Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

For the outrageous accents.
Drop bear stew.
Kangaroo steak.
Daily adrenaline rushes cause everything wants to kill you constantly.
The weather.
Neighbours can't just walk up the road and bother you or they need to walk several hours.
Anything else that I haven't touched upon?
*grabs a beer*
i'm waiting few more hours and then i'll move into UK
if someone here is glad to meet me somewhere just post.
just let me dome weeks until i get how it works there lulz
Remind me again, why do people live in Australia?

Tonight on BBC2 there's an episode of Coast Australia. Maybe the dishy Neil Oliver is able to answer that question. But since he mostly visits the coast (the title is a bit of a giveaway there) I don't think he'll encounter many drop bears.

Is New Zealand a better place to be than Australia?

Less drop bears. But then there are ample hobbits, dwarves and elves to put up with. And of course Gandalf the Grumpy.
You get blasé after your first couple of near death experiences, but it still gets the heart racing a bit.

Tonight on BBC2 there's an episode of Coast Australia.

I've never heard of this, when was it made?
It's wordy but highlights some of the lies often pushed forth by naturopaths regarding their training and expertise and how it actually matches up to the training of real doctors...

1) They spend way too little time learning real medicine, both in the class room and in a clinical setting
2) Much of what they learn is absolute nonsense, including but not limited to Homeopathy, which is a MAJOR portion of their curriculum
3) They're tested and licensed according to people only within their own profession (and chiropractors) and the tests that they make are not made public, so no one really knows how difficult the tests are or how much they even reflect reality
Our physician practices "real medicine" and Homeopathy it does have its merrits but can't solve everything.
Our physician practices "real medicine" and Homeopathy it does have its merrits but can't solve everything.
That's how I feel as well. My mom is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and even she admits that some things can only be cured by "real medicine"
Our physician practices "real medicine" and Homeopathy it does have its merrits but can't solve everything.
homeopathy has NO merits. Maybe you don't understand what it is:

1) take something you believe will cure something (like cure likes)
2) Dilute it anywhere from 10^10 to 10^300 times so that there statistically can't even be one molecule of the supposed active ingredient
3) Profit off of the sick

The belief is that water somehow has "memory" .This disagree with simple physics which dictates that it changes its "memory" on the femtosecond scale

Homeopathy is physically, chemically and biologically impossible.

Here is just one video among many that addresses what homeopathy is and how absurd it is

edit: The only thing homeopathic "medicine" can solve is dehydration, and there are safer, better regulated alternatives for that such as tap water

edit 2: and ofc, the better the clinical trial (blinding, large number of patients, placebo controlled) show that homeopathy is no better than placebo. By every definition of the word "works", homeopathy does NOT
I've been called a, yes, that's it. It's very real, I assure you.

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