Banana members

Re: Banana members

Ah, okay. Thanks for being helpful. :coffee:

You're missing the "op"

you have to type:
"op xbananax" in the join channel section.

or type "/join op xbananax" in the chat section.


Edit: If you see the xbananax bot, you're in the right place... though it will probably be mostly empty also.

Re: Banana members

Hey all,

Coming back off a year and a half clean without D2, but with the 1.13 news I've relapsed and decided to mess around with HC until the patch. Never gone past NM difficulty in HC, so I'm a bit of a newbie, but I've played just about every sort of character in SC. I don't need items, just people to run around and kill stuff with.

In either case, I'll be on *HolyApocalypse, drop me a line if you have a new character you want to quest/level/play with.
Re: Banana members

Welcome, Halas.
You last visited: 13-12-2008 at 19:26

surprisingly guessed pw correctly on second try. don't have any intentions of re-installing D2 but wanted to drop by and say hi. :wave:

:grouphug: :heart: :kiss:
Re: Banana members

I miss you alllzzzzz, my preciousssesss!

P.S. Colin: "I think, therefore I am" = "I drink, therefore I spam"
Re: Banana members

Pokes head up out of hole he has been in for 3 years and :wave:

It is so cool to see so many folks I knew ages ago and who have probably forgotten me. My account is now *DarkUncle and I will try to pop in tonight to say Hi.

Anyone left from the old Amazon Basin group?
Re: Banana members

Wow, nice stretch of posts.

Mr. fookin' H. How goes it sir?
Also, gotta love Colin's drunken spam though nobody racks up an irrelevant post count like me. Know your role and you'll go far my friend.

Krag, as far as I know the channel is open at the moment and not too many people are playing extensively - choosing to wait until the reset but it seems to be keeping a requisite level of activity to assure it survival. You gonna be back for the reset/patch?
Re: Banana members

Ok so here goes :)
I have been playing for a long time all on east ladder, this is my first time playing hardcore cause i wanted something a little more challeging. Some people might know me from East and west but most prolly not....
I am 24 and work in banking, My ccount name is "Darklord_theone"
I am just a lvl 27 assassin. I have some questions about things like items and how exactly play work in the hardcore realm however right now I am on a conference call at work and might not be able to talk for long :0
I just wanted to say hi and that I am on at night and I am always looking for people to play with :)
Message me if you want to play
Re: Banana members

does anyone play hardcore non ladder??
cause i decided to play non ladder cause the reset will be here soon but it seems to me that no one really plays on the non ladder hardcore relm

which makes me sad :'(

So if anyone on here plays much look me up so i can find someone to run with cause I am in act 5 and need a little help :)
Re: Banana members

Any thoughts about locking the channel for the new ladder?
Re: Banana members

Any thoughts about locking the channel for the new ladder?

I've been wondering about that also.

I'm hoping that the new patch will resolve most of the exploits that make publicness dangerous (tppk mostly). If that happened, the channel wouldn't really need to be locked, as long as folks don't mule with complete randoms. Of course we could still ban the ones that proved themselves to be real jackasses.

If that doesn't happen, and it turns out to be as busy as it was after the 1.12 patch, then it might have to be locked again.

Not sure how anyone else feels about this... feel free to throw in your opinions.


Re: Banana members

I was thinking something similar.

If we get a full working over of the game that would seem to address the major concerns then I say we leave it open and go from there. At the start of the new ladder if we get a full patch I could see us getting flooded with people looking for a community, trying to moderate this would be hectic to say the least. While there will probably be instances of people getting ripped off by newcomers who have selfish motives it probably won't be anything of great value right at the beginning and as you said we can always ban the offenders and lock it down if the problem becomes widespread.

If we leave it open for a few weeks at the start to allow people to "get their game on" as it were, this also gives us a standard for judgment. Someone who is in the channel constantly and we have no issues with has a reasonable record to be judged by when/if we lock down. I am right in remembering that we can tell that via the bot correct?

