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eventually they give in. the key is to have it for 6 months or so. then shave it. then you look weird shaved so they let you regrow it.


In my game of shadowrun on sunday we had to bust into a car impound to get this guys car out. so we killed all the roboguard dogs and disabled all the security. all very sneaky and high tech. then i smashed the car window, then the gm pointed out we'd need keys to drive it anyway and keys are normally kept on site. luckily it wasn't the car they were after but the guy in the trunk

lots of laughs at that one
My wife complained about my beard enough and thats why I finally shaved it, but she was right to complain.

Now I shave every 2-3 days, I should do more, but I have sensitive skin and just absolutely hate shaving on top of it. I do keep a goatee now, people already think that I am young as it is. Its really annoying to have all of my customers ask: "so how long have you been doing this?" I know why they are asking, because I look to young to know what I am doing!
@Corax: Is Shadowrun the P&P RPG you play?

Had a shift at the charity shop today. Great fun, cleared loads of bags of donations, including one composed purely of tights, and one that was a mixture of bras and boys pants. Anyway, I got some cool stuff for the house, so I'm happy. Rewarding work is rewarding.
yeah shadowrun is one of the rpg's. playing ad&d second ed aswell atm.

I find it odd that in a lot of the charity shops around here the old women are all pinched and rude. if you hate people that much why volunteer to do it. My nan also does it but down south and she does nothing but complain. silly old people
yeah no. i've got a kid to do that for me.

she was 10 months yesterday. she's climbing on furniture already.

whats going on with you hun?
Well, I'm not climbing on furniture, I'll leave that to the really little ones. ;)

I'm good deary, thanks! Settling into work and life-back-here in general. If I'm reading it all correctly, you're doing well :)

Btw, my tugging is not the same as a toddler's...
no probably not as vindictive. evil little she devil that she is.

I'm doing well, looking at joining the army. Potentially MP's or some form of armoured. it'd beat the hell out of my current job.
Aw hun, really? If you're set on being an army thingy, please choose something that doesn't involve being shot at or being anywhere close to that possibility...
funnily enough that would be tanks. as we lack the ability to effectively deploy them.
MP would involve some deployment, especially if i went into bodyguarding which looks like the most interesting branch to me.
The other thing i'm considering is civi policing but more than likely i will wait till after i do my years in the army. I mean who doesn't want easy money to put towards a house.
I find it odd that in a lot of the charity shops around here the old women are all pinched and rude. if you hate people that much why volunteer to do it. My nan also does it but down south and she does nothing but complain. silly old people

There are some strange volunteers, but mostly they seem to be bored lower-middle class women aged about 50. There's a 24 year old art student with purple hair that's just started volunteering, and seems fun. Because I'm not used to city life, and with the amount of pubs in my area, the locals scare me.

haha city pub locals. nice.
I don't go to pubs, people feel the need to fight me.

i'm currently making breakfast. woot woot. then i'm going to eat it and if calliope is still asleep i'm going to paint me some models. I'm als about to start up some commision painting at the local hobby shop. thee other fella there who does it is hopelessly inundated. he is a slightly better painter than me but for the quality people want i'm more than capable. so it should be a good way to earn a few extra dollars (read: beer moneys)

I hate buying stuff on ebay. you buy it. then they take your money than it's a week or two of frowny face while you wait for it. then you forget about it so when it does rock up it's all really exciting. i wish i had my stuff.,
I don't go to pubs, people feel the need to fight me.


I hate buying stuff on ebay. you buy it. then they take your money than it's a week or two of frowny face while you wait for it. then you forget about it so when it does rock up it's all really exciting. i wish i had my stuff.,


still wishing i had my stuff. i got distracted trying to find a replica fallout pip boy. looks like i'm going to have to make one. and i have no idea how to go about it. hrm
Did you really expect it to show up in the 34 minutes between your posts?

actually yes. we are right near the post office so we are one of their first parcel stops. provided its here by saturday, which is my next day off, i will be happy.

Just got a call from work, the young fella called in sick, i laughed because ive got callie today so i couldn't go in. they will have to sort out their own 'stuff' for once.

My wife has informed me that there is a direct correlation between the frequency of my shaving and the frequency of "relations." Needless to say, I shave almost daily. I found a nice electric razor that allows me to shave without any irritation, and it gets almost as close as a blade. Pity though, I can grow a nice red beard that looks quite dashing.

As a side note: I luvs Mass Effect 2.

Hope everybody had a good weekend!
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