Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

i wish. i run on about 4-5 hours of actual sleep a night an generally its split into 2 or 3 blocks. it's rubbish. i wish i could nap but i can't. it makes me feel disgusting if i do.
I can't cope without sleep. I generally sleep ~6-7 hours on weeknights and 8-10 over the weekend.
Sheesh guys, way to use the Bar to stalk someone. "You went to bed... you got up..."

Is stalking the reason for Durf paying out tabs? No, it is not.

I'll have a tea, please.
*serves tea*

Oh its okay, I like stalkers! In fact, I'm outside sir cakes' house right now watching him sleep.
*serves sweet tea*

Yea, I just love to watch him sleep sometimes, they're so innocent when they're sleeping
isn't he on the 3rd floor? cos there is a HAC up here
......oh well i'm already looking
Oh dear. I think I need a coffee before I comment ...
I've got no idea
I hope so...
smuggling things up your *** for dummies....good book
Surely it can't be that hard?
I think you are stalking the wrong person
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