Re: Banana members

does anyone play hardcore non ladder??
cause i decided to play non ladder cause the reset will be here soon but it seems to me that no one really plays on the non ladder hardcore relm

which makes me sad :'(

So if anyone on here plays much look me up so i can find someone to run with cause I am in act 5 and need a little help :)

The Banana channel is as diverse as the people that post on these forums, and even some who do not. The overwhelming majority play Hardcore ladder. Like many people who play this game, most have played softcore prior to coming to HC, or continue to play it in addition too. However,the largest percent of the banana people (channel origins ) are old hams who have been playing HC for many years and are in various stages of activeness. (or none at all).

Most of the banana's that I know Play HCL and might have a char or two left over from prior seasons.

Speaking personally, Ive 2 seasons of hcnl chars sitting in various stages of quasi-expired status. Sometimes I load up my old chars to double check a prior built that I'd attempted to reconfirm a particular skill set for current projects. This means they should be available for play.

There is one constant with almost no exceptions over the years, and that is that Banana's are rather firmly against cheating and dishonesty to one another.This channel has been an oasis from all the bad crap that you hear or experience with public d2 bnet.

You needn't be worried about being pk'd or having your "mule game" stuff taken. Its even a coincidence that some of the people are interesting to chat to and fun to game with. Just watch out for that Tai guy , I hear he likes to pk people. ;)

Your best bet for finding similar minded people for gaming is going to be checking the banana thread and simply showing up in the channel and saying hi and sending an invite. There is also the player matchup forum too.

Another reputable group of gamers exist at The A.B. where you might have luck finding those rare hcnl people.

Hope this helps and cya around.

~Sara :newhere:



Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Op xBananax
Posts: 1,337

isnt that some sort of milemarker?!?

Ps , I am an advocate of leaving the channel open and simply banning those individuals who prove to be meanies.

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Re: Banana members

Grats on the 1337ness Sara.

As mentioned, we seek to be a haven for safe and legitimate gaming. It seems that we will be keeping the channel open come the reset and I'm sure there will be several untwinked teams running. You might want to look into the ESU team that's being formed. While they are cowardly in spacing their run over 6 months rather than 10 alcohol fueled adrenaline pumping hours, you will have an undeniably fun experience and meet a lot of the Banana community. Once you get to know a few of us the channel really comes alive as you'll get welcomed into games that are recognized as a safe space and by being included people will start to recognize you as a safe player.

I would suggest getting your beak wet with the game now, testing builds - seeing what you like. Make sure you play the game through rather than getting rushed if possible as this will get you back into the swing of the game and give you a solid feel for what your character is capable of. Then, once the reset comes I'd strongly recommend staying with ladder, there will conceivably be tons of new goodies to play with and the community will undeniably be larger. This is also the time where there will be the largest influx of new people and as such you'll find many people in the same situation and you can make some friends.

The channel can be a bit imposing at times, as many of us have known each other for years, but don't be discouraged. We are all nice, except for Sara - she likes to PK people, and will gladly help you out.


P.S. A warning to all you newcomers. If I see anyone with delusions of toasterhood or an overactive, borderline obsessive, use of the word cheers - I'm coming for you.
Re: Banana members

I would suggest getting your beak wet with the game now, testing builds - seeing what you like. Make sure you play the game through rather than getting rushed if possible as this will get you back into the swing of the game and give you a solid feel for what your character is capable of.

A wiser man then myself once said (something like):
Your first few HC characters should run directly to Rakanishu and begin battle. This will cause two things.
1) It will give you an instant idea of how weak and fragile you are, and how easily you can die... throwing the whole thing into perspective.
2) It will give you an idea of which characters death scream you like best... which will help you chose your favorite character.

I don't like the sound of that. Would it mean I can no longer point and laugh at the ghosts?

You can point and laugh all you want, as long as you weren't the one who caused the ghost in the first place! :thumbup:

@Sarah: Congrats on the post count! I see you've already ruined it though. I think I managed to avoid posting for a few days in order to keep my 1337ness as long as possible!


Edit/P.S. I don't really want to lock the channel, as it's a lot more work when it's locked. Can we just petition everyone to be civil and behave?

Re: Banana members

I think it would be cool if on a ban the BOT could swing that great big hammer he has and the character goes "SPLOOT!!" and disappears. That is why I am always on the far right, so he can't hit me.

Also a good thing in channel is to talk to folks. Lot's of them are usually afk, but the ones the just pop in usually aren't. Helping someone if they ask is always a good thing too. I had a bit of fun last night doing that.
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