Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

Loves Red Bull so tries to slide a Jager Bomb into the rotation at the bar while the Bartender is taking a wiz and not looking. Gets a little tipsy and starts running around saying, "boys have a penis, girls have a vagina".
I bomb the jager bomb, cause red bull is yucky.
Then I activate the automatic bar cleaning system.
I would recommend against doing that, if you want to get in trouble for something like that atleast use a real corpse.
I don’t think Hef was a good guy at all. I’m frankly astonished he lived as long as he did.
@pharphis : No need for you to have an opinion about him. I ain’t paying you to think, honey. You’re arm candy in this bar and you better not forget it :cool:

Whoops, I apparently channeled the ghost of Hef. :eek:o_O
I dunno... I just have great respect for a champion of free speech & freedom of the press. A huge proponent for the free exchange of thoughts and ideas, he several times went to lengths to ensure these ideals & fought in many a legal battle for such, as well as fiercely debating in social forums. Also, he was quite the philanthropist, often donating under an alias or anonymously.

Of course, he also owned a publication that featured, amongst much else, tasteful pictures of scantily clad ladies. That's what most know him for, but as with so much in life, a deeper investigation turns up so much more.

Just my opinion, fwiw. Others will probably disagree. :)
Sounds respectable enough to me.
lol. I'm sure your urge will die down a lot over the next few weeks if you keep up with it but also reduce intake (for snacks too)...

Perhaps try chewing gum when you feel like eating snacks? Just pick a flavor that lasts 30-60 mins? I never smoked and never will but I find chewing gum just makes my day easier in general. Cheap, too, if you bulk up at a dollar store or something
I have a really bad head cold and I’m right st the stage where I feel maximally sorry for myself.
*orders hot toddy*
I can’t wait for the Last Jedi.
Also be careful with quitting smoking - some folks gain 20-30 lbs that way. (And possibly 20-30 years of life too!)
Yeah, gaining the weight is a fair trade I'd say. You can always work on that later I guess.

I like all the Star Wars movies, so I'm excited too. I really like Rogue One, so I'm optimistic about the future.
If I can spend those 20-30 years in good health, surounded with friends and family and enjoying life, I'll take em.
If I'll have to spend those years in a sorry state, then you can keep those 20-30 years.

They'll just rename the jedi to jédï or something so they can keep it going but still have one last jedi somewhere then sometime later, they'll start cloning that jedi or have that last jedi reproduce and start repopulating the galaxy with new jedi's then they can have a first jedi or new hope again. The franchsie will keep on expanding and expanding In all of the directions it can whiz.
So I recently started e-vaping, mostly in an effort to quit smoking. It's worked pretty well for that, but tasting fruit or candy or whatever all day is making me want to snack like a hippie that just finished a 3-day fasting purge, to realign chakras...
Isn't there something like tobacco taste? That's surprising.

Also be careful with quitting smoking - some folks gain 20-30 lbs that way. (And possibly 20-30 years of life too!)
On the other hand, if you quit quitting, the additional 20 years are lost again, but not the extra 20 pounds ;)
*waves at Goldtru

*serves celebratory sangria

*waves at kegs

*serves celebratory water

*goes off wondering why it's hard to rent an apartment in Cleveland....(moving out this weekend and driving 1000 miles....)

*serves Dew and drinks
An email exchange between me and IT at work:

Me: Webmail seems to be misbehaving on Firefox
IT: Webmail does not support Firefox, use IE
Me: Bugger, Webmail was working fine on Firefox last week!
IT: No, Webmail NEVER worked with Firefox
Me: *sigh*
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