run for approximately 1-month. This will be an untwinked MF tournament to create a strong incentive to pound Mephisto silly at the start of the ladder. Tournament signup is now open!

[highlight]8. WEBSITE[/highlight]
a. The website is located at [highlight]You will get warned about my SSL security certificate; I'm using one I generated myself, on the server, instead of purchasing one for this use. I figure it's better to have a self-made certificate than none at all.[/highlight] The site currently supports many of the initiatives desired, but the website is still in development. It's a quick hash-together, not meant to be overly pretty (unless I decided to change this down the road), but meant for function. I'll be adding some more features, as outlined below, as I get time.

b. There will be a price-guide maintained for the Ladder in the spirit of Bassen's comprehensive guide. This will likely be created after the conclusion of the first Ladder tournament, if not later, to allow the market to stabilize somewhat.

c. There will be a location where players can sign in and upload their character files to facilitate the easy updating of the current ladder state. Character files will only be used to extract character name, level, and experience, and will not be stored on the server for any period of time.

d. Players will be able to generate signatures and avatars based upon their characters at any time.

e. Upload access shall be restricted until a user sends me a PM requesting upload access. This is to ensure that character-to-player relations are valid at all times. I will respond with a user name (your forum name) and random password (which can be changed at any time), allowing access to all features within the site. Viewing access is not restricted.

f. Once a week, likely a Sunday, I will update the Ladder thread with the latest scores. If you do not want to utilize the website for any reason, you may post all your current characters (and which ladder they are in), their level, experience, and scores within a single post and I will include it in the weekly post. Please don't post this information more than once a week, even if you have new characters. Only the top 25 characters will be listed.

[highlight]9. SIGNUPS[/highlight]
Anyone interested in signing up, please post below in the following format: [highlight]<forum name> <SC/HC> <FAM/Vanilla>[/highlight] (e.g. [highlight]mattinm SC FAM[/highlight]). You can post more information, just make sure your post ends with this designation so I can easily add you to the table. I'll be editing my post to add people to the tables, so please don't post them on your own. I don't want to clutter the thread.

SC Ladder (36)
[b]Player Name[/b]            [b]FAM/Vanilla[/b]
-----------            -----------
Aconite                    FAM
ancalagon                  FAM
bcoe                       FAM
BabyLink                   FAM
BetaBlocker                FAM
bobwilder                  FAM
Bizurker                   FAM
Colorless Green            FAM
Colony                     FAM
Dukkha                     FAM
frozzzen                   FAM
Fyourics                   FAM
Helvete                    FAM
Jason Maher                FAM
Jcakes                     FAM
Joosh                      FAM
Knuckleheads               FAM
mattinm                    FAM
mulligan                   FAM
NacRuno                    FAM
NagisaFurukawa             FAM
Nibiru-                    FAM
nubikoen                   FAM
Obdob                      FAM
Ohomemgrande               FAM
RobbyD                     FAM
Rummski                    FAM
Skjoldmose                 FAM
Sparks                     FAM
Starloader                 FAM
sveinbjorn                 FAM
Vague                      FAM
ZeN                        FAM

Kefir-Tribe              Vanilla
nepeta                   Vanilla
skiffcz                  Vanilla
skoolbus                 Vanilla

HC Ladder (19)
[b]Player Name[/b]            [b]FAM/Vanilla[/b]
-----------            -----------
Huriel                     FAM
inter                      FAM
Jason Maher                FAM
sequana                    FAM
spigot                     FAM
spikewilbury               FAM
TrailLeg                   FAM
Vildecor                   FAM

Bluechip                 Vanilla
Darkoooo                 Vanilla
DX-Crawler               Vanilla
EmperorMoo               Vanilla
jjscud                   Vanilla
mattinm                  Vanilla
nepeta                   Vanilla
nermind                  Vanilla
skoolbus                 Vanilla
Thomh                    Vanilla
XDoomasX                 Vanilla
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Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

Well, there it is ladies and gentlemen. I've included the signups from the previous discussion thread. If there are any mistakes, let me know, and I'll fix them ASAP. Also, if you're in the "Unknown" section, please let me know what version you'd like to play (I'll be deleting that section as soon as 1.13 goes final).

