Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

how about "ay" since that's the spelling tha means "yes"...

*gets cookies out for everyone* life is better with choco chip

and bad game titles (OMG, I didn't think any one could be that stupid...)
hmm, only sort of, it has to be soemthign that I can make here, that's not lasagna b/c I made that Wend and goltar took leftovers in today for lunch. it also can't be burgers w/ corn on the cob b/c we're having that Tues
Well then here's a few options then:

Baked chicken
Steamed asparagus w/hollandaise sauce
garlic mashed potatoes

Fresh trout fried in butter and johnny's
on a bed of lemon seasoned white rice
broccoli/cauliflower mix

stir fry shrimp w/sprouts, carrot, celery, & chestnut
on cooked ramen noodle fried in terryaki sauce
slices of fresh oranges

thin sliced browned strips of beef w/gravy
carmelized onions and green pepper
in pita bread with melted swiss cheese on top

...or McDonalds (scottish food :smiley: )
Lol at that list W_M!!

If you read all the comments from top50 down to the winner, you just laugh.

Actually, I played Bad Dudes, oh the times...... (somebody here played the original River City Ransom on the NES?)
erics said:
stir fry shrimp w/sprouts, carrot, celery, & chestnut
on cooked ramen noodle fried in terryaki sauce
slices of fresh oranges
sadly I don't have the ingrdients on hand for any thing but the one above, sans the water chestnuts, and I made that last Thurs.

I thikn I'm jsut gonna make a shrimp and wild rice with new orleans seasonings, it's quick and yummie without having to heat the house up more with the oven.
water_moon said:
I thikn I'm jsut gonna make a shrimp and wild rice with new orleans seasonings, it's quick and yummie without having to heat the house up more with the oven.

well, save me a plate then :wink3:
LMAO...Wild Woody (I just found my porn star name)
Also Spanky's Quest...
LMFAO!!! Sticky Balls!!!
WTF? Awesome Possum Kicks Dr. Machino's Butt!
Booby Kids...Classic
...Eggs of Steel: Charlie's Eggcellent Adventure...
OMFG!!! Tongue of the Fatman
I don't know wanna bout this one...Wargasm
??? Nuts & Milk ???
Number 1 - Irritating Stick
IRoK said:
LMAO...Wild Woody (I just found my porn star name)
Also Spanky's Quest...
LMFAO!!! Sticky Balls!!!
WTF? Awesome Possum Kicks Dr. Machino's Butt!
Booby Kids...Classic
...Eggs of Steel: Charlie's Eggcellent Adventure...
OMFG!!! Tongue of the Fatman
I don't know wanna bout this one...Wargasm
??? Nuts & Milk ???
Number 1 - Irritating Stick
If I didn't read W_M's link I'd be calling the men in white jackets right now...
AJK said:
If I didn't read W_M's link I'd be calling the men in white jackets right now...
that made me laugh almost as much as "divine dinvinity"

it really makes you wonder if they ran out of names for games, I mean, WHY would you name a game "Catechum"??
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