Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

I'll have wine. A bottle of red, something that would not be considered a waste if it just was drunk.

Really feeling weird in the head tonight. Wife and kids are sleeping, and I have spent the last hour or so looking at the winamp visualisations in an otherwise totally darkened living room, stone cold sober. Can't decide if I should have a glass, write weird bits of statements in the hope that it turns out into a RPG adventure, or judt go to bed.

The music have come up with all kinds of half-formed visions. Death or glory. Mystic societies in modern times. Hell with the lakes of fire. Artifacts to be stolen and recovered. Sacrifices. Hot wastes, to be conquered by barbarian nomads. Afghanistan?

I don't need any chemicals to fly here. Sweet dreams to all.
No, my landlord needed the apartment for somebody else (a relative, otherwise it wouldn't have been legal).

Damn all relatives... it´s the same setup in work I guess!

"On the wagon" = teetotaler, not consuming intoxicating bewerages. Opposite of "off the wagon" = returning to drinking after being sober a serious amount of time.

Yes I jumped on the wagon 16 days ago... my LK running does not go well when I´m off the wagon... the RL preparation runs 4 Marathon is hurt by it to.

@Topi : So do you have any openings on finding a new crib?

Work is OK tonight. I talked to my store manager about my situation, she was very understanding. I also talked to another manager who I'm friends with as she kind of guessed how depressed I was. It was nice to be frank with people and take control of who knows about my depression and the awkwardness of working with my ex etc.

Yes thats very good, control makes us calm, it´s better to know how knows what than to go around wondering and letting the imagination spinn of until your all spooked and crazed.

In the end it´s all about having the control and not have the str to keep it up (thats were the bar comes in for me...) then I recover, build up the control get bored by it smash my world into pieces and restarts... so sick and so wonderfull.

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Just another day today... boring. Well, at least there was a little spice in my D2 adventures. I was running Normal Countess for runes with my Frenzy Barbarian. Took me a while to find the runes I needed, but in two consecutive runs, I found two Gull's. It really took me by suprise to find the first one, but imagine when I got another the next run. I laughed really hard :)

Cup of coffee please
I'll hop on the wagon. I'm drunk and lonely and it's barely 1am, I feel pretty damn crappy :p My drinking pal just went to bed because he's to get up early on monday.

@linkato: That sucks dude, GL finding a new place, really.

Edit; Ps. Where's Liq when you need a big hug? :(
kanonfutter said:
The music have come up with all kinds of half-formed visions. Death or glory. Mystic societies in modern times. Hell with the lakes of fire. Artifacts to be stolen and recovered. Sacrifices. Hot wastes, to be conquered by barbarian nomads. Afghanistan?

I don't need any chemicals to fly here.

I'll have what he's having :p

Megalomania said:
In the end it´s all about having the control and not have the str to keep it up (thats were the bar comes in for me...) then I recover, build up the control get bored by it smash my world into pieces and restarts... so sick and so wonderfull.

The human nature of self-destruction. Bliss.
*gives Zarf a big old monkey hug* :D

I don't suppose anybody here could set me up on a date with Lady Gaga? No?
What a shame...
I'm living with my mom now and it was meant to be a brief stay.

But, and there always are buts in the world, my mother had an accident and broke her back. She's still recovering, she's 75, and I'm not going to move out until she can do her own grocery shopping again.

I'm looking for a new job, but have also applied to recruiting schooling programs for old ICT-pros. One is for MOSS-training, one is training in sofware testing and the third is open ended in which the recruiting comppany decides what type of schooling the new employee needs. Hope one of these pan out.

Lovely morning, althogh cloudy, here in Helsinki, Finland. The duck legs are seasoned and later today they're backed with potatos, onion, celeriac, garlic, bay leaves and cassis lambic in owen for about four hours in 100 degrees centigrade.

And some english breakfast tea for me. Spare the milk.

*Servers Fast Eddie a playlist of old Manowar tracks, served on a plate of garden work, cow runs, and to little sleep.*

There you go. Enjoy at your own risk. If you don't fly, you'll hit the ground.
Enjoy at your own risk. If you don't fly, you'll hit the ground.

Wise words from a wise man.

Green tea please. And more alcohol for zarfen, his drunken posts last night made me smile more in five minutes than I have in the last week...

Well hello, bar! I broke down and decided to nap and then drink a beer or 7 today instead of going to see the Watchmen. Good times!

So another HIPA, if you don't mind, and if someone would be so kind as to pick a number between 1 and 7 I'd be much obliged. I plan to complete Act one with one of the sept members tonight, but I'm having trouble deciding which one to quest with. So I'm asking your wisdom. Thanks!