If there are any Rules you don't agree with, or Rules you'd like to see enforced, please let me know and we can try to reach a consensus before 1.13 goes final, at which point the Rules will be set in stone.

Hopefully this sparks some interest. Good luck everyone!
Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

I've changed my mind and I am going to play SC - I don't have much free time atm so I don't really want to lose characters due to death. Undecided on vanilla/FAM status - but if blizzard does not give us ladder runewords I will probably play FAM.

6: The will be item/character/mp interaction by any ladder character with non-ladder characters. Likewise, there shall be no inter-ladder interaction (e.g. SC FAM can only trade/MP with other SC FAM ladder characters).
I think you meant

"There will be [highlight] no [/highlight] item/character/mp interaction by any ladder character with non-ladder characters. Likewise, there shall be no inter-ladder interaction (e.g. SC FAM can only trade/MP with other SC FAM ladder characters)."

oh and for the sake of completeness

[highlight] Jcakes SC FAM [/highlight]

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Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

[highlight]skoolbus HC vanilla[/highlight]
Don't think I've been on the sp ladder in years, I'll give it a shot for some MP'ing.
Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

[highlight]Joosh SC FAM[/highlight]

Let's see if this reinvigorates my diablo spirit...
Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

I've updated the layout and added a few sections to the rules (Timeframe, Scoring, and Ladder Tournaments) that you should all check out. The overall information hasn't changed though, just clarified and presented in a better way, I believe. Please don't hesitate to let me know if there's any information that needs and/or is requested to change, and we'll work on sorting it all out before 1.13 final is released.

I'm putting together the full information for the first tournament right now, but it will again be stolen unashamedly from Ohomemgrande.
Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

[highlight]Darkoooo HC Vanilla[/highlight]

Sure, I'm playing that version already but it'd be fun to start over. I will however keep my stashes and merge them with ladder items once the ladder is over. Since I'm selffound though, no trading for me... Looking forward to some MP games!! :jig::jig:
Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

[highlight]ZeN SC FAM[/highlight]

I am in exact same boat as Darkoooo in regards to the items and being self found.

And I have never MP in my life, so this may just be the opportunity.

Question: should I post SPTF Profile for MPing too?
Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

[highlight]inter HC FAM[/highlight]

Won't restart in SC, but might start a HC char if I'm bored. ;)
Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

[highlight]Jason Maher SC FAM and HC FAM[/highlight]
Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

[highlight]nepeta HC vanilla[/highlight]

All the casuals seem to be playing FAM hax, so what do I do? ^^

Couple of comments on the rules:
-hotmuling? I say we ban it.
-ban RRM too, runes will be orange anyways.
-scoring points for tournaments? Just charlevel imo.

Question: What good is a modified dll if you don't use it to have more than 1 char in a game?
Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

[highlight]frozzzen SC FAM[/highlight]

I probably won't start on the day that Ladder starts. I'll start after PvP week. I don't want to have multiple diablo copies all over my PC. Or I'll start it on another PC perhaps.

I also won't restart in SC. I'll keep Ladder stashes away from non ladder.

One question (probably won't be able to participate if this won't work): If you find let's say perfect D.Web in Ladder and your non Ladder poison necro wants that badly, is it allowed to transfer that item to non Ladder character? Ofc that it would never be transfered back.

EDIT: Tnx Stryfe, I was blind. I'll reread rules later when I'll have time for it.
Count me in ;)

As far as hotmuling: I'm okay with that but I won't have any benefit of this.
I also won't use benefits of modified D2gfx.dll or RRM, but I'm perfectly ok with other people doing so. I don't want to reduce MP/Trade pool just cause of color of runes.
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Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

@frozzzen: It is allowed. Read the rules again, it's in there somewhere.
Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

@frozzzen: Yep. Rule 4c has all the relevant information.

