Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes


Damn... Yeah, and that's what's making me cranky I think... the fact I'm not losing sleep at the moment :grin:.
muzzz said:
Well, you could go and play some WoW, although I wouldn't recommend it :rolleyes:

Hm... it's a thought tho :tongue: First dinner and then play some... But why wouldn't you recommend it?
Honestly? Because I'm jealous of everyone who can afford to play it :wink3:

And it's the Dark Side of Blizzard games. A product designed to bring revenue by addicting people, and damn good at it.
Yeah, but hey... I like the Dark Side and I like you being jealous haha. And it's highly addictive... that's true.

And now I need a cold drink :grin:
how 'bout cookies? and RM, why wait for aman to get 'em to ya? there's a plate on the bar piled high. I keep it stocked as best I can.

In other news I am officaly the HOA secratary, now if only it were a paying job....
First trip to the Bar

I have been a bad forum member... I haven't been to the bar yet...

Any who
Some one make me a Crown and Coke...hold the Coke...I gots to calm some nerves...

I get to write out a $1000 check for a house in 2 hours:shocked:

*The Arch Mage sneaks into the bar again and orders the usual hot water for his tea.

Crown and Coke - yuck. Disgusting. Coke tastes terrible :wink3:

*Waves a hand and the Crown with very, very, VERY little coke appears in front of EJB.

1000$ ? Well - not TOO bad... :cool: Just dupe it :grin:

*Recalls another spell from memory and conjures drinks for Ana and Muzzz. ICE cold drinks....
Thanks Raistlin, I needed that.

and the $1000 is just closing costs...the real bill comes at the end of next month...and the next month...and so on and so on.

Time to go and sign some papers.

Have a good one everybody, and here bar keep, the next round is on me.

morning all
hows is every 1, il have a red bull plz (the drink that is)
its the 3rd week off my summer break and im already getting borred. at least its giving me plent of time to sort myself out
Thanks Raistlin...

*trots around the bar nervously*

I have a job rating/evaluation today and I HATE those!
Ana said:
I have a job rating/evaluation today and I HATE those!

that sounds like the most borring and stupid thing ever lol.
bet all they do is talk at u for half an hour,

what exactly is your job??
I'm in IT-support and trainer at a law firm. Half an hour? I wish... make it 1 to 1,5 hours...
Good luck Ana, I'm sure you'll do fine!

My team manager forget to inform my first client today that I was coming. So he was away. Which means my scedule suddenly shifted 2 hours, and I now have -1 hour to make the moving appointment. My left hand is feeding me while my right hand types this :wink3:
Ha, apparently you ate some letters too Muzzz...

Well, SG, the point is I haven't been that productive this year of course... so they had a hard time evaluating me... It was a nice talk tho... gonna do it again in 3 months :wink3:.
No problem, DD. I've been pretty sick some months ago and it took me about 4 months to get back to work. So... 7 months - 4 months is 3 months of which 1 was reintegration... so 2 months come to think of it :shocked:
Estimated market value