And I hope everyone's having a good Sunday evening or Monday morning, whichever it might be where you are.

10 characters.
Thanks, Thy! KathyBoudin the Thundering Orballer will enjoy her time in the Jail and Catacombs, I'm sure!

Ok. Cheers to everyone in the bar, I'm off to eat a bit of dinner and do some questing!
A long day of gaming has left my right elbow in a right state. I need a taller chair or a lower table so I can rest my elbow.

Anyways, coffee please.
I've got a doctor's appointment later today to discuss antidepressants, but I've been in a good mood the last few days, so I'm in two minds. They take a month or so to kick in, and when I get low, I get really low, so they would prevent that. Who knows what the future will hold?

Green tea please.
One lump or two, FastE? I hope you're busy making the daily, 'cuz you've got me distracted!

About the antideps, I had an negative reaction when I took them. They kicked in after about two weeks, and they worked well to lighten my mood. The problem I had was that my speech filter, which usually triple-checks all potential spoken words before anything comes out of my mouth, was completely gone. I got into a heck of a lot more random conversations, but even I was telling myself, "Dude, just shut up!"

Truthfully, they helped... but in a roundabout way. After being on them for a short while I realized that the pills were changing the person I was, not the things in my life that were causing my depression. It wasn't me that needed changing, it was my life. Messing with the chemicals in my head wasn't going to make problems/situations/relationships better or make positive life choices; that all had to happen by my hand. I knew that the answers I was looking for would take time and effort, and I recognized that antidepressants are for people who're focused on the present, not the future. That was the end of pills for me.

But that's my story; lots of others can tell you that the meds helped them. I only hope that whichever path you choose will lead you to the place you want to be.

Earlier, I made a post that was 100% D2 related, probably one of the first in months. It ended up inspiring someone to make the build I had suggested. I didn't know I had that power! If only I could harness my OT prowess for the greater good of the SPF...

#J6G: I hate to say it, but you've got me thinking of a sept of my own! My D2 projects usually peter out a week later, but I've been conceptualizing random builds I had little interest in taking up previously. Why oh why does this forum have such a grasp on my video gaming life?? :wink:
No TRM! Green tea is perfectly fine with just hot water. There was an argument about it in the EMB previously.

I wanted to wait for the daily. I thought someone else may have good news to warrant a daily, whereas I'd just be whining about my stoopid RL.

I appreciate you sharing TRM. You're a gem of a guy, even if you do want to put sugar in green tea. The last time I was on anitdepressants they were sedative ones, and my sleep was crazy-mad-all-over-the-place (and far too long), but I was on a gap year so it was kinda OK. The only problem I did have with them was that I had just started a new relationship (with my ex incidentally) and I had no <cough> sex drive <cough> to speak of. I ditched them pretty quick and the mood lift of a new and wondrous relationship took over.

I know what you're saying about how the pills can't help you change your life, but I don't think I'm looking for that at the moment. I think what I want from this medication, if I go back on it, is to stop myself hitting rock bottom, as I scare myself when I get that low, and do silly things.

Phew, those last few messages were far too sensible and real... I need to escape...

<loads up Diablo>
#J6G: I hate to say it, but you've got me thinking of a sept of my own! My D2 projects usually peter out a week later, but I've been conceptualizing random builds I had little interest in taking up previously. Why oh why does this forum have such a grasp on my video gaming life?? :wink:

Yhden tähden jallua kiitos!

I've also thought about building a sept after his initiative. I just last night checked barb skills out so that I could make something different. I decided to for frenzy.

So maybe in two weeks time i announce my sept.

I just started anew with D" on my moms laptop, so all characters are more or less untwinked.


EDIT: OK, "yhden tähfen jallu, kiitos!" = "One star jallu, thanks!" Of course I now need to explain what jallu is and what 'one star' means. Here goes: Jallu is mix of brandy and clear spirit, with three stars having most brandy and one star the least. Cheep tasty booze that is drunk all over Finland.


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Howdy folds.

Doubt any of you remember me, but I used to play here a few years ago. A lot has changed it seems, new mods, patches. Anyways, I'll probably go back on working on my HC characters.

Nice to be back :wave:.
Hi online. Welcome back. I remember you. How can I forget that avatar?! *serves online a drink*

No TRM! Green tea is perfectly fine with just hot water. There was an argument about it in the EMB previously.

We don't argue in the EMB. We discuss. Unless I'm involved and them everyone is misunderstanding me. :p

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