Question: should I post SPTF Profile for MPing too?

Yeah. I'll make a note of this in the rules as well. According to the MP FAQ (which I guess you wouldn't need to make note of as self-found), the Trade Profile serves as an MP profile as well.

[highlight]nepeta HC vanilla[/highlight]
Couple of comments on the rules:
-hotmuling? I say we ban it.
-ban RRM too, runes will be orange anyways.
-scoring points for tournaments? Just charlevel imo.

Question: What good is a modified dll if you don't use it to have more than 1 char in a game?

Hotmuling: No consensus was reached with Hotmuling in the preliminary thread, except that "minor issues" would be allow (which hotmuling qualified as). I'll put this up for a vote now, and if it seems that the majority are for/against, then we'll go the popular direction. I just want a clear idea so we don't have multiple mini trading pools within the ladder pools.

RRM/CRM: I feel you on this as well, but again it's considered a FAM, so I didn't want to remove it from the pool for the FAM section. I figure if all it does is change rune colors, it isn't too significant an issue. If this becomes non-FAM, it will be removed (but I don't really see that happening).

Points: The points are a way to encourage people to play in tournaments to some degree, while also making the people who make a run at 99 get some extra points for their effort (because the level worth increases as the levels are harder to attain). Basically, I wanted a system (encouraged by Ohomemgrande) that encourages participation within multiple facets of the ladder, not just leveling, and this seemed like a good idea. In the end, if someone just makes the push for 99 in all ladders, it's moot anyway :p.

Modified D2gfx.dll: This is just so people don't have to worry about using TrenShadow or multiple install points or changing around their D2gfx.dll if they want to play outside the ladder. If people want to use a modified D2gfx.dll to self-rush outside the ladder, that's totally cool, and I just don't want to make that difficult on anyone by not allowing the modification at all, so I just restricted the benefit of the modification.

Hope that all makes sense.

This is now officially up for debate until March 23rd, when 1.13 goes final. If we don't have a consensus by then, it will be allowed.

Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

I'm still pondering about participating. You see, My main drive in D2 is the l00t, so I don't know whether I'll be interested long enough.

About [highlight]hotmuling[/highlight], where do people use this for? I can only think of Gheed's. I'd say (though my opinion might not count as I don't officially participate yet) allow hotmuling for Gheed's, but not for anything else.
Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

About [highlight]hotmuling[/highlight], where do people use this for? I can only think of Gheed's. I'd say (though my opinion might not count as I don't officially participate yet) allow hotmuling for Gheed's, but not for anything else.

Excellent point Arkardo. Please, if you select 'Yes' to the Hot-muling option, specify if you would only like Gheed's to be Hot-muled or everything. Man, I wish I could edit the poll now.

Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

Ok, so modified dll is not affecting the game, good.

I'm still not convinced about rrm, but as it won't affect me, whatever. The only thing that annoys me is having to split the ladder, and that will be neatly accomplished by RWM alone at any rate.

Hotmuling with or without Gheed's is pretty pointless as well, just don't do it.
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Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

[highlight]bobwilder SC FAM[/highlight]

No better way to get back into the game than this! :thumbsup:

Every game I tried in the last few months bored me after a couple of days (with the exception of Dragon Age Origins) so why not return to the game that stuck with me for almost ten years now...

I would love to go vanilla but I think I'd really miss the option to make the good runewords later on. So unless Blizz makes a last minute decision to include the ladder RWs in singleplayer I'm going FAM.

I always was self-found so no trading for me. Probably no MP either but we'll see about that... :scratchchin:
Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

[highlight]Fyourics SC FAM[/highlight]

I'll start playing on 26th though. Can't wait for this.:cloud9:

Also only allow hotmuling for gheed's. Anything else just doesn't feel right, imo.
Re: Official 1.13 SPF Ladder: Rules, Signups, Status, and Discussion

Hotmuling with or without Gheed's is pretty pointless as well, just don't do it.

So what do you do when you find a Gheed's with a character already carrying one?

Estimated market value