Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

They don't fit through the letter box and when they do, you don't want them as a wife.

Cujo, congrats! Always good news when real life keeps you busy in a good way.

Kitteh, Glasgow it is? Try to find the one house in which no one was murdered and therefor did not feature in any episode of Taggart.
Congrats, Coju, and welcome back. :)

I've just started watching Rick and Morty. I thought it was a mature kids show, similar to Family Guy/Simpsons, or something like Adventure Time.
It's, strange...
Someone pour me a drink. My brother and I have been trying to buy a house for months now, and everything we've offered on has had 5+ offers (one had ten!!). We found one yesterday that didn't have any offers, so we put in our offer. It looks like the selling agent disclosed the details of our offer to another party, because we were outbid and had no way to counter-offer. Guess I'll just keep trying :|
Thank you kamap, Ariadne, Drystan! Yes, good news when real life keeps us busy! Especially when it is for good reasons!
Someone pour me a drink. My brother and I have been trying to buy a house for months now, and everything we've offered on has had 5+ offers (one had ten!!). We found one yesterday that didn't have any offers, so we put in our offer. It looks like the selling agent disclosed the details of our offer to another party, because we were outbid and had no way to counter-offer. Guess I'll just keep trying :|
*offers tea from a Tardis teapot*

Sorry to hear it didn't work out.
I ordered a Tardis teapot and forgot to change the bloody address, so my parents are sending it on from home. Argh! Still, Glasgow Comic Con tomorrow :D
Is that any good? I've always considered going to a comic con, but the big ones, like Facts, are way too massive for me. Not that Glasgow is closeby or anything. Plus I don't dress up, if anything I dress down.
I didn't cosplay, in fact most people didn't haha It was my first convention though so I'm not sure how it compares, but I got a bunch of stuff signed by Kieron Gillen and Jamie MckElvie, bought a boat load of books (mostly Doctor Who) and there was an awesome panel with Gillen/MckElvie about WicDiv. Also, it cost me £7 entry and signings etc were free...
Hi guys, thought i would pop in and say hi for my (semi)-yearly check in. Turns out your still here! Might be back also because i have that itch again for some Diablo 2 as i tinkered with the new necro and it just dont do it for me. Anyways, hope all is well, i might try and actually stick around for a bit if i get hooked again but i always have trouble getting started so i'll see.
You have a semi yearly check in? Does that mean we have to check you for something?

I'd offer you a cuppa if we still had some. I made this lovely tea in a funnily shaped teapot, then I heard some whirring and the teapot was gone. Meanwhile the salt and pepper shakers have informed me I will be exterminated.
I'v been told i need my head checked a few times but i doubt you could help with that, watch out for the oregano, hes the one you have to worry about.
Oh I can check your head alright, just to see if it's still there. I'm very good at that.
I'm not concerned about the Oregano, I think she leads the Rebel Alliance.
We have had a few old-timers drop in lately; it's good to see we have not been forgotten.
Welcome back Dudzy.

*serves celebratory drinks and Dew

*serves Tea

*serves sangria

*serves iced water

*serves bourbon

*serves consolatory drink to Daz

Back from a long vacation (called out on Monday). Went to the Blue Ridge Parkway. Gorgeous down there.
Instead of vague-booking, I'll post the events. I feel like I'm about to have a mental breakdown. Yes, I believe I could've worded the initial PM better, but the response is (IMO) pathetic.

Facebook user 1 (In "Lost Pets in the West (*********, Australia)" group): I'm looking for a pet-sitter. My sitter cancelled. Please give me recommendations!!11!one! Etc etc.
Facebook user 2 after several comments tagging people: "Pawshake"
Admin of the group: "I would not recommend Pawshake or any other website where the person does not have to prove who they are. Too many scammers advertising via those types of businesses and I have proof" [Proceeds to disable responses without providing any evidence.]

As a user of those websites, and privately as well, I understand the need for caution, but she is fear-mongering is simply wrong. I provide vision of driver's license, and police check, as well as previous educational certificates in the animal field, and proof of identity as requested. I sent her a PM.

PM to admin:
""would not recommend Pawshake or any other website where the person does not have to prove who they are. Too many scammers advertising via those types of businesses and I have proof"
Respectfully, please keep personal opinion out of your recommendations. You can turn off comments, but you show your bias. By the same logic, I can provide "proof" (anecdotal evidence) that kennels are the worst option. You have your bad pawshake sitters, and you have your terrible kennels, who do "provide proof of identity." It doesn't mean they're any better than the others. What would be more appreciated is to advocate research. Do your research, communicate with ANYONE who will look after your pets, and ask lots of questions. Thanks."

PM From admin: "Thankyou *******, let me say this, I will post saying that any future reference to Pawshake in my groups is prohibited. After all, we are a Lost Pets Group, not a pet sitting recommendation club."

PM to admin: "That, I 100% agree with. It isn't the correct group, and there are more specific groups for recommendations. But should be towards any online pet-sitting website, kennels, or private requests.
All good.

PM from admin: "Yes, all good
Bye" [Bans me from the FB group "dedicated" to Lost Pets and helping reunite pets with owners.]

In all honesty, is that a fair reaction? Am I in the wrong? I no longer know. Yes, I could word the first message better, but if the admin weren't fear-mongering and using anecdotal evidence as fact (which she has previously criticised others for doing,) I wouldn't've even looked twice.
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