Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

I've given this a lot of thought, and I think smuggling is the cutest sounding felony.

I agree, what / who do you have in mind?

You're quite unusual are't you noodly woodly? :loving:

Just a tad
I don't understand, you don't look very intelligent :scratchhead:

Then again, I have a high IQ, and I don't look even slightly intelligent xD

No you don't, you look like a football hooligan :loving:

well kitteh i have a spare lab coat in my closet - even matching protective glasses

and moar - nah chemistry is fun but if I learn another subject than its going to be physics or math
that would make me a english/german/physics teacher one i am done - sound fun ^^

Do physics and chemistry :). I've got a labcoat in my cupboard somewhere and protective glasses.

I'm always too hot to steak.

yes, yes you are.

*cuddles Kitteh*

I needed a cuddle!

*grabs another glass of wine*

where is my cuddle, I thought I had a week of them?

That's what I expected too. Would have completed my set, but no such luck. Still, I'm flush on fanny packs.

Fanny packs always sound funny to me as fanny is / was synonymous with vagina here.

football hooligan!?!?

I don't follow any sports, actually.

Yeah football hooligan (they call soccer football in the UK). I think the reason most people end up as hooligans is because soccer is such a boring game they need to make it interesting by fighting each other :)

My method of dealing with soccer not being interesting is by just ignoring it!
Holliganize that!
Here's a fun thing to do - write the name of someone you hate on your body in permanent ink. That way, regardless of how you die, they're a primary suspect.
My face when:


I find out Mr. Psycho is getting kicked out.

Moar said:
*tacklecuddles Jcakes*

*sets a warm flying saucer of milk on the bar for kitteh*
*waits in preparation for some pattings*
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Here's a fun thing to do - write the name of someone you hate on your body in permanent ink. That way, regardless of how you die, they're a primary suspect.

That is awesome, I am so writing kestegs on my body now
wait what?

*sets automatic patting machine up*

I'm just going round the corner to get a quote for the scratches someone did to my car. Very minor damage, but as said, still need a quote for it, and hopefully, she won't make a fuss and will just pay up. She seemed honest enough about it.
Hopefully I'll be back in about half an hour.
Estimated market value