Etdlahq Memorial Bar - your shelter from forum crashes

*hands LHtB a drink*

On me, anyone who makes fun of Gorny deserves one. :D
I've got 270+ posts with nothing but spam and virtual alcoholism?!:shocked:

(Awsome, next round is on me *looks for durfs wallet* *pours himself a nice scotch*)
I made a resolution six years ago to quit smoking cigarettes. I was up to over a pack a day, and was getting a bronchial infection just about monthly. Kept it, and am definitely better for it.

- Noodle
iv appently posted over 500 times in here... which begs the question... wheres the rest of the spam come from...

who evers on bar, id like a soco and coke please.

hope everyone has a great new year.
Happy New year everyone, I have been away for ~ 10 days so I have a bit of catching up to do, but that can wait.

Edit: #36 on the list, not bad given I only started this year :p

Edite2: last year now :)
I'm partial to a resolution that's somewhat daft. I'd agree that if there's something you want to change about yourself then it's not worth waiting for the start of a new year to make the change. Unless it's quite close to the end of the year anyway. A few years ago I had a resolution to wear a hat for at least a certain amount of time each day. Made it to November or so then missed a day. Gutting.

Still haven't picked up D2 again, yet. Meant to be getting ready for a small new year's do at mine tonight. Procrastinating...

P.S. Good to see you, Sitro! How have you been?

Not bad, though kept busy enough these days. Still loving the beers, the most recent gem I came across was a bottle of McChouffe, meant to be the scotch of Belgian beers. Good stuff. How's things with you?

*Waves at Ana*

Not bad, though kept busy enough these days. Still loving the beers, the most recent gem I came across was a bottle of McChouffe, meant to be the scotch of Belgian beers. Good stuff. How's things with you?

Things are okay, I'm just going through my usual bout of moodiness that the holidays bring about.

McChouffe sounds darn good! I've got two large bottles of a chocolate stout I've bought for New Years, but it's probably nothing remarkable.

*champagne to all czechies, germans, slovaks, french and all other +1s out there. Happy new year ;) You know - green and golden new year ;)
"You have 91 post(s) in this thread, last 14-11-2007"

Can't believe it's been that long! Even though I'm 1.5h into 2009 here, I think the forums use local time settings, so for all members from England westward, I'll have something posted in 2008...

Drinking to a happy New Year for everyone! :guiness:
(even though I'm against all kinds of periodic celebrations and don't believe that 31.12/01.01 has any significance whatsoever)
(even though I'm against all kinds of periodic celebrations and don't believe that 31.12/01.01 has any significance whatsoever)

what about 365 periodical celebrations per year? :thumbup:
I dont drink on leap days, oh .. getting old I guess

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