Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

I had a buddy that went to Thailand to teach English as a second language. In the first 48 hours, he was mugged, mugged again by a prostitute and her pimp, then bitten by a random spider. Generally you're supposed to bring the spider (or squished remains) to the hospital with you so they can tell you if it was poisonous or not. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't find it after he was bitten, so he was crazy freaked out. ...I'm not a fan of spiders myself, so I don't think I'll be traveling there any time soon.

I just got back from seeing my girl since she was reamed out by her superiors (non-sexually, of course). Things sounded tense, but it sounds like most of their concerns were unfounded and blown way out of proportion. Turns out the 'whistle-blower' was a problematic employee who's on serious thin ice, and the big-wigs seemed to be on her side most of the night... 'til she opened her mouth. The whole meeting began with the threat that they might lose their jobs, but by the end of it all I think at worst they might get a verbal or written warning, a.k.a., a slap on the wrist. It'll be funny that my girl's taking a personal day after our two days off, so I bet a bunch of people will think she's been fired... :rolleyes:

Thy, that's the second mess-related article you've posted recently. Are you telling us you have a problem? :wink: Believe me, I understand. Any area that I'm in for more than two days is inundated with my random junk. But I, too, know where everything may be. It's been a part of who I am for so long, it's soooo tough to keep things organized for someone else. Nothing's necessarily dirty, but just strewn about.

Anyone else glad that Lost is back on? I'm really happy when I get home Thursday mornings. Lost, Around the Horn/Pardon the Interruption, and Top Chef makes for a great three hour TV fest as soon as my weekend starts. :thumbup:
No that's not a problem - except paperwork, I refuse to file. I have a drawer of misc stuff like bills, statements etc. If I can't see it, I don't have to deal with it. I do have a file for insurances etc but well .. the drawer is nearer. :D

I may indicate my sucky memory. :)

Tea please. I made a bacon sandwich earlier so no food. Quote of the week from Mungo "Oh my poor frying pan." :unimpressed:
I'm somewhere in between. I'm also sorting out my room for redecoration so hopefully that will go someway towards taking control of all the crap I own.

I threw away about 15kg of paperwork and general papers, some of which I've had for over five years. Old college work is next!
When my aunt and uncle moved (I was 27ish) I found and threw out some stuff from Primary School (IE aged 5-10).

When I moved here, Mungo threw all my Zzap!64's and Your Commodores etc away. I was crushed.

Yep, me baaaaaaaaaaaad.
is anyone else arround here tottaly fed up with exams?

i just get to the point where i can't be bothered revising/ studying anymore...
Same. Some fascinating topics, I just don't want to go through an exam on them.
Has to end at some point though. :D
My course is 100% corusework. Thank goodness - I'm terrible at exams.

36hours off from the world. I'll have a pint please...

I think the bar should host a LAN party. That would get the people in...
Been absent for a while, it seems the spam continued without me.

To address a few points:
Welsh rabbit sounds delicious.
Thailand sounds like a terrible place.
I'm usually pretty tidy, but that's because I have very little stuff.

So, um, yeah, I'm tired, so I can't think of anything else.

I'll be back...
Something warm for me please, thanks to a broken boiler the temperature INSIDE our house in 9 oC (thats 48 F) and it can only get colder as it is snowing atm

LH get your landlord by the short and curlies; that's not acceptable, it's supposed to get colder.

*hands LH a large warm drink*
Thanks for the drink Thy

The problem is its a weekend, and his gasman is busy (he ironically serviced it a few weeks ago, and he said business is booming)

It'll hopefully be sorted out tomorrow, until then BBBBBRRRRRRR I can see my breath when I breathe....
At least you don't have to worry about your computer overheating... :whistling:

*slips a nip of whiskey towards lhtb in apology*

In the good news category, the roommate who has the house guest staying here has finally talked to her about moving out. Although he loves her dearly, he's had his fill along with the rest of us. His solution: to co-sign on her apartment since she still doesn't have a job (no interviews yet, either, but two are scheduled for 1.5 wks fom now). I pray to the gods she (and the new apartment complex) agrees.

So right now I'm munching on room temperature fried chicken, waiting until my laundry in the wash finishes. Superbowl tonight... and I have to work. Yay! Anyone taking bets on the game? I think this one's up in the air, but that by halftime we'll know who'll be victorious. I'm crossing my fingers no one will spoil the game for me so I can come home and watch it without any knowledge of the outcome at all.
The landlord has arrived with portable heaters :D

And the boiler guy will come tomorrow and fix it, and then I can shower for the first time since Friday

*wafts smell at TheRedMenace* :p

EDIT: at below
I've experienced 100F in Florida, it was bearable
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I find it somewhat amusing that while it got to 9C in your house it was ~ 37C in mine (~99F). In fact in Australia I have never needed a heater for anything :p
interesting stuff though, some of it. anyone else here a geophysics freak like me?

Afraid not, but seems an interesting field nonetheless.

Been cold here today, have the fire on as I type. Don't thik there's been much snow settling though, not the last time I looked outside anyway. Hopefully that'll change overnight.

I actually like geology a lot. I grew up in an area where glacial striation from the ice ages shaped the contours of the land, so my interest grew out of simple curiousity.

@all: OK, I need to do some ranting about music with FastE, so read the spoiler if you're into out-there stuff like me.

First off, I finally got Tricky's Knowle West Boy. Is that the album you've enjoyed? Considering I have zero context for what it should or could have sounded like since I'm not at all familiar with his work, I found most of the album to be... off. I didn't expect so much guitar, nor did I think Tricky himself wouldn't have more presence. There are a few decent tracks (Veronika is easily the standout), but to me this album is retreads of things I've already heard and passed up. I'm glad you liked it, though! :thumbup:

Next is Dave Aju with Open Wide. The gimmick of this album is that all the sounds, and therefore the songs, on it are supposed to be entirely out of Monsieur Aju's mouth, yet every review says that his mastery of so many musical styles pushes this album beyond gimmick-itry. I have to disagree. While the songs themselves are varied, the album itself sounds limited. And that's not because of the limitiation of sounds, either; there are some synth-like sounds that, if hard pressed, I'd think were completely real. Overall, I think the songs fail because the composer never does enough with any song; it's just flat boring or annoying most of the time. A couple songs do stand out (Roundabout and Crazy Place) but most of it lacks any sense of passion or urgency. It's like 'musicians' who make techno albums for the sole purpose that their listeners can test out the bass systems of their vehicles; there's some interesting parts, but most of the time it's simple and the music is thin once you get past the gimmicks. I say to all the reviewers out there: jack of all trades, master of none.

Now, two albums from Drop the Lime, heralded as one of the best artists of 2008 for his remixes (none of which I've heard yet). His first album from 2005, This Means Forever, was a bit of a shock to me. I suppose it's a form of IDM. It's best compared to Squarepusher; almost the entire album is the sounds of drum-rush with a little bit of a dark edge infused. It's almost as crazy as a bad Venetian Snares album, but it reigns itself in by consistently staying in a 4/4 time, which makes following it MUCH easier... yet it's only moderately enjoyable. Whenever his vocals come out on a few tracks, it's mostly just shouting at an effects pedal. Again, there's a couple standouts ('Never, Nah' and Rad Girl Killy. Note Dubbio, however; it's the most musical and restrained track on the album with sampled vocals. Too bad this isn't the full song; the vocals get chopped and screwed really well). I've tried this genre a few times, though, and it never really sticks; I like music I can tap my fingers to, but this is too random and out there.

His second album, We Never Sleep from 2006, is... friggin' crap. Absolute crap. The best part about his first album was that it was raw and untamed. This album held back on the craziness to focus more on, of all things, his vocals. His style went from IDM to 4/4 techno and dub, and it is all pretty generic and uncreative. It's still got a bit of a dark feel, but it all feels rather 'meh'. It sounds like he's been influenced by a lot of artists, and not in a good way. The best track arguably, Bella, sounds like Modeselektor's Kill Boll Vol. 4 with worse-than-Prodigy vocal loops. For the worst of the album, check out Butterscotch; he croons and shouts at the same time! With the exception of Bella and Skyline Fantasy, a straight-forward 4/4 kick drum on, hi-hat off beat, with a driving bass guitar loop... this album is almost entirely skippable. As much as the first album got randomly repetitive, this one started off poor and never recovered. That said, I WOULD still be interested in hearing some of his recent works. I feel like he's got potential, but it's been poorly focused on these two albums.

Up next is Mr. Oizo, a Parisean on the Ed Banger label, which is now most famous for their 2007 smash group Justice. Mr. Oizo's first album, Analog Worms Attack from 1999, is possibly the best album I've heard from the past two days. It's simple; he picks a basic song structure and sticks with it throughout, adding or subtracting an element or two while messing around with the effects or dynamics. It's funky while maintaining an element of, "Hmm... that's cool. Wonder where this is going?" My best personal description is that it's like listening to the soundtrack from the Sega Genesis/Megadrive game ToeJam & Earl while you're in the first stages of some psychadelic drug. It's weird, but it doesn't make you uncomfortable. I like almost the whole album. Check out Monophonic S*** and No Day Massacre (the bass isn't as strong on youtube as the album, but still good), as well as Last Night a DJ Killed My Dog. There's some crazier stuff on here, but this is the funky stuff I crave sometimes.

I missed out on his second album, but after listening to the first one I had pretty high expectations for Mr. Oizo's recent release, Lambs Anger. Sadly, that's not the case. At least, it's not the same. Nine years can change a guy... or maybe more importantly, the years can change a label. Remember the Ed Banger/Justice connection? A lot of the songs on here have the same sounds of Justice's Cross album, like the tracks Hun and Pourriture 2. That's not necessarily a bad thing; the flip-the-switch in genres IS. It sounds like they're trying to keep too many listeners happy, and it makes for a really confused sit-through. For example, listen to Bruce Willis Is Dead, then the very next track is Jo. What a huge jump that is, and the album does it all the time. The album's opener says it all: "Some are good, some are bad, some are OK."

Dang, I'm tired. I'll finish up tomorrow when I get a chance. I think I probably gave you a full album of links to listen to!
This gave much hilarity to a friend in Minnesota. Anyone else in similar areas, Canada, Northern Europe should be similarly amused by our total lack of ability to cope with anything more than a snowflake.

*gives up chiselling 2" of frozen snow off my car*
I have never actually seen snow in real life, I would like to one day :p
Estimated market value