Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

Sorry cakes, but I can't help but bring up antitheism every once in awhile. Our back and forth will have to continue later (ur mum's mum's face!!!)

This is simply the most blunt, thorough and powerful video I have seen regarding "fundamentalist atheists", religious moderates and fundamentalists.

(lol @ dirty baby)
Dead baby joke are bad unless its a dead chinese female baby then no one really cares there are so many of those one more or less doesn't matter.

Yes I'm bad, I'm ashamed, I'll strap myself to the rack, someone grab the cat o' nine tails.
@Pb: I never heard a dead baby telling jokes, so i have no clue whether or not they're good joke tellers. But apparently you have.
Some women prefer smaller babies, according to cigarette companies
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Doing a MOOC this afternoon.

Dropped my calculator between the desk and wall.

Reached down to get it.

Had a moderate sized huntsman spider run across my hand.

Just about had to change underwear.

Don't know where it went.

Sad panda!
Doing a MOOC this afternoon.

Dropped my calculator between the desk and wall.

Reached down to get it.

Had a moderate sized huntsman spider run across my hand.

Just about had to change underwear.

Don't know where it went.

Sad panda!
Huntsmans are fine, not poisonous and iirc they eat poisonous spiders.
Estimated market value