Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

<opens up the front door, puts keys behind the bar>

Page 2?

<puts All By Myself by Celine Dion on the jukebox, and sips a lonely cup of coffee>

I'm tired.
Something to go with "Chow Mein Bang Bang", on the go, please. I don't know what that is, but the company restaurant is offering that today.

'nother one of those really boring days. I think I should come here during workhours a bit more often.
Perhaps this is the first time Celine Dion's music has brought someone into a licensed venue?

<stuck for a drink idea for Low Key>

How about beer?
Coke is bitter, Dew is a little bitter, but with a very sweet aftertaste,
and Sprite is just sweet. Pepsi is a little less bitter, but I still don't like either.
I've heard of Cheerwine, a friend of mine called it "syrup". Have you ever tried
Jones Strawberry Kiwi? It's the only caffinated soda I can drink, but Jones soda in
general is too sweet otherwise. Probably because they use cane sugar. Try some
kosher Coke some time, it's much sweeter than the corn syrup version.

I have tried several of the Jones sodas, but I'm not sure that flavor is one of them. I do know that their root beer is vile out of a can, but that's neither here nor there.
It depends on how far from Salisbury you are as to how good the Cheerwine is, really. The bottles here all use cane sugar, but the batches that get shipped might be corn syrup, I'm not sure.
I have heard of a mystical place in the mountains where they make Dew with cane sugar. It's supposed to be the best, but you can only get it in and around Jefferson. I'll have to go up there sometime, like a pilgrimage.

I went by the bike store today and messed around with some of the equipment, I found a bike that uses the same little knobs on the handlebars to change gears. When I pushed them down they clicked, and the derailleur moved. When I try it on mine, there is no click, and nothing moves. I'll take it out in a while and try it while riding, but if that doesn't work I'll have to do the potentially embarrassing thing and take it in and ask what I'm doing wrong.
Gonna put on some Crystal Method and host an MP game.

I read that as "Gonna get some Crystal Meths and host and MP game. I'm not sure if I'm more in need of sleep or an opticians appointment.

Answers on a postcard - in really large writing - to ....

After seeing the nationality thread in the forum, I'll take a cup of tea too. While we're at it, I'd like some fish and chips, scones, and maybe even a bowler hat.
How about some good old fashioned sleep?

I've stayed up too late, these last few days. Such can happen when you're looking at pictures of Anne Hathaway.
I can see what you mean.

I'm about to get some of that old fashioned sleep myself, I stayed up to catch the second showing of Burn Notice. Things are really getting interesting, and of course they end it when that happens.

G'night Bar!
I drink tea instead of coffee at work. I'm less anxious in the morning and I don't have to participate in buying coffee supplies every now and then. It's a win/win situation for me.
*pops in*

have you seen that apple products thread here in the SPF?
this is the first time i've seen any kind of advertising here... strange...
many other forums frequently get these forum bots, and this one has always struck me as an especially safe one..., maybe the post/account wasn't even auto-message and it was all done manually
he/she advertised over at the off-topic, the community and the general discussions forum too, i only reported one post, though, should be enough

o yeah, give me whatever all the other guys here drink... (not familiar with brand names here)
Post reports come to our email inboxs. Depending on a Mods' schedule they may be afk, asleep or doing something unimportant. Like life. So while post reporting one is usually enough; it can't hurt to hit it in another sub if someone doesn't show.

Amusing anecdote from a few months ago: an unplanned race between me, Dredd and Gorny to get the same adbot. Three bored Mods v one adbot. It was never going to end well for it.

Just ask for what you want Badger. Someone will be around shortly.

*goes back to the costume creator screen*
*serves the unfamiliar beverage*

I'd like a Dew, if anyone happens to be behind the bar. It's raining, which is a shame because it would otherwise be a great day to be out on the road. If I am to race the race I want to race in July, I need every day of training I can get. I don't have a trainer (thing which converts your bike into stationary bike), so I have to take all the time I can on the road. And I can't do that when it's raining.
<Dews pman>

Tsing Tao is a really nice Chinese beer. However any talk of alcohol will result in an high-velocity internal-to-external PEBCAK error.

Green tea please.
Problem Exists Between Chair and Keyboard - AKA the user is an idiot.

Man, work was tough. I'm going to chill the hell out, ready to work on my presentation of my paper critique. First stop, shower. Second stop, beer. Third and final stop, D2.

I'll have a Tsing Tao please, now I know the bar stocks it.
Estimated market value