Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

It's based on my foot. Obviously.

Now I can get a good ballpark on how old you are. The international foot was decided in 1959 it is defined as exactly 0.3048 meters.
Was it really only that long ago? That's surprising, I figured it was much older.

Well....that's nowhere near the oldest I've been called, so I guess I won't complain.
Was it really only that long ago? That's surprising, I figured it was much older.

Well....that's nowhere near the oldest I've been called, so I guess I won't complain.

That is when they decided to standardise the measurement (based off metric)the foot measurement had been around for ages but each country had its own standard for example the British foot was 304.8mm and the French foot was ~330 mm leading to the myth about Napoleon being short he was 1.7m tall - about average for that time period)
Stupid french people indeed, it are belgium fries not french ones!
I fart at the general direction of france, stupid france knigets.
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberies
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberies

Actually, the DNA tests came back inconclusive so ... careful with the libel, fella.


Also, I blow a fart in your general direction. :yes:
Talking to me or the frenchies?

If that was directed at me then: You don't frighten me, you cake pig dog. Go and boil your bottoms, you sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you, so-called "Jcakes" you and all your silly cakeish Knigets.
Frenchies are just Belgians who have made up their minds, aren't they?

/run away
Thats what they want you to believe, but its all lies, LIES AND DECEIT!

*closes bar door in front of Loz*

Chris Hadfield is pretty awesome
Thats what they want you to believe, but its all lies, LIES AND DECEIT!

*closes bar door in front of Loz*


Well, hello-ooo Door, you come here often? You a fine-looking door, you got some grain on you!

Heh, you gotta speculate to accumulate :yes:

Where's that barkeep?

DJ! Coffee! With a coffee chaser! Thankee-sai.


*runs around in a circle*

Hey, who nailed my left foot to the floor?

*gives kamap a hard stare*
*cuddles bar*

Received my first ebay package today. Some USB headphones, as my laptop audio jacks don't work. Everything sounds so much different than the laptop audio speakers.

Sounds like most people had an ok, but slow weekend. :/ Hope next weekend is better for you guys.
only decent things to come from Belguim is Stella Artois and was it a Konigsberg car? think that was Belguim. Same as Holland anyway.....................
It was Drystan that nailed you to the door, or was it the door that nailed you?
I hope for your sake that isn't kegs door.

Hi Drystan, I hope your headphones are ok.
Estimated market value