Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

If you enjoyed malapropisms, you'll love eggcorns. The etymology behind its creation is also very interesting, as is that of kniferism and forkerism.

My friend still doesn't believe that spoonerism is a real word.
*walks into the bar, sees the residue of old Mountain Dew and witticisms*

Well, it looks awfully shticky in here...
As long as we're doing witticisms and verbal jokes...
Well, it looks awfully shticky in here...

(By the way, Wikipedia's article on TWSS is actually quite in depth, and worth the two minutes to read it.)

I went to the Christmas parade of the small town nearby today. They had a T-shirt cannon, it was cool. I've disowned my brother, as far as I am concerned he is not welcome in this house anymore, but you guys don't really want to hear me rant about that. School is nearly done, and I've decided that Biology class girl is just too giggly for me, not to mention she does number 4 on my list of unforgivable things: She pretends to be stupid. I don't care what a girl looks like, acting stupid is guaranteed to repel me. She could look like Emma Watson for all I care, I don't get near any girl who thinks she needs to do that.

I've been researching colleges intensively lately, so there is plenty of stress to go along with all this semester's-end work. I have to make it two weeks without burning down a building and I'll have a break. It is going to be a long two weeks. On the bright side, though Biology class girl is out, World Lit class girl is being considered. She is very mature, very attractive, and very smart, which I like. The only problem is that she lives in the middle of nowhere, and since I'm only on the outskirts of nowhere, it would take a very long time to get there. But still...

I need a Dew while I ponder...
I should have never clicked on this thread. Every time I end up on wikipedia, I stay there for hours... and hours...
^^ agreed ^^

how has everyone been?
Canadia has a president? you are in canada right?

Our PM is a nob. a lady nob. so a noblet. i'm not sure can someone wiki it for me?

still kind of jobless. like a hobo. i have a job but it changes on what it is and where it is from day to day. sometimes midday aswell.
Etymologically speaking, isn't a noblet a baby nob? Shouldn't a female nob be a noblette?

Also, dominator is the male form of dominatrix. Every day's a school day.

Except for my GF. She had to stay home again today. It looks like the flu, which means I'll get it, as my immune system seems to suck. The fried breakfast we're cooking (at 1PM) will make us feel better, so will the tree we bought that we're going to decorate later on.

EDIT: I meant nobette, I just got my wires crossed with all the talk of noblets.
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Our PM is a nob. a lady nob. so a noblet. i'm not sure can someone wiki it for me?

Lets be honest all our politions are nobs ....

and I would have said nobette

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i miss little johnny howard. he had gumption
I didn't like John Howard, but I can respect that he did stand for something (even if I didn't agree). This is really lacking in both sides of politics atm ....

Anyway drinks please
Very sick, have a virus that is kicking my butt. I refuse to give in and let it win, but it making me miserable. It wouldn't be so bad, but the mucous in my stomach makes me feel like I'm about to revisit my lunch.
*dons surgical mask and gloves*
A Dew would help a lot.
don't surgical mask. revisiting lunch will be really bad. I know a guy who chucked inside his motorbike helmet.

I concur mr Jcakes. there is far to much wishy washyness and I don't understand how someone can get to the top of Australian politics without an ounce of charisma (either of them). I didn't agree with some of Howards stuff but he did have the guts to stand behind it no matter what.
The cold is beginning to break now. Just a bad cough and the occasional sneeze or two. I can take the mask off! I think it was the Dew that did the trick.

What's all this about Australia? Your upside down world baffles me! I don't like being baffled! I'm American who speaks American. It's the freedom language.

I like spacing paragraphs.

Dew please. My day isn't done yet.
aren't you canadian?
our toilets also flush the other way. strange but true.

has a week off because my boss is dumb and a weiny so i told him i was taking it and he'd damn well better have a real job lined up when i come back.

Played day 1 of the warhammer 40k doubles tournament today. 3 wins for the orks and other orks of TEAM FIGHTING MONGOOSE! WAAAAAGH!
Not that strange a fact, surely?

I've had a few shifts on tills since everything happened and none of my tills have been down this week, which has put my mind at ease a little. What has not put my mind at ease is [TERRFYING JOB INTERVIEW] on Monday which is scary because it's for a [REAL JOB] and not [FLIPPING BURGERS] (which incidentally are not flipped).

I'll need to relax later. Even something like moving around files to maximise storage space while listening to a Director's Commentary will be relaxing later on.
ooo whats the real job? if you can flip burgers and do a till at the same time you've got mad skills anyway so no need to worry.

FIGHTING MONGOOSES will be commencing play in another 2 hours with 2 more games to wrap up a nice enjoyable tournie. even if the TO is a noob
I'm not one of those Canuckistanis, I'm America. AMERICAN! I eat Freedom Fries, not poutine! /caricature

But yes, I am American. Why did you think Canadian?
Good luck on the interview FE (as though you'll need it). Have a drink on me. Or Durf, I guess. But still.

Dew pl0x.
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