Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

How many figures is the credit card bill in now Durf?

In other news it is very hot over here (I bet lance is glad he isn't riding this week). Yesterday was 43 celcius (109F) today is 44C (111F) and nights have been ~ 27 C (80F)

:xxx: that. I was in Thailand one summer (1997, I think) and the temperature was 140 F (that's ~60 celcius, I think.) Never again. Seriously, no human should have to live in that.

Although, I wouldn't mind a break from the cold that Old Man Winter has seized here. It's so cold that no creature should have to endure this either. Unless, maybe, it's a moose.

Thailand is probably worse because it is humid. The relative humidity here atm is ~ 11% (in ohter words very dry). I don't mind hot weather, the thing that kills me is the hot nights. Last night the lowest temperature recorded was 35C (~95F) so yeah that sucks.
Hi bar.

Spending time with the wife, so I'll just take a green tea please.

Hope everyone's OK weather-wise - I'll be spending all day in the artificially-condidtioned environment that is the college library, only moving for lunch break.
*gets F_E a green tea*

Today wasn't so bad only 44C instead of 45C, hoping it gets down below 30C tonight for sleeping ... doesn't look that way this shows what our outlook is for the next week :s
@Jcakes: At least you get some consistency with your weather, even if it is consistently unbearable :-/

I watched the pilot episode of Drawn Together, and it piqued my interest. I showed it to the wife, and she turned it off after less than ten minutes. Lost a few brownie points there... "Why did you think I'd like this horrible programme?" etc.

Another green tea please.
LOL - should have warned you women tend not to like Drawn together :p
I'm definitely sensing that now! :-/ She likes South Park and Jackass, crude and vulgar comedians Jimmy Carr and Frankie Boyle, and she was intrigued by Aqua Teen Hunger Force, so I thought I'd give it a go.

Possibly you caught her in the wrong mood, Eddie. Some days I find crude stuff funny other days I think "what a tosser".

Speaking of tossing interesting. Go Einstein and Fleming, eh?

Have we started serving food in the Bar yet? If not we should. :)
Perhaps. Maybe she's just a prude :p

<dons Chef's Hat>

What'll it be? Club sandwich? Today's specials are boiled egg and soldiers, cheesy chips and the cheese board.
Soldiers? What're those?

A la carte lunch menu? OK, I'll take:
a large meat-lover's pizza
a steak burrito with cheese, rice, tortilla chips, salsa, jalapenos, roasted corn & hot sauce
a bowl of lo mein with barbecued chicken, broccoli, carrots, snap peas, and mustard sauce
a couple pieces of fried chicken with some mashed potatos, corn, and mac n' cheese
and oooh some soup. Minestrone. And a grilled cheese.

...all right, maybe I lied about the "food doesn't sound appealing" statement in the daily. :wink:
And I used to wonder why the guys on Top Gear made fun of Americans being overweight...
Gosh, I know you haven't eaten for two days but...

Soldiers are just strips of buttered bread, that you can dunk in the top of your boiled egg. Just like mummy used to make.

You've made me hungry for Domino's now.. Damn you! Although I also fancy some fish and chips from my wife's local. Or a steak and onion baguette. I think we're having spaghetti bolognese for tea.
Oh, I didn't plan on eating all of that. I'd eat the soup & the burrito, but the rest I'd just put on the floor and roll around for a while. I miss food. ;)

Are soldiers toasted? I can't imagine they wouldn't be; eggs and toast is a great combo. ...Well, if you like eggs, I mean. And I don't. I'd rather take those components and make french toast. Mmmm. :pancake:

And you made me laugh. Saying 'goodness' to all my food choices, but then you roll off four meals yourself. I had been thinking mega-burrito in fifteen minutes, but there's a special at this pizza shop nearby that if I get a large pizza I can get a second two-topping pie for a quarter. Me making you hungry for pizza may have made me hungry for pizza. Weird.

Oh, and I just got a text from my girl a half hour ago. I'm heading to her place late night after her daughters go to bed. I don't foresee this being a great night, but if she's got anything to get off her chest I need to be there. Wish us luck!
Speaking of tossing interesting. Go Einstein and Fleming, eh?
I'm about as messy as it's possible to get. I'd like to think it's because it means I know where everything is, but the truth is I'm just too lazy to tidy up until it gets so bad that I can't see the floor, or there's nowhere to put anything. Tidyness does feel strange to me though, I've grown so accustomed to the mess that I miss it when it isn't there, maybe it's an extension of my personality or something.

damnit you are all making me hungry :), I feel like a schnitzel mexicana (basically it is a schnitzel with taco's on top :))

I am very messy too, but I know exactly were everything is. If I tidy up I end up losing my keys or wallet or something.
I have a controled mess, I even dust around the six CD cases stacked on the desk, but frankly,
that's what the recipits are there for, to prevent the dust from getting on the desk!

Hmm, I recall this bar having a 5 star pro kitchen so I'd like some nice steak not bloody, not
charcol, a set of hashbrowns smootherd in cheese sauce, a bucket of theater popcorn, and a
jar of kosher dill gerkins.

BTW, one of the books I was reading mentioned welsh rarebit and called it something like hot
cheese over toast. Any one know what this dish actully is? It sounded kind of yummy.
First time I read hashbrowns on a sign I though it was meaning hash-brownies (like "space cakes") and I though it was a bit odd that a food place advertised it on their board :p
Thailand is probably worse because it is humid. The relative humidity here atm is ~ 11% (in ohter words very dry). I don't mind hot weather, the thing that kills me is the hot nights. Last night the lowest temperature recorded was 35C (~95F) so yeah that sucks.

Thailand was sooooooooo humid. As soon as I put on my uniform in the morning, I felt like it was wet the rest of the day. And for the record, spending the whole day in clothing that feels wet is not a good thing.

One of my favorite stories about my visit to Thailand is one that I have possibly never shared here.

I worked night shift, in a concrete building in the middle of the jungle. There wasn't a bathroom (or WC) had to walk across a big field to another building. (As a side note, this was not a bathroom by my standards. It was basically a rectangular building with a trench that ran along all four walls. And a water basin that all people rinsed their hands in.) Anyway, I went out one night to use the bathroom. It was about 3 am, and I was looking out across this field at the building in the distance.

A member of the Thai Royal Army was outside, and he kept saying a funny word I didn't understand. I just kept smiling and nodding my head. That's what we Caucasians seem to do when we don't understand someone. Finally, he made a hand signal and said that same confusing word. But this time, I finally understood what he had been saying the whole time:


I looked to where he was now pointing, and I saw a long black shape in the grass; not 5 feet from me.

Now, I'm already scared of snakes. Let's just say I didn't have to go after that.

Living in Australia and spending a fair amount of my school holidays (when I was younger) in the outback I have seen a fair number of snakes.

My Worst experience was probably when I was about 16 in Robe (south eastern south australia). I was on a walking track towards the beach (wearing shorts and thongs) when a 2m brown snake slithered across the path less than 30 cm (a foot) away from me. I just froze in shock and he slithered away from me ... probably the scariest moment in my life.

Having said that I am generally not scared of snakes, and actually quite like (the non-venomous) snakes. I find spiders more creepy and am very glad I don't live in NSW were the most deadly spider in the world lives in the suburbs (the funnel web).
Welsh rarebit is cheese on toast...

Soldiers are untoasted, that's how weird the British are.

Nothing from the kitchen thanks, I'm about to go to bed after I have another go at my HC untwinked barb